Exclusive: Apple to adopt Intel's ultra-mobile PC platform



  • Reply 101 of 179
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    Why is that?




    Someone insecure?


    It would clash with your waist pack.

    Ask your boyfriend for his opinion, Joey.
  • Reply 102 of 179
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Very nice discussion. I have a few questions.

    1) Does anyone know when silverthorne will be available? The article says "early in 2008" but I was wondering if anyone knew of a more concrete date.

    2) Is Menlow a SoC platform?

    3) What are the advantages of a SoC platform.

    1. Summer 2008 (as defined by Jun 20 to Sep 20) is probably the earliest you'll see a machine with Menlow. It'll be fairly seamless as all of the UMPC devices you see now will simply have the new platform inside.

    2. Menlow is a 2 chip solution with a CPU and a chipset to perform I/O functions. It's very much a small version of Intel's laptop solutions. If Apple uses it, it won't be in the iPhone.

    3. Well, saves PCB space making smaller devices possible such as PDAs and cell phones. It should have lower power consumption. More importantly, it's a complete integrated solution, making it easier to sell. For example, every thing and the kitchen sink should be in the chip including wireless electronics bits (WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM), graphics, media decoding, etc. Menlow doesn't really do that.
  • Reply 103 of 179
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    The only thing that would be attractive to Apple is the x86 instruction set or a subset of that and Intel's low power processes. These features can't be underestimated though. Frankly I have to agree that a two chip solution will be a hard sell, especially in something along the lines of an iPod. However considering what they have integrated into the main chip, I have to wonder if the second support chip will always be required.

    Considering it doesn't have cellular wireless support, Menlow is a non-starter for cell phones. They'll need the second chip as it has the graphics there, and a bunch of other chipsets if lots of other features are wanted. It's a big platform compared to handheld ones.


    The problem is the manufactures just don't understand people perception of value for the money. At least not until ASUS came out with the Eee PC. The simply answer is that no body would be willing to spend the money asked for the devices. Especially in the corporate world and its mind set of screw the work and buy the cheapest thing that can get the job done.

    Well, cheap is a big feature all on its own. I certainly agree. But it's also a laptop form factor and doesn't pretend to be a UMPC. It'll be interesting to see what it'll be like if looked like the Samsung Q1 Ultra

    Or the sliders from Sony and OQO:

    One interesting case study is the Nokia N810 "Internet Tablet" at $400. It's a slider like above, and if it ran Windows, I don't think it would be as successful as the Eee PC. It's one of those just a little too big for a pocket, but not powerful enough to be a laptop devices. So, it has a niche market.


    As a side note I don't like the idea that Intel will get the slot simply because it is good enough and has the i86 component locked up. Alternative hardware seems too be dropping like flies. I expect Power PC to be dead in a couple of years, mainly due ot IBM dropping the ball there. Microchip is taking a shot at MIPs and then your have ARM. I fully expect that in a coule of years we will have a two horse race with Intel and ARM the only survivors. Intel will take just about anything that requires flexibility in user level software leaving the embedded world to ARM.

    Well, until the market moves away from CMOS chips (whose fabs take twice as much investment every process improvement), the nature of the technology is that there can only be one because the fabs require an exponentially increasing market, or incoming revenue stream. I don't think its automatic for Intel in the handheld space though since it's proven very difficult to use the Windows monopoly as a wedge. It's curious why MS hasn't broken Blackberry compatibility yet. I guess the anti-trust suit did its job.
  • Reply 104 of 179
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Originally Posted by vinea View Post

    Half the battery life of the iPhone is clearly better than 1/4th the battery life...but not quite there yet.

    Battery life is a little bit more complicated than this. I'm sure the screen is 1/3rd of the power budget, cellular radio is another 1/3rd, the rest is the computing chips.


    IMHO, let Intel get to 55mW @ 600Mhz for an X86 CPU (10x improvement) and ARM is in big trouble in its home turf, 2 chip implementation or not.

    Well, that ain't going to happen? You're thinking 550 mW? 550 mW TDP is the target for Silverthorne, I think, not Menlow. In 2008, most ARM handhelds will probably be under 250 mW, but as we noted, it's all about clock cycles.

    A 600 MHz Penryn will make Flash usable, barely. I'm not so sure about ARM.


    1280x720 or perhaps 1280x768 or 1366x768. You might as well go WXGA if you get to 1280x640.

    No, no, no. The photochop of a TiBook was all about maintaining the laptop form factor, maintaining keyboard usability, maintaining the usability of the existing operating system, while producing as small a device as possible.

