Apple unveils new line of 20- and 24-inch iMacs



  • Reply 281 of 433
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Let's be a bit hypothetical here.

    If Apple does come out with the perfect design, what then?

    The problem is this, even a perfect design will get old after a time.

    The time a product can stay on the market without losing significant sales is considered to be 3 years.

    Even the perfect product will see declining sales.

    So, when that happens, what does Apple do?

    It already happened to the Nano, the Shuffle and the Mac Pro.

    I am curious to witness the imminent successor of the Shuffle and the Nano design. I guess they can still play with colours, textures and materials though, but what to do with the Mac Pro?!
  • Reply 282 of 433
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Gosh, I am very tempted by the new iMac only to realise that they did not release a 22" iMac. Dammit!

    Looking at the myriad of recent design innovations by Ive & his team, it is very exciting to imagine the successor of the MBP:

    1/ a magnetic latch

    2/ a new keyboard (iMac/MB)

    3/ a black border around the screen (iMac '07)

    4/ a glass screen covering the actual screen surface and the black border (yummy, iMac '07)

    5/ a black Apple on the outside (I love the black Apple on the silver)

    6/ aluminum encasing

    The new finder in Leopard does make it very tempting to marry the MBP with the current iMac as it is easy to switch between computers. One could take advantage of the big screen, big harddrive and power of the iMac while .mac gives you access to your iMac at home when you are away with your MBP.
  • Reply 283 of 433
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member
    The new iMacs are a big letdown in many respects. Here's a list of missing features:

    1) Core 2 Quad processor @ 2.4 GHz. The new pricing for 1000 unit purchases is only $266 since July 22, 2007 for the Q6600 quad-core processor (2.40 GHz @ 1066 MHz FSB). See "Quad-cores for all ? Intel?s price cut" at

    2) More powerful, desktop class processor in a ticker enclosure leaving enough room for adequate ventilation. If I want a laptop class, slower processor, I'll buy a MacBook, not an iMac with a large screen.

    3) A faster, higher quality, desktop class, Intel Front Side Bus @ 1066 GHz or 1333 GHz, not an outdated, slower, laptop class FSB @ 667 MHz. If I want a laptop, I won't buy an iMac.

    4) Faster DRAM to go with the missing, faster, desktop class Front Side Bus. 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300) doesn't cut it on today's desktops.

    5) 2 GB of RAM standard on all iMac models for the upcoming graphic user interface of Mac OS X Leopard and new, more demanding applications to come.

    6) ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256 MB of GDDR3 memory standard with all models of 20 or 24 inches iMacs. 256 MB of graphic RAM was never a luxury, especially for 20 inches LCD monitors.

    7) Blue-Ray disk drives to save a copy of our digital lifestyle.

    8) The 50 cents chip needed to decode Blue-Ray films and .H264 content.

    9) Standard, minimum 500 GB Serial ATA hard drives on all iMac models, with inexpensive upgrades for 750 GB and 1 TB hard drives. iMacs are not laptops and should not be outfitted with small, cheap hard drives. Give us room to expand our digital collections.

    10) Mac OS X Leopard, version 10.5, included or with a coupon for a free upgrade when it becomes available. The $129 or $149 upgrade fee is unacceptable on a brand new computer.

    11) eSATA connector for faster, external hard drives which have been on the market for more than a year now. FireWire 800 is great for some, but has no future.

    12) Digital TV tuner to take advantage of the LCD displays. You can't sell electronic or home appliances in Japan unless you include digital TV reception with cellphones or home appliances. Be a leader, Apple, or a follower if you can't innovate, but give us the features available from other manufacturers.

    13) 1080p High definition capability with all iMac LCD displays.

    Give us the features we want, for a reasonable price, like every other computer manufacturer. MacPro computers are for graphic professionals, not home, family or office users.

