SQL Server client for Leopard

in Mac Software edited January 2014
Hey guys! I'm looking for software I can use to access an MS SQL Server database from OS X Leopard. I saw that FileMaker Pro can do it, but $300 is a good deal more than I was looking to spend, especially since the SQL Server client is the only portion of the software I'm really interested in. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • Reply 1 of 9
    I've looked around the net with the same question but couldn't find anything, so now I'm stuck using MS access under parallels which sucks big time.

    But I guess these are the little annoyances of being a Mac user working in a big MS only organisation
  • Reply 2 of 9
    Originally Posted by dutch pear View Post

    I've looked around the net with the same question but couldn't find anything, so now I'm stuck using MS access under parallels which sucks big time.

    But I guess these are the little annoyances of being a Mac user working in a big MS only organisation

    That's a shame. Hmm, maybe a chance to get in to Mac software development and make some money! As long as you're stuck in Windows, you might want to try downloading SQL Server Management Studio 2005 Express from Microsoft. It's a mouthful, but It's free, and I at least find it to be a much better piece of software than Access.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    Actual Technologies offers products for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server and Access databases, but it does it from within either Excel or FileMaker Pro for only $29.95 if you are interested. You can even go to Apple Downloads and get it there if you want.

    Open Link Software looks like it might have what you are looking for and their FAQ: ODBC on the Mac is worth reading.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    Oracle SQL Developer can connect to SQLServer databases. You will need to download a custom JDBC driver for it to work with SQLServer, but it's pretty robust.

    It's a very nifty tool and I use it at work all the time. Looks like there is a Mac version available (it's a Java app).

    Oh, and it's free
  • Reply 5 of 9
    Originally Posted by yama View Post

    Oracle SQL Developer can connect to SQLServer databases. You will need to download a custom JDBC driver for it to work with SQLServer, but it's pretty robust.

    It's a very nifty tool and I use it at work all the time. Looks like there is a Mac version available (it's a Java app).

    Oh, and it's free

    Thanks for the links! Unfortunately, I can't quite get it to work. When I go to connect to a database, I have a tab for connecting to SQLServer (not sure if that was there by default or not, but it's there now). However, when I click "Test," I get the error "Unable to find driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver." The instructions said I'm supposed to put the jtds jar file in the java classpath for the client, but I'm not sure what jar is actually launching Oracle SQL Developer, and thus don't know what the classpath is. Do you know where I'm supposed to put the jtds jar file?

  • Reply 6 of 9
    Probably too convoluted, but one option is to create a simple Ruby on Rails (comes installed with Leopard) app that interacts with the SQL Server.

    Did a simple google search that confirmed that RoR supports SQL Server connections, so depending on your comfort level you could try cooking up a simple 'scaffold' that lets you view/modify the database.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    yamayama Posts: 427member
    Originally Posted by SuperMog2002 View Post

    Thanks for the links! Unfortunately, I can't quite get it to work. When I go to connect to a database, I have a tab for connecting to SQLServer (not sure if that was there by default or not, but it's there now). However, when I click "Test," I get the error "Unable to find driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver." The instructions said I'm supposed to put the jtds jar file in the java classpath for the client, but I'm not sure what jar is actually launching Oracle SQL Developer, and thus don't know what the classpath is. Do you know where I'm supposed to put the jtds jar file?


    Try going into Tools > Preferences > Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers and add the jtds.jar file here. I just kept the jar file directly in root of the sqldeveloper folder.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    Originally Posted by yama View Post

    Try going into Tools > Preferences > Database > Third Party JDBC Drivers and add the jtds.jar file here. I just kept the jar file directly in root of the sqldeveloper folder.

    Excellent! Thanks! Now all I need my Windows VM for is SourceSafe and Visual Studio. I'm trying to get us to migrate off SourceSafe, but sadly, I don't think VS (and, more importantly, the built in ASP.NET debug web server) are going anywhere any time soon.
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