Safari Issue - no longer adds ".com" automatically



  • Reply 61 of 86
    gizmo-xlgizmo-xl Posts: 142member
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    One item that might help clear things up a bit for some.

    When referring to automatically adding ".com," I don't mean that Safari autofills ".com" in the address bar. What happens under Tiger is that I type in, for example "ibm" and then hit enter. Safari then pulls up This is not dependent on sites in my history or bookmarks.

    it used to be that i could type in foxnews, hit enter, and would pull up. Now, it doesn't do that any longer.

    i hope that is helpful.

    I understand exactly what you are saying this is how my Safari works but I did a upgrade from Tiger and not a clean install my version is Version 3.0.4 (5523.10.6)

    The only other thing I can recommend is for you to get a dmg of it from a working MAC and put it on your system and see if that fixes the problem. I am sure it relates to the plist files that are part of the package contents.
  • Reply 62 of 86
    My post was quite off-the-bat. I don't usually make personal attacks. I just get fed up with these threads involving trivial problems that can be solved with one little action. All you need to do is add a bookmark for that site, even if you only "occasionally" visit that particular site. I take it that you maintain bookmarks. I suggest that this feature be requested (re-requested?) at . You're probably not going to get it solved here without some workaround.
  • Reply 63 of 86
    Originally Posted by teedoff087 View Post

    My post was quite off-the-bat. I don't usually make personal attacks. I just get fed up with these threads involving trivial problems that can be solved with one little action. All you need to do is add a bookmark for that site, even if you only "occasionally" visit that particular site. I take it that you maintain bookmarks. I suggest that this feature be requested (re-requested?) at . You're probably not going to get it solved here without some workaround.

    Thanks for the retraction?

    If you want to apologize, just say so. The quoted post makes it sound like you feel like it was okay because you viewed this important issue as trivial. If the thread bothers you, the best thing is probably to not read or post. By the way, it is obvious by now that this is not solveable by one little action. changing DNS, even as helpful as OpenDNS is, is not a small configuration. It may be simple as far as inputting numbers goes, but not as far as the behind the scenes routing.

    as noted before, there is also a loss of privacy using that solution. while I am not worried about someone viewing the sites I visit, I still get "creeped out" by the way OpenDNS records everything. No thanks. I am comfortable with my ISP (and Homeland Security by default) doing that and that is as far as I am willing to go if I can help it.

    It is a major issue for me and quite a few others (just look at apple's Safari support forum). And I am not going to bookmark every site I visit. There are new ones all the time. As discussed earlier, a bookmark is not a solution. With Apple having so many web designers using their products, I would think the auto ".com" would be a major boon. It has been for me.

    There have been some helpful ideas tossed around in here. Even if apple does not listen, there are workarounds, but it is just something that should be there without hacking.

    Thanks for the link to Apple Feedback. The issue has already been communicated to Apple. I wonder how many times they have to hear it before they do anything.
  • Reply 64 of 86
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    One item that might help clear things up a bit for some.

    When referring to automatically adding ".com," I don't mean that Safari autofills ".com" in the address bar. What happens under Tiger is that I type in, for example "ibm" and then hit enter. Safari then pulls up This is not dependent on sites in my history or bookmarks.

    it used to be that i could type in foxnews, hit enter, and would pull up. Now, it doesn't do that any longer.

    i hope that is helpful.

    I think it is coming from the DNS server. If you watch, there is a half-second delay in Safari for it to change "chevron" to "".

    As far as 10.5.2 goes, I have stated that the automatic adding of the ".com" DOES work in 10.5.1 also, so it has nothing to do with 10.5.1.

    It is something on his install or with his DNS settings.
  • Reply 65 of 86
    russsrusss Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    It seems that upgrade and install keeps this from Safari, but a pure Leopard install leaves this out. I am wondering if there is a way to re-enable it or if it is just plain left out.

    Not true. I have a clean install of Leopard and Safari always adds the .com. I haven't typed www. or .com since the days of Internet Explorer for the Mac. (yes, IE Mac also worked this way).

    Lundy is right, something is most likely wrong with your install.
  • Reply 66 of 86
    Originally Posted by macgeek33 View Post

    I have the same problem, and i did an archive and install. In tiger i used to love not having to type .com. Now it takes me to a verizon search page.

    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I had a similar problem a few months back when Verizon started hyjacking non-resolvable domain names.

    My solution was to stop using the verizon DNS.

