Why I think Mac blu-ray will be announced at MacWorld 08

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Because Warner just went blu-ray only:



  • Reply 1 of 20
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    You really didn't need to create another thread on this subject. There are two suitable threads already in existence.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    You really didn't need to create another thread on this subject. There are two suitable threads already in existence.

    I must have missed the others about blu-ray support in this forum.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Nah, I think this thread is appropriate for Temporary Insanity.

    And, I agree. Macworld keynote:

    "So we're announcing from today, all Macs will have the option

    of shipping with Blu-Ray Read/Write drives"
  • Reply 4 of 20
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Why I think Mac blu-ray will be announced at MacWorld 08

    Because it's on the front page of Appleinsider?
  • Reply 5 of 20
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by canadianmacguy View Post

    I must have missed the others about blu-ray support in this forum.

    It's all good canadianmacguy. Since this battle is winding down it'll at least be good to see some good Blu-ray support in the next major version of DVD Studio Pro. Likely at NAB.

    We need full support for BD-Java.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    An announcement of this type is certainly keynote material and I'd expect Blu-Ray is the way Apple would go.

    Adopting Blu-Ray (or any other HD format) will require significant Hardware and Software changes, so pairing it with bumped Macs and Displays makes total sense. As long as the combo BD-DVD-CD drive can read and write all formats I'll be a happy camper.

    Now we just got to wait for Mac The Ripper and Hand Brake to catch up with the HD formats. Apple TV is the best thing that happened to my A/V setup and I'm glad that I only use plastic discs in my computer and not in my entertainment system.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    It's all good canadianmacguy. Since this battle is winding down it'll at least be good to see some good Blu-ray support in the next major version of DVD Studio Pro. Likely at NAB.

    We need full support for BD-Java.

    Ah ha! So you *have* given up on HD-DVD!
  • Reply 8 of 20
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Ah ha! So you *have* given up on HD-DVD!

    Well I have to be honest here. Toshiba executed well but they had to execute very well to stay in this battle. The problems I saw.

    1. Combo pricing gaffe- I walked into some Best Buys and saw some combo discs as high as $39.99. The typical Combo on a dual platform release was an avg of $7 more than the BD version. You can't tout a feature like this if you expect the customers to pay a premium.

    2. Failure to get Twin Format established. Twin Format is what Combo's should have been. Single sided discs with HD/SD support.

    3. CES 07 momentum not realized. - Only Onkyo and Venturer shipped players. 4 other vendors were freakin no shows AFAIK. Universal players were too expensive to make an impact.

    4 Interactivity did not differentiate- HD DVD's HDi system is a solid interactive platform but HD DVD didn't really capitalize on it as much as they should have. Where was the info on Managed Copy? Where were the options for more persistent storage?

    In the end the only advantage they could manifest was a pricing advantage on the players that was offset by higher combo pricing. I'm not selling my discs but the move to Blu is inevitable as I have to have LotR in HD.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    I'd love to see Apple ship Blu-Ray drives for their Pro models. Then I could drop one into the spare drive bay in my MP. Apple would be wise to make all their models have Blu-Ray burners in them because it would drive up the usage. Maybe that external optical drive for the rumored ultra-thin laptop will be a Blu-Ray burner and Apple will update iDVD for burning purposes.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    I know,.... you can call me names now..... What in the name of god is blue ray.....I never heard about is it another format of DVDs or is simply a new format of recording digitally what are the advantages why do we have to keep changing, is this the way this big companies make money?????with us the mortal uSers????
  • Reply 11 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Remember, Apple is in the content distribution business now: if they were going to support Blueray in anything more than lip service, they would have had a blueray authoring solution (software and hardware) at last years NAB...They will accept DVD, it was there first, but I do not look for them to ever go blueray.
  • Reply 12 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by Brian Green View Post

    I'd love to see Apple ship Blu-Ray drives for their Pro models. Then I could drop one into the spare drive bay in my MP. Apple would be wise to make all their models have Blu-Ray burners in them because it would drive up the usage. Maybe that external optical drive for the rumored ultra-thin laptop will be a Blu-Ray burner and Apple will update iDVD for burning purposes.

