Report: Apple cuts iPod, iPhone, and MacBook orders



  • Reply 41 of 70
    Originally Posted by echosonic View Post

    Yeah, I'm sure ole' Craig isn't some shill trying to drive the price even lower.

    These fkkkers ought to have their asses removed. At the very least they should be forced to disclose their sources if they're going to be putting out public information that manipulates the free market.

    ESPECIALLY when that information turns out to be bullshit.

    I don't particularly believe the report-there could be several reasons why they could be cutting back on orders from particular suppliers. But the share price of Apple stock has been wildly overinflated the past year or so and is finally coming back down to earth. Not a bad thing at all unless you're one of the people who bought in at $190 thinking it was going to go to $250 after this years MacWorld Keynote. Even a blind squirrel would have sense enough to skip that rotten nut.
  • Reply 42 of 70
    here's an ad hoc economic indicator: when appleinsider comments descend into angry debates like this one, the economy must actually be deep in turdville. perhaps deeper than we realize. because why else would anyone bother?

    i leave it to someone else to calculate what that means for sales of ipod touches.

    me, i just want my Airport Extreme and external hard disk to work with Time Machine. seriously.
  • Reply 43 of 70
    Originally Posted by Clive At Five View Post

    Not saying I support either the war or Pres. Bush, but if I remember correctly, war spending is a stimulus to the economy. In fact, I distinctly remember learning that WWII greatly helped us leap out of the great depression.

    I can only imagine how bad things would be right now if we WEREN'T spending millions a day on Iraq.

    Again, not a justification for war, obviously. Just an economic comment.


    I'm afraid this war isn't anything close to WW II. The USA isn't deploying 14 million soldiers and running armament factories 24X7 to turn out enough planes, tanks and bullets. It's one of the reasons why the anti-war protests and sentiment hasn't really gained any traction nationally. It hasn't affected enough people enough to really get them mad enough to do something about it.
  • Reply 44 of 70
    Originally Posted by airportextreme View Post

    here's an ad hoc economic indicator: when appleinsider comments descend into angry debates like this one, the economy must actually be deep in turdville. perhaps deeper than we realize. because why else would anyone bother?

    i leave it to someone else to calculate what that means for sales of ipod touches.

    me, i just want my Airport Extreme and external hard disk to work with Time Machine. seriously.

    It's on my mind a lot because every night, after I fall asleep, Hillary Clinton is sneaking into my bedroom and whispering into my ear that I should be afraid, VERY AFRAID, of what will happen if Mike Huckabee is elected president.
  • Reply 45 of 70
    Originally Posted by night9hawk View Post

    It's on my mind a lot because every night, after I fall asleep, Hillary Clinton is sneaking into my bedroom and whispering into my ear that I should be afraid, VERY AFRAID, of what will happen if Mike Huckabee is elected president. post of the night!! Seriously that was funny!
  • Reply 46 of 70
    Originally Posted by night9hawk View Post

    ... what will happen if Mike Huckabee is elected president.

    how would a huckabee presidency affect apple parts orders?

    my point: it's interesting that a post about a ho-hum analyst report flamed into a political exchange. worries me (for reasons noted earlier).
  • Reply 47 of 70
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Maybe that money is better spent fixing bridges, levees, highways, better fund the NIH, NSF and other non-destructive things.

    The World Trade Center, the surrounding buildings, and the airplanes - all "non-destructive things" holding or carrying innocent people - were "fixed" by religious fanatics all earning their final Islamic merit badges on their way to an orgy with 72 virgins (hopefully they all look like Rosie O'Donald). Going after those bastards in Afghanistan and baiting them to fight us in Iraq (where they're getting their asses kicked, for those not keeping up on current events) is money well spent. Just another point of view from someone who is tired of the rest of the world turing inward, wondering what we did to make them mad at us, thinking that diplomacy is the end-all be-all solution to world peace regardless of who we are dealing with, etc.

    And at to Apple's recent stock drop and all of the pissed-off investors, if you truly believe that someone is manipulating the stock down with rumors and such, then sell your other investments, borrow money and mortgage your home and buy AAPL because it is on sale!
  • Reply 48 of 70
    Originally Posted by night9hawk View Post

    It's on my mind a lot because every night, after I fall asleep, Hillary Clinton is sneaking into my bedroom and whispering into my ear that I should be afraid, VERY AFRAID, of what will happen if Mike Huckabee is elected president.

