Apple are making me mad!!!!!! PC to mac switcher.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hi all.

Here's my story.

At the end of May I purchased a macbook from apple australia. Things got off to a good start when I ordered my mac only to find out that they upgraded my macbook for free and gave me some money back as the macbook range was upgraded whilst my order was still open. 10/10 to apple for this. Giving a customer money back - i've never heard of that before.

When I opened my macbook I was excited. I love it. All the apps do what I want to do and more. Only needed one extra bit of software which was streamclip to covert my files into a readable format for imovie. Piece of cake. So from operating system and ilife, .mac etc I am thrilled.

Now for the hardware. mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!

First of all I noticed one of the rubber feet was loose. I called apple and said its no big deal but could I get it tightened as don't want to open it up myself and void my warranty. Applecare - No problems just take into your nearest service centre when you get five mins. Over the next few days my trackpad button starts sticking. I call back applecare. "just take it in and they can look at it all for you".

I contact Nextbyte in Perth and reluctantly parting with my macbook my husband took it in to them. I also ask them to look at the Bezel (the plastic bit that is on top of the lcd) as it appears to be coming away from the lid. No big deal but thought I would get them to check it out. I get a call from Nextbyte a week later and t his is where I actually have to start pushing Apple. They fixed my trackpad button by replacing the top cover but tell me that the foot thing is just cosmetic. After a couple of calls with apple I explained that it wouldn't just be cosmetic if the damn thing drops off they agree to sort it out. It wasn't just a case of tighening it up they would have to replace the bottom cover that houses everything.

Basically I then receive my macbook back with a new top cover and the bottom cover is replaced. They didn't do anything about the bezel but I was just happy to have it recorded in case something went wrong further down the road.

When I inspected my macbook on return the screen felt a bit floppy. What I mean is that it wasn't that tight so when adjusting the angel is wobbled back and forth. When I then looked closer I discover that the top lid was no long straight. Kinda like warped at the ends. From the back the outside edges went up leaving a gap and from the side it didn't sit flat. I get back on to apple and they advise to take it back in. I decided I would try and different repair centre to last time. as they were rather slow and not that helpful. I continue to use it until I can get into the shop and then discover that the trackpad button problem is back. AAAAAAAAAAAAahhhhhhhhhhh. I get back on to apple saying that I am not happy about this machine being repaired again. Too much had gone wrong in the 8 weeks I had had it (2 weeks of that it was in the repair shop). The apple guy tells me to get it diagnosed then they can escalate it for a replacement as he agreed that too many things were wrong with it. (I also had discoloration on the top case)

So I take it to the repair centre (who told me on the phone they don't like just diagnosing because they only get paid for repairs) and they called this morning. They agreed that the top lid was buckled. They acknowledge there is no sign of dropping but they feel the damage is caused by it being held by the screen (what idiot would do that!). The lady then said that would probably stop apple replacing it. They also agreed there was another problem with the trackpad button. I was then told it would cost me $30 for photos to be taken to sent to apple. I have spoken to customer services who has got in touch with the service provider and asked for it to be escalated. The shop really is only interested in making money so why would they just get apple to replace it!!!!

I do not trust that I have an A1 machine. I understand that apple needs to protect themselves from people that do abuse their machines (I would claim on house insurance if I dropped it anyhow) then try to claim under warranties but this is a joke its a brand spanking new machine. It doesn't take an idiot to work that out! I wish someone could say to me. Don't worry apple will sort it. The guy at the shop did say that apple were very good about these things but then they go and write some report that seems to point the finger at me!!

I think this is a long enough post. I just wanted to put it out there to see if anyone else has been in this position. Did you have any luck with apple. Do you have any advice.

I am dying to have a macbook back in my hands. I understand why people rave about them and I can honestly say I won't touch windows again unless I have to for work. Are apple just banking on people putting up with shoddy manufacturing processes because once you buy apple you stick with apple.

Thanks for any responses.

I will keep you posted on the next steps.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Poppet

    Do you have any advice.

