Yes, and the ethic of self determination takes another body blow.
"the ethic of self determination", there is no such thing... as there will always be governance by education, trade, skill, business, legality, government, etc., etc., etc.
Definitely the best argument I've read on this point. And no overt personal attacks involved either. Kudos to you.
Yeah, I think you do have a point. While it would've been nice if Apple had done the credit right out of the starting gate, that then would've opened them up to a "It should be a $200 credit! Or cash!" type backlash.
Basically, it was a negotiation, and Apple came in stronger by starting at zero.
The $100 credit will cost them maybe $75 a head in real terms, and totally knocks the stuffing out of the complainer crowd... even though it comes nowhere near the actual $200 amount that they were originally complaining about.
Very sound strategically by Steve.
Yeah harry potter made an excellent point. Steve Jobs once again cranks up the RDF and silences the whiners while impressing the people the world over.
"the ethic of self determination", there is no such thing... as there will always be governance by education, trade, skill, business, legality, government, etc., etc., etc.
As a beloved Mac user for 17 years I know to stay away from new Apple products for a few rounds until the price comes down or the performance goes up.
The risks you take with an innovative company.
I?m sure all you kings and queens of now wasted that much money on cheese doodles and soda waiting in line over night at your local Best Buy in hopes of being the first to have the iphone.
You fools would have paid $800.00 for the iphone that day just to show it off to your friends.
So stop your whining.
Just think, all the money Steve is giving you back could have gone to the next cool Apple invention. The one you would have been waiting for all night for at your local Best Buy.
Why bring up the colour of your skin? I am really struggling to see what relevance that has on the conversation? what a strange thing to say...
Oh wait! i get it, are you saying that because i used the phrase "whiter than white" i am a racist? surely you are not implying that? no i refuse to believe that anyone would sink so low, i am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to trust that you are an education person and therefore clearly understands that that phrase has nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of skin and more a throwback to the pagans or something where good was often depicted by the colour white and bad depicted by the colour black, but of course you know that.
Why bring up the colour of your skin? I am really struggling to see what relevance that has on the conversation? what a strange thing to say...
Oh wait! i get it, are you saying that because i used the phrase "whiter than white" i am a racist? surely you are not implying that? no i refuse to believe that anyone would sink so low, i am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to trust that you are an education person and therefore clearly understands that that phrase has nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of skin and more a throwback to the pagans or something where good was often depicted by the colour white and bad depicted by the colour black, but of course you know that.
Yes, I do.
I swear, I was only joking...... poor attempt at humor, perhaps.
Can we move on? (I'll let you have the last word in response to this).
You bought an iPhone for $600. You thought it was worth it at the time.
Funny, so did Steve Jobs and Apple. Why the sudden change? Is it not a $600.00 value anymore? Was it ever a $600.00 value? Was it over-valued? Steve wants to put the "medal to the pedal" to get these phones out to everyone especially with the holiday season coming up. Why can't this be done at the listed price of 2 months ago. It's not ancient technology. If Apple decided sales were not as hoped and the only way to increase them to where Apple can obtain their sales projection goals, they had to do so at a lower price point, well, maybe then, this price should have been set at the getgo?
And speaking of BIG WHINERS... I just read in my local newspaper a few days back that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) that the democrats in Congress asked to investigate the spikes in gasoline prices came out with its findings... No evil collusion from 'Big Oil' but that market factors such as transition from winter heating oil to summer driving gasoline, plus no new refineries to help refine the oil into the multiple blends of gasoline that is required in various regions of the country as regulated by various government envrionmental laws, hurricane damage to the drilling platforms in the Gulf, increase world demand, etc. all factored in to the pricing and those price increases were justified and not excessive.
It's funny how all those democrat politicians were quick to stand in front of a gas station and in front of a tv camera make nefarious accusations. Where are they now? Where are their apologies?
What's even more funny is that over the past several years, the gasoline prices go up at the start of the driving season, the politicians would come out and whine, there would be an investigation that always finds no wrong doing. Talk about a waste of the taxpayers money.
