SuperDuper problem

in Mac Software edited January 2014
SuperDuper won't create an ASR image of my HDD. I get this message in the SD log:

10:55:25 PM | Info | COMMAND => Creating ASR Image /Volumes/Archive/BackUpA.dmg of volume MacHardDrive

10:55:25 PM | Error | hdiutil: convert failed - image/device is too large

I sent log to ShirtPocket and got this response:

This is unfortunately a bug in OSX, where it indicates read-only volume are too large when they're not. I'd uncheck the option, since it's rarely needed in practice (you're basically backing up your backup).

-- Dave Nanian

Shirt Pocket

I emailed back:

Where would I find "read-only volume too large" option?

ShirtPocket's response:

In the advanced tab of Options -- it's the secondary "create an image..." there.


Dave Nanian

Shirt Pocket

My response: I'm sorry, but I don't know where the Option tab is. Can you tell me where to start?

I guess he got tired of me and has not replied.

I feel awfully dumb, but I don't know where he means. Does anyone understand where the "Option" tab is? Thanks

Edit: got answer from ShirtPocket:

Click the "Options" button in the main window. Then, click the Advanced tab.

I'm still in the dark. Where is the "main window" that he's talking about?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    SuperDuper won't create an ASR image of my HDD. I get this message in the SD log:

    10:55:25 PM | Info | COMMAND => Creating ASR Image /Volumes/Archive/BackUpA.dmg of volume MacHardDrive

    10:55:25 PM | Error | hdiutil: convert failed - image/device is too large

    I sent log to ShirtPocket and got this response:

    This is unfortunately a bug in OSX, where it indicates read-only volume are too large when they're not. I'd uncheck the option, since it's rarely needed in practice (you're basically backing up your backup).

    -- Dave Nanian

    Shirt Pocket

    I emailed back:

    Where would I find "read-only volume too large" option?

    ShirtPocket's response:

    In the advanced tab of Options -- it's the secondary "create an image..." there.


    Dave Nanian

    Shirt Pocket

    My response: I'm sorry, but I don't know where the Option tab is. Can you tell me where to start?

    I guess he got tired of me and has not replied.

    I feel awfully dumb, but I don't know where he means. Does anyone understand where the "Option" tab is? Thanks

    Edit: got answer from ShirtPocket:

    Click the "Options" button in the main window. Then, click the Advanced tab.

    I'm still in the dark. Where is the "main window" that he's talking about?

    It's the window that appears when you open the application.

    Underneath "What's going to happen?", you'll see three tabs(they look more like buttons to me). Options..., Schedule..., Copy Now...
  • Reply 2 of 5
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    It's the window that appears when you open the application.

    Underneath "What's going to happen?", you'll see three tabs(they look more like buttons to me). Options..., Schedule..., Copy Now...

    The reason I couldn't figure that out was that is grayed out in my copy. I still don't know how to use a button that's grayed out.

    Thanks. At least I know what Shirt Pocket was talking about.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    The reason I couldn't figure that out was that is grayed out in my copy. I still don't know how to use a button that's grayed out.

    Thanks. At least I know what Shirt Pocket was talking about.

    Is the back up drive connected? Mine isn't and the option box is 'grayed out' as well.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by backtomac View Post

    Is the back up drive connected? Mine isn't and the option box is 'grayed out' as well.

    The back up drive was connected; however, Disk Utility didn't see the X HDD either. One partition of the X HDD did show on the left side panel of My Computer. Rebooting brought up all three partitions of the X HDD. SuperDuper now recognizes all three partitions.

    If I had only looked at My Computer, I'd have noticed the problem. I feel so damned stupid when something like this crops up. Sometimes I feel that computers have a mind of their own - (play theme from 'Outer Limits")

    Per your thoughts on the X HDD being disconnected, that's the first thing I'll check from now on.

    Thanks for the support.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    BTW, has anyone been able to take an ASR image of a HDD with SuperDuper? Is that like a "Ghost" image on a PC?

    I wonder why SuperDuper has ASR image factor if it doesn't work on a Mac with OS X. I don't know any PC user that uses SuperDuper.
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