I may have discovered the best solution of all for Copy & Paste, and it's simple!



  • Reply 21 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Define sucks?

    is imprecise and jumps around while i'm scanning with it.

    in the context of the copy/paste idea, i can't imagine using that to select text. it works nothing like a mouse -- which is the way i'm seeing people try to make it work in a copy/paste scenario. dragging to select is quick when you have a mouse. i still hate dragging on my trackpad. let's not make multitouch what it isn't: a mouse.

    i think it would be much quicker to at least have the choice of dropping start and stop points, much like dropping pins in google maps.

    it's nothing personal, i just really hope that copy/paste is not implemented in the way you have described. personally, i think the way i described would be easy to use, but i wouldn't use the word "simple" to describe it. i don't want my copy/paste options to be simple. i'd like to be able to quickly select non-continuous sections of a paragraph easily (for example, the first and third sentences of a paragraph.) i'd like to be able to copy multiple things to multiple clipboards.
  • Reply 22 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by dmber View Post

    is imprecise and jumps around while i'm scanning with it.

    Strange, I'm not having that trouble.

    Originally Posted by dmber View Post

    i don't want my copy/paste options to be simple.

    Are you a Mac user?

    As for multiple clipboards, not a hope in hell in getting that from Apple for the iPhone.
  • Reply 23 of 40
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Strange, I'm not having that trouble.

    Regardless of how any feature is implemented, some won't have trouble using it. What one person thinks is simple, quick, and easy, is not what two million people will immediately agree on. Deciding what new features are added and how they are used takes a lot of work. Most times you need a working version to figure out what works for the most people - with the least amount of instructions.

    No matter what they do, the moment Apple releases a way to use copy/paste on the iPhone, most people won't use it, let alone like it. After a while they start to get a feel for it and it becomes second nature. To match other iPhone features they have to figure out a "fun and easy" way to copy/paste. While the ideas posted in this topic can work, that doesn't mean any of them are actually "fun and easy" to use.

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Are you a Mac user?

    As for multiple clipboards, not a hope in hell in getting that from Apple for the iPhone.

    If not from Apple, a third party. The iPhone SDK is coming next month. That should give us plenty of ways to use copy/paste until Apple releases their version of it.
  • Reply 24 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Strange, I'm not having that trouble.

    Are you a Mac user?

    As for multiple clipboards, not a hope in hell in getting that from Apple for the iPhone.

    it's really not strange at all. the loupe isn't perfect, so it's totally normal for two people to have two different experiences with it. i've found it to be much less than desirable, while you haven't. nothing strange about that.

    i have been a mac user all my life.

    you still haven't touched on my idea.
  • Reply 25 of 40
    Please forgive my ignorance with Mac but I am a new user. I have seen the "light" but I am still trying to learn how to do some of the things I could do on my PC.

    I am trying to copy the current screen I am viewing to paste into a document. On the PC it is alt+print screen to copy to the clipboard, then I can paste.

    Is there a similar command available on the Mac? I am using OS X 10.4.11.
  • Reply 26 of 40
    Originally Posted by MacRookie View Post

    I am trying to copy the current screen I am viewing to paste into a document. On the PC it is alt+print screen to copy to the clipboard, then I can paste.

    Not the best place to ask this since this thread is about the iPhone but anyway...

    Go here: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/orei...t-secrets.html
  • Reply 27 of 40
    thttht Posts: 5,637member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    So after you enter select mode using this "secret gesture", how do you tell the iPhone to start copying at "this" point, and end at "this" point?

    If you say "using the loupe" then my method is obviously easier, i.e. better, as it wouldn't require any previous (secret) gesture. It would be simply loupe and hold, what could be simpler?

    I said: The loop is fairly imprecise (as one other poster said), and I was thinking that a smart select could be done. Such as a secret gesture to enter selection mode, than using single taps, double taps, and finger-down+pause+slide type inputs for the select. 2 finger pinch can also be used for zoom in/out. After that, the selection mode commands (copy-to-clipboard, email, SMS, delete, etc.) can be invoked.

