Leopard's Infinite Setup Assistant loop bug?

in macOS edited January 2014
I did a clean install of Leopard on an intel Mac mini and all was fine. Tried to reboot and now it wants to re-run the Setup Assistant every time I boot.

Come to think of it, I didn't have any issues until I upgraded the ARD client and the Keychain update via Software Update. It was the only 2 available updates I needed in Leopard. I installed them and rebooted. Borked.

I verified that the required ".AppleSetupDone" file exists in /var/db.

I have tried lots of things, but nothing has worked. I can SSH into the mini and all my services are running (ARD, etc). My user accounts (including the root account which I enabled) still exist too.

Anyone else seen this issue?


  • Reply 1 of 20
    I just got a call from a buddy of mine that has the exact same issue after running SW update. Nothing I could think of worked either.

    Maybe it's just an inside joke... one infinite loop? (I know. Terrible.)
  • Reply 2 of 20
    So I don't know if you're still trying to get that working or not, but my buddy got his up and running finally. He restarted while holding Shift and Cmd. Apparently that worked! Good luck.
  • Reply 3 of 20
    os11os11 Posts: 30member
    What a nasty little bug...

    So here are the STEPS if you get caught in the Leopard Setup Assistant Loop Bug ---

    1) Boot into Safe Mode by holding down the shift key upon boot... (wait, wait, wait... it will finally come up)

    2) DO NOT LOG IN

    3) Hit the back arrow key

    4) Then hit the restart button

    5) Wait, it will then run/rerun the updates

    6) Wait, wait, wait and it will finally restart...

    Then you are back to normal without any data loss...

    I tried to reinstall OSX, it didn't work, but after about 2 hours, the above STEPS work...

  • Reply 4 of 20
    From what I understand this has to do with the ARD client update. Before we read your tips on getting around this bug we had to do an 'erase and install' and we have NOT updated the ARD client this time and so far no problems what so ever. We'll install the ARD client update again in a few weeks after Apple releases 10.5.1
  • Reply 5 of 20
    Originally Posted by MyMac8MyPC View Post

    From what I understand this has to do with the ARD client update. Before we read your tips on getting around this bug we had to do an 'erase and install' and we have NOT updated the ARD client this time and so far no problems what so ever. We'll install the ARD client update again in a few weeks after Apple releases 10.5.1

    yeah, for me it happened after doing the recent update to QuickTime and iTunes just last night (Nov 9th).

    what a maddening experience!

    what Setup Assistant and Updates have to do with each other is odd, even went as far to kill com.apple.com.setupassistant.plist... but it didn't work.

    only after my those above steps did it work...

    this is about the 4th flakey leopard install issue i've seen out of updating 14 macs... not good.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    Originally Posted by OS11 View Post

    what a maddening experience!

    LOL I can laugh at it now but at the time that it was happening I wasn't

    It reminded me of that old joke where you hand someone a piece of paper that says "turn over" and when they do the other side says "turn over"
  • Reply 7 of 20
    smeesmee Posts: 195member

    I've done all the new updates for Leopard, but I haven't encountered any problems.

    I've got an intel mac mini core 2 duo.

    Why hasn't this happened to me? (not that I want it to anyways, just curious)
  • Reply 8 of 20
    Originally Posted by OS11 View Post

    What a nasty little bug...

    So here are the STEPS if you get caught in the Leopard Setup Assistant Loop Bug ---

    1) Boot into Safe Mode by holding down the shift key upon boot... (wait, wait, wait... it will finally come up)

    2) DO NOT LOG IN

    3) Hit the back arrow key

    4) Then hit the restart button

    5) Wait, it will then run/rerun the updates

    6) Wait, wait, wait and it will finally restart...

    Then you are back to normal without any data loss...

    I tried to reinstall OSX, it didn't work, but after about 2 hours, the above STEPS work...


    I have 2 Mac Book Pros one rebooted just fine after the update. The 2nd sent me through this Infinite Setup Assistant loop. After and hour or so I contemplated to cut my losses and do a clean install after just upgrade to Leopard only 2 hours prior. Thanks to this fix, I'm back up an running. After doing the safe boot and trying to rerun the updates is when I realized I didn't remember seeing this the first time.

    Thanks again.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    I bought my first Mac when leopard came out so you can imagine how I was feeling when the first OS patch I applied... broke it.

    I'm an IT guy though so I went to the web for a look around. First google hit of 'update assistant looping' took me right to your door and 20 minutes later I'm writing this on my Mac. I hope someone at Apple is really red-faced about this and I hope Apple is as grateful as they should be for user groups like this one. Thanks to MRTures and all of you for getting an accurate and timely fix out.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    Originally Posted by OS11 View Post

    What a nasty little bug...

    So here are the STEPS if you get caught in the Leopard Setup Assistant Loop Bug ---

    1) Boot into Safe Mode by holding down the shift key upon boot... (wait, wait, wait... it will finally come up)

    2) DO NOT LOG IN

    3) Hit the back arrow key

    4) Then hit the restart button

    5) Wait, it will then run/rerun the updates

    6) Wait, wait, wait and it will finally restart...

    Then you are back to normal without any data loss...

    I tried to reinstall OSX, it didn't work, but after about 2 hours, the above STEPS work...


    I tried this a few times but it did not help :-(

    After I do restart (or shutdown and startup) from the safe boot login screen, I am back in this bloody setup assistant screen...

    Any other suggestions would be highly appreciated
  • Reply 11 of 20
    Originally Posted by OS11 View Post

    What a nasty little bug...

