Apple releases Mac OS X 10.5.2 Update



  • Reply 41 of 197
    gdoggdog Posts: 224member
    go to .... system prefs .. desktop ... on bottom
  • Reply 42 of 197
    Originally Posted by WIJG View Post

    Not me. But I bet it's fairly easy to do through the command line if you Google it,

    I was using an app called 'Leopaque' I can't remember where I got it from, I'm sure google can help but it sounds like this update will 'fix' the translucent menu
  • Reply 43 of 197
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Downloaded the Combo update from Apple's site. 343mb

    No mention of the installer being for PPC or Universal.

    The security update must be included, because after install, I ran Software Update and only the graphics update was listed.

    Anyways, everything went well.

    After initial boot, the grey screen crunched away for a while, then rebooted itself.

    Graphic update went well.


    Dual 2ghz G5 ? 4.5g ram ? ATI X800 video
  • Reply 44 of 197
    Leopard is universal thats why there is no mention of a PPC version
  • Reply 45 of 197
    Installed just a few minutes ago on MBP 2.33. Beware that install takes a long time and appears to hang on "patching files", but ride it out, eventually it finishes and then restarts twice before going back to desktop.

    Things actually seem snappier to me, but it might be psychosomatic. I really hope that the airport kernel panics where really fixed as the changelog states.

    Happy Hunting!
  • Reply 46 of 197
    after installing updates Time Machine doesn't even act normally. I got "preparing" for 15 minutes.
  • Reply 47 of 197
    Anyone have the problem of jerky windows, dissapearing windows when they are moved around, slow jerky grid and fan movements? I'm on a 24" aluminum iMac.

  • Reply 48 of 197
    They fixed the auto-reply bug, so now it actually uses the correct auto reply text, Yeah!

    The stacks update is great, haven't played with much else yet, but no problems so far on two machines, an iMac and a MacBook Pro.
  • Reply 49 of 197
    i'm still very puzzled that apple still hasn't provide raw file support for the Ricoh GX100 camera.

    it doesn't make sense that apple is still leaving this raw file support out for so long. pity.

    anyway, installation appears to have gone without any hints of hidden problems. however, my wacom table driver keeps crashing so i uninstalled the driver until i hear more about this other users' encounter.
  • Reply 50 of 197
    phizzphizz Posts: 142member
    24-inch Alu iMac

    All fine for me. First restart was slow but all subsequent restarts were snappy as usual. I like the new dropdown transparency and stacks options, and appreciate that Mail doesn't crash anymore (didn't even realise it was a GrowlMail problem!). OS does not feel more sluggish to me as some people suggest - feels just the same.

    Also, the Photoshop text input issues now seem to be fixed (hooray!), although it didn't fix the "blank palettes until you click on them" and the annoyingly offset slider handles (neither of which is a major issue anyway).

    The other last thing I was hoping it would fix (but didn't) is the Get Info box for right-docked to-do items in iCal going off the screen (when the iCal window is near the right of the screen) instead of coming out to the left. Oh well.
  • Reply 51 of 197
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Originally Posted by Kevinneal View Post

    Leopard is universal thats why there is no mention of a PPC version

    That I knew, however, if the combo has the update for Security, and there are 2 versions for the security update, the combo must have both.

  • Reply 52 of 197
    Originally Posted by danielchow View Post

    i'm still very puzzled that apple still hasn't provide raw file support for the Ricoh GX100 camera.

    it doesn't make sense that apple is still leaving this raw file support out for so long. pity.

    anyway, installation appears to have gone without any hints of hidden problems. however, my wacom table driver keeps crashing so i uninstalled the driver until i hear more about this other users' encounter.

    I would guess it might be because Ricoh won't let them for one reason or another. Maybe licensing issues. I would contact Ricoh and voice your support of them working with Apple on this matter.

  • Reply 53 of 197
    akacakac Posts: 512member
    Originally Posted by iamjustin View Post

    after installing updates Time Machine doesn't even act normally. I got "preparing" for 15 minutes.

    This is probably since so much has changed, its now having to prepare a massive TM backup. Sounds normal to me.
  • Reply 54 of 197
    Originally Posted by iamjustin View Post

    after installing updates Time Machine doesn't even act normally. I got "preparing" for 15 minutes.

    I had the long "prepare" time, but worse, in the backup, it's measuring it in kb's! Yup, an hour goes by and it's only done 73 kbs. Weird. I tried other drives... same result. Double weird.
  • Reply 55 of 197
    The icon in spotlight is still wrong. When they switch to leopard they gave spotlight a big magnifying glass. If you go under Prefs/spotlight you'll see they still have the old icon there.
  • Reply 56 of 197
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    I had the long "prepare" time, but worse, in the backup, it's measuring it in kb's! Yup, an hour goes by and it's only done 73 kbs. Weird. I tried other drives... same result. Double weird.

    Okay, for no apparent reason it's decided to go back to normal speed (on all drives). Triple weird... but better than being slow. Go figure.
  • Reply 57 of 197
    Originally Posted by mzaslove View Post

    I had the long "prepare" time, but worse, in the backup, it's measuring it in kb's! Yup, an hour goes by and it's only done 73 kbs. Weird. I tried other drives... same result. Double weird.

    Time machine took about 10 minutes to prepare then had a 1.3GB back up to do! seems to be running normal speed though

    Havent tested mail yet to see if the smtp problem is fixed
  • Reply 58 of 197
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    If you are having issues do a warm restart. If that doesn't resolve it then reinstall the update from Apple download support site. Once it boots all the way up do another warm restart. If that doesn't work, then worry!
  • Reply 59 of 197
    Everything seems to be working correctly for me after a few snags with the update.

    1. iMac G5 -- locked up during the reboot process; had to hold down the power button to turn off the computer. Weird thing happened when I did this. The white light indicating power was on turned off after holding down the power button for 5 seconds or so. I let up the power button only to find the white screen still on with a spinning circle at the bottom of the screen. Finally, I held down the power button again and it turned off. Turned it back on and it booted without problem and installed the graphics update and rebooted, again without a problem. Everything seems to be working ok.

    2. MacBook -- no problems with installation. After both updates (10.5.2, graphics update) installed, I noticed my iDisk didn't show up. So when I found it in the sidebar of the finder menu, I double clicked it. It immediately archived my iDisk and I got an error that the iDisk wasn't available. Opened up the preferences menu and found that .Mac sync'ing was turned off and iDisk sync'ing was also turned off. Back to my Mac which was previously turned off was now turned on. Weird. After a quick fix of all the settings, everything seems to be working correctly now.
  • Reply 60 of 197
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
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