    As a computer buyer, and corporate governance observer, I don't like Apple 36% fat profit margins, nor the lavish, demented, insane payoffs of $750 millions to 5 individuals for the year 2006. Apple is so severely mismanaged that it will be a textbook example of wasteful mismanagement for decades to come.

    Steve Jobs and the whole board of puppet directors have to go. Steve Jobs has been the Apple CEO for 10 years and he is under SEC investigation for an illegal, backdated, fraudulent $650 millions stock option grant. Stockholder class actions are still pending, as the SEC investigation. Enough said.
  • Reply 284 of 433
    lorrelorre Posts: 396member
    Well, I ordered one, my first Mac! Woohoo, i'm excited.

    Apple site says max power consumption is 200 Watts. is it just me, or is that pretty darn low for a desktop PC?
  • Reply 285 of 433
    mrpiddlymrpiddly Posts: 406member
    imac is not equal to mac pro

    Come on its the size of most normal screens, why dont you think about that for a bit before posting things.
  • Reply 286 of 433
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    The new iMacs are a big letdown in many respects. Here's a list of missing features:

    1) Core 2 Quad processor @ 2.4 GHz. The new pricing for 1000 unit purchases is only $266 since July 22, 2007 for the Q6600 quad-core processor (2.40 GHz @ 1066 MHz FSB). See "Quad-cores for all ? Intel?s price cut" at

    2) More powerful, desktop class processor in a ticker enclosure leaving enough room for adequate ventilation. If I want a laptop class, slower processor, I'll buy a MacBook, not an iMac with a large screen.

    3) A faster, higher quality, desktop class, Intel Front Side Bus @ 1066 GHz or 1333 GHz, not an outdated, slower, laptop class FSB @ 667 MHz. If I want a laptop, I won't buy an iMac.

    4) Faster DRAM to go with the missing, faster, desktop class Front Side Bus. 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300) doesn't cut it on today's desktops.

    5) 2 GB of RAM standard on all iMac models for the upcoming graphic user interface of Mac OS X Leopard and new, more demanding applications to come.

    6) ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256 MB of GDDR3 memory standard with all models of 20 or 24 inches iMacs. 256 MB of graphic RAM was never a luxury, especially for 20 inches LCD monitors.

    7) Blue-Ray disk drives to save a copy of our digital lifestyle.

    8) The 50 cents chip needed to decode Blue-Ray films and .H264 content.

    9) Standard, minimum 500 GB Serial ATA hard drives on all iMac models, with inexpensive upgrades for 750 GB and 1 TB hard drives. iMacs are not laptops and should not be outfitted with small, cheap hard drives. Give us room to expand our digital collections.

    10) Mac OS X Leopard, version 10.5, included or with a coupon for a free upgrade when it becomes available. The $129 or $149 upgrade fee is unacceptable on a brand new computer.

    11) eSATA connector for faster, external hard drives which have been on the market for more than a year now. FireWire 800 is great for some, but has no future.

    12) Digital TV tuner to take advantage of the LCD displays. You can't sell electronic or home appliances in Japan unless you include digital TV reception with cellphones or home appliances. Be a leader, Apple, or a follower if you can't innovate, but give us the features available from other manufacturers.

    13) 1080p High definition capability with all iMac LCD displays.

    Give us the features we want, for a reasonable price, like every other computer manufacturer. MacPro computers are for graphic professionals, not home, family or office users.

    As a computer buyer, and corporate governance observer, I don't like Apple 36% fat profit margins, nor the lavish, demented, insane payoffs of $750 millions to 5 individuals for the year 2006. Apple is so severely mismanaged that it will be a textbook example of wasteful mismanagement for decades to come.

    Steve Jobs and the whole board of puppet directors have to go. Steve Jobs has been the Apple CEO for 10 years and he is under SEC investigation for an illegal, backdated, fraudulent $650 millions stock option grant. Stockholder class actions are still pending, as the SEC investigation. Enough said.

