High-quality photos and notes on Apple's new MacBook Air



  • Reply 41 of 111
    wjhmhwjhmh Posts: 55member
    So who else thinks there will be overheating & cooling issues? Nice but too small for me.
  • Reply 42 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Tailpipe View Post

    I was very disappointed that the rest of the Mac laptop range was not updated.

    The other MacBook lines get updated about every six months, which is pretty decent. It might be a month, but it will come. The updates usually are about a month or two after there has been a chip update.
  • Reply 43 of 111
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by WJHMH View Post

    So who else thinks there will be overheating & cooling issues? Nice but too small for me.

    I do, I do.

    I'm quite surprised that the MacBook Air is the same size as the MacBook, only thinner. The bezel around the screen appears to be the same width. Apple should have put a high priority on reducing the width and depth a bit, even while using the same size LCD panel. But I guess thin is in, or at least Apple seems to think so.
  • Reply 44 of 111
    adjeiadjei Posts: 738member
    Simply beautiful, Apple leading the way as always, kudos to them.
  • Reply 45 of 111
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Black keyboard?
  • Reply 46 of 111
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Black keyboard?

    I personally dislike black keyboards but they look cooler with lighted letters. I suppose that's the reason for Apple's decision. Aluminum would look much nicer, like on the MBP.
  • Reply 47 of 111
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Two things to think about:

    1.) Maybe shallow DOF was used because it looks cool.

    2.) Maybe using smaller aperture and longer exposure would require a tripod and getting one of those out in the middle of a crowded floor at MacWorld isn't an option.

    I think it's too tight to look cool. It's unusual, and unusual in a way that I think detracts.

    The EXIF information is gone on those photos, so there's no info on the settings, but maybe kicking up ISO a notch or two and using a monopod probably would have gotten better results.
  • Reply 48 of 111
    i am torn between the MBP and MBA there is no real reason i would need the power of the MBP apart form the occational imovie. i would be carting it to and fro from school everyday so that points to the MBA.

    I held off getting a new laptop untill macworld because i thought they would update the MBP.

    I am using a PB g4 1.6 ghz.

    All macworld has done is complicate my decition.

    Does anyone know MBP or MBA??

  • Reply 49 of 111
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by Prometheus View Post

    i would be carting it to and fro from school everyday so that points to the MBA.

    I held off getting a new laptop untill macworld because i thought they would update the MBP.

    The light weight is Air's only real advantage. If you have a long walk to school, it might be worth it. Otherwise, MBP is a much better computer for $200 more, and MacBook is a better computer for much less.

    I would expect to see MBP updates before spring, but if I needed a portable computer now, I'd choose between MacBook and MacBook Pro.
  • Reply 50 of 111
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    The light weight is Air's only real advantage. If you have a long walk to school, it might be worth it. Otherwise, MBP is a much better computer for $200 more, and MacBook is a better computer for much less.

    I would expect to see MBP updates before spring, but if I needed a portable computer now, I'd choose between MacBook and MacBook Pro.

    The only prob is school goes back feb 5 and my PB is screwed and unusable.

    I usualy carry around three bags and getting a MBA would reduce that to 2.

    One question i had was if i plug in a usb external hdd and plug i firewire camera into that will it apear in imovie / final cut? I know it works with i firwire hard drive.

  • Reply 51 of 111
    eaieai Posts: 417member
    Originally Posted by iDave View Post

    I personally dislike black keyboards but they look cooler with lighted letters. I suppose that's the reason for Apple's decision. Aluminum would look much nicer, like on the MBP.

    The one thing I slightly dislike about my MacBook Pro is the keyboard. Not the feel, but the look. They just look a bit tacky. I'd prefer black I think, and I expect thats what the MacBook Pros will get with the next revision.
  • Reply 52 of 111
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by Prometheus View Post

    One question i had was if i plug in a usb external hdd and plug i firewire camera into that will it apear in imovie / final cut?

