New iMacs to shift investor focus back to Apple's Mac story



  • Reply 21 of 46
    marc gmarc g Posts: 65member
    @iMacExpectant - That pic has been floating around for almost a week and was dismissed as a fake. The seeming lack of adjustablity makes that design unlikely.

    @ CanadianDude and dontlookleft - What you say makes sense unless you are like me with multiple macs in your home but only 1 about to be replaced. When Leopard arrives, I'll need to get a family pack anyway so that I can update the other computers in my home and on my network.
  • Reply 22 of 46
    rolorolo Posts: 686member
    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    Maybe I'm not reading this right, but he thinks the Apple stock is going to hit $211? When would this be since its gone down something close to 15 points in the last few days.

    Analyst price targets are usually a year out so Munster is predicting 211 by the end of July, 2008. His previous target was 205. My prediction is that AAPL will be close to 200 by mid-January.
  • Reply 23 of 46
    l33r0yl33r0y Posts: 94member
    So basically a cinema display (hopefully same panel type) with iSight and a Macintel inside?

    @Mark G - yeah it's been floating around, but it is a mock up by description, not a photo (official or otherwise) - it still may have some cred.

    I'd buy one!
  • Reply 24 of 46
    Ah, AI is now Mr. Munster's primary data (and research) provision shop.

    How does it feel, guys (and gals), to work for an investment bank? How big was the pay raise? Any Ferraris yet?

  • Reply 25 of 46
    marc gmarc g Posts: 65member
    What I just don't understand is why so many people are saying a new iMac has to be thinner? The current thickness is not bad at all. They only issue with the outside of the current design is the Jay Leno chin that this thing is sporting. Personally, I would have been content with having the innards on the current one upgraded to more current technology and leaving it at that big chin or not. How could they possibly make it any thinner without resorting to using all laptop parts? I actually wouldn't have an issue with it being even a bit thicker if it meant they could switch to all desktop parts. Hopefully we won't all be majorly bummed tomorrow with whatever the announcement is.

    P.S. After several years of reading this site, sure is nice to be able to post my opinions at last.
  • Reply 26 of 46
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Bring back service friendly hardware designs!!
  • Reply 27 of 46
    lantznlantzn Posts: 240member
    Originally Posted by DaveGee View Post

    Any tips on a good replacement for Doom v1.0 for a man thats 82 years young?!? (OS X game that is)

    I'm not a gamer but would the obvious choice be DOOM 3 for OS X?
  • Reply 28 of 46
    Originally Posted by Marc G View Post

    @iMacExpectant - That pic has been floating around for almost a week and was dismissed as a fake. The seeming lack of adjustablity makes that design unlikely.

    Read my lips: this is photoshoped mock-up (fake if you want) but (!!!) designed by desciption given by people, who seen freshly assembled brand new iMac right in assembling factory.

    I would prefer they're wrong, but... it's probably very close. We'll see tomorow anyway.
  • Reply 29 of 46
    Originally Posted by Marc G View Post

    What I just don't understand is why so many people are saying a new iMac has to be thinner? The current thickness is not bad at all. They only issue with the outside of the current design is the Jay Leno chin that this thing is sporting. Personally, I would have been content with having the innards on the current one upgraded to more current technology and leaving it at that big chin or not. How could they possibly make it any thinner without resorting to using all laptop parts? I actually wouldn't have an issue with it being even a bit thicker if it meant they could switch to all desktop parts. Hopefully we won't all be majorly bummed tomorrow with whatever the announcement is.

    P.S. After several years of reading this site, sure is nice to be able to post my opinions at last.

    It should be just 2cm thin! It's now becoming just MacBookPro with external keyboard and display turned out. 2.5" HDD scares me a lot. \
  • Reply 30 of 46
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by jouster View Post ain't like he *has to* get rid to the G3 too...

    Since he keeps calling **ME** for support... YES... YES HE DOES!

    Unless that is you want to take over the job...
  • Reply 31 of 46
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by lantzn View Post

    I'm not a gamer but would the obvious choice be DOOM 3 for OS X?

    That was my thought but I wonder how well that does on a 17" 1st Gen (i think) iMac G5....

    As you can tell I'm not a gamer either... also he's (obviously) a single player type of player.... Not sure if that has anything to do with it...