I swear, I was only joking...... poor attempt at humor, perhaps.
Can we move on? (I'll let you have the last word in response to this).
Okay, i apologise, i actually was taken aback by the comment and failed to notice the poky tounge face at the bottom so i probably replied in haste. Judging by previous posts of yours i have always found you quite reasonable and so should not have jumped to too many conclusions.
And of course it's not a $100 check sent back to purchaser.
The purchaser actually has to take the effort to redeem it. And then they have to buy something else from the Apple store... which by the way... might involve them spending more than $100 on something else.
Plus a lot of people will use it for Leopard I'm guessing. So really, Apple get's more early adopters to Leopard and since Leopard is $129, the amount back is really only $70. Plus I'm sure Apple has been getting profits from AT&T contracts which makes up for the $100 overtime anyways.
On Sep 06, 2007, at 10:24 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
Dear sirs:
As a stockholder and Apple fan, I am very distress by the price cut announce yesterday on the iphone.
I was an early adopter (although two months does not seem that early) of this great device (I purchased 2 at $600) and I have been promoting it to all of my colleagues and friends both here and in Europe.
While as a stockholder I do want our company to maximize shareholder value, I am greatly concerned that the attitudes of the "cult of mac" will be similar to mine today.
I had intended to purchase a new imac this week for my office and I must say that I am loathed to do it because I feel that a company in which I had such good will really treated me with disdain.
As a consumer, I am going to look hard at my future purchases and I am going to be much less enthusiastic about promoting your products. As an investor, I am concerned that I am not alone.
Please do something to restore the faith of your loyal fan base.
For the past decade, Apple has promoted that they are "different" and that difference has sold well. Yesterday undermined that greatly. Be different again today and fix it.
apple did not do this because of a lawsuit, there is no basis.
and I actually don't think that apple did this for the whiners themselves, though its great for them and anyone not satisfied is nuts.
IMHO, apple did this to dispel the perception that its willing to screw over its most enthusiastic customers. the real audience is the rest of the potential customers. if apple was willing to hurt the people closest to it, then why would anyone else want to be connected to apple. so here, apple is taking care of its best customers, everyone else gets the message - apple is not your typical company. its worth a billion $ in PR and a lot of those people with the store credit are bound to spend more, so no big lose.
i think its brilliant. Give out the 100 credit now, so that everyone (hopefully) spends it on some low profit margin accessory. Then when Leopard really comes out at the end of next month, they'll have to fork over new $$ on a higher margin software product. So better now than later.
The price cut was an excellent tactic too, because not only will it gain wireless market share and put the macosx platform in new hands, it should also lower component costs because of higher volume. PLus, you have to understand that if the ipod touch becomes a hit seller then and sells millions.... then this would have the same effect as selling millions of iphones since they share 90% of the parts. They'd probably already figured that out prior to the release of ipod touch, they knew their margins would skyrocket. Plus a Europe launch next month = even more sales..... every few hundred thousand they sell can have the effect of commanding better rates. I think they'll debut a nano iphone (simple ipod and cell) to target the masses (as in tens of millions). Its quite amazing to be able to witness a company like Apple just floor the battle field over the next 12 months. This'll put many out of business because of the lightning speed of the rollout/price cut/ 3gEurope launch/ipod touch effect/nano iphone. Apple won't give them time to think/react/breathe/counter attack. Maybe the others'll try to bring some new look-a-like products to market but they'll never catch, they'll only bleed those companies cash reserves more and more, thus accelerating their deaths. Too late.
On Sep 06, 2007, at 10:24 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
Dear sirs:
As a stockholder and Apple fan, I am very distress by the price cut announce yesterday on the iphone.
I was an early adopter (although two months does not seem that early) of this great device (I purchased 2 at $600) and I have been promoting it to all of my colleagues and friends both here and in Europe.
While as a stockholder I do want our company to maximize shareholder value, I am greatly concerned that the attitudes of the "cult of mac" will be similar to mine today.
I had intended to purchase a new imac this week for my office and I must say that I am loathed to do it because I feel that a company in which I had such good will really treated me with disdain.
