Open email to Steve Jobs. iPhone - 1985 all over again?



  • Reply 21 of 25
    MikeFree, sarcasm aside, either you?re ignoring the obvious or I?ll be the first one to let you in on this little secret : The entire world doesn?t have to own something before it is officially called a successful product.

    The success of the iPhone is not defined by you, me, or anyone else here. Steve and Apple define what conditions make the iPhone a success, and they?ve already defined that as selling 10 million iPhones by December 2008. Most companies would be proud (and profitable) to sell a million of anything, let alone in it?s first six months. The iPhone has already done that, which I?m saying once again, at it?s highest price point.

    Like movies, some make more money overseas than they do domestically ? others don?t, and some do great everywhere. Since I own an iPhone it?s already a great success because it works great for me.

    If it makes you happy, MikeFree, go ahead and send your email. The reality is that it?s going to be extremely difficult to convince Steve that he should listen to your marketing advice when he?s already sold a million iPhones - without it.
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  • Reply 22 of 25
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    Seems clear to me that Apple is exploiting OS X Mobile while it's still new and the coolest mobile OS out there.

    We've already seen the cost of owning a OS X Mobile device drop from $500 (4GB iPhone) to $300 (8GB iPod Touch) in just two months.

    They claim they're aiming at 1% of the cell phone market (10M iPhones), but that's a cover, really - they're just being (as always) cagey, understated, and highly conservative with their forecasts. They're aiming for 1% with their current model - which is a smartphone.

    Over the next year Apple will edge the price down further as they release more minimal, somewhat more feature-limited iPhone models at lower price points.

    And the SDK due in February + 3G version due mid-next-year will address the current model's worst limitations.

    They know the market they're competing in. There's very little parallel between the mistakes that 80's-era Apple made and the Apple of today.
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  • Reply 23 of 25
    hobbeshobbes Posts: 1,252member
    Oh, and re choosing an exclusive carrier in each country - I agree that it will be a somewhat limiting factor on the iPhone's availability and success, but you have to consider that (a) it's not clear whether they'd be able to roll out features like Visual Voicemail without working with one carrier directly, and (b) Apple has been able to negotiate unprecedented revenue-sharing deals, so seems to me it'd kind of foolish *not* to.
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  • Reply 24 of 25
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,444member
    Everyone wants cheaper stuff Mike.

    With Apple you sometimes just have to wait a bit before you can afford "Apple Mainstream"

    There "will" be a $199 Apple phone someday. It'll be elegant and won't have as many features as the LG or Sammy of the month but it'll be Apple style.

    I don't agree with the references to 1985. The iPhone hasn't been out a year it has never held a commanding lead in marketshare. Apple has gone from "no phone" to market player/leader in less than a year. What you've just witnessed is a company executing so deftly they will teach about Apple's prowess in MBA programs.

    I remember when Apple was at $12. I remember selling Macs where every other question was "Is Apple going out of business?" . I think your opinion is valid but it's just a bit hard to believe given the success that Jobs has had at the helm.

    No one can make you feel like a mug but you. I don't give ANYONE permission to make me feel like that. If I spend my money foolishly it's because I wanted to. I dont' care if my friends have the crappy LG knockoffs. I do what is best for me.

    All I need is for better Exchange support that won't freak out my company and the cost of the iPhone means nothing because my company allows me to expense %100 of the monthly fees so long as I can get corporate email. Ca'ching...the first iPhone with solid Exchange support is mine.
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  • Reply 25 of 25
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Yeah, wouldn't it be nice if everything was cheap?
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