    Not exactly sure how you'd do that. I'm not sure what if anything video camera users can do with the Air. Most video cameras require a Firewire connection, I think.
  • Reply 53 of 111
    idaveidave Posts: 1,283member
    Originally Posted by eAi View Post

    The one thing I slightly dislike about my MacBook Pro is the keyboard. Not the feel, but the look. They just look a bit tacky. I'd prefer black I think, and I expect thats what the MacBook Pros will get with the next revision.

    I really like the white keys on my MacBook and my wireless desktop keyboard. Aluminum would be my second choice. Obviously just personal preference.
  • Reply 54 of 111
    The thing I don't get about the air is that damn .75" wide bezel around the screen. Apple could easily have cut the size down 1.5" by eliminating it.
  • Reply 55 of 111
    Originally Posted by Mr. H View Post

    Two things to think about:

    1.) Maybe shallow DOF was used because it looks cool.

    2.) Maybe using smaller aperture and longer exposure would require a tripod and getting one of those out in the middle of a crowded floor at MacWorld isn't an option.

    1) There's a time for shallow DOF and a time where it actually makes the photo less useful.

    2) That doesn't explain why even AI's (Kasper's?) studio (office) shots all use shallow DOF. It's almost as though the photographer doesn't know how to set the aperture to increase DOF. Also, even in Macworld, a flash could be used. I'd rather see a poorly lit flash shot of the product that shows the details than an ambient lit wide-open shot that narrows the DOF so much that the photo becomes next to useless.
  • Reply 56 of 111
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    The thing I don't get about the air is that damn .75" wide bezel around the screen. Apple could easily have cut the size down 1.5" by eliminating it.

    Ah, but the extra length and width lets them taper the sides down to a knife edge instead of being blunt like a MB or MBP.
  • Reply 57 of 111
    Originally Posted by IHateScreenNames View Post

    Since it lacks a removable battery does that mean we'll have problems bringing it on an airplane?

    i dont know about that.. but it does mean that you cannot use 2 batteries for a long trip....
  • Reply 58 of 111
    Obviously this laptop is designed to for easy to carry.. but did Mr. Jobs forget the simple stuff for road warriors? For a long trip, two batteries is almost a necessity. optical drive is another thing but i guess the usb one will have to do..

    no ethernet means that this laptop is only useful when you are traveling in the US.. some of us have to travel to other places where there is no wireless connection.



    easy to carry

    looks really nice!!!!

    plus all the mac goodies

    solid state is awesome

    its probably very quite with solid state


    is it really for traveling usage or for show while you travel?

    price... (needless to say...)

    no ethernet port

    is it sturdy enough that you wont break it in two? (well.. its very thin..)

    Recommendation: If i have a lot of money, i will buy without hesitation.. but then again.. is this a playing thing or a work horse (basically getting my work done) laptop? i guess depends on how you individually use a laptop
  • Reply 59 of 111
    Originally Posted by tonton View Post

    The thing I don't get about the air is that damn .75" wide bezel around the screen. Apple could easily have cut the size down 1.5" by eliminating it.

    if they cut down the size, they have to cut down battery life.. all that space is for the battery life (probably thicker too to maintain the same battery life)
  • Reply 60 of 111
    Originally Posted by Prometheus View Post

    i am torn between the MBP and MBA there is no real reason i would need the power of the MBP apart form the occational imovie. i would be carting it to and fro from school everyday so that points to the MBA.

    I held off getting a new laptop untill macworld because i thought they would update the MBP.

    I am using a PB g4 1.6 ghz.

    All macworld has done is complicate my decition.

    Does anyone know MBP or MBA??


    I would suggest MBP. why? its because u need the exercise... hahaha (Joking2) but seriously it depends on how u use it. For a long term goal and price, i would suggest MBP because apple has a bad track record when introducing innovative products. For example, remember the macbook problem with the heat sink, my iphone suddenly stop working... i had to replace it... (all free btw under free 1 year apple care ). It wouldnt be too much of a stretch if i expect a problem with the macbook air. But if you are willing to take a chance..

    Functionality, definitely go with MBP.. you cant go wrong with that. If this is your main laptop, you want functions.. not looks.

    honestly, Macbook air is all looks (If you have extra money, then you buy it)
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