As a consumer, I am going to look hard at my future purchases and I am going to be much less enthusiastic about promoting your products. As an investor, I am concerned that I am not alone.
Please do something to restore the faith of your loyal fan base.
For the past decade, Apple has promoted that they are "different" and that difference has sold well. Yesterday undermined that greatly. Be different again today and fix it.
Great letter, sir. Especially with all those kisses, how could they not respond the way they did!
I'd call it a debate. Interesting to me - I thought i was being supportive of those that were upset - apparently, I have been being a devils advocate. I'm still surprised by the strong views expressed by three or four of you that upon the price drop there was little (or I guess your comments mean you think there is NO) basis for a claim - I disagree. Unfortunately, given today's open letter, we'll probably never know for sure - because as you saw on these boards, many were satisfied with the $100 olive branch. I will be excited to see the terms of the credit.
As many on here know, I actually do have a law degree and have practiced for over 25 years. Not that it matters, because even my cat can read what you just wrote and realize that your entire motive has been to file a claim. I hope to God you are not a law student. If you are, could you contact me so I can come to your character and fitness interview.
Hey guess what. I've signed up at appleinsider ONLY so I could laugh at you're (and other whiners (sorry that's just the best word for it)) hilarious statements. Please, PLEASE go on with this cause I hadn't such a good laugh for a at least week!
Is it you're ego thats hurt? No one (except me) thought for a second that anything you said (though it was in very correct language i must say) was in any means helpful or made any sense.
Maybe its time now you delete you're account and start over with a new alias...? Cause for sure no one on this forum will EVER take you serious again. (Giving you this (legal?) advise is the other reason i signed up. You're welcome.)
I logged in just so that I can thank you! I too would like to join in on the laughter.
I think onceaponamac (which is spelled incorrectly by the way) is trying to win a contest of some sort to see how long he/she can drag on an AI forum thread...
Apple Inc. Sells A Record Breaking 1 Million iPod Shuffles in the month of September Alone
Yes, and the ethic of self determination takes another body blow.
"the ethic of self determination", there is no such thing... as there will always be governance by education, trade, skill, business, legality, government, etc., etc., etc.
.... and you end up looking whiter than white.....
Even if I might like to, genetically, I can't.
Definitely the best argument I've read on this point. And no overt personal attacks involved either. Kudos to you.
Yeah, I think you do have a point. While it would've been nice if Apple had done the credit right out of the starting gate, that then would've opened them up to a "It should be a $200 credit! Or cash!" type backlash.
Basically, it was a negotiation, and Apple came in stronger by starting at zero.
The $100 credit will cost them maybe $75 a head in real terms, and totally knocks the stuffing out of the complainer crowd... even though it comes nowhere near the actual $200 amount that they were originally complaining about.
Very sound strategically by Steve.
Yeah harry potter made an excellent point. Steve Jobs once again cranks up the RDF and silences the whiners while impressing the people the world over.
"the ethic of self determination", there is no such thing... as there will always be governance by education, trade, skill, business, legality, government, etc., etc., etc.
The risks you take with an innovative company.
I?m sure all you kings and queens of now wasted that much money on cheese doodles and soda waiting in line over night at your local Best Buy in hopes of being the first to have the iphone.
You fools would have paid $800.00 for the iphone that day just to show it off to your friends.
So stop your whining.
Just think, all the money Steve is giving you back could have gone to the next cool Apple invention. The one you would have been waiting for all night for at your local Best Buy.
Even if I might like to, genetically, I can't.
And here we go again, yet more distractions....
Why bring up the colour of your skin? I am really struggling to see what relevance that has on the conversation? what a strange thing to say...
Oh wait! i get it, are you saying that because i used the phrase "whiter than white" i am a racist? surely you are not implying that? no i refuse to believe that anyone would sink so low, i am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to trust that you are an education person and therefore clearly understands that that phrase has nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of skin and more a throwback to the pagans or something where good was often depicted by the colour white and bad depicted by the colour black, but of course you know that.
And here we go again, yet more distractions....