    So, I'm imagining using the same MacBook keyboard, and eliminated the white space on the sides and the palm rests & trackpad to make a laptop or clamshell device on the order of 10" x 6" x 0.75" and <1.5 lbs. It may even be possible to keep the optical drive in a device of such size with Menlow sized PCBs. Add in a 1.8" 160 GB drive, 1 SO-DIMM slot, and you've got yourself a nice portable video and office system. This leaves you with a 10" screen at 2:1 aspect ratios (9 x 4.5 inches) at 1280 x 640. The keyboard would be the current MacBook size. A nipple / micro-track ball is required. It can be augmented with multi-touch.
  • Reply 105 of 179
    Originally Posted by THT View Post

    No, no, no. The photochop of a TiBook was all about maintaining the laptop form factor, maintaining keyboard usability, maintaining the usability of the existing operating system, while producing as small a device as possible.

    I think any small Apple device (larger than an iPhone, smaller than a subnotebook) would most likely use an onscreen keyboard on a multi-touch display. A significantly larger screen than the iPhone would allow the keyboard to be larger, easier to use.

    I just don't see Apple putting a tiny physical keyboard on such a device after doing the iPhone.
  • Reply 106 of 179
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    I just don't see Apple putting a tiny physical keyboard on such a device after doing the iPhone.

    Especially after SJ spent so much time explaining why tiny keyboards squashed into a small space are bad.

    That's another part of the genius of the Multi-Touch interface, it removes the need for physical input devices and makes the software smarter. Any tablet format Mac will use Multi-Touch - unless we see a 12" notebook revival. That is pretty unlikely given the current state of play...by that I mean, they have all the hardware and software available TODAY, why go backwards and use a physical keyboard if you just spend so much time/money/effort to come up with a way NOT to have it there at all?

  • Reply 107 of 179
    hattighattig Posts: 860member
    Originally Posted by mowenbrown View Post

    So is the power savings here big enough to offset the increased consumption of 3G radios?

    The power savings of Silverthorne over the ARM CPU currently used in the iPhone is around -500%. There is simply no comparison. Maybe it isn't a big issue when the power consumption of all the other components are taken into consideration.

    However the motherboard size requirement of Silverthorne (7cm by 14cm) is huge compared with the iPhone's 3cm by 5cm or so. I'd say that rules out its use completely. That iPhone motherboard also includes all of the technologies required for a mobile phone with large amounts of storage.

    This CPU will not be used in a future iPhone, not in 2008 anyway, and not in 2009 either.

    However it will clearly be used in something from Apple. I'd imagine that version two of the AppleTV will utilise this platform Also I wouldn't be surprised to see Apple making a mobile device that's like 2x the size of the iPhone with an 800x480 display that uses this system (although why they wouldn't leverage their iPhone platform for this is beyond me) that would compete against other small tablet-like devices in this rapidly growing product area.

    I very much doubt that these will run desktop Mac OS X. They'll all be running a special variant for the device's purpose.
  • Reply 108 of 179
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    I'm glad to see the AI board finally back to the way they were.
  • Reply 109 of 179
    thttht Posts: 5,605member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    I think any small Apple device (larger than an iPhone, smaller than a subnotebook) would most likely use an onscreen keyboard on a multi-touch display. A significantly larger screen than the iPhone would allow the keyboard to be larger, easier to use.

    Yeah. That's why I said, "So, I'm imagining using the same MacBook keyboard, and eliminated the white space on the sides and the palm rests & trackpad to make a laptop or clamshell device on the order of 10" x 6" x 0.75" and <1.5 lbs. It may even be possible to keep the optical drive in a device of such size with Menlow sized PCBs. Add in a 1.8" 160 GB drive, 1 SO-DIMM slot, and you've got yourself a nice portable video and office system. This leaves you with a 10" screen at 2:1 aspect ratios (9 x 4.5 inches) at 1280 x 640. The keyboard would be the current MacBook size. A nipple / micro-track ball is required. It can be augmented with multi-touch."

    Heck, the MacBook keyboard should be an interchangeable part! And vinea was right. After doing some math, a 1280 x 720 or 1366 x 768 screen would be great for this "subnotebook." Marketing and pricing will be interesting though. At $700 to $800 it could eat into MacBook sales, which won't be a good thing. It'll have to increase marketshare to be worthwhile.


    I just don't see Apple putting a tiny physical keyboard on such a device after doing the iPhone.