    The problem is most likely with your ISP and the DNS they provide. It is not with your machine. Did you change your ISP recently before you moved to Leopard? The way domain guessing and internet keywords work on Firefox must be similar to what Webkit / Safari does. The implementations fail if the ISP doesn't return the proper code for a failed page find. Some ISPs hijack these. IE7 doesn't do domain guessing or internet keywords, it passes the string as a phrase to your default search engine for autocompletion.
  • Reply 67 of 86
    cf29cf29 Posts: 1member
    I am not with Leopard but on Tiger with Safari Version 3.0.4 (523.12.2) but this may give an insight to the problem.

    If I use a proxy (Privoxy) typing only 'IBM' or 'adobe/type' as the address it brings me nowhere.

    If I disable the proxy Safari will auto complete to or to

    You may try with cf29, it is my web site (.com) and I guess you'd never been there.
  • Reply 68 of 86
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by talksense101 View Post

    The problem is most likely with your ISP and the DNS they provide. It is not with your machine.

    The problem is definately my ISP. That was the entire point of my post.

    Not that everyone's problem is their ISP instead of Leopard. But it is likely that at least some people experiencing similar problems are suffering from an ISP's DNS change that merely happened to coincide with the release of Leopard.
  • Reply 69 of 86
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    It was a problem with my ISP too and the way Leopard handles DNS now. I solved it by replacing my TimeWarner DNS servers with some open DNS servers: and
  • Reply 70 of 86
    The one i'm running is 5523.10.6
  • Reply 71 of 86
    Originally Posted by kcmac View Post

    I had never gone to AOL since Leopard. When I typed aol, I didn't get a .com after it.

    Worked for me. And I can assure everyone that I haven't gone to AOL before on this computer.

    Besides, you can tell when auto-complete is kicking in. The suggestions will appear below and the auto-completed portion will appear after your cursor highlighted. If you are just typing in a domain (e.g. 'aol') and seeing nothing, auto-complete is not kicking in.

    This may be associated with your Domain Name Server, which for most people will be decided by their ISP. There is something you can do about this, though. It is possible to choose a DNS as long as you have their settings.

    Try using Open DNS.

    It may fix the problem.

    Edit: I can see this was already suggested above. Good luck!
  • Reply 72 of 86
    i had this same thing happen recently. however, i have 3 computers in my house all running the same OS and version of Safari. but, only ONE suffered this issue. nothing was recently installed on the 'patient'

    as a previous poster pointed, i checked the search domains in network prefs. on the 'broken' machine, i saw that it was set to (my provider). for years this had worked. then, mysteriously yesterday it stopped searching common domains and simply pointed me to a yahoo search page.

    removing the search domain altogether fixed the problem immediately.

    this indicates that something changed at the ISP.

    the fact that you just did a clean install may just be coincidental. try deleting whatever search domain you have set (mine works fine left blank), or using opendns.

    good luck.
  • Reply 73 of 86
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post


    I just recieved Leopard for Christmas and I love it.

    However, one issue annoys me to no end:

    In Tiger, if I wanted to go to a web address that ends in ".com" all I had to do was type the domain name. No typing "www" at the beginning or ".com" at the end. This was enabled by default.

    After performing a clean (erase and install) install of Leopard, it appears that feature is gone. I cannot find it in Preferences.

    Can someone help me how to reinstate this useful and time-saving feature?

    I just bought a new iMac, came with a fresh install of 10.5. Exhibits the exact issue that you describe. My two other macs that are running Tiger still have this feature. Frustrating.

    In Network preferences (DNS tab), add a new search domain. Just for grins, I tried adding as a search domain. The feature was restored.

    Good luck....
  • Reply 74 of 86
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    I'm running the latest everything also and I don't have this issue with safari. It's always worked for me. Personally I would suggest the Apple forums. That's where most users complain about Apple problems. If this issue has ever happened to anyone else. You will find their posts there. Just go to the appropriate forum at Apple's discussion forums (probably safari Discussions) and search it. If it's happened, it's there. If there is a fix - it's there. Good Luck.
  • Reply 75 of 86
    eckingecking Posts: 1,588member
    Originally Posted by icfireball View Post

    If you type in: "" it doens't add the .com

    But if you type in just "aol" it adds the .com

    Could this possibly be the issue?

    You should never type aol.
  • Reply 76 of 86
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post


    I just recieved Leopard for Christmas and I love it.

    However, one issue annoys me to no end:

    In Tiger, if I wanted to go to a web address that ends in ".com" all I had to do was type the domain name. No typing "www" at the beginning or ".com" at the end. This was enabled by default.

    After performing a clean (erase and install) install of Leopard, it appears that feature is gone. I cannot find it in Preferences.

    Can someone help me how to reinstate this useful and time-saving feature?

