New iMacs plagued by interface freezing issues

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
A growing number of users have reported that Apple's aluminum all-in-one computers suffer from a flaw that locks up the interface, rendering the system all but inert until a reboot.

Customers participating in Apple's official support discussions (one, two) have reported that the new iMac will technically continue to run when the freeze occurs, but that it becomes impossible to control or switch to programs without a hard reset.

"Whatever was going on at the time continues, so if you were listening to music it continues to play," one user wrote. "The mouse pointer moves but you cannot select anything. Tabbing through apps doesn't work."

Significantly, some can still control basic functions from the keyboard, such as pausing music or activating the Caps Lock key.

The issue appears to be related to the ATI Radeon HD graphics hardware and its drivers, but has proven unpredictable. While some customers have said they can reliably trigger the freeze by running games, iTunes, or other programs that push the video chipset, others have had the lockups occur at seemingly random intervals or after running the iMac for a long time.

Those who have contacted Apple for help have found that the company is aware of the issue, but hasn't yet responded with a permanent fix. Both the 1.0 and 1.1 iMac Software Update packages released since the iMac's August launch have included "important bug fixes" which users later discovered were almost exclusively centered around video drivers, but none of these included a fix for the freezing issue.

Some users' systems even appear to have been made worse by the latest of the updates. AppleInsider's own review unit, while stable during the review period and for weeks afterwards, now suffers from the same issue since the 1.1 update and will occasionally refuse to respond regardless of what was running at the time.

A handful of users claim to have repaired the issue by manually reinstalling earlier drivers, though this unofficial fix has not been successful for AppleInsider as well as other users. However close Apple may be to a fix, the widespread nature of the problem is making some prospective buyers think twice before purchasing the system so soon into its release cycle.

"I would hate to get a new iMac, and then experience problems with it right out of the box," said one visitor to Apple's discussions.


  • Reply 1 of 138
    This issue is certainly not limited to the new iMac, my MacBook Pro 17" Core 2 Duo is having the same symptoms. Sometimes it is possible to get it to go responding again, but only 1 in 10 times or less.

    No firmware update has yet been released for the MacBook Pro 17" (ow, the bootcamp one last week was, but my MacBook Pro is already in for repairs as the paint is letting loose...).
  • Reply 2 of 138
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member
    Originally Posted by Zokdok View Post

    This issue is certainly not limited to the new iMac, my MacBook Pro 17" Core 2 Duo is having the same symptoms. Sometimes it is possible to get it to go responding again, but only 1 in 10 times or less.

    No firmware update has yet been released for the MacBook Pro 17" (ow, the bootcamp one last week was, but my MacBook Pro is already in for repairs as the paint is letting loose...).

    Same for my Macbook 2.1

  • Reply 3 of 138
    I have the same problem with my new imac alum. It freezes with 1.1 after using it for a long time, then continuously freezes on subsequent restarts.
  • Reply 4 of 138
    brianusbrianus Posts: 169member
    Originally Posted by Zokdok View Post

    This issue is certainly not limited to the new iMac, my MacBook Pro 17" Core 2 Duo is having the same symptoms. Sometimes it is possible to get it to go responding again, but only 1 in 10 times or less.

    No firmware update has yet been released for the MacBook Pro 17" (ow, the bootcamp one last week was, but my MacBook Pro is already in for repairs as the paint is letting loose...).

    Is this one of the new crop released in June, or a previous model?
  • Reply 5 of 138
    Well i never knew about this. it's probably in part that i have a G3 iMac. hahahaha. Anyway, this does delay my purchase of a new iMac until Apple gets this issue fixed.
  • Reply 6 of 138
    My new iMac 20" 4GB ram and 2.4 GHZ c2d runs nice. NO problem at all.
  • Reply 7 of 138
    A friends iMac has all kinds of freezing issues, especially while running Second Life. People are quick to blame Second Life, but that's not the problem. I run it on my Mac Pro with Radeon X1900XT and it runs for hours without a problem.

    Apple has been flaking out in the video driver department. Big time. There are problems especially with the latest Macbook Pros (Nvidia 8600) and iMacs (Radeon HD). I think the worst thing about this is they REFUSE to admit there's a problem. They refuse to say "we're working on it". They just let people crash and freeze and wonder what's goign on.

    Come on, Apple. You can do better. Fess up to your mistakes. Tell us they'll be fixed in 10.4.11. I understand that we are not perfect and we do make mistakes. Sometimes new systems have issues. But sticking your fingers in your ears and going "la la la" while we wonder what's going on is not the way to treat your customers.

    Telling us there is indeed a problem, and that it's being worked on, is the right thing to do. Unfortunately Apple would rather alienate their user base than fess up to the issues. Customers are frustrated when there's a problem, but the frustration can be eased when the manufacturer admits they know about it and are working to fix it. Not knowing if your problem is being fixed is ten times as frustrating.

  • Reply 8 of 138
    zanshinzanshin Posts: 350member
    ... but it's hard to tell for sure. I was (stupidly) running P'shop CS3, iTunes, InDesign CS3, maybe Preview, too, and MS Remote Desktop Connection (beta) to my PC laptop. Pretty freakin' dumb with only 2gb RAM.
  • Reply 9 of 138
    Originally Posted by zorinlynx View Post

    A friends iMac has all kinds of freezing issues, especially while running Second Life. People are quick to blame Second Life, but that's not the problem. I run it on my Mac Pro with Radeon X1900XT and it runs for hours without a problem.