    Even as some who tends to vote on the conservative side of things, I pray that Huckabee does not get the nomination. The last thing we need is four more years of a far-right rich hick.

    McCain is the Republican's best shot at winning the presidency, despite his stance on Iraq. Plus he's a lot looser on his social policies than most Republicans, which I happen to think is awesome.

    I don't know who I'm voting for though, BTW.

  • Reply 49 of 70
    citycity Posts: 522member
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    For bringing us both 1984 and 1929!!

    Recession is just a euphemism for what our chump-in-charge has got us hurtling toward: a Depression!

    Between the runaway spending on our permanent war and the irresponsible borrowing our government is indulging in and the sub-prime lending schemes created by Bush's cronies (and, of course, winked at by the "regulators" who are paid to sleep at the switch), it was only a matter of time before it all came crashing down.

    Hopefully, President Cheney and his lapdog, Bush, will go when there time comes (January 20, 2009; 12 noon) and not declare martial law as they nuke Iran.

    I predict hard times for a while, but if we can survive, America can come out better than ever.

    I can't wait to see how the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Savages, Coulters and the rest of those scumbags handle an Obama Presidency with a Hillary Clinton Cheney-esque Vice Presidency. He'll run the nice government and she'll quietly run the shadow government that sticks it to the Enemies of the State! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

    I am not sure you're on point, but I agree. Encouraging home equity and credit card debt is more then a ?sub-prime issue?. You can make payments by barrowing more for while, but eventually the pyramid collapses. The Republicans are hoping to delay that day with little success. Lots of people can?t just put their new laptop on their card anymore.
  • Reply 50 of 70
    zanshinzanshin Posts: 350member
    Originally Posted by night9hawk View Post

    It's on my mind a lot because every night, after I fall asleep, Hillary Clinton is sneaking into my bedroom and whispering into my ear that I should be afraid, VERY AFRAID, of what will happen if Mike Huckabee is elected president.

    There's been a long list of evangelical "holier than thous" held in high esteem until they slip up cheating on taxes, slipping off with hookers, or just plain old "hand in the cookie jar" theft and fraud. Then again, not every man of God is an asshole. But I can think of at least one former Governor of Arkansas I wouldn't believe (didn't have sex with that woman) no matter how many Bibles he swore on, so Mike's already on my "watch out for" list.

    I'm beginning to think we'd be better off to appoint people to Congress like jury duty. We'd pay 'em the same, sequester them from outside interests, not let them leave until they come to an agreement. As for president, we could have a reality show like American Idol instead of campaigns and elections. Get some real use out of them. Or maybe hire politicians like The Apprentice. We put several on a team and give them an assignment, say, come up with a workable Health Care plan.

    Nothing will come of it (just like nothing came of Republicans promising to fix Social Security or Tort Reform for the last 4-8 years) but it will be great fun having The Donald tell 'em to take a hike... and not a pay hike, for once.
  • Reply 51 of 70
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Yeah the extremist Muslims did 911. Just like the great depression of '29 was not an inside job. Yeah that's it. Hello! Wake up fool.
  • Reply 52 of 70
    Wow, what a thread lol.

    This news doesn't surprise me at all and neither does the drop in AAPL. Apple is more of a luxury brand- you can get similar things cheaper if you need to and when people's pocketbooks are getting thinner in this waning economy cheaper is climbing their lists. Just look at the MBA- it is a perfect example of something that would probably sell pretty well if everyone had plenty of money to burn but when things get tight the MBA isn't a necessity and sales will suffer.
  • Reply 53 of 70
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member

    Nevertheless, shares of the electronics maker closed down $7.36 or 5.69 percent to $122.00 on the Nasdaq stock market.

    Apple is run by a tyrannical, irrational CEO who doesn't have what it takes to study beyond high school.

    What else did you expect with overpriced products, outdated parts, a demented obsession for thinness in iMacs, MacBook Airs and iPods, and a looming recession?

    Really, did you expect anything else?

    You should have sold your shares when the price was high or better, do like most investors, not touch a company which is so badly mismanaged. You'll know better next time.

  • Reply 54 of 70
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    Thats what happens to the economy when "analysts" try to understand engineering decisions. I think Apple might have reduced these orders to prepare for new major products update specially that we did not hear anything about MacBook and iPhone/Touch hardware upgrades in Macworld. Just like what Apple did last year with the iMac.