    Stop enough with the whining. Save your anger for something important. I suspect that none of you who are trashing the new iMac have actually seen one. Do yourself a favor and visit your nearest Apple Store (and soon to be Best Buy) and spend a little time with it. It is a thing of beauty that can't be adequately captured in photos. And the touch and feel of the keyboard just might pleasantly surprise you.

    Yeah--you can complain about the specs--but if you are more demanding than the packages they have put together...guess what? You are not their target market. I agree with the analysts that Apple will sell 2 million by end of September.


    We'll now return to our bitching program that is already in progress.
  • Reply 287 of 433
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    The new iMacs are a big letdown in many respects. Here's a list of missing features:

    1) Core 2 Quad processor @ 2.4 GHz. The new pricing for 1000 unit purchases is only $266 since July 22, 2007 for the Q6600 quad-core processor (2.40 GHz @ 1066 MHz FSB). See "Quad-cores for all ? Intel?s price cut" at

    2) More powerful, desktop class processor in a ticker enclosure leaving enough room for adequate ventilation. If I want a laptop class, slower processor, I'll buy a MacBook, not an iMac with a large screen.

    3) A faster, higher quality, desktop class, Intel Front Side Bus @ 1066 GHz or 1333 GHz, not an outdated, slower, laptop class FSB @ 667 MHz. If I want a laptop, I won't buy an iMac.

    4) Faster DRAM to go with the missing, faster, desktop class Front Side Bus. 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300) doesn't cut it on today's desktops.

    5) 2 GB of RAM standard on all iMac models for the upcoming graphic user interface of Mac OS X Leopard and new, more demanding applications to come.

    6) ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256 MB of GDDR3 memory standard with all models of 20 or 24 inches iMacs. 256 MB of graphic RAM was never a luxury, especially for 20 inches LCD monitors.

    7) Blue-Ray disk drives to save a copy of our digital lifestyle.

    8) The 50 cents chip needed to decode Blue-Ray films and .H264 content.

    9) Standard, minimum 500 GB Serial ATA hard drives on all iMac models, with inexpensive upgrades for 750 GB and 1 TB hard drives. iMacs are not laptops and should not be outfitted with small, cheap hard drives. Give us room to expand our digital collections.

    10) Mac OS X Leopard, version 10.5, included or with a coupon for a free upgrade when it becomes available. The $129 or $149 upgrade fee is unacceptable on a brand new computer.

    11) eSATA connector for faster, external hard drives which have been on the market for more than a year now. FireWire 800 is great for some, but has no future.

    12) Digital TV tuner to take advantage of the LCD displays. You can't sell electronic or home appliances in Japan unless you include digital TV reception with cellphones or home appliances. Be a leader, Apple, or a follower if you can't innovate, but give us the features available from other manufacturers.

    13) 1080p High definition capability with all iMac LCD displays.

    Give us the features we want, for a reasonable price, like every other computer manufacturer. MacPro computers are for graphic professionals, not home, family or office users.

    As a computer buyer, and corporate governance observer, I don't like Apple 36% fat profit margins, nor the lavish, demented, insane payoffs of $750 millions to 5 individuals for the year 2006. Apple is so severely mismanaged that it will be a textbook example of wasteful mismanagement for decades to come.

    Steve Jobs and the whole board of puppet directors have to go. Steve Jobs has been the Apple CEO for 10 years and he is under SEC investigation for an illegal, backdated, fraudulent $650 millions stock option grant. Stockholder class actions are still pending, as the SEC investigation. Enough said.

    This has got to be the dumbest post ever. Or... the wittiest, most satirical Future Hardware post ever!
  • Reply 288 of 433
    shanmugamshanmugam Posts: 1,200member
    i think he is refering to the xMac

    iMac form factor, his specs cannot be fulfilled, but xMac could do

    xMac in MWSF 08?
  • Reply 289 of 433
    ajpriceajprice Posts: 320member
    If there ever is an xMac, it will be below the iMac, and it will be a beefed up Mac mini replacement. The iMac is too deep rooted now to be taken away, or even to have a headless equivalent in the range.

