Study: HDTVs, Windows PCs crowd out Apple on holiday wish lists
HD-capable flat screen TVs and Windows notebooks -- not Apple iPods or iPhones -- rank atop this year's holiday wish list of American consumers who listed at least one digital lifestyle product amongst their most desired gifts.
In fact, the recent study of 1,200 American consumers by Solutions Research Group found that no individual Apple product ranked higher than No. 11 on the wish lists. When combined, however, Apple-branded technology products made it to the top 5 overall, with one-in-six considering an Apple-branded purchase -- suggesting a strong potential holiday season for the Cupertino-based company.
Apple's iPhone was ranked No. 15, while the hottest Apple-branded product was a Mac notebook, which ranked No. 11 overall and No. 9 among women.
In general, HDTVs were the most desired gift among all population subgroups, with a resounding 35 percent of respondents saying they craved one of the pricey eye-catching gadgets. Interestingly, Solutions Research report that only 2 percent said they also intend to get a HD box from their cable or satellite company, and 6 percent a Blu-ray or HD-DVD high-definition DVD player.
Men and women had six items in common in the top 10 -- the rest were unique by gender. Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 were on the top 10 list of men but did not make it to the top 10 list of women. On the other hand, TiVo/ DVR and Apple laptops were in the top 10 for women but did not show up on men’s wish lists for the holidays.
Meanwhile, notebook computers were preferred over desktop computers 2-to-1 among those respondents age 18 to 34. Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 were all on lists from that same age group, with the Wii being the highest ranked console, ranked No. 8 overall, edging out Sony PS3 which came in at No. 9. Xbox was ranked No. 12.
Solutions Research said its study results were based on a survey of 1,200 online Americans aged 18 and older in September 2007 using "a professionally-managed panel representative of the US online population." The firm also claims to fund its own syndicated research in an effort to maintain an unbiased perspective.
In fact, the recent study of 1,200 American consumers by Solutions Research Group found that no individual Apple product ranked higher than No. 11 on the wish lists. When combined, however, Apple-branded technology products made it to the top 5 overall, with one-in-six considering an Apple-branded purchase -- suggesting a strong potential holiday season for the Cupertino-based company.
Apple's iPhone was ranked No. 15, while the hottest Apple-branded product was a Mac notebook, which ranked No. 11 overall and No. 9 among women.
In general, HDTVs were the most desired gift among all population subgroups, with a resounding 35 percent of respondents saying they craved one of the pricey eye-catching gadgets. Interestingly, Solutions Research report that only 2 percent said they also intend to get a HD box from their cable or satellite company, and 6 percent a Blu-ray or HD-DVD high-definition DVD player.
Men and women had six items in common in the top 10 -- the rest were unique by gender. Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 were on the top 10 list of men but did not make it to the top 10 list of women. On the other hand, TiVo/ DVR and Apple laptops were in the top 10 for women but did not show up on men’s wish lists for the holidays.
Meanwhile, notebook computers were preferred over desktop computers 2-to-1 among those respondents age 18 to 34. Nintendo Wii, Sony PS3 and Xbox 360 were all on lists from that same age group, with the Wii being the highest ranked console, ranked No. 8 overall, edging out Sony PS3 which came in at No. 9. Xbox was ranked No. 12.
Solutions Research said its study results were based on a survey of 1,200 online Americans aged 18 and older in September 2007 using "a professionally-managed panel representative of the US online population." The firm also claims to fund its own syndicated research in an effort to maintain an unbiased perspective.
Apple's iPhone was ranked No. 15, while the hottest Apple-branded product was a Mac notebook, which ranked No. 11 overall and No. 9 among women.
Who gives a flippity flying fart-whistle what this pollster says. Apple products are now ranking on CONSUMER RADAR AND CUSTOMER WISH LISTS. That is all that matters to the price of my shares.
Suck it, Ballmer.
In fact, the recent study of 1,200 American consumers by Solutions Research Group found that no individual Apple product ranked higher than No. 11 on the wish lists.
What the article didn't state is that those 1,200 consumers all live withing 25 miles of Redmond, WA.
I wonder if this is much different than in previous years. I doubt it. I was also impressed to see the PS3 so high on the list. Go Cell.
Also, why would 11% of women want a digital video camera, but only 1 in 12 men asked for one? Maybe the samples are reversed
Also, why would 11% of women want a digital video camera
As a Career Enhancement Device?!
It worked wonders for Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, et al. Just need night vision recording and you're all set!
Ah, but you see, Apple laptops ARE (or can be easily) Windows laptops... especially with Leopard!
You mean Intel based Macs, not Leopard.
No surprise there. If people intended to get more Macs than Windows PCs this holiday season, we'd have a market reversal straight out of the twilight zone
Preach on, Brother Man!
lets face it guys, we love being underdogs...
I disagree. I jsut want the best OS and HW integration possible. I could care less if that is Apple My Apple stock value notwithstanding.
I wonder if this is much different than in previous years. I doubt it. I was also impressed to see the PS3 so high on the list. Go Cell.
Remember these are wish lists. Maybe most of these people already have Wiis, XBoxs and iPhones and now want the hard to find PS3.
Also, why would 11% of women want a digital video camera, but less than 1 in 12 men asked for one? Maybe the samples are reversed
Maybe the men surveyed already have digital cameras.
This is such a poor study. It was a wish list but held no barring on what people were actually expecting and what they currently owned.
Survey 1201 (solipsism): I want AAPL and RIMM to hit $200 before Xmas.
while the hottest Apple-branded product was a Mac notebook, which ranked No. 11 overall and No. 9 among women.
That's why there are no women in the latest iPhone commercials! They are all at the Apple Store drooling over Mac notebooks!!
Interestingly, Solutions Research report that only 2 percent said they also intend to get a HD box from their cable or satellite company
Interesting, but not surprising. I can't tell you how many bars I've gone into that have a dozen HD TVs hanging up all over the place, but have them showing SD channels, making everything stretched out. And you know they're completely oblivious to the fact that it's set up wrong.
I'm guessing many people have done this at home, too.
"Windows Based PC's" were higher, but it's not like it's saying Sony Vaios, or Dell Whatevers. I don't know if it's really fair to compare them. Still, being compared in this way, just the fact that the Macbook was so close is really amazing. This would never have been the case even 5 years ago.
The only reason why anyone would be shocked about Apple's failure to reach the top ten overall is simply because Apple has so much damn hype that it can never live up to. This is a two-edged situation, because people will buy more from Apple, buy they will expect too much, and be disappointed.
Either the portable media player has completely bottomed out, crashed, and died - or something's a little off with this survey.
I'd bet on the latter.
Wha? No iPod?
Either the portable media player has completely bottomed out, crashed, and died - or something's a little off with this survey.
I'd bet on the latter.
Everyone already has an iPod, that's why. Though I do think Apple should sell a bunch of iPod nanos this year.