Opening All Links In Tabs In Safari?

in macOS edited January 2014

Does anyone know of a free plugin for Safari 3 that will simply allow me to open links on a webpage in a new tab instead of opening new windows? This is the one thing about Safari that is seriously annoying and gives Firefox a nice edge.

I know of Saft but I was wondering if there is a free alternative plugin. Thanks for any input on this.


  • Reply 1 of 16
    If I understood your problem:

    (If not already done) go to Preferences in Safari and in the Tabs pane turn on the first choice: "Command-click opens a link in a new tab".

    Clicking on a link while keeping the Command key down will now open any link in a new tab.

    Was that it?

  • Reply 2 of 16
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Just right-click on it and choose Open Link In New Tab...
  • Reply 3 of 16
    Thanks Matts and Lundy. I'm aware of those options but I was looking for more of an automatic way of doing this. If you've ever used Firefox or Opera, tabs are automatically created in place of new windows. For the life of me I can't figure out why Apple did not include a simple option to open all new windows in tabs? Having multiple windows open is messy and not necessary.

    There is a plugin called Saft that adds this functionality to Safari and it looks like I'm going to have to purchase this. I googled around for such a plugin that is free but I couldn't find any.
  • Reply 4 of 16
    SafariStand. You'll have to update SIMBL though.
  • Reply 5 of 16
    Originally Posted by teedoff087 View Post

    SafariStand. You'll have to update SIMBL though.

    Thanks. I took a look at that earlier but it appears to be a bit techie to setup. Is it as easy to install as any other program downloaded from the internet? And is it stable?
  • Reply 6 of 16
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Safari doesn't open a new window when you click - it uses the current window unless the link specifies a new window.

    Or you could use USB Overdrive to set the left mouse button in Safari to do a command-click instead of a plain click.

    That would be better than hacking your Safari runtime environment with that SIMBL junk...
  • Reply 7 of 16
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Safari doesn't open a new window when you click - it uses the current window unless the link specifies a new window.

    Or you could use USB Overdrive to set the left mouse button in Safari to do a command-click instead of a plain click.

    That would be better than hacking your Safari runtime environment with that SIMBL junk...

    Yeah I see what you mean. I'm new to the Macintosh platform so the SIMBL stuff seems a bit too techie for me at this stage. I think most likely at this point I'll go ahead and purchase Saft as Saft does what I'm looking for automatically. It's a simple installation and it appears to be very credible.
  • Reply 8 of 16
    russsrusss Posts: 115member
    Clicking the middle button (scroll) on a mouse will always open a link in a new tab unless you've programmed it to do something else.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    Originally Posted by RussS View Post

    Clicking the middle button (scroll) on a mouse will always open a link in a new tab unless you've programmed it to do something else.

    Good suggestion. I never thought about that. The only problem with that is I have to get a new mouse. I just recently switched from a PC to a Mac and I have my Microsoft mouse hooked up to my new Macbook running Leopard so middle clicking doesn't work. Perhaps I will need to either get the mighty mouse or find a mouse completely compatible with a Mac.
  • Reply 10 of 16
    russsrusss Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by internetworld7 View Post

    Good suggestion. I never thought about that. The only problem with that is I have to get a new mouse. I just recently switched from a PC to a Mac and I have my Microsoft mouse hooked up to my new Macbook running Leopard so middle clicking doesn't work. Perhaps I will need to either get the mighty mouse or find a mouse completely compatible with a Mac.

    I'm surprised the Microsoft mouse doesn't work. Middle button clicking has worked for me with every mouse I've tried. Mostly Logitechs though.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    Originally Posted by internetworld7 View Post

    Good suggestion. I never thought about that. The only problem with that is I have to get a new mouse. I just recently switched from a PC to a Mac and I have my Microsoft mouse hooked up to my new Macbook running Leopard so middle clicking doesn't work. Perhaps I will need to either get the mighty mouse or find a mouse completely compatible with a Mac.

    Go into System Preferences and click the Microsoft Mouse panel. Click on the Add button at the top left corner. Select Safari. Go to the Buttons tab at the bottom. For the Wheel button, select "Handled by Mac OS." I have a Microsoft Mouse with a scroll wheel and I did this, it works. Middle click works fine.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    Well thanks for all of the suggestions guys. I'm using Camino and loving it. This will be my permanent answer until maybe Sarari 4.0.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    mattsmatts Posts: 37member
    I suspect I don't know Camino well enough, but in what way can Camino be your permanent answer to your original "problem"?

  • Reply 14 of 16
    Originally Posted by matts View Post

    I suspect I don't know Camino well enough, but in what way can Camino be your permanent answer to your original "problem"?


    Well, it's a partial answer to my original problem. Camino gives me that functionality I'm looking for. I could have just used Firefox but Firefox does not fully support native code on a Mac, just take a look at the Windows style buttons in Firefox. Firefox 3.0 is a major overall and will take advantage of the native code on a Mac but it won't be out of beta until several more month, some time in 2008.

    Camino uses the same Gecko engine that Firefox does except it completely takes advantage of the native code on a Mac. It's lightweight, fast and very stable. I don't know if you've used it but it's free and can be downloaded from The tab browsing in Camino is just what I'm looking for and I hope the next version of Safari supports this type of functionality in tab browsing.
  • Reply 15 of 16
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Camino only has a setting for "open in tabs if a link would otherwise open a new window."

    How does that accomplish what you wanted, namely that ALL clicked links open in a new tab?
  • Reply 16 of 16
    Originally Posted by lundy View Post

    Camino only has a setting for "open in tabs if a link would otherwise open a new window."

    How does that accomplish what you wanted, namely that ALL clicked links open in a new tab?

    Perhaps their was a misunderstanding but opening a tab instead of a new window is exactly what I wish Safari would do. Camino does this automatically and this is far more organized rather than having a dozen or more windows open. When I come across a link on a webpage that opens in a new window that is highly annoying when that same window could have been opened in a tab. This is a very simple option that is included in Camino, Firefox, Opera and many IE based browsers but not in Safari. The only plugin that I know of that does this is Saft but it's not free.
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