    Never say never.
  • Reply 110 of 179
    Some people are still having problems with the iphones lack of push button keyboards . They use them and when they break them in an accident, they rebuy blackberry or another product . Not an apple iphone . And they used it for 6 or more weeks before they dropped it in the puddle. It happens. Teenagers are much faster with a button phone . But they LOVE fashion , so apple has them hooked. They have to make most of these devices in different sizes and styles and designs to attract everyone they want to sell to . Diversity of sizes and cost differences hurt margins. Start with one device. They did . Almost everyone complained but the stock holders. How many sizes were there in the first computer screen ? They are just getting started. They may not hook everyone . Not all these devices will last long. Look at the 4 gig iphone. I said Apple stck to 165 by Halloween. I was lucky and was right. I said 215 by 12/ 25 /07 . Looks like it will be 1/17/08 before we see 215. I can wait . Your iphone will output thru its UBS cable as Apple is expanding what it and the new devices will do. Touch sensitive keyboards first. Soon it will be an assortment of software and hardware choices in the phone, computer, game , business ,,,etc. .More devices than you can shake a stick at and most add on able . There will be more adult toys to come . I only sold a little stock to live on and I'm riding the wave. Amsterdam was nice place for a vacation last month and just got back from Jamaica yesterday. Boy, do I hate wireless . Give me speed or give me wired. Slow wireless sucks. Wont use it in my house. Videos over the internet wireless suck. Love to be a fanboy when it is makin me rich . But not all Apple products make me happy. I'm just the average consumer. Some of the the Apple products are great sellers. Some ain't .I think their airport sucks and refuse to use it for games or video.
  • Reply 111 of 179
    Originally Posted by THT View Post

    Yeah. That's why I said, "So, I'm imagining using the same MacBook keyboard, and eliminated the white space on the sides and the palm rests & trackpad to make a laptop or clamshell device on the order of 10" x 6" x 0.75" and <1.5 lbs. It may even be possible to keep the optical drive in a device of such size with Menlow sized PCBs. Add in a 1.8" 160 GB drive, 1 SO-DIMM slot, and you've got yourself a nice portable video and office system. This leaves you with a 10" screen at 2:1 aspect ratios (9 x 4.5 inches) at 1280 x 640. The keyboard would be the current MacBook size. A nipple / micro-track ball is required. It can be augmented with multi-touch."

    Heck, the MacBook keyboard should be an interchangeable part! And vinea was right. After doing some math, a 1280 x 720 or 1366 x 768 screen would be great for this "subnotebook." Marketing and pricing will be interesting though. At $700 to $800 it could eat into MacBook sales, which won't be a good thing. It'll have to increase marketshare to be worthwhile.

    Never say never.

    Exactly. Top selling lineups always come out with multiversions.
  • Reply 112 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post


    Well if you are a guy carrying a shoulder bag can be pretty dreadful. It doesn't really matter what is in the bag either.

    Actually the shoulder holster is not a bad idea. Frankly though I could see it being placed anywhere, toolbox, brief case, back pants pocket, dash, trunk, overnight bag and a host of others. The physical size of the device though is what makes it convenient to have with you. If Apple can hit upon the right size and feature set I think people will be amazed at how much more useful and less of an hassle a good tablet can be relative to a laptop.

    How you carry the device is a huge consideration in it's marketability. If you are going to toss it around in a tool box, dash board, etc, it better be ruggedized. Like the UPS driver who has a tablet sized device, it often falls on the ground but has big heavy plastic case margins to absorb the shock. Apple designs sleek, elegant devices that need protection inside a pocket, case, or bag.

    Personally, I carry my MacBook Pro everywhere in a leather briefcase which has a shoulder strap. It could be a little smaller and lighter but I don't think anyone is going to call me gay - of course, I'm pretty big, muscular, and ride a Harley, so that may offset the shoulder bag look a little bit.
  • Reply 113 of 179
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by drjjones View Post

