New Mac...until the Fed Ex guy dropped it!

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
How this for a wake up... buzzer rings-It's early-could it be?!

...The Fed Ex guy delivering my special order New Mac Pro I've saved for years for and waited almost a month for?

He runs up the stairs carrying it over his shoulder-hits it on the ceiling of my stairwell (I live in a condo), it flies over his shoulder, bashes on the ground and rolls down a few stairs!

I watched the whole thing happen...

My stomach dropped. It was like losing a girlfriend.

2 huge gashes in the box. Then t he guy tells me he doesn't 'officially' work for Fed Ex-he's a hired contractor...

I wasn't even sure what to do I was so stunned.

I called Apple and they are gonna send me a new one after I bring this one back to Fed Ex. I thought about trying it first but if anything were to go wrong I would debate it being from this for the entire life of the computer.

Anyone else had such a 'pleasant' delivery experience or thoughts to share?

I'm still shaking...


  • Reply 1 of 24
    e1618978e1618978 Posts: 6,075member
    I hope that you refused to accept delivery...
  • Reply 2 of 24
    Definitely refusing the delivery would have been the way to go.

    But, it sounds like you kept it. I wouldn't open it at all. You certainly don't want any reason that they might refuse the return.

    Good luck.
  • Reply 3 of 24
    Yes, you definitely should have told him to put it back on the truck.
  • Reply 4 of 24
    I probably would have crapped myself, began crying, then ended up in the fetal position on the floor.

  • Reply 5 of 24
    I called Apple and they are going to replace with a new one. Now I just have to bring the other one (I never opened the box) back to FedEx and then wait another 3-4 weeks as it was a custom build.

    It was definitely traumatic. I keep walking in circles asking my girlfriend,

    "How is this possible?"...

  • Reply 6 of 24

    Well Is Australia i live in a small town and i was getting my sister a pressy shipeed from apple. i was looking at the oderstats and it said it was deliverd.. but we didnt have it. 1 week later some one rings us up at about 9:30PM and the Ipod was delivered to some in ANOTHER town. not next door or anything, Some other town. which took an hour to drive too.


    there was my bad delivery with apple.
  • Reply 7 of 24
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Holy shit that was crazy!
  • Reply 8 of 24
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    Yes, you definitely should have told him to put it back on the truck.

    I agree, he dropped it during delivery. Not your problem.
  • Reply 9 of 24
    "The horror... the horror...." Man, that is one of the saddest stories I've heard. You hear about guys lending their new sports cars to a buddy who then wrap it around a tree or something... but then, why'd you lend it in the first place. This... this seems much worse. My condolences.
  • Reply 10 of 24
    galleygalley Posts: 971member
    I sent in my 19" Samsung HDTV for service. When UPS brought it back it was damaged. I filed a claim, and eventually I got a brand new TV, (it was this year's model, to boot.
  • Reply 11 of 24
    Originally Posted by frankie View Post

    I called Apple and they are going to replace with a new one. Now I just have to bring the other one (I never opened the box) back to FedEx and then wait another 3-4 weeks as it was a custom build.

    It was definitely traumatic. I keep walking in circles asking my girlfriend,

    "How is this possible?"...


    the good thing is you may get the new mac pro if it comes out before 3-4 weeks
  • Reply 12 of 24
    Originally Posted by Joe_the_dragon View Post

    the good thing is you may get the new mac pro if it comes out before 3-4 weeks

    Uh, not sure where you were a week before Macworld, but we already got a decent bump on the Mac Pro. It's gonna be a few months, at least.
  • Reply 13 of 24
    man thats a pretty wacked out story.. its crazy that u saw the whole thing happen. maybe its fate that you and that specific MAC PRO were never meant to be paired up, hopefully the new one will work great for you.
  • Reply 14 of 24
    I'm going to tell you guys something that you may not like. I work as a package handler at UPS. A box being dropped a few steps should do nothing. I've seen 50 inch tv's thrown halfway across a trailer. I've seen computer which have had the same treatment. Personally, i don't give a flying fuck about the pc's, but if it's a mac, i handle it with care, and i place it neatly in the truck.
  • Reply 15 of 24
    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    I work as a package handler at UPS.. I've seen 50 inch tv's thrown halfway across a trailer.. Personally, i don't give a flying fuck about the pc's, but if it's a mac, i handle it with care, and i place it neatly in the truck.

    Precisely why I never use UPS. By the way, you suck - I'm all for macs over PCs, but that kinda comment really makes my blood boil.

  • Reply 16 of 24
    But its most delivery people, not just hardware.

    I know this because i deliver food.

    Boxes of cheese come completely crumpled.