    Demand a replacement computer. Don't take no for an answer.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    ipeonipeon Posts: 1,122member
    Originally Posted by Poppet View Post

    ...I contact Nextbyte in Perth and... ...took it in to them....

    ...They fixed my trackpad button by replacing the top cover...

    ...I then receive my macbook back with a new top cover and the bottom cover is replaced...

    ...When I inspected my macbook on return the screen felt a bit floppy. What I mean is that it wasn't that tight so when adjusting the angel is wobbled back and forth. When I then looked closer I discover that the top lid was no long straight. Kinda like warped at the ends. From the back the outside edges went up leaving a gap and from the side it didn't sit flat...

    ...I decided I would try and different repair centre to last time...

    ...So I take it to the repair centre...

    ...They agreed that the top lid was buckled. They acknowledge there is no sign of dropping but they feel the damage is caused by it being held by the screen ...

    Seems to me Nextbyte is the one who is responsible here. The second repair center not knowing the condition that Nextbyte received your MacBook now assumes it is you who damaged your MacBook.

    Take it back to Nextbyte and demand they fix it right or give you a new one. I would also send a report to Apple regarding Nextbyte.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    poppetpoppet Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by iPeon View Post

    Seems to me Nextbyte is the one who is responsible here. The second repair center not knowing the condition that Nextbyte received your MacBook now assumes it is you who damaged your MacBook.

    Take it back to Nextbyte and demand they fix it right or give you a new one. I would also send a report to Apple regarding Nextbyte.

    Originally Posted by iPeon View Post

    Seems to me Nextbyte is the one who is responsible here. The second repair center not knowing the condition that Nextbyte received your MacBook now assumes it is you who damaged your MacBook.

    Take it back to Nextbyte and demand they fix it right or give you a new one. I would also send a report to Apple regarding Nextbyte.

    I realise now that is probably what I should have done. The reason I tried a different service provider was that I thought they were the ones that weren't on my side. I now realise none of these providers get paid for replacements so prefer to do repairs etc.

    The update at this stage is that the repair centre have escalated the problem to the senior tech guys at apple using photos and they have said its still not covered under warranty (just cosmetic ). I have spoken to customer relations saying that I am not happy how they like to say cosmetic problems aren't covered. I have asked for a replacement saying that if you just look at the list of problems I have had there are clearly too many for a brand new machine. The customer relations man is standing by the repair he's offered me and I have now asked to speak to the manager who should be calling back over the next 24 hours. I just don't think this is acceptable for a new machine but they say the parts that have been replaced are not major parts so there for won't give me a replacement. If I accept the repair I will have had the following action taken on my macbook:

    Bottom case taken off and everything moved into new bottom case.

    Top case replaced (x2)

    Track pad button replaced (x2)

    Lid and LCD replaced.

    How can this much be done for with a new machine. Would anyone else buy a machine if they knew this much was going to be done in the first 3 months!!!

    OK so I am using this thread to sound off. Better out than in!!!
  • Reply 4 of 9
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member
    What you have to keep in mind is that stores that sell and repair Macs in Oz are resellers. They are not Apple. I've been using Macs ever since I started using computers in the 80s and I am yet to find a really good reseller. Especially when it comes to repairs. Yes it probably would have been better to stick with the same repair shop.

    I haven't had to have anything repaired recently (touch wood) but you used to be able to send it to Apple for repair (or maybe replacement if Apple are already considering this). I guess that would mean a long haul trip for your MacBook to Sydney. Not sure if the company has premises in any other states. But Apple seem to have been more helpful than the resellers (and they can afford to be) so it might be worth looking into if you can't get it sorted soon.

    Suck up and be nice by telling them how much you enjoy using it but gently remind them that in this very PC country they really need to keep the customer satisfied. I've always felt that, because the user base is so small here, the resellers can really hold us to ransom.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Things seem to work a bit differently in Australia than to here in the UK. Can you not send the machine back directly to Apple? When I got my first MacBook, the screen bezel was warped slightly so that it came away from the screen at the bottom right (problem was there "out of the box"). I called Apple straight away, and they arranged for a new machine to be sent out immediately, with a box to return the defective one, no arguing.

