Email recovery?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Recently wiped the hard drive and resinstalled OS X. Performed a full back-up of my system to an external HD, and thought all the emails in Mail were saved in the back-up, but apparently I was wrong. Anyway I can get them back?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    kareliakarelia Posts: 525member
    Look in "/<username>/Library/Mail/" and see if there is a folder in there named after your email address. Look through it and see if you can find a folder full of numbered files. If so, these are your old emails.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    c-bearc-bear Posts: 111member
    Originally Posted by Karelia View Post

    Look in "/<username>/Library/Mail/" and see if there is a folder in there named after your email address. Look through it and see if you can find a folder full of numbered files. If so, these are your old emails.

    You are officially fantastic -- thank you so much. I had looked through the Library before and somehow missed the Mail folder.

    You just made my day...
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