Leopard Upgrade Experience



  • Reply 41 of 171
    naknak Posts: 101member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    To the morons stealing Leopard... they should get a bricked Mac.

    I agree. Go and buy the OS, it's not expensive at all. Still unsure? Look at Micro$oft's pricing of Vista
  • Reply 42 of 171
    kaiwaikaiwai Posts: 246member
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta View Post

    CS3 runs great on 10.4, so upgrading shouldn't be a problem. I am waiting to buy the new OS until I hear every things ok. iLife and iWork do not come with the new release, they are a separate purchase. I'm kind of glad they did that because I really don't use them any way, I use the pro apps.

    Never said they were included with the release.....

    CS3 academic is a pretty good price, now it is just a matter of whether the cost is worth paying for what I would use it for.
  • Reply 43 of 171
    Ok, so only installed on my 2.4 GHZ iMac Core 2 Duo with 3 GB memory so far.

    not an old system, so I did an archive and install.

    I also made sure not to install the printer drivers or foreign languages.

    Install took just about 20 minutes cause of this. Awesome.

    Everything still works perfect.

    Leopard seems great.

    I do think it's mainly the new "feel," we're paying for on this update. First day with Tiger was more exciting from amazing features I must say.
  • Reply 44 of 171
    Originally Posted by garyeb View Post

    -- Blew away my Airport Disk Utility completely

    -- Notes is a trivial exercise that is hardly worth using and periodically crashes mail when trying to create folders and failure to sync with iPhone makes it nearly worthless

    -- To-dos fail to work as advertised and is another tepid implementation not even up to the level of five-year old MS Outlook

    -- If Time Machine is as poorly implemented and unusable as these features then this upgrade is not worth the time. Of course, I can't test it until I buy another disk since it can't back up to my Airport disk...

    With the exception of eye candy, I'm hard-pressed to understand the value of this release. Maybe it will fix the 'sleep' hangs I have had three times this week.

    I'm a Mac/iPhone newbie after 15 years on Windows. I generally prefer the Mac user experience but the functionality of the tools used by professionals (calendaring, task management, email) is simply early-2000's technology. The PR on Leopard implied some of those limitations might be addressed in this release. Nope. Not bad enough enough to force a retreat to Windows but disappointing after all the hype.

    Save your money and time.

    If this is what you considered a review I'd say outside of reading/writing email and web surfing you don't do jack with a workstation operating system.

    Nothing you wrote can be verified on my end.
  • Reply 45 of 171
    I just installed Leopard on my iMac - first thing to do now is to post my experience to AI, of course

    I did a clean install and suffered no installation problems, no extraordinary long boot time after installation, no nothing... everything's great here. And, indeed, my feeling is that the system got a bit "zippier" (or is that "more zippy"?)

    So, 15 minutes into my MacOS X 10.5 experience, I'm still very happy



    P.S.: Some nice localization detail: When installing with my native language (German) as default, Safari's default set of bookmarks includes a set of popular german sites as well.
  • Reply 46 of 171
    stubeckstubeck Posts: 140member
    Originally Posted by Nak View Post

    I agree. Go and buy the OS, it's not expensive at all. Still unsure? Look at Micro$oft's pricing of Vista

    Vista Home Premium cost me 80 bucks. Leopard is going to cost me 129.
  • Reply 47 of 171
    Originally Posted by Nak View Post

    that's weird man, Parallels 3.0 (Build 5160) works perfectly on my system after the update (macbook pro 15")

    Well I was able to get it working again I had to change the memory settings and then everything started to work again. I did send an email to them and the following is what they sent back to me:


    This is the official Parallels position on Leopard.


    We are going to release a special free update compatible with Mac 10.5.

    Please try to re-install Parallels Desktop following these steps:

    • Launch the Uninstall Parallels Desktop application (you can find it

    on the Parallels Desktop for Mac CD or in the downloaded Parallels

    Desktop for Mac DMG package) and follow the on-screen instructions. It

    is important to use the Uninstaller of the Parallels Desktop version

    currently installed or newer.Please note that Parallels Uninstaller does

    not remove virtual machines from your Macintosh hard disk

    • Delete these folders, if they are found in your


    • You may also need to delete the following files (it’s recommended to

    restart your Macintosh computer before deleting them):

    o /System/Library/Extensions/vmmain.kext

    o /System/Library/Extensions/hypervisor.kext

    o /System/Library/Extensions/helper.kext

    o /System/Library/Extensions/ConnectUSB.kext

    o /System/Library/Extensions/Pvsnet.kext

    • Browse the Applications folder. Open Utilities and launch Disk Utility.

    • Select Macintosh HD on the left tab and click the Repair Disk

    Permissions button.

    • Restart your computer again and install Parallels Desktop for Mac.

    It will be very helpful if you follow

    Finder->Library->Parallels->Bugreports and send me all the files from

    this directory.


    Best regards,


    Parallels Customer Service

  • Reply 48 of 171
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Installed without a hitch on a white 24" iMac.

    A friend upgraded but then couldn't get his MBP to boot past the blue screen. Googling the problem eventually revealed that it was unsanity's application enhancer.