    I was being facetious about "secret", but the point was a gesture to enter selection mode such as 2 or 3 finger "S" or even an onscreen button if it is really common. Once you are in selection mode, the rules changes for the screen. A single finger touch and slide doesn't slide anymore. Double tap doesn't zoom anymore. Pinch zoom still does however. For a smart select type of thing, a single tap selects a word or URL or image or embedded document. A double/triple tap selects a sentence or paragraph. Finger-down+pause+slide can do a finer grained selection. Non-contiguous selection in lists could be just a facet of selection mode when in a list view. Then to get out of it, there could be an action button somewhere. The action button would invoke large buttons for clipboard actions (save, select, delete, cut, copy, email, search in web, compute, dictionary, ie "services", etc.)

    I think it would have been simpler if Apple just used a single touch for selecting (plus move selected object) while reserving two finger touches for moving pages/screens and scrolling. I can definitely see why they went with 1-touch to move the page/list and stuff though. It's very natural, but it put them in a box for move complex usages where selection is required. This was the one big UI mistake I thought they made with the iPhone UI. One touch scrolling is great, but it put them in a box for future uses.

    For a consistent gesture interface, they effectively have to re-educate and remarket the iPhone. Single touch gestures perform selection activities (and button presses and such). 2 touch gestures due rotations, zooming, scrolling. 3 touch gestures, well those are secret. 2 fingers for scrolling and moving isn't as natural as 1 finger, but it doesn't leave them in this non-editing box when they want to expand the functionality of the device into a more computer-centric (editing, creating something) device as oppose to a media consuming one.

    Either that or just have a limited copy-paste functionality like text only.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    There was a funny video created last year that demoed a 'proof of concept' iPhone copy & paste system. About 2-3 weeks before that video was published I had started a thread here describing what I thought would be a good UI for copy & paste (delete, cut) etc. I basically said something similar to what happened in that video - only in my version the second finger was kept held down while the user dragged the iPhone text-loupe to the end point.

    Although the video was funny, I found my idea of the copy & paste implementation to be more of an Apple-like procedure. I thought his solution required "at least" one too many taps. In my version the user would position the loupe at the starting point, add a second finger and drag "both" fingers to the end point. The iPhone's multi-touch would allow the loupe to stay positioned under the first finger while noting the addition of the second (two fingers means copy & paste time). When the user got to the ending point they would lift both fingers and the clipboard options would pop up. Choose an option and boom, it's that [Steve] simple!

    I have since been asking myself the question; "If Apple went with either of these methods couldn't users keep accidentally tapping or touching a second finger, and thus this "feature" would keep annoying the crap out of them?" My solution to this "inevitable problem" was to turn Copy & Paste off by default and let the demo guy on Apple.com explain the feature and inform people to switch it on in Preferences. That just adds more complications though, and perhaps users would still keep on enabling the feature accidentally while simply positioning the loupe? I think they would.

    To make a long(er) story short(er): I have a new and improved solution.

    Position loupe at your chosen start-point, hold there for about 1.5 seconds (they could perfect the appropriate holding-time) at which point the text selector changes color from blue (to green or red), then the user drags newly colored text selector to the end-point, they then lift their "finger" and the clipboard options appear. Easy peasy Japanesy!!!

    Only one finger required, and it's in a way similar to the way one can now edit the "Home Screen".

    I am quite convinced Apple are working on Copy & Paste for iPhone, and I think this would be the most easy to use and simplest implementation they could choose. I have just sent this as feedback to Apple. I hope you guys can take a few moments to send it to them also. Cheers!

    I think that is an excellent way to do it. However, Apple will probably do something different just because this is posted to the public. I hope they go with your idea though. Very good. I know I would appreciate that solution. It is a pain not having it, but otherwise, the iPhone is awesome.
  • Reply 29 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by 9secondko View Post

    I think that is an excellent way to do it. However, Apple will probably do something different just because this is posted to the public. I hope they go with your idea though. Very good. I know I would appreciate that solution. It is a pain not having it, but otherwise, the iPhone is awesome.