    Some people are still having problems with the iphones lack of push button keyboards . They use them and when they break them in an accident, they rebuy blackberry or another product . Not an apple iphone . And they used it for 6 or more weeks before they dropped it in the puddle. It happens. Teenagers are much faster with a button phone . But they LOVE fashion , so apple has them hooked. They have to make most of these devices in different sizes and styles and designs to attract everyone they want to sell to . Diversity of sizes and cost differences hurt margins. Start with one device. They did . Almost everyone complained but the stock holders. How many sizes were there in the first computer screen ? They are just getting started. They may not hook everyone . Not all these devices will last long. Look at the 4 gig iphone. I said Apple stck to 165 by Halloween. I was lucky and was right. I said 215 by 12/ 25 /07 . Looks like it will be 1/17/08 before we see 215. I can wait . Your iphone will output thru its UBS cable as Apple is expanding what it and the new devices will do. Touch sensitive keyboards first. Soon it will be an assortment of software and hardware choices in the phone, computer, game , business ,,,etc. .More devices than you can shake a stick at and most add on able . There will be more adult toys to come . I only sold a little stock to live on and I'm riding the wave. Amsterdam was nice place for a vacation last month and just got back from Jamaica yesterday. Boy, do I hate wireless . Give me speed or give me wired. Slow wireless sucks. Wont use it in my house. Videos over the internet wireless suck. Love to be a fanboy when it is makin me rich . But not all Apple products make me happy. I'm just the average consumer. Some of the the Apple products are great sellers. Some ain't .I think their airport sucks and refuse to use it for games or video.

    Paragraphs, paragraphs!
  • Reply 114 of 179
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    Paragraphs, paragraphs!

    I flunked english and spelling and french but made it through dental school anyway. Thank goodness they were tolerant.
  • Reply 115 of 179
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Personally, I carry my MacBook Pro everywhere in a leather briefcase which has a shoulder strap. It could be a little smaller and lighter but I don't think anyone is going to call me gay - of course, I'm pretty big, muscular, and ride a Harley, so that may offset the shoulder bag look a little bit.

    You asked for it!
  • Reply 116 of 179
    You know, I've oft tried to understand the purpose of such rampant speculation... sadly to no avail. I truly wish I had such excessive amounts of time to ponder/debate about what future products Apple may or may not release down the road... and even if I did, I'm certain I could find much more constructive and worthwhile endeavors to put my mind to.

    It's the same vicious cycle time and time again... everyone gets all worked up over absolutely nothing and then ends up being horribly disappointed when Apple doesn't release exactly what they were speculating about. How is that healthy in any way, shape, or form? Unless one has been clinically diagnosed with some form of OCD, is there any reason why they cannot wait until Apple announces the damned product? Just imagine how much time, energy, and grief everyone would save if they did just that!

    I'm just as much of an Apple/Mac lover as the next person and have been for some twenty years now. The reason I am is simply because I believe Apple offers, especially with the Mac, a superior product compared to anything available from every other competing manufacturer. Subsequently, the majority of my time is spent using my Macs for what they are - tools... means to accomplish a specified end. I've always been happy with what Apple has offered me and I can't imagine any reason as to why I wouldn't be so in the future.

    A very small percentage of what time I have left is spent giving people online a wake-up call. I'm not going to be so brash as to say something along the lines of "get a life," but at the very least try exploring the world outside your computer screen.

    Bottom line - Apple is going to release whatever the hell they want and they don't give a rat's behind about what any of you want or think. Furthermore, whatever they do release - you're all going to buy anyway... they know this... you know this, so accept things for what they are and move on.

    /end rant
  • Reply 117 of 179
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    How you carry the device is a huge consideration in it's marketability. If you are going to toss it around in a tool box, dash board, etc, it better be ruggedized. Like the UPS driver who has a tablet sized device, it often falls on the ground but has big heavy plastic case margins to absorb the shock. Apple designs sleek, elegant devices that need protection inside a pocket, case, or bag.

    Personally, I carry my MacBook Pro everywhere in a leather briefcase which has a shoulder strap. It could be a little smaller and lighter but I don't think anyone is going to call me gay - of course, I'm pretty big, muscular, and ride a Harley, so that may offset the shoulder bag look a little bit.

    sorry couldn't resist...

  • Reply 118 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by DCJ001 View Post

    You asked for it!

    Thanks for sharing that. At least I don't have to worry about getting my ass kicked for hanging a computer bag from my shoulder. I guess I've just always had things hanging from my shoulders, be it women or M16s.
  • Reply 119 of 179
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by Bigc View Post

    sorry couldn't resist...


    It seems you are having a little gender confusion, which is understandable, but I'm here to help, so let me clear it up for you. See, the dykes are the GIRLS who can beat the sh*t out of you.
  • Reply 120 of 179
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    It seems you are having a little gender confusion, which is understandable, but I'm here to help, so let me clear it up for you. See, the dykes are the GIRLS who can beat the sh*t out of you.


    I mention inconvenience, and look where it goes!
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