    All I can say is that you clearly got a lemon and you shouldn't accept anything less than a replacement. You seem to be going the right way about it; always be polite and speak to the most senior Apple people that you can. I hope that you get a replacement eventually and that it's perfect.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    poppetpoppet Posts: 90member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Things seem to work a bit differently in Australia than to here in the UK. Can you not send the machine back directly to Apple? When I got my first MacBook, the screen bezel was warped slightly so that it came away from the screen at the bottom right (problem was there "out of the box"). I called Apple straight away, and they arranged for a new machine to be sent out immediately, with a box to return the defective one, no arguing.

    All I can say is that you clearly got a lemon and you shouldn't accept anything less than a replacement. You seem to be going the right way about it; always be polite and speak to the most senior Apple people that you can. I hope that you get a replacement eventually and that it's perfect.

    Thanks for all the responses. I have asked if I can send it in direct. No such place apparently in Oz. I had another conversation with the tech at Digilife today and he tells me that its actually the bottom case that's the most badly warped. Funny that has already been replaced. I think that all this damage might have been done when they replaced the top and bottom case in the first place but I don't know. He did say that he specifically said in the report that I wasn't to blame and that I hadn't abused it. Hoping to speak to a supervisor tomorrow and will keep pushing for a replacement. I have said how chuffed I am with OSX ilife, .mac etc but just want to make sure I have a laptop that looks good and works for the next few years. I find it astouding that they should even say these thingsd aren't covered under warranty (just cosmetic) when its a brand spanking new machine. The process suchs here in Oz with having to go through third parties to get it fixed. We were waiting to buy one of the new imacs but I am having second thoughts if this is how we are going to get treated (by the way we moved from UK to Oz a few months back). My mum tells me that when she had a slight mark on her ipod they replaced it within two days no arguments. I've spent a lot more than an ipod costs!!!

    Will give you an update tomorrow.

    Cheers. Poppet
  • Reply 7 of 9
    crazychestercrazychester Posts: 1,339member
    I'd be using the prospect of buying a new iMac as a bargaining chip with the reseller if I was you, especially if they're where you bought the rest of the stuff from. Preface your spiel with "we've already spent $X thousands" followed by "we were planning on buying a new iMac but....." Whether or not you decide to go ahead with the iMac. I wonder where places like DJs send machines for repair. I'd assumed they went to Apple at French's Forest in Sydney but it seems they've stopped servicing from what you say.

    There's an Oz Mac forum (used to be called Appletalk but might be Mactalk these days). Guy who runs it posts here occasionally. Disco I think is his user name. PM him if you can't find it. Somebody there could probably recommend the better resellers in Perth. Or the Mac forum at Whirlpool. I do recall that the cheapest deals were always offered by a joint in Perth. So much so I was going to order my PB from there at one stage and have it shipped to Canberra!
  • Reply 8 of 9
    poppetpoppet Posts: 90member
    Well that was another waste of my time speaking to the manager. I have had to accept the repair but did say I will inspect it and they had better be repairing it in tip top condition. I seem to have absolutely no power. The guy was still going on about how the problems have mainly been cosmetic and that for the same track pad button to have been replaced it was the way I was using it (I have a mighty mouse but hey we could be going round and round and round) or something because this has never happened before. I do not have the energy to keep going with this and besides I want a mac in my home rather than the repair shop!!

    I will not be buying the imac now no matter how super it looks and great the specs are. I have no confidence in apples warranty (or processes here in Australia) and will be saving my hard earnt money in case I need to replace the macbook or repair it further down the line (as I know apple wont cover anything without a fight!)

    Thanks again

  • Reply 9 of 9
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    This is a bit of an issue in Australia. Sorry to hear of your challenges. I can't comment, I moved from Australia to [somewhere in] Asia about almost 6 months now.
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