    Pellets of water come with the sides of the pellet scraped out, missing a couple of units of water.

    everyone including myself when they start delivery everything is neat and tidy but over time you start to take shortcuts. but I deal with food products not computer parts.

    I bet "Rich-Myster" when he/she started to work that person treated everything like glass but overtime became lazy and started to toss the stuff into the truck (starting to push the envolope on how much pressure you can put onto an item before it breaks). were I live removalists are nick named "tossers" because they just toss the stuff on and off the truck.

    EDIT: i almost forgot... why do Airlines EG quantas, AA etc.. state that you should carry your valuables or have them wrapped safely in your luggage in this day and time, its common knowlage that you wrap everything before it goes onto a plane.

    every one is lazy with their job. the only time were things are done properly is when you "The Boss" have to do it your self "if you want it done right, Do it your self"

  • Reply 17 of 24
    Originally Posted by Name101 View Post

    I bet "Rich-Myster" when he/she started to work that person treated everything like glass but overtime became lazy

    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    but if it's a mac, i handle it with care, and i place it neatly in the truck.

    Its the double standards that anger me most.

    Originally Posted by Name101 View Post

    were I live removalists are nick named "tossers" because ...

    And rightly so, it would seem.

    Originally Posted by Name101 View Post

    every one is lazy with their job

    Speak for yourself. I take pride in my work.
  • Reply 18 of 24

    Now when I say everyone I was meant to say everyone in labour intensive jobs. Are lazy.

    I have never ever come across another labour worker taking true pride in their work.

    Digital arts



    Is a completely different ball-park.

    a person who does digital editing lousy or Writing a book without proof reading it over and over again to make every line just as compelling as the next. Does not deserve a high paying job or be popular, it won’t be up to the standards of many other writers that are truly enthusiastic of what they do.

    In video editing this is more of a hobby for me because I do not make much money from it. I time the captions down to the second. I make sure each scene is correctly timed with the music.

    Now it does seem like I am contradicting myself with my earlier statement to a degree I am, but it comes down to. Do you really enjoy your job? Are you passionate with what you do?

    If both are yes of course you will take pride in your work.

    But are you passionate about stacking shelfs in woollies?

    Are you passionate about delivering packages to people’s houses?

    I doubt.
  • Reply 19 of 24
    Haha, the reason i treat the macs better is because i like to read what's on the box But the pc's, mainly dell and HP, are in colorless boxes with no info. And just because i said i treat macs better doesn't mean i throw the pc's around. As the previous poster stated, people who work labour intensive jobs don't give a shit because why waste energy in making something perfect when you can do it half ass.

    And by the way, shippers are usually not morons ( note that i said usually ). Their products are usually well protected inside the box with styrofoam which is good for absorbing the shock of being tossed. We're usually more careful with expensive things, like big tv's and whatnot, but why should we break a sweat over something when we needn't have to. We don't get paid enough to handle boxes like they're babies. Give me 15 bucks an hour starting and i'll maybe be more considerate. And i was never that gentle with anything from the start. As soon as i got there, i was told by my fellow employee's, it's not worth hurting yourself over 9.50 an hour, so take it easy.

    And just for your info, UPS is not the only company that does this, FEDEX will and so will any other company.
  • Reply 20 of 24
    Originally Posted by Rich-Myster View Post

    Haha, the reason i treat the macs better is because i like to read what's on the box But the pc's, mainly dell and HP, are in colorless boxes with no info. And just because i said i treat macs better doesn't mean i throw the pc's around. As the previous poster stated, people who work labour intensive jobs don't give a shit because why waste energy in making something perfect when you can do it half ass.

    And by the way, shippers are usually not morons ( note that i said usually ). Their products are usually well protected inside the box with styrofoam which is good for absorbing the shock of being tossed. We're usually more careful with expensive things, like big tv's and whatnot, but why should we break a sweat over something when we needn't have to. We don't get paid enough to handle boxes like they're babies. Give me 15 bucks an hour starting and i'll maybe be more considerate. And i was never that gentle with anything from the start. As soon as i got there, i was told by my fellow employee's, it's not worth hurting yourself over 9.50 an hour, so take it easy.

    And just for your info, UPS is not the only company that does this, FEDEX will and so will any other company.

    Wow. UPS really has come downhill if you're getting $9.50 an hour.

    UPS was always known as one of the best companies in the US to work for. In 1990, the starting rate for college kids in the loading department without any prior experience was $8.50 when the minimum wage was $4.25. They had compulsory raises so it wouldn't be long before you could earn $15 if you were competent and kept your job. Even better if you got promoted.

    Drivers always earned very good pay there. It was definitely something you could develop a career out of without a college degree.
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