    I am having the same issue. A couple of days ago, I spent 2 hours on the phone with apple support and they still couldn't fix the problem for me. I had 3 computers running Tiger and the adding of the .com automatically has always worked. My sister in law bought a refurbished macbook from the applestore with Leopard installed and I really liked it, so I bought one also. While waiting for the Macbook, I bought Leopard to upgrade 2 of the computers that I already own. The macboook arrived before the upgrade and out of the box with leopard pre-installed, the adding .com feature did not work. When Leopard arrived, I installed it on the 2 computers I was upgrading and the feature also did not work on them, but it still works on the computer that I left Tiger on. Apple had me try many things and none of them worked, at the end of the call they were certain it was a DNS issue, so I called my isp to verify the numbers, that wasn't it.

    My sister in law's macbook isn't having this issue, and we use the same isp, have the same DNS numbers, etc., we've compared all our settings. This is the one difference in our systems, I am using airport express and she is using a wireless router, so I am wondering if the problem is with airport. I downloaded an update to airport and it made no difference.

    Are you also using airport?
  • Reply 77 of 86
    9secondko9secondko Posts: 929member
    Originally Posted by cheryld View Post

    I am having the same issue. A couple of days ago, I spent 2 hours on the phone with apple support and they still couldn't fix the problem for me. I had 3 computers running Tiger and the adding of the .com automatically has always worked. My sister in law bought a refurbished macbook from the applestore with Leopard installed and I really liked it, so I bought one also. While waiting for the Macbook, I bought Leopard to upgrade 2 of the computers that I already own. The macboook arrived before the upgrade and out of the box with leopard pre-installed, the adding .com feature did not work. When Leopard arrived, I installed it on the 2 computers I was upgrading and the feature also did not work on them, but it still works on the computer that I left Tiger on. Apple had me try many things and none of them worked, at the end of the call they were certain it was a DNS issue, so I called my isp to verify the numbers, that wasn't it.

    My sister in law's macbook isn't having this issue, and we use the same isp, have the same DNS numbers, etc., we've compared all our settings. This is the one difference in our systems, I am using airport express and she is using a wireless router, so I am wondering if the problem is with airport. I downloaded an update to airport and it made no difference.

    Are you also using airport?

    Hi there.

    I am using a wireless connection, but my wireless router is from Linksys, not the Apple Airport router. Everything worked great before Leopard.

    I tried a couple of the suggestions that our fellow Mac owners have suggested to no avail.

    I hope you are able to fix the problem on your machines.
  • Reply 78 of 86
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post


    I just recieved Leopard for Christmas and I love it.

    However, one issue annoys me to no end:

    In Tiger, if I wanted to go to a web address that ends in ".com" all I had to do was type the domain name. No typing "www" at the beginning or ".com" at the end. This was enabled by default.

    After performing a clean (erase and install) install of Leopard, it appears that feature is gone. I cannot find it in Preferences.

    Can someone help me how to reinstate this useful and time-saving feature?

    I had the same problem, and took the advice of one of the other respondents on this thread by adding some open DNS servers: and

    Add them in the Systems Preferences>Network>DNS>DNS Servers pane.

    I don't know if this is the 'best', 'most secure' solution, but it works.
  • Reply 79 of 86
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    Hi there.

    I am using a wireless connection, but my wireless router is from Linksys, not the Apple Airport router. Everything worked great before Leopard.

    I tried a couple of the suggestions that our fellow Mac owners have suggested to no avail.

    I hope you are able to fix the problem on your machines.

    Thank you. I hope we are all able to fix our machines. This is the newest information that I've learned: I went to my sister in law's to compare all the network setting on my computer and hers, they are almost identical but since she uses a wireless router, she uses the ethernet choice, not airport, and so that window wasn't exactly the same. My sister in law is also using airport cards in her computers, the same ones that I have. You won't believe this, while I was at my sister in law's with my macbook, I thought I might as well access her wireless network and guess what, I could go to any web address and not have to type the .com., it added automatically. I tried about 20 addresses that I had never been to before and every one of them worked, I couldn't believe it. My brother's wireless network uses a belkin g router. I am going to buy one and see what happens.
  • Reply 80 of 86
    tjrowetjrowe Posts: 1member
    9secondko, I have had the same thing happen to me on two different, recently updated machines. The Tiger machine I have still works the way you remember just fine, the two Leopard machines, not so much. Both Leopard installs were archive installs.

    I have discovered that OmniWeb and iCab still work the way Safari used to in Tiger, which is a bit odd as they both use WebKit now, I believe.

    These Macs are all on the same wireless network (using Airport), exhibiting different behavior based on operating system version (when using Safari).
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