New MacBooks (Aluminium)

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hi all, with the strengthening rumours re the new MacBooks likely to be announced at MacWorld in January next, I have a query.

What is the collective view of the just released Santa Rosa MacBooks being superseded by the release of the new thinner units?

I understand the thinner units may or may not come with an optical drive, and it is possble that the existing one inch thick MacBook will continue to run (in parallel with the thin units) with their optical and superdrives.

Any views on this, or am I thrashing a dead horse?


  • Reply 1 of 19
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    Any views on this, or am I thrashing a dead horse?

    With all respect, and without any more news apart the gun metal notebook sightings in Apple's campus (already under discussion), I am afraid that the dead horse will turn blue by thrashing.
  • Reply 2 of 19
    Nobody knows anything. It's all speculation and rumor.
  • Reply 3 of 19
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    Nobody knows anything. It's all speculation and rumor.

    Yes, I realise that, but this is what this site is all about, isn't it??
  • Reply 4 of 19
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    Yes, I realise that, but this is what this site is all about, isn't it??

    Nail. On. The. Head.

    I hope they do it so that you have aluminum, and glass on the inside. on the outside of teh screen lid, you have the imac's glass-lookalike plastic shell. Except you can get the plastic shell in the iPod Nano colors
  • Reply 5 of 19
    Well I guess the rumour bout Alu MacBooks is pretty wide, lets hope its true.

    Anyway, aint it better to wait for the 45nm processors? and lets hope Apple would come to their senses and offer a dedicated GPU MacBooks option for those who needs it.
  • Reply 6 of 19
    Originally Posted by John French View Post

    I hope they do it so that you have aluminum, and glass on the inside. on the outside of teh screen lid, you have the imac's glass-lookalike plastic shell. Except you can get the plastic shell in the iPod Nano colors

    Things we know "for sure" about future MacBook (probably released on MacWorld):

    13'' LED LCD

    aluminum (good idea with the glass inside )

    faster CPU \

    more storage (still HDD, 100+GB)

    same price

    + a seperate MacBook Thin with SDD, price between MacBook's and MacBook Pro's.
  • Reply 7 of 19
    Originally Posted by casper3 View Post

    Things we know "for sure" about future MacBook (probably released on MacWorld):

    13'' LED LCD

    aluminum (good idea with the glass inside )

    faster CPU \

    more storage (still HDD, 100+GB)

    same price

    + a seperate MacBook Thin with SDD, price between MacBook's and MacBook Pro's.

    The faster CPU and more storage is pretty likely, considering it's been that way with almost every iBook/MacBook update.

    The 13" LED is a good bet, but nothing is for sure. It will happen eventually, I know that, but right now? I'd say 70/30.

    Aluminum and glass casing does seem to be Apple's new theme, but who really can be sure. When we see Steve holding an aluminum MacBook, then it's for sure.

    As for the same price, I'd lay money on it being the same price or cheaper. Apple's prices for an equivalent machine have been dropping ever since the Intel switch. 18 months ago, a 20" iMac with a 2GHz Intel Core Duo, 512MB of RAM and a 128MB GPU was $1699. Now, a 2GHz Intel Core 2, 1GB of RAM, and a 128MB GPU is $1199.
  • Reply 8 of 19
    I say, why dont Apple bundle in a GeForce GPU into it and allow users to switch between Intel or Nvidia depending on the usage of the PC during that time (something that Sony Vaio did, I dont like this copy idea but at least its a idea cause Apple wont drop their MacBook prices).

    Dang a Aluminium MacBook will look sweet
  • Reply 9 of 19
    Is anyone else tired of the Powerbook/Macbook Pro enclosure design? I am. It dates back to 2003. Thats 4+ years old for crying out loud. A near eternity in the laptop space. I bet all the noise we are hearing about a new metal enclosure is likely a new line for the Macbook Pro class of machine. I suspect Apple will attempt to further differentiate the MBP from MB line (perhaps with considerably thinner enclosures, optional SSDs, possibly a more functional touch pad, higher resolution displays)...not to mention that the MBP is the only line still shipping with the old keyboard style. What do you guys think? (My apologies if this has already been discussed in another thread).
  • Reply 10 of 19
    I hear ya there. I am tired of it only because of the many faults that lie within the design. The hinge is a major sticking point with me. Why can't I move the MacBook Pro's display back more? BAD design. It really pisses me off. Another thing that irks me is the fact that I need to remove 25 screws to get to the hard drive. WTF?
  • Reply 11 of 19
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by bestgolfer View Post

    Hi all, with the strengthening rumours re the new MacBooks likely to be announced at MacWorld in January next, I have a query.

    What is the collective view of the just released Santa Rosa MacBooks being superseded by the release of the new thinner units?

    I understand the thinner units may or may not come with an optical drive, and it is possble that the existing one inch thick MacBook will continue to run (in parallel with the thin units) with their optical and superdrives.

    Any views on this, or am I thrashing a dead horse?

    Dead horse? Oh you mean that pile of dust in the corner?

    There really isn't enough info about anything this time around to make a really solid prediction the way we could a couple years ago.
  • Reply 12 of 19
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by dkillian View Post

    Is anyone else tired of the Powerbook/Macbook Pro enclosure design? I am. It dates back to 2003. Thats 4+ years old for crying out loud.

    5 years in a few weeks.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    I can totally hear Steve on stage retiring the current MacBook Pro/PowerBook G4 design. 5 years on the same design is really quite amazing... on the other hand it's definitely time for something new!
  • Reply 14 of 19
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    5 years on the same design is really quite amazing...

    This is the length of time that the iBook design lasted before the Macbook...
  • Reply 15 of 19
    Originally Posted by DHagan4755 View Post

    I hear ya there. I am tired of it only because of the many faults that lie within the design. The hinge is a major sticking point with me. Why can't I move the MacBook Pro's display back more? BAD design. It really pisses me off. Another thing that irks me is the fact that I need to remove 25 screws to get to the hard drive. WTF?

    My PC friends aren't used to the "no screen movability" design and always try to flip my screen back! Gives me a heart attack every time.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by mattvolp View Post

    My PC friends aren't used to the "no screen movability" design and always try to flip my screen back! Gives me a heart attack every time.

    This is like mice, Apple refuses to listen to the feedback sometimes. Stupid fuckers
  • Reply 18 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by MarcUK View Post

    this is how rumour get started

    No, tis not.
  • Reply 19 of 19
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    This is like mice, Apple refuses to listen to the feedback sometimes. Stupid fuckers

    Like they think they have the right to complain.
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