    The Mac mini (or any new small headless Mac / xMac) will be below the iMac, and the Mac Pro will be above it. That's how Steve wants it to be.
  • Reply 290 of 433
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    No. Anyone who says that doesn't know advertising.

    Melgross, I had to erase my first couple of attempts at replying. For some reason, I find many of your posts condescending and overly self assured. It tends to make me want to respond back in kind. This is one of those instances.

    While it is true that product placements are normally accompanied by a contract, this is not always the case. You simply don't know if Apple receives compensation for their products placements. Your claim to absolute certainty is arrogant at best.
  • Reply 291 of 433
    solsunsolsun Posts: 763member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Strange though it may be, I would suspect that a majority of people prefer glossy screens.

    They are very popular in the PC world, and the MB sales certainly haven't been hurt by it.

    I can't imagine that Apple would use it for a premier product if they hadn't done the product research that showed that most people would prefer it.

    Why don't you check it out first?

    I'm not sure that I'd agree that most people prefer glossy.. In regards to MB sales, it obviously has not been a deal breaker, especially given the relatively low price point, but if a choice was given, I believe most would choose matte.

    I just found this from ArsTechnica regarding a poll that Lenovo ran regarding matte vs. glossy:

    "Lenovo recently ran an online poll asking its customers their personal preference, and the results are revealing."

    "An overwhelming 86 percent of respondents preferred the old-school anti-glare matte finish for their laptops, with only 8 percent voting for the glossy reflective finish. Only 5 percent were indifferent. Clearly, non-glossy won by a landslide.
  • Reply 292 of 433
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    Melgross, I had to erase my first couple of attempts at replying. For some reason, I find many of your posts condescending and overly self assured. It tends to make me want to respond back in kind. This is one of those instances.

    While it is true that product placements are normally accompanied by a contract, this is not always the case. You simply don't know if Apple receives compensation for their products placements. Your claim to absolute certainty is arrogant at best.

    Don't take it personally, we're all know-it-alls.
  • Reply 293 of 433
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    1) Core 2 Quad processor @ 2.4 GHz.

    2) More powerful, desktop class processor

    3) A faster, higher quality, desktop class, Intel Front Side Bus @ 1066 GHz or 1333 GHz

    These three are all the same point.

    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    8) The 50 cents chip needed to decode Blue-Ray films and .H264 content.

    No need for that. All apple have to do it write drivers for the GPUs they've had in their Macs for years. Both ATI and Nvidia GPUs have dedicated hardware for H.264, MPEG-2, and VC-1 decoding.

    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    As a computer buyer, and corporate governance observer, I don't like Apple 36% fat profit margins, nor the lavish, demented, insane payoffs of $750 millions to 5 individuals for the year 2006. Apple is so severely mismanaged that it will be a textbook example of wasteful mismanagement for decades to come. Steve Jobs and the whole board of puppet directors have to go.

    Are you serious? Look at Apple's stock price over the last ten years. Steve Jobs and his "puppet directors" have turned Apple from a company on the brink of collapse to one of the most successful computer companies on the planet. You've got a screw loose, mate.

    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    he is under SEC investigation

    No he isn't. That ended ages ago and he was exonerated.
  • Reply 294 of 433
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by Outsider View Post

    This has got to be the dumbest post ever. Or... the wittiest, most satirical Future Hardware post ever!

    You were right the first time.
  • Reply 295 of 433
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    It already happened to the Nano, the Shuffle and the Mac Pro.

    I am curious to witness the imminent successor of the Shuffle and the Nano design. I guess they can still play with colours, textures and materials though, but what to do with the Mac Pro?!

    I dont know if you had a G5 or Mac Pro, they share almost the same case. Its another league product and for my part its kind of impossible to compare with a couple of iPods. First cause iPods and Pro Desktop are oposite segments. Dont know any of my customers or friends that has one that doesnt love how it looks or perform.

