.MAC sales
Recently started to open an online store to my already growing jewelry store. Starting with ebay and seeing where that takes me. I'd like to use .MAC's web site domain as my site for sales. Is there a way I can link ebay to the site, or better yet just have customers purchase from a .MAC web site?
You might want to consider using something that seems more professional.
Recently started to open an online store to my already growing jewelry store. Starting with ebay and seeing where that takes me. I'd like to use .MAC's web site domain as my site for sales. Is there a way I can link ebay to the site, or better yet just have customers purchase from a .MAC web site?
You are not supposed to use .mac to run a business. However legitimate the business otherwise, using .mac for an online store means that the vendor is breaking at least one rule.
You'll have a standards-compliant, very good looking, fully customizeable web site for not very much.
Peep my sig for two non-commercial examples.
.Mac isn't very reliable, with frequent maintenance and downtimes (relative to other hosting services that typically promises greater than 99% uptime Service Level Agreement). Besides, you are far better off with <yourbusiness>.com address than web.mac.com/<your business>.
Dot mac now lets you use <yourbusiness>.com instead of a dot mac address.
Dot mac now lets you use <yourbusiness>.com instead of a dot mac address.
Yes, but that doesn't mean you want to host a business there. Like was said previously - Apple says your not supposed to use it for running a business. So take their word for it. You should get a serious business host.
Yes, but that doesn't mean you want to host a business there. Like was said previously - Apple says your not supposed to use it for running a business. So take their word for it. You should get a serious business host.
After dot mac's recent upgrade, Apple now encourages people to run businesses on the service, letting them use their own domain name, include google ads, etc. Apple also provides examples of "entrepreneurs" who use iweb and dot mac to run their business.
It's probably not the best solution for businesses above a certain size, but Apple no longer "says your not supposed to use it for running a business" - quite the opposite, they're now encouraging it.