    So here are the STEPS if you get caught in the Leopard Setup Assistant Loop Bug ---

    1) Boot into Safe Mode by holding down the shift key upon boot... (wait, wait, wait... it will finally come up)

    2) DO NOT LOG IN

    3) Hit the back arrow key

    4) Then hit the restart button

    5) Wait, it will then run/rerun the updates

    6) Wait, wait, wait and it will finally restart...

    Then you are back to normal without any data loss...

    I tried to reinstall OSX, it didn't work, but after about 2 hours, the above STEPS work...


    I love the One Infinate Loop joke said by someone else.

    This worked perfectly though it took a LONG time. After the first reboot I held the Shift key for maybe 4-5min without anything changing from the initial first blue screen - so I let go. After another 2-3min it finally kicked into the login safe mode screen. From there it took another 2-3min to complete the final steps.

    Way to go and THANKS!!!
  • Reply 12 of 20
    Thanks. This saved me a trip to the Apple Store. In my opinion, Leopard sucks. It's so buggy. I've had problems with Leopard shutting down properly requiring a hard reset. This is where I ran into problems with the Quicktime update. It didn't shut down properly and had to do a hard reset during the update thus causing the Setup Assistant loop. Leopard should have never been released until it was more stable and wouldn't do stupid things like this.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    Originally Posted by pup975 View Post

    Thanks. This saved me a trip to the Apple Store. In my opinion, Leopard sucks. It's so buggy. I've had problems with Leopard shutting down properly requiring a hard reset. This is where I ran into problems with the Quicktime update. It didn't shut down properly and had to do a hard reset during the update thus causing the Setup Assistant loop. Leopard should have never been released until it was more stable and wouldn't do stupid things like this.

    The exact same thing happened to me, and now my usb ports don't work randomly (printer doesn't work, about 1/3 of the files on my flash drive will transfer, my flash drive won't eject, and then if I get frustrated and pull it out before 'ejecting' the files will finally start to transfer and I'll get oodles of warning messages). Archive and install worked for me, except I still have the USB issue, and some permissions problems as well, which I think might be behind it.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    Originally Posted by pup975 View Post

    Thanks. This saved me a trip to the Apple Store. In my opinion, Leopard sucks. It's so buggy. I've had problems with Leopard shutting down properly requiring a hard reset. This is where I ran into problems with the Quicktime update. It didn't shut down properly and had to do a hard reset during the update thus causing the Setup Assistant loop. Leopard should have never been released until it was more stable and wouldn't do stupid things like this.

    I was so frustrated when I got this. I was just installing QuickTime update from Apple's Software Update, and after that did hard restart. I think the problem is that if someone does hard restart after updating instead of proper shutdown procedure this loop hapens. Shame on Apple tho. This must never happened. Luckily I had another access to inernet, so I found you, guys. big thanks! Othervise I would be stuck.
  • Reply 15 of 20
    I got this problem with the loop aswell...

    Thou it unsolvable.

    the RESTART button does not exsist. nor THE BACK button. And backspace does not work.

    Is there any secret hotkey for bringing this up? I tried Ctrl + Eject. with no luck

    How can i bring up a regual Login, window where i can write name and password, maybe i can try write ">restart" or something as a name, but i dont know how to bring these up..

    I also tried single user mode, but osx wont let me in to that mode.

    Any other modes?

    I have a few guesses why the Restart and Backbotton doesnt exist, because i once installed onyx or some other leopard enhancing program. And I remember I for some reason checked "Disable restart and shutdown buttons in Login Window."

    How can i change that setting?

    Please my whole life is in this computer..
  • Reply 16 of 20
    Ok, I've restarted, now I'm in the "wait wait wait" part hopefully at the end of this exciting journey. Thank You all so much for the tips. Hoping this will work, looking at a blue screen at the moment. Hopefully it will restart soon.

    Anyone out there Flight of The Conchords fans?

    This song keeps ringing in my head. They're trying to buy an apple (a real one) and they can't - it sounds like they're swearing, but they are not. Something to watch while you wait, wait, wait....

  • Reply 17 of 20
    I am recently a iMac 24" owner. This is a beautiful piece of art to look at but OMG it is the technology equivalant of Paris Hilton. Got it with Tiger grabbed the Leopard update an have had nothing but issues ever since. This infinite loop has happened twice now first with the upgrade to QT in Nov and now again with 10.5.2.

    MacStation in Burnaby, BC fixed it the first time at a cost of $90. It took 10 days. They scratched the aluminum case and I've now left 2 messages for the service manager to call me to discuss some sort of compensation for my now flawless piece of art to have gouge in the top.

    Looks like some sort of clamp as there is a mark on the front and back in the same spot.

    Your forum saved me another $90 and more damage.

    You've made a new friend.

  • Reply 18 of 20
    I installed Leopard on an 24" iMac and on a 17" MacBook Pro. After 2 and a half hours of verifying, upgrading, inserting disks, and restarting a couple times, the whole sequence 'ended' with the Setup Assistant 'connecting...' with the rotating circle of radials. But it never stopped that. It was in a loop. Simply clicking the red bullet button though, actually finished the upgrade process.

    I restarted for good measure, just to be sure.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    Ah but for the wonders of a well termed search and a forum like this one. I am really thankful for that post! Back up and running. Though I did target disk my 24" Imac and save all my data first! just in case... Thanks again.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    i too have had this problem, but couldn't safe boot as i was using an aluminum keyboard which requires a firmware upgrade. used the older mac keyboard and everything went smoothly after that.
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