    Never saw a cleaner interior on a desktop computer, well organized, intelligently managed (heat, energy, fans, space, etc)

    Never saw that on a Dell clone desktop, still waiting, so how u can say the Mac Pro failed, are u a Pro user? Do u need to edit high def video, heavy graphics, hardcore uber gamer?

    I use my Mac Pro for all that and more and I love it, as I loved my old G4 tower or my 500mhz PB, my lamp iMac and my eMac.

    what can I say, I'm a happy Apple customer.

  • Reply 296 of 433
    benroethigbenroethig Posts: 2,782member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    The new iMacs are a big letdown in many respects. Here's a list of missing features:

    1) Core 2 Quad processor @ 2.4 GHz. The new pricing for 1000 unit purchases is only $266 since July 22, 2007 for the Q6600 quad-core processor (2.40 GHz @ 1066 MHz FSB). See "Quad-cores for all ? Intel?s price cut" at

    2) More powerful, desktop class processor in a ticker enclosure leaving enough room for adequate ventilation. If I want a laptop class, slower processor, I'll buy a MacBook, not an iMac with a large screen.

    3) A faster, higher quality, desktop class, Intel Front Side Bus @ 1066 GHz or 1333 GHz, not an outdated, slower, laptop class FSB @ 667 MHz. If I want a laptop, I won't buy an iMac.

    4) Faster DRAM to go with the missing, faster, desktop class Front Side Bus. 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM (PC2-5300) doesn't cut it on today's desktops.

    5) 2 GB of RAM standard on all iMac models for the upcoming graphic user interface of Mac OS X Leopard and new, more demanding applications to come.

    6) ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256 MB of GDDR3 memory standard with all models of 20 or 24 inches iMacs. 256 MB of graphic RAM was never a luxury, especially for 20 inches LCD monitors.

    7) Blue-Ray disk drives to save a copy of our digital lifestyle.

    8) The 50 cents chip needed to decode Blue-Ray films and .H264 content.

    9) Standard, minimum 500 GB Serial ATA hard drives on all iMac models, with inexpensive upgrades for 750 GB and 1 TB hard drives. iMacs are not laptops and should not be outfitted with small, cheap hard drives. Give us room to expand our digital collections.

    10) Mac OS X Leopard, version 10.5, included or with a coupon for a free upgrade when it becomes available. The $129 or $149 upgrade fee is unacceptable on a brand new computer.

    11) eSATA connector for faster, external hard drives which have been on the market for more than a year now. FireWire 800 is great for some, but has no future.

    12) Digital TV tuner to take advantage of the LCD displays. You can't sell electronic or home appliances in Japan unless you include digital TV reception with cellphones or home appliances. Be a leader, Apple, or a follower if you can't innovate, but give us the features available from other manufacturers.

    13) 1080p High definition capability with all iMac LCD displays.

    Give us the features we want, for a reasonable price, like every other computer manufacturer. MacPro computers are for graphic professionals, not home, family or office users.

    As a computer buyer, and corporate governance observer, I don't like Apple 36% fat profit margins, nor the lavish, demented, insane payoffs of $750 millions to 5 individuals for the year 2006. Apple is so severely mismanaged that it will be a textbook example of wasteful mismanagement for decades to come.

    Steve Jobs and the whole board of puppet directors have to go. Steve Jobs has been the Apple CEO for 10 years and he is under SEC investigation for an illegal, backdated, fraudulent $650 millions stock option grant. Stockholder class actions are still pending, as the SEC investigation. Enough said.

