Question about the security locks for laptops, etc.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I want to purchase a Kensington lock which I'll use with my MacBook Pro and likely one also for my iMac and possibly Mac Mini.

It appears where they plug in in the side is simply plastic and they would be easy to rip away to steal a laptop but in general on Macs and other computers (I also have an Acer laptop I want to use them with) is there something that is steel reinforced inside to actually make it stronger? How easy is it to break off these locks?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Behind the plastic, the lcok is held in place by the frame of the machine, I would assume it would be more difficult to rip the lock out (I wouldn't know for sure, because I don't steal laptops). This may or may not be true for the Acer, but it is very likely.
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