Why bring up the colour of your skin? I am really struggling to see what relevance that has on the conversation? what a strange thing to say...
Oh wait! i get it, are you saying that because i used the phrase "whiter than white" i am a racist? surely you are not implying that? no i refuse to believe that anyone would sink so low, i am gonna give you the benefit of the doubt. I am going to trust that you are an education person and therefore clearly understands that that phrase has nothing whatsoever to do with the colour of skin and more a throwback to the pagans or something where good was often depicted by the colour white and bad depicted by the colour black, but of course you know that.
Yes, I do.
I swear, I was only joking...... poor attempt at humor, perhaps.
Can we move on? (I'll let you have the last word in response to this).
You bought an iPhone for $600. You thought it was worth it at the time.
Funny, so did Steve Jobs and Apple. Why the sudden change? Is it not a $600.00 value anymore? Was it ever a $600.00 value? Was it over-valued? Steve wants to put the "medal to the pedal" to get these phones out to everyone especially with the holiday season coming up. Why can't this be done at the listed price of 2 months ago. It's not ancient technology. If Apple decided sales were not as hoped and the only way to increase them to where Apple can obtain their sales projection goals, they had to do so at a lower price point, well, maybe then, this price should have been set at the getgo?
And speaking of BIG WHINERS... I just read in my local newspaper a few days back that the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) that the democrats in Congress asked to investigate the spikes in gasoline prices came out with its findings... No evil collusion from 'Big Oil' but that market factors such as transition from winter heating oil to summer driving gasoline, plus no new refineries to help refine the oil into the multiple blends of gasoline that is required in various regions of the country as regulated by various government envrionmental laws, hurricane damage to the drilling platforms in the Gulf, increase world demand, etc. all factored in to the pricing and those price increases were justified and not excessive.
It's funny how all those democrat politicians were quick to stand in front of a gas station and in front of a tv camera make nefarious accusations. Where are they now? Where are their apologies?
What's even more funny is that over the past several years, the gasoline prices go up at the start of the driving season, the politicians would come out and whine, there would be an investigation that always finds no wrong doing. Talk about a waste of the taxpayers money.
Yes, I do.
I swear, I was only joking...... poor attempt at humor, perhaps.
Can we move on? (I'll let you have the last word in response to this).
Okay, i apologise, i actually was taken aback by the comment and failed to notice the poky tounge face at the bottom so i probably replied in haste. Judging by previous posts of yours i have always found you quite reasonable and so should not have jumped to too many conclusions.
The purchaser actually has to take the effort to redeem it. And then they have to buy something else from the Apple store... which by the way... might involve them spending more than $100 on something else.
Plus a lot of people will use it for Leopard I'm guessing. So really, Apple get's more early adopters to Leopard and since Leopard is $129, the amount back is really only $70. Plus I'm sure Apple has been getting profits from AT&T contracts which makes up for the $100 overtime anyways.
Thank you for your email. Please read the open letter from Steve Jobs.
Apple Investor Relations
408 974-3123 phone
408 974-2113 fax
On Sep 06, 2007, at 10:24 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
Dear sirs:
As a stockholder and Apple fan, I am very distress by the price cut announce yesterday on the iphone.
I was an early adopter (although two months does not seem that early) of this great device (I purchased 2 at $600) and I have been promoting it to all of my colleagues and friends both here and in Europe.
While as a stockholder I do want our company to maximize shareholder value, I am greatly concerned that the attitudes of the "cult of mac" will be similar to mine today.
I had intended to purchase a new imac this week for my office and I must say that I am loathed to do it because I feel that a company in which I had such good will really treated me with disdain.
As a consumer, I am going to look hard at my future purchases and I am going to be much less enthusiastic about promoting your products. As an investor, I am concerned that I am not alone.
Please do something to restore the faith of your loyal fan base.
For the past decade, Apple has promoted that they are "different" and that difference has sold well. Yesterday undermined that greatly. Be different again today and fix it.
apple did not do this because of a lawsuit, there is no basis.
and I actually don't think that apple did this for the whiners themselves, though its great for them and anyone not satisfied is nuts.