    I knew someone would eventually like it.
  • Reply 30 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    so i've read over your idea multiple times and i seem to be missing how exactly to paste. if seems like copy is pretty easy (although simplistic in its options) but i'm not sure i understand how to paste. i have to hold down for another second and a half to paste something? i would say that only about half of my pasting comes right after copying. there are also many times where i want to paste something multiple times.

    i think your idea could be implemented as an option in the keyboard settings as "simple editing" or something (note that i'm not using simple as a put-down) then i would like to see my idea as an option as "expanded editing".

    how's that for idea-compromise, ireland?
  • Reply 31 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by dmber View Post

    so i've read over your idea multiple times and i seem to be missing how exactly to paste. if seems like copy is pretty easy (although simplistic in its options) but i'm not sure i understand how to paste. i have to hold down for another second and a half to paste something? i would say that only about half of my pasting comes right after copying. there are also many times where i want to paste something multiple times.

    Pasting? Ok

    Bring up the loupe, hold for 1.5 seconds, loupe turns green (or another color), don't drag loupe just leave go, choose paste from the pop-up options, done.

    Wanna paste again, do that again.
  • Reply 32 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    ya i figured. see, the reason i don't like using the loupe like that is as i said before, the loupe has proven to be very imprecise for me. it rarely zooms in on what i'm looking for it to zoom in on. i see myself having to pull up the loupe, move it to where i actually want to start selecting, wait a second and a half, then start selecting. that process could take as little as 2-3 seconds, at most 3-5. now, i realize this is all based on each person's "ability" with the loupe, but i am definitely not impressed by it so far. i would hate for it to start selecting where i don't want it to and have to start the whole process over again, but i can totally see that being the case.

    now, if i had to put money on which way i think copy/paste will be implemented it would be on your way. it's a natural progression from what we have going on currently and probably how the majority of us figured copy/paste would end up being implemented before reading this thread -- i know i did. i'm just holding out hope for an "advanced" editing system. at least the option of it.
  • Reply 33 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by dmber View Post

    ya i figured. see, the reason i don't like using the loupe like that is as i said before, the loupe has proven to be very imprecise for me. it rarely zooms in on what i'm looking for it to zoom in on.

    I don't mean to seem offensive here, I'm being sincere.. I think your problem with the not being good with the loupe is the fact that you aren't used to it. The iPhone is a new creature, doing a similar action on the mouse is easier, but you've used a mouse "for years". Use the iPhone UI on a 11" tablet screen for 6 months and I guarantee you'll get my thinking on this loupe thing. It's not too easy so it will "never" happen accidentally, yet I and others I know (Chris Pirillo etc.) seems to get what I'm saying here. For the record I seem to be good will the loupe, but I was always quick to take up things.
  • Reply 34 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    I don't mean to seem offensive here, I'm being sincere.. I think your problem with the not being good with the loupe is the fact that you aren't used to it. The iPhone is a new creature, doing a similar action on the mouse is easier, but you've used a mouse "for years". Use the iPhone UI on a 11" tablet screen for 6 months and I guarantee you'll get my thinking on this loupe thing. It's not too easy so it will "never" happen accidentally, yet I and others I know (Chris Pirillo etc.) seems to get what I'm saying here. For the record I seem to be good will the loupe, but I was always quick to take up things.

    i've used only a trackpad for going on three years now. i'm good with my fingers. it's not me. it's the loupe. it's too imprecise to trust with something as essential as copy/paste -- imho.