    In its defense, the iMac isn't a desktop, it's an all in one. It's designed to be an integrated, easy to use package, not designed for speed. It's fine the way it is. Apple's lineup, however, isn't.
  • Reply 297 of 433
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by iJay View Post

    the G4s WERE the perfect design... apple got rid of it quicker than they should have in my opinion.

    then they came out with the G5s... it was alright for a while, not as amazing as the G4s, but we were giving them a break. and that's why with this release, most of us were expecting something completely breahtaking. i can't tell you what it should be. i'm no smart like that. but it sure ain't a new outfit for an old model. jonathan ive used to be more creative than this. and that's what's disapointing.

    i think it was you who pointed out how impossible it would be to make that all clear design work in the other thread? well, that was such a futuristic design that it got our imagination going on what apple would come out with.

    and when we got an aluminum third generation iMac we kinda got a bit upset

    There is something called "rising expectations". That's what we have too much of here. We expect the impossible, when we are all just human.

    A lot of people liked the iMac G4, and a lot of people hated it.

    Schools, for one, hated it. They would just not buy it in any great numbers.


    Because the kids would swing the monitors around, and hit someone, or the machine next to it. Kids are like that, even ones in high school. Actually, they are the worst, because they are bigger and stronger. The monitors were always breaking from being hit by another one.

    You might ask why they didn't just move them further apart. Well, room is at a premium in a computer lab. Everything is at a set distance apart, as are the jacks, etc.

    Companies have come out with designs that were functionally wonderful, only to find that in the next incarnation they were less functional. Read CU, you'll see that newer designs are not always better. Sometimes they are worse.

    Apple is treading a fine line.

    It just so happens that black and silver is "in" right now. It's a new Apple look, and we will likely see more of it before the next transition comes in a few years.

    I think the silver keyboard with black keys would look horrible, though.
  • Reply 298 of 433
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by iJay View Post

    and this is mine:

    as you can see, i would be happy without the chin and would not be bitching as much right now

    PS: yes, it was done in MS paint

    Why don't you make a mechanically correct drawing for how the machine would look from the side without the space at the bottom for all of the electronics and power supply, speakers, etc that you cut off?

    Make sure that the cooling is properly done.

    And also make sure that the center of gravity is well below the swivel point for stability, as Apple has done.
  • Reply 299 of 433
    ijayijay Posts: 57member
    i'm not a designer. apple has that type of people for that reason. i just made a copy and paste job to show what i would think an attractive iMac would look like. how it works and how things are meant to be placed inside i have no idea... but i'm sure they'd find a way. they made the cube and the mini AND the iMac G4 before... if there is one company that can make it, it's apple.

    why are you attacking me on this one i don't know. i don't like the new iMac and i don't have to like everything apple puts out. and the reason why there is a forum here i believe is for us to express how we feel about apple ain't it?

    and in my perspective, it would be as thin as a lap top, and that black part there would have the acrylic the G4s had, in the same way they had it on the monitor... how that would work i have no clue. but that's what like to see.

    if steve jobs had your mentality, apple would never have released the iPod or the computers they have. apart from the pro desktops, there hasn't been an apple computer that wasn't designed from the inside out, thinking first of how it looks and then how they would shoe horn everything inside it.
  • Reply 300 of 433
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    Originally Posted by Duddits View Post

    See BennettVista's previous post. His is spot on.

    You are right in that product placement has become a big and distracting industry, with mini-ads creeping their way into TV and film.

    That, however, is different from an art director's choice of what table, computer, plant, and rug to put in a scene. Art directors and other creative folks tend to use and favor Macs and place them into their work. Apple facilitates this by making their products available to the industry, but without payment.

    Art directors have little leeway in placing directly recognizable products in a scene. You overestimate their power. They design a scene, and then take it for approval. The "shirts" make all the decisions. Often the "shirts" tell the art director exactly what they want to do, and the AD merely follows their instructions so that it looks correct.


    I simply don't know if they've paid for product placement like so many companies have. I don't know, maybe someone else does. i don't want to pretend to know something i don't.

    Then why are you saying what you don't know to be true or not?


    However, even though I am just a cat, I do know, as a fact, that many films and TV shows simply choose to place Apple products into their scenes and without payment.

    This goes back to my previous statement.

    You don't know, as you said. Why don't you leave it at that?
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