IMHO, apple did this to dispel the perception that its willing to screw over its most enthusiastic customers. the real audience is the rest of the potential customers. if apple was willing to hurt the people closest to it, then why would anyone else want to be connected to apple. so here, apple is taking care of its best customers, everyone else gets the message - apple is not your typical company. its worth a billion $ in PR and a lot of those people with the store credit are bound to spend more, so no big lose.
The price cut was an excellent tactic too, because not only will it gain wireless market share and put the macosx platform in new hands, it should also lower component costs because of higher volume. PLus, you have to understand that if the ipod touch becomes a hit seller then and sells millions.... then this would have the same effect as selling millions of iphones since they share 90% of the parts. They'd probably already figured that out prior to the release of ipod touch, they knew their margins would skyrocket. Plus a Europe launch next month = even more sales..... every few hundred thousand they sell can have the effect of commanding better rates. I think they'll debut a nano iphone (simple ipod and cell) to target the masses (as in tens of millions). Its quite amazing to be able to witness a company like Apple just floor the battle field over the next 12 months. This'll put many out of business because of the lightning speed of the rollout/price cut/ 3gEurope launch/ipod touch effect/nano iphone. Apple won't give them time to think/react/breathe/counter attack. Maybe the others'll try to bring some new look-a-like products to market but they'll never catch, they'll only bleed those companies cash reserves more and more, thus accelerating their deaths. Too late.
Thank you for your email. Please read the open letter from Steve Jobs.
Apple Investor Relations
408 974-3123 phone
408 974-2113 fax
On Sep 06, 2007, at 10:24 AM, XXXXXXXXXXXXX wrote:
Dear sirs:
As a stockholder and Apple fan, I am very distress by the price cut announce yesterday on the iphone.
I was an early adopter (although two months does not seem that early) of this great device (I purchased 2 at $600) and I have been promoting it to all of my colleagues and friends both here and in Europe.
While as a stockholder I do want our company to maximize shareholder value, I am greatly concerned that the attitudes of the "cult of mac" will be similar to mine today.
I had intended to purchase a new imac this week for my office and I must say that I am loathed to do it because I feel that a company in which I had such good will really treated me with disdain.
As a consumer, I am going to look hard at my future purchases and I am going to be much less enthusiastic about promoting your products. As an investor, I am concerned that I am not alone.
Please do something to restore the faith of your loyal fan base.
For the past decade, Apple has promoted that they are "different" and that difference has sold well. Yesterday undermined that greatly. Be different again today and fix it.
Great letter, sir. Especially with all those kisses, how could they not respond the way they did!
I'd call it a debate. Interesting to me - I thought i was being supportive of those that were upset - apparently, I have been being a devils advocate. I'm still surprised by the strong views expressed by three or four of you that upon the price drop there was little (or I guess your comments mean you think there is NO) basis for a claim - I disagree. Unfortunately, given today's open letter, we'll probably never know for sure - because as you saw on these boards, many were satisfied with the $100 olive branch. I will be excited to see the terms of the credit.
As many on here know, I actually do have a law degree and have practiced for over 25 years. Not that it matters, because even my cat can read what you just wrote and realize that your entire motive has been to file a claim. I hope to God you are not a law student. If you are, could you contact me so I can come to your character and fitness interview.
I'll whip it out and we can measure.
Hey guess what. I've signed up at appleinsider ONLY so I could laugh at you're (and other whiners (sorry that's just the best word for it)) hilarious statements. Please, PLEASE go on with this cause I hadn't such a good laugh for a at least week!
Is it you're ego thats hurt? No one (except me) thought for a second that anything you said (though it was in very correct language i must say) was in any means helpful or made any sense.
Maybe its time now you delete you're account and start over with a new alias...? Cause for sure no one on this forum will EVER take you serious again. (Giving you this (legal?) advise is the other reason i signed up. You're welcome.)
I logged in just so that I can thank you! I too would like to join in on the laughter.
I think onceaponamac (which is spelled incorrectly by the way) is trying to win a contest of some sort to see how long he/she can drag on an AI forum thread...