Making the jump, Final Cut or FC Express?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
After the "enhancements" of iMovie, I am finding myself in the position of needing to make an upgrade for the limited video production I am thinking of taking on. Here's what I am needing...

Ability to take pics/video and merge them together with music.

Video Editing (snip, extend, merge, etc)

Inserting graphics at various locations

This is NOT going to be a massive undertaking, I am looking to have something where I can slap together quick montages/videos together that look somewhat professional.

And to give you an idea of what I looking to do, it would be something along the lines of this... which I finished up last night.


  • Reply 1 of 6
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by bwohlgemuth View Post

    And to give you an idea of what I looking to do, it would be something along the lines of this... which I finished up last night.

    I don't mean to be a smart ass but you can do that in iPhoto.

    BTW it is nice.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    I don't mean to be a smart ass but you can do that in iPhoto.

    Yeah, I know, but then I lose the ability to do titles and credits at the end (which in this video are the weakest part...need to give the client something to complain about!).
  • Reply 3 of 6
    You should still have iMovie HD (06) on your computer, so you can still use it, and there are lots of 3rd party plugins that can help you make a really nice film. I will keep 06 on my work computers for the big projects, but the new iMove has some real benefits.

    Actually, the new iMovie might even make this sort of project easier in ways: they improved the ease with which you can make Ken Burns effects on slides. If you need to, adding voice-overs is as easy as it gets.

    Before plunging into a whole new, expensive world, I would at least give it a shot. If you are helping a university, then you might expect the students themselves to be using the new iMovie 08 as they buy Macs that come bundled with it.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by bwohlgemuth View Post

    Yeah, I know, but then I lose the ability to do titles and credits at the end (which in this video are the weakest part...need to give the client something to complain about!).

    Couldn't you just stick to iMovie 06? It's cheaper than $299.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Couldn't you just stick to iMovie 06? It's cheaper than $299.

    I would, but I started to find iMovie '06 lacking in some parts.

    I really like the '08 interface, but I am guessing that its going to stay the way it is for a long time.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by bwohlgemuth View Post

    I would, but I started to find iMovie '06 lacking in some parts.

    I really like the '08 interface, but I am guessing that its going to stay the way it is for a long time.

    Fair enough. I wouldn't be so pessimistic about change in iMovie 08. Even though it kept the iMovie name it's really a new app and I would expect changes and enhancements. The question is really how 'basic' does Apple intend to keep it. It's clearly aimed at beginners and it remains to be seen what tool set Apple feels beginners should have. Time will tell.
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