Reports: UK consumers slow to adopt Apple's iPhone



  • Reply 81 of 86
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    It certainly does not seem like Apple is screwing you guys. If anyone is, it's your own government and your retailers. And, that is not Apple's fault.

    Funny thing is that despite the extra taxes, higher wages, distribution costs and all the burdens seemingly laid upon us by our European governments, there are discounts aplenty on other phones and tariffs. (Indeed, as I type this, the header advert is O2 advertising a £15/month tariff that gives the same call and text as the £35 iPhone from O2!) I am not saying Apple are screwing us, just that they pitched the price high and, for what we get, we have other options.

    Me? For the moment sticking with my existing phone, getting an iTouch and will see what is happening two years down the road. With the iPhone, Apple have raised the game and am certain that by then the reasons why I am not now going for an iPhone will be all changed.
  • Reply 82 of 86
    Originally Posted by Krysa View Post

    Funny thing is that despite the extra taxes, higher wages, distribution costs and all the burdens seemingly laid upon us by our European governments, there are discounts aplenty on other phones and tariffs. (Indeed, as I type this, the header advert is O2 advertising a £15/month tariff that gives the same call and text as the £35 iPhone from O2!) I am not saying Apple are screwing us, just that they pitched the price high and, for what we get, we have other options.

    Me? For the moment sticking with my existing phone, getting an iTouch and will see what is happening two years down the road. With the iPhone, Apple have raised the game and am certain that by then the reasons why I am not now going for an iPhone will be all changed.

    My response was solely related to whether Apple is being price-discriminatory in Europe versus the US for its own like products. My sense is, it's not. (Although, most multinationals price-to-market, and it would not be out of line for Apple to do so, if it chose to). I was not comparing Apple to other non-Apple products.

    Not to put too obvious a pun on it, I was comparing apples to apples, not apples to oranges!
  • Reply 83 of 86
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    My response was solely related to whether Apple is being price-discriminatory in Europe versus the US for its own like products. My sense is, it's not. (Although, most multinationals price-to-market, and it would not be out of line for Apple to do so, if it chose to). I was not comparing Apple to other non-Apple products.

    Not to put too obvious a pun on it, I was comparing apples to apples, not apples to oranges!

    Isn't that the point? i.e. consumers actually compare "Apple to other non-Apple products".. and there are strong, more functional, but less elegant & intuitive alternatives in the UK at a dramtically lower total cost of ownership. Some early adopters (and many Apple afficianados) will buy the iPhone at almost any price, but initial sales figures suggest that there are many more who would only buy it at a greatly lower total cost than is currently available.
  • Reply 84 of 86
    Originally Posted by Hogan View Post

    Isn't that the point?

    No, that isn't the point. At least, it wasn't mine!
  • Reply 85 of 86
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    For those people saying price should not be an issue, get a fracking brain would you.
  • Reply 86 of 86
    I don't know when they will launch the iphone over here but they are going to need to price the monthly plans a lot cheaper than they do in the UK or the US.

    In Hong Kong. you can get 1200 minutes and unlimited inter op sms for 5 quid (yes - five) a month plus unlimited data for another 4 quid a month.

    And 600 minutes talk time will cost you just 2 quid a month...

    Lots of people don't bother with a fixed line telephone anymore (its more expensive!) and some people don't have wired broadband anymore.... Mobiles are cheaper
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