smart playlists on touch?

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
tried adding 3 smart playlist most played recently played and recently added. on my computer it shows the proper songs. but when i disconnect and look on the ipod they are totally wrong songs. whats the deal?


  • Reply 1 of 9
    Two questions. 1) have you selected the playlists to be synced to your iPod as playlists? 2) Are you resyncing the iPod before disconnecting it?
  • Reply 2 of 9
    i tried syncing and it didnt work. i tried creating the playlist directly on the ipod and it didnt work. is anyone having this problem?
  • Reply 3 of 9
    I'm having the same problem. The 25 Most Played list most certainly does not list the 25 most played. iTunes displays the correct list, but the one on the Touch is all wrong. In addition to that, I seem to have at least one song I've found that just will not play on the iPod. It obviously recognizes the song, and its metadata (it shows the album art), but it hangs at zero seconds. The funny thing about this is, all the play count info is being sent back from the iPod after a sync (I know, because that particular song has been skipped 4 times when I was trying to figure out why there was no sound), and it plays fine in iTunes.

    The Touch seems to be a bit quirky, because the software has never been updated since I got it, but it has behaved strangely on occasion. The other night, and only that night, when I adjusted volume, the little "speaker" icon came up, like the one in Mac OS X when you adjust volume. I had never seen it any other time, before or after. Plus, and this only happened two or three times in the 11 days I've had it, the music player would just stop playing, like it crashed for some reason. Hopefully this will all get fixed in an update soon. (But I have to send mine off to Apple because I got one with a bad display anyway.)
  • Reply 4 of 9
    Originally Posted by joeloud View Post

    I'm having the same problem. The 25 Most Played list most certainly does not list the 25 most played. iTunes displays the correct list, but the one on the Touch is all wrong. In addition to that, I seem to have at least one song I've found that just will not play on the iPod. It obviously recognizes the song, and its metadata (it shows the album art), but it hangs at zero seconds. The funny thing about this is, all the play count info is being sent back from the iPod after a sync (I know, because that particular song has been skipped 4 times when I was trying to figure out why there was no sound), and it plays fine in iTunes.

    The Touch seems to be a bit quirky, because the software has never been updated since I got it, but it has behaved strangely on occasion. The other night, and only that night, when I adjusted volume, the little "speaker" icon came up, like the one in Mac OS X when you adjust volume. I had never seen it any other time, before or after. Plus, and this only happened two or three times in the 11 days I've had it, the music player would just stop playing, like it crashed for some reason. Hopefully this will all get fixed in an update soon. (But I have to send mine off to Apple because I got one with a bad display anyway.)

    A few people have said that they get lock ups when listening to music and browsing with Safari, and I've herd what your talking about as well, but it also looks like it has something to do with the screen. I'm not saying it caused it, but the ones with the bad screens seem to be having other problems as well. I got one with out the negative issue and everything works fine. I only had Safari crash on me when I goto for some reason, but thats the only website it will crash on. I'm sure they'll fix these little problems with a update soon. It's not even officially out yet, the 28th is the real date, so we'll see what happens a few days after. I just hope Flash is coming eventually. If the Touch gets Flash, I'll be way more then happy.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    yea but that dosnt explain the smart playlist issue. also myspace freezes up safari really bad. i guess its too much stuff. apple has alot of work to do. safari mobile is no where near as good as stevie made it sound.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    Originally Posted by Digital Disasta View Post

    I've herd what your talking about as well

    Frankly, I'm surprised this still hasn't been fixed. My Touch has gone through a couple restores since I got it, and it continues to display a completely incorrect list of "Most Played" songs. But are you saying that not everyone has this problem? That's really sh***y. I already asked to have my unit replaced or repaired before because of the screen issue, and they didn't do anything except restore it, and now this? How could this be caused by a hardware issue anyway?
  • Reply 7 of 9
    yea apple really has dropped the ball with smart playlist on ipods. they just dont work properly.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    Originally Posted by joeloud View Post

    I'm having the same problem. The 25 Most Played list most certainly does not list the 25 most played. iTunes displays the correct list, but the one on the Touch is all wrong. In addition to that, I seem to have at least one song I've found that just will not play on the iPod. It obviously recognizes the song, and its metadata (it shows the album art), but it hangs at zero seconds. The funny thing about this is, all the play count info is being sent back from the iPod after a sync (I know, because that particular song has been skipped 4 times when I was trying to figure out why there was no sound), and it plays fine in iTunes.

    The Touch seems to be a bit quirky, because the software has never been updated since I got it, but it has behaved strangely on occasion. The other night, and only that night, when I adjusted volume, the little "speaker" icon came up, like the one in Mac OS X when you adjust volume. I had never seen it any other time, before or after. Plus, and this only happened two or three times in the 11 days I've had it, the music player would just stop playing, like it crashed for some reason. Hopefully this will all get fixed in an update soon. (But I have to send mine off to Apple because I got one with a bad display anyway.)

    Mine does the exact same thing with my 25 Most Played list, it's fairly strange especially when some of the tracks listed have only been played once or twice.
  • Reply 9 of 9
    yea how about songs i have had for YEARS keep showing up in recently added mixed with songs that actually belong there.
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