    Apple has been flaking out in the video driver department. Big time. There are problems especially with the latest Macbook Pros (Nvidia 8600) and iMacs (Radeon HD). I think the worst thing about this is they REFUSE to admit there's a problem. They refuse to say "we're working on it". They just let people crash and freeze and wonder what's goign on..

    I wonder if it is because Apple Snubbed radeons new owner AMD?
  • Reply 10 of 138
    I was so excited when I got my 24" iMac "Extreme" I don't spend nearly $2800 very often unless it's for a car, rent or a mortgage payment. Nonetheless, it really got to be a drag when I was trying to work and have the system totally freeze with out any particular reason. I did all the updates including the Software Update 1.1 only to find that it made it WORSE! After reading some of the threads in the Apple Discussions board, I decided to reinstall my System without the 1.1 Update. This helped a bit: Now the System crashes only about 4 or 5 times a day. Sometimes, while working in Aperture, the System just stops responding. I can't even Force Quit. Sometimes, without doing anything (but often after waking from sleep) the screen goes gray and I am advised in fourt or five different languages to hold the power buttton down and force a shut-down.

    There is a lot to like about the new iMacs. I hope Apple get this sorted out soon. In the mean time I have to go back to my old PowerBook G4 if I need to get anything done.
  • Reply 11 of 138
    I remember when this happened to me when I bought my first mac three years ago. I got myself a dual G5. Everything was working wonderfully until an update was run. There were updates to the ATI video drivers which proceeded to randomly lock up the interface. Music still played, but the mouse wouldn't move. Luckily, I had an extra computer lying around that I used as an SSH client. I would just send a "halt" or "restart" to my G5 and things would go back to normal. I tried to take it into the shop for repair, but the problem couldn't be recreated. It was too random, I guess. After an update to the video drivers (a few months later) the computer ran perfectly and I haven't had a problem with it since.

    Needless to say, I know how these new iMac owners feel. It was frustrating. But at that time, Apple wasn't getting widespread locking issues reported to them. Now it is more widespread, so something will be done about it in a quicker manner.
  • Reply 12 of 138
    Originally Posted by rpm16601 View Post

    I wonder if it is because Apple Snubbed radeons new owner AMD?

    That wouldn't explain the Nvidia issues.

    We're talking major issues, like a huge memory leak in the driver that locks up the entire system when you've been running certain 3D apps for just a few minutes.
  • Reply 13 of 138
    I had this problem, although rare occurrences, with my PowerMac G5 (2004, dual 2.5 GHz watercooled). Now I have an aluminum iMac and I haven't experienced it yet (knock on wood).
  • Reply 14 of 138
    Is this only related to certain apps? Because I haven't had this problem whatsoever with my new 24" iMac, though I haven't done much 3D stuff outside of Boot Camp gaming.
  • Reply 15 of 138
    guestguest Posts: 112member
    I have the same issue on my 17" 2.4GHz MBP. I usually leave Safari, iCal and Mail open, then after a while of inactivity I would be able to use the mouse but have a beachball on Safari and Mail, Finder would respond but freeze when I go into the [apple] menu (so, no force quit), no tabbing between apps possible. Closing the lid to force it into sleep most of the time helps (can't do with an iMac...).

    I feel it came with one of the recent updates, but there were so many lately I would know which (I don't have boot camp, but I have iLife, iWork and pro apps).
  • Reply 16 of 138
    Originally Posted by dontlookleft View Post

    Well i never knew about this. it's probably in part that i have a G3 iMac. hahahaha. Anyway, this does delay my purchase of a new iMac until Apple gets this issue fixed.


    This looks like an ATI issue rather than an Apple/OS X issue.

    I have the same chipset/card in my PC, and I am having

    a very, very similar issue in Linux.

    I'm running the 64-bit version of Ubuntu and it will lock up

    every now and then. I've also had this happen in XP, but

    only once or twice. It has happend quite often in Ubuntu.

    It has only happened in XP when a game was involved. I

    don't play any games in Linux.

    I'd like to know if any folks that dual boot their iMacs are

    having this issue in XP or Vista. That would be interesting!!


  • Reply 17 of 138
    lafelafe Posts: 252member
    Originally Posted by Xerothecat View Post

    Sometimes, while working in Aperture, the System just stops responding. I can't even Force Quit.

    Hey! This has happened to my previous generation iMac 24" (you remember - the white one) about eight times in the past four months. It's always when I'm using Aperture.

    Am I pushing the video chipset? (Whatever that means.)

    I've loaded all the updates. Should I unload one?
  • Reply 18 of 138
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I have the new iMac but have not experienced this problem.

    The worse thing about it for me in the glare on the screen. I thought people who were ranting about the glossy screen were idiots but I was wrong. I will try to buy some anti-glare spray and see if it works.
  • Reply 19 of 138
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 394member
    Just happened to me - on my MacBook Pro original edition! Coincidence?
  • Reply 20 of 138
    ksecksec Posts: 1,569member
    Are you sure this happen to Nvidia as well?
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