    We booted into single user mode and removed application enhancer stuff from /Library and /System. It then booted into leopard just fine.
  • Reply 49 of 171
    Originally Posted by ibook911 View Post

    I do think it's mainly the new "feel," we're paying for on this update. First day with Tiger was more exciting from amazing features I must say.

    I think we are paying for the refined and advanced frameworks. Now it's up to developers to take advantage; Delicious Library 2 looks to do this.
  • Reply 50 of 171
    I Installed Leopard last nigh and everything is going well - Except, every time I quit Photoshop, I get the "The application unexpectedly quit" message, with the options to ignore, report and view.

    It is not affecting me much in the short term since it happens when I WANT to quit anyway, but it is annoying!!

    I did erase all preference files (as far as I am aware) and the problem still happens.

    PS: Lightroom and Bridge do not show this problem.

    Other than that, everything is peachy

    Originally Posted by Kuku View Post

    CS3 programs all work, but need a good preference cleaning overhaul.

    Basically delete all those adobe stuff in the preferences.

    There have been a wide range of weird stuff with CS3, most usually crash on startup/quit, due to perfs. (Me included)

    Aple Pro stuff do not work per upgrade I believe, either needs a reinstall, or plugin fixing. Which means just some hassle if you're unlucky.

    It's pretty safe so far, no major blow ups with most things.

  • Reply 51 of 171
    I noticed that the Apple Leopard Tour shows the desktop clean with NO HD on the desktop.

    After Installing Leopard, My 3 HD are still showing on the desktop. Does anyone know how to make it go away?

  • Reply 52 of 171
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I did the standard upgrade and got the "blue screen of sadness". An "archive and install" fixed it.
  • Reply 53 of 171
    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    Vista Home Premium cost me 80 bucks. Leopard is going to cost me 129.

    Vista Home Premium doesn't compare to Leopard because Leopard is Ultimate whereas if you compare it to Vista Ultimate it's half the price with a better user interface and more secure.
  • Reply 54 of 171
    Originally Posted by StuBeck View Post

    Vista Home Premium cost me 80 bucks. Leopard is going to cost me 129.

    You bought a Mac, yet you can't afford $120? Come on!
  • Reply 55 of 171
    My experience:

    everything runs fine, plus or minus

    the problem is that, as for every major upgrade, there's something not working in every application:

    TOAST 8 doesnt burn correctly audio CD's from mp3s

    frontrow crashes without apparent reason (!!!!)

    the system becomes irresponsive exiting from STOPs...not everytime, right...

    Various issues

    i'm seriously thinkin' on formatting and reinstalling from scratches...or...waiting for the first update

    happy leopard to everyone!
  • Reply 56 of 171
    Originally Posted by dennysb View Post

    I noticed that the Apple Leopard Tour shows the desktop clean with NO HD on the desktop.

    After Installing Leopard, My 3 HD are still showing on the desktop. Does anyone know how to make it go away?


    If you go to the Finder's Preferences (under the "General" section), you can uncheck the option to show the HDD on the desktop (as well as other things).
  • Reply 57 of 171
    Originally Posted by dennysb View Post

    I noticed that the Apple Leopard Tour shows the desktop clean with NO HD on the desktop.

    After Installing Leopard, My 3 HD are still showing on the desktop. Does anyone know how to make it go away?


    Those options are on the finder preferences.

    I also like having a clean desktop
  • Reply 58 of 171
    I installed Leopard Friday night... did the 'standard update' first, but that lead me to the horrible blue screen. I thought I bricked my MBP... Today I did an archive and install and that worked... But then my account wasn't recognized as an admin account... So I had to work around that too... All in all, it took about 10 hours to upgrade to Leopard which was a little disappointing. I didn't expect all these problems.

    Now that it's up and running, I've had no problems, it's fast and I have found that the Airport signal is much stronger than in Tiger.

  • Reply 59 of 171
    My wife's MacBook was very easy, but ran into pain on the original G5 iMac. Took a while looking at the blue screen (overnight and multiple installs) before I realized that Clear Dock & Applications Enhancements was the problem. I went to an Archive & Install and it went smooth - no problems at all. I've also stripped out the Clear Dock & AE from a G4 PB before even thinking about upgrading that one.

    Overall a joy and I appreciate the comments re Clear Dock & AE from various sources - it saved me a lot of misery.
  • Reply 60 of 171
    Originally Posted by Jubelum View Post

    This thing breaks unsanity haxies (per their website) and completely shot, cleaned, made sausage, digested, and excreted my keychain(s). Always have a backup and hard copy of these things.

    Little snitch is working fine... along with typeit4me, microsoft mouse, and menumeters. Adobe apps are not affected in any way I can tell, and I used Photoshop and DW for 4 hours tonight...

    I miss WindowShadeX. That is a great little app.

    Yeah, you're definitely going to want to uninstall the Unsanity Application Enhancer completely BEFORE installing Leopard. I failed to do this and got the "blank blue screen" hang on login after the install. Real PITA to fix after the fact.
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