  • Reply 32 of 46
    stubeckstubeck Posts: 140member
    Originally Posted by vinney57 View Post

    Apple is not like other stocks because Apple is not like other companies in the sector. If you don't 'know' Apple then I suggest you stay away because you will need nerves of steel. If you 'get' Apple however then its probably been the most solid investment of the past five years... and the next five years. If you are basing buying decisions on the history of a few months you really shouldn't be in the game.

    I'm not in the "game." I am a college student with 100K in debt, I don't really have 2k to blow on something which may go up in value but could plummet. I'm obviously not "in the game" because I'm not basing it on a few months, I'm basing the stock price of the past 3 days where it went from 145 to 130.
  • Reply 33 of 46
    stubeckstubeck Posts: 140member
    I don't know how he will like Doom 3. My mom likes Doom a lot, but could never get around the controls in 3d shooters like that, using a mouse just makes her sick after 5 minutes.
  • Reply 34 of 46
    Originally Posted by Marc G View Post

    @iMacExpectant - That pic has been floating around for almost a week and was dismissed as a fake. The seeming lack of adjustablity makes that design unlikely.

    @ CanadianDude and dontlookleft - What you say makes sense unless you are like me with multiple macs in your home but only 1 about to be replaced. When Leopard arrives, I'll need to get a family pack anyway so that I can update the other computers in my home and on my network.

    I hear ya! I've been contemplating buying Wifey a Mac Mini but I'm afraid I'll be brought down this road:

    "Dear, how do I close this window?"

    "Well, on a Mac, the close button is at the top left corner of the window"


    "Never mind"

    "Dear...why don't the windows cover the whole screen like on a Windows computer?"

    "sigh....because it's a does things sizing your windows according to what you are viewing and therefore giving you a cleaner workspace"

    "Can I still use MSN?"


    "Can I still use Microsoft Word?"


    "Dear....why do you look so frustrated?

  • Reply 35 of 46
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    I'm not in the "game." I am a college student with 100K in debt, I don't really have 2k to blow on something which may go up in value but could plummet. I'm obviously not "in the game" because I'm not basing it on a few months, I'm basing the stock price of the past 3 days where it went from 145 to 130.

    This is the reason mutual funds were invented.... No disrespect intended, its simply the truth. You have to be 'in the game' to 'win the game' otherwise you're relegated to sitting on the sidelines waiting for your mutual funds dividend check to hit the mailbox.

    Your tolerance for risk and your liquid assets (and/or credit worthiness) will answer all questions...

    100K in debt and yet still so very very green... it's no wonder our country is falling to the wayside...

  • Reply 36 of 46
    rhumgodrhumgod Posts: 1,289member
    Six years later, but ?

    Next-gen ?iMac 2001? debuts on Web

    Could see the detachable screen/Webpad thing coming to fruition.
  • Reply 37 of 46
    Wot iz diz chit: "He noted that during the last calendar quarter, Apple's worldwide Mac market share rose to a historical high of 3.0 percent, up from 2.6 percent in March and 2.5 percent in December."

    I mean, historically hasn't Mac had much bigger market share worldwide? Say back in the early 90's or so? Recently, OK, but *historically*? Anyone know?
  • Reply 38 of 46
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by FineWine View Post

    Wot iz diz chit: "He noted that during the last calendar quarter, Apple's worldwide Mac market share rose to a historical high of 3.0 percent, up from 2.6 percent in March and 2.5 percent in December."

    I mean, historically hasn't Mac had much bigger market share worldwide? Say back in the early 90's or so? Recently, OK, but *historically*? Anyone know?

    I think it's hovered around 2-3% worldwide and like 5% US.
  • Reply 39 of 46
    webmailwebmail Posts: 639member
    Originally Posted by bsenka View Post

    The drops in the stock are artificial, created by patently false investor analyst FUD. There are few guarantees in life, but Apple breaking $200 is as close as it gets.

    Well if you say so! I guess I'll just buy another 10,000 shares!!! Geeze if only I had read your post earlier!!!

    Seriously, the market is at the tip-top right now, it's been slowly sliding the last few days, eventually there will be a recession. If I had to bet $5,000 I say the recession happens before Apple hits $200.
  • Reply 40 of 46
    Originally Posted by webmail View Post

    Well if you say so! I guess I'll just buy another 10,000 shares!!! Geeze if only I had read your post earlier!!!

    Seriously, the market is at the tip-top right now, it's been slowly sliding the last few days, eventually there will be a recession. If I had to bet $5,000 I say the recession happens before Apple hits $200.

    You, sir, are a seer!

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