    what this all comes down to is the seeming lack of a contextual menu on the iphone. the thing is, there's the perfect opportunity for an editing context menu in the fact that the keyboard is completely contextually based. i would much rather take the same amount of time to get 10x the features by changing the keyboard itself. why only give me the simplistic options of "copy" and "paste" if i can easily do what i laid out earlier: changing the keyboard to editing buttons when you're editing. look at the big deal that is made out of the optimus maximus keyboard. same thing with the iphone keyboard. i could copy little snippets out of a paragraph with just a few clicks instead of a copy/paste, copy/paste, copy/paste labor.

    as i have said, i think your idea is the way this will be implemented. but i do not think it is the best or even easiest way. it is definitely the apple way though. why would i want a qwerty-keyboard taking up half my screen if i'm doing editing? i wouldn't. no one would. the only reason we do is we're not used to a context-based keyboard.

    may as well agree to disagree at this point. i just hope apple doesn't lay up, which is what i see the loupe-method as. there is so much more available with multi-touch than this.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    dmberdmber Posts: 204member
    one last quick example. it's the same reason i have to keep a webclip to weather.com's iphone page on my homescreen. the weather widget apple provides give me no info. i can look out my window and get the same info that widget tells me. but it looks pretty and it's quick and easy. i love the first thing, but don't need the last two. i want to know what the forecast is. i want to know what is coming up, not what is going on. it's the same with what i'm saying about copy/paste. it'd be easy to put a band-aid on it and give me the bare essentials. but that's not what i want.

    hopefully something in the SDK will let me do what i'm talking about.
  • Reply 36 of 40
    danukdanuk Posts: 31member
    I like the COPY function. Simple. Very in keeping with iPhone and evolving complex functionality.

    PASTE seems a bit lacking in ease-of-use. Apple will try and avoid a pop-up menu IMO.

    Nice creativity nontheless, Ireland.
  • Reply 37 of 40
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I too have problems with the loop. It doesn't appear if your finger is slightly too high or too low on the line of text. Did I mention my fingers are huge? Not that the loop is the wrong way to do it. Just pointing out that some users are frequently frustrated by it.

    Hopefully Apple can come up with an elegant and obvious solution that has little negative impact on other functionality. Home screen editing is an example of an interaction technique that ended up being worth the wait. If they'd just jumped ahead and implemented everything, we would have likely ended up with a worse solution. Probably it would have been a customize button that invoked a special customization screen. Once such a feature is implemented, it is nearly impossible for OS vendors to remove the feature. Thus I'm in favor of being patient even if it means no CCP for another year or so.
  • Reply 38 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by dfiler View Post

    I too have problems with the loop. It doesn't appear if your finger is slightly too high or too low on the line of text. Did I mention my fingers are huge?

    Having big fingers should really make no difference, it pops up at the centre point no matter how large your fingers are.
  • Reply 39 of 40
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by DanUK View Post

    I like the COPY function. Simple. Very in keeping with iPhone and evolving complex functionality.

    PASTE seems a bit lacking in ease-of-use. Apple will try and avoid a pop-up menu IMO.

    Nice creativity nontheless, Ireland.


    I think you may have misunderstood me though, "Copy" has a pop up menu too. For Copy, Cut, Delete, Select All, Cancel etc. They both do. Pop-up menus on the iPhone are nothing new, Google Maps has that. If your search is not specific enough a pop-up appears with a few options to choose from. A, b c or d etc. This would be no different, just instead of choosing a place from the list presented you choosing an action.
  • Reply 40 of 40
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Having big fingers should really make no difference, it pops up at the centre point no matter how large your fingers are.

    A nice theoretical assertion. But in real usage, finger size does matter.

    Large fingers make it difficult by obscuring more of the screen. So if using my thumbs, I can't see any part of the word i'm attempting to position the loop/cursor in.

    Also, if a digit is slightly tilted or rolled to one side when touching the screen, large fingers make the change in cursor position larger.

    Certainly the iPhone is still perfectly usable. Just don't be so quick to discount finger size as having an affect on usability. If everyone had larger or smaller fingers, Apple would have made the interface larger or smaller to match. The reasons for doing so would have been exactly what was mentioned above.
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