ipod touch . . . very disapointing service

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
hello everyone im a keen apple following and always order the newest toys as soon as theyre announced, i ordered an ipod touch within minuets of them going on sale direct from apple,

after nearly 3 weeks of waiting (im in the uk) it finally came yesturday and after working for all of about 20 second the screen went black i didnt know what to do so restarted it, and after this the apple logo came on and thats now all it does!

so i rang up customer service where i spoke to an indian chap called sam, he proceeded to tell me to click start and go to itunes as i needed to restore it i explained this couldnt be done as it wasnt showing as a drive and that i had an imac so i ran osx, he then said ok but i must restore it and was i plugging it into a powered usb port i explained i was using one of the ones on the back of the imac and he asked me if i was plugging it into the side, (dont think he knew what an imac was) ?

then he informed me that he would have to go away and after several restarts accepted it was faulty which i knew all along!

he than put me through to an american girl (must of been in america as the line was terrible!)

and she said she would get me another one sent out asap and was very sorry ect ect

i was at this point completelly gutted after my 3 week wait!

anyway i finally get an email over 24 hours later sayin my new replacement will be dispatched on the 17th from china, which i was not at all happy about

so i have just rang apple who told me that they are sorry there is a 14 day waiting list there is nothing they can do i said i dont believe this to be fair as this is for new customers, and i should get priority due to it not being my fault that they sent me a dud,

they said there is nothing they can do and so i told them to just cancel it so im now left with a faulty ipod and i am rather gutted!

i spend a lot of money with apple and when im not buying something im telling others to buy from them i am very put off by this as its the first time i have had to deal with a faulty product and no one was helpful

i am heartbroken

does this make me sad i dont know!


  • Reply 1 of 4
    did you get it customized? if not, is there a local apple store that you could take it to and maybe try and get a genious to work on it, or maybe they will just replace it for you in store, and then everything would be happy again!

    good luck though!
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  • Reply 2 of 4
    hey, yeh theres a store 70 miles away i was going to drive there tonight but the girl on the phone said they wouldn't have them in stock do you know if the genius's are in there full time? because i dont mind popping over i thought they might be able to do reflash it or something
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  • Reply 3 of 4
    I really have no idea how often the geniouses are there.. I've never been to a real store to talk to a genious.. but I'm sure you would have some luck.. and since yours is already sent out if you can get that one two work.. then you would be +1 ipod touches!
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  • Reply 4 of 4
    teapeateapea Posts: 19member
    hey thanks for advice, i drove tot he apple store a genius looked at it and congratulated me on having the first faulty touch, and said that they couldnt swap it in store because i bought it online (how ridiculous) but fair enough but they did have them in stock and he could sell me a replacement but i would have to send mine back to the online store and wait for a refund on that one so i now have two ipod touches!

    anyway thanks for the advice!
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