    Just bou a Sony and toss it in, Apple doesnt need to furnish it...surely Sony has the Mac drivers...
  • Reply 13 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Ah ha! So you *have* given up on HD-DVD!

    To give up on HDDVD now is foolish, they are going to be the first to break the magic sub-$100 price, when that happens, and BR is still $400 minimum, the inurtia of customer purchases will force the hands of the studios...

    Remember when the studios didnt want DVD, they wanted this thing called "divx" not the codec, a crappy time-bombing disk that was only good for like 2 views...consumers bought DVD en mass and thus Divx died.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    To give up on HDDVD now is foolish, they are going to be the first to break the magic sub-$100 price, when that happens, and BR is still $400 minimum, the inurtia of customer purchases will force the hands of the studios...

    Remember when the studios didnt want DVD, they wanted this thing called "divx" not the codec, a crappy time-bombing disk that was only good for like 2 views...consumers bought DVD en mass and thus Divx died.

    Great, you can watch movies from one studio for another month or so then too. I'm all in. What a great investment.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Originally Posted by onlooker View Post

    Great, you can watch movies from one studio for another month or so then too. I'm all in. What a great investment.

    The Masses are the Asses...just go to walmart and watch the insanity that happens when they sell an HDDVD player for $99, it is a madhouse!

    The fact is, blueray players, writers, and media more expensive to produce, both physically and from a licensing standpoint

    Put a $99 HDDVD player that also plays and upscales SDDVDs next to a $499 Blueray device that doesnt play DVD, what is joe sixpack, you know, the blue collar guy who doesnt know or care about the format war, the kind of guy that buys what seems to be the best value, you know, the guy taking care of his family rather than feeding a gadget fetish, those are the people who will get the final say...at one point betamax had killed VHS...and we all know what happened in the long run...

    The first player to move 10 million units wins... as far as I know, none are even close, so we may as well be arguing over SACD verses DVD-A
  • Reply 16 of 20
    Originally Posted by Xool View Post

    Adopting Blu-Ray (or any other HD format) will require significant Hardware and Software changes

    No, it doesn't. I already play HD-DVDs on my 2Ghz MacBook Pro using the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive in Vista, and BluRay would just require the drive. The only things that Apple would need to do (beyond the software player) is make sure that all of their video cards and displays are HDCP compliant, and given that three out of five machines have internal displays, that shouldn't be a huge problem.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    jensonbjensonb Posts: 532member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    The Masses are the Asses...just go to walmart and watch the insanity that happens when they sell an HDDVD player for $99, it is a madhouse!

    The fact is, blueray players, writers, and media more expensive to produce, both physically and from a licensing standpoint

    Put a $99 HDDVD player that also plays and upscales SDDVDs next to a $499 Blueray device that doesnt play DVD, what is joe sixpack, you know, the blue collar guy who doesnt know or care about the format war, the kind of guy that buys what seems to be the best value, you know, the guy taking care of his family rather than feeding a gadget fetish, those are the people who will get the final say...at one point betamax had killed VHS...and we all know what happened in the long run...

    The first player to move 10 million units wins... as far as I know, none are even close, so we may as well be arguing over SACD verses DVD-A

    A $499 Blu-Ray (For goodness sake spell it right) player which doesn't play DVDs? You got fleeced. I payed £95 (About $186) for a Blu-Ray drive for my PC which plays DVDs just fine.



    Standalone Blu-Ray player which does play DVDs at $399. And I only checked Best Buy. I'm a Brit.

    Where you found/heard tell of anyone buying a $499 version which does not play DVDs I don't know, but apparently it's bull. Unless you're talking about some ancient model which doesn't exist any more, in which case you should probably not used the past to criticise the future.
  • Reply 18 of 20
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    Originally Posted by a_greer View Post

    ... a $499 Blueray device that doesnt play DVD, ...

    I understood the point you were making until you crashed and burned hard here.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    It's all good canadianmacguy. Since this battle is winding down it'll at least be good to see some good Blu-ray support in the next major version of DVD Studio Pro. Likely at NAB.

    We need full support for BD-Java.

    i think we'll be waiting longer than that, to be honest.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    Blu-ray is a great format for archival, back-up, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if there's soon a way for Time Machine to page-out 25/50GB chunks.
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