    Researchers and analysts are messing up the economy by trying to tell people what to do with their money.


    We have new MacBooks and MacBook Pros and iMacs coming out this year. Some sooner than later. And I have a feeling we might see a form redesign on the rest of the laptop line.

    iPhone/iPod Touch SDK should be out by the end of this month. Will Apple stay with an ARM processor or move to the more powerful Silverthorne? They've already branded the devices as a solid mobile internet platform. I expect these devices to be the convergence devices that will actually take hold. PDAs and UMPCs haven't received the widest adoption, but with the slow and crafty transformation of the iPod line from a simple music player into a music/phone/internet/application platform, I think it will succeed.

    All this stuff means possibly changing chips used, changing device bodies, changing manufacturers for new products. Analysts can't possibly know for sure why orders are down, especially after Apple had it's best quarter ever recently!
  • Reply 55 of 70
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    Maybe for now. But last quarter's job growth was something like 12,000 jobs for the entire US.

    There were jobs lost in January 08, when there were gains in the previous four years. A net 17,000 jobs lost in January.

    Yes, maybe the unemployment rate will SKYROCKET up to 5.2%!
  • Reply 56 of 70
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Apple is run by a tyrannical, irrational CEO who doesn't have what it takes to study beyond high school.

    Bill Gates quit college too. In fact a lot of the most brilliant businesspeople in the world simply do not have anything to learn from institutionalized education.
  • Reply 57 of 70
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Yes, maybe the unemployment rate will SKYROCKET up to 5.2%!

    Unemployment rate is good now, but if there's a job decline each month, or paltry job growth for too long, it can become a problem.

    Also, the unemployment rate doesn't necessarily tell the whole story.
  • Reply 58 of 70
    Awesome post.

    Originally Posted by McDave View Post


    knock knock!

    It's The-Rest-Of-The-World here. Y'know us foreigners who make up half of your market & who's dollars are stronger than ever. We all want to look after our own first but Apple's US-centricity is choking itself.

    Get the iPhones & full iTunes services out there and stop dipping toes. Not that it'll solve any financial issues but AppleTV could still be the first HiDef set top box in NZ!

    MS & Amazon have got it - where's Apple?

  • Reply 59 of 70
    What? Real baseline growth in PC market share. Ownership of the MP3 player space. Seventy percent share of worldwide online digital music sales. $12+ billion in cash on hand.

    And then tying it to a looming recession? Thick computers and fat iPods sell better in a recession?

    I think AAPL is better prepared for a downturn than other tech companies because they have fat margins that can be trimmed and a pile of cash to secure favorable parts deals, invest in R&D, and a whole host of other things.

    And regarding Jobs; like him or not, he's outperformed everyone *I* know, and likely the same for you. Your application of the high school yard stick may be, um, wrong.

    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Apple is run by a tyrannical, irrational CEO who doesn't have what it takes to study beyond high school.

    What else did you expect with overpriced products, outdated parts, a demented obsession for thinness in iMacs, MacBook Airs and iPods, and a looming recession?

    Really, did you expect anything else?

    You should have sold your shares when the price was high or better, do like most investors, not touch a company which is so badly mismanaged. You'll know better next time.

  • Reply 60 of 70
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Yeah. Another foreigner here. You USA-ians who don't want the Apple stuff, please send it to Asia ASAP. I have a ton of customers waiting for 2GB RAM upgrades, MacBookAir out the wazoo, MacBook Black, iMac 20" 2.0ghz, not to mention latest sexay iPhone 16GB, iPod Touch 32GB, and AppleTV and Time Capsule!

    Send it over here please. We may be teh ignorant underdeveloped countries but we can afford more Apple stuff now. Because teh China and India pay us more now for whatever the hell it is here in South East Asia we are selling to teh China.

    Originally Posted by tonton

    Bill Gates quit college too. In fact a lot of the most brilliant businesspeople in the world simply do not have anything to learn from institutionalized education.

    Agreed, mostly. I feel most successful businesspeople now that do have basic university degrees, usually do it to step into the working world and gradually take off on their own from there.

    Those with MBAs, normally don't do anything fantastic though.

    ...MBA does not stand for MacBookAir, BTW
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