Exclusive preview: Delicious Monster's Delicious Library 2.0



  • Reply 41 of 89
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by djpadz View Post

    OMG! My house just burnt down, and I need a list of assets for the insurance company!

    To that end, an "Other" category that let me add my own photos and data would be nice. I tried using the home inventory component of Quicken and even tried making my own database in AppleWorks. Bento looks like it might work, but I'd prefer not have to create my own software.

    Also, when my new MacBook Pro arrives I had been planning on getting DL, mainly due to the positive reviews it gets. But I'm a bit disappointed to read the comments here about it being tied only to Amazon. When I was gathering album art for my CD collection in iTunes I got a very low hit-rate looking up my CDs on Amazon. And I expect the hit-rate on books would be even worse as many of my books are older than 20 years, and no longer available for sale (on Amazon).

    But on a positive note, the article stated: "Early builds attempted to present metadata, star ratings, reviews, and other details in a Leopard iCal-style bubble that popped up for each item (below top). In the latest builds, the interface has been reworked to display related information in an adjustable third pane similar to Mail (below bottom)."

    At least that proves that the DL folks are smarter than Apple's iCal programers!
  • Reply 42 of 89
    ajmasajmas Posts: 601member
    Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post

    What I want to know is why is this application taking so long to come out....

    Not a big development team and Apple keeps on recruiting their developers. Good software take more time and effort to develop than you realise.
  • Reply 43 of 89
    I would also suggest taking a look at Booxter which will keep track of your books, music, movies, and comic books.

    It's been around for many years, has just been updated with a lot of powerful features, and is available right now. It can also import from Delicious Library, so if you are a current Delicious Library user, you can download Booxter and try it out.
  • Reply 44 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    How slow is iTunes for you? I have about 40,000 tracks in my library and it's an exercise in futility to edit ID3 tags or copy new music into the library. SLOW SLOW SLOW.

    Who was the genius at apple that decided that a flat XML file was the ideal solution to keeping track of a library?

    OMG, what are you doing all day and night?
  • Reply 45 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Do you have a problem with AI expanding it's content to include previews and reviews?


    Not at all. I have a problem with expanding coverage and being paid for it without disclosure. Are you familiar with the term "conflict of interest"? It's something that "journalists" are concerned about. Otherwise, it's just advertising.
  • Reply 46 of 89
    zenwaveszenwaves Posts: 94member
    Originally Posted by Feynman View Post

    Only 40,000 tracks? Try 55,000 plus here....I'm using my iMac G5 2.0 GHz with only 512 memory and it seems to move along pretty quick. Will be upgrading to 2 GB memory soon so that should really help.

    Audiopollution, Feynman, are you guys on LastFM? I'd be curious to see what you've scrobbled.


  • Reply 47 of 89
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 48 of 89
    suhailsuhail Posts: 192member
    I dig that Atari Joystick icon.
  • Reply 49 of 89
    I use Books from Aetherial Software, not for the books I own, but to keep a running list of the half-dozen books I find in the bibliography of every book I read that I'd like to read. I find out if they're in any of the four library systems I can use, and if they are, add them to the list. The list will of course grow and grow until I die, but it means I can always find something!

    It can autofill publication data and cover art from the Library of Congress, The British Library, The University of Sydney, Amazon (USA, UK, & Japan,) Amicus (Canada,) Bibsys (Norway,) Det Koninglige Bibliothek, NCL Taiwan, The Royal Library of Sweden, SBN OPAC (Italy,) The National Library in Warsaw, & Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. And it's free!

    The only annoyance is that I have to keep two lists: One for Seattle and one for everybody else, since Seattle and King County use different call numbers for the same book a lot of the time, and there'd be too many dupes. I thought these things were supposed to be standardized!
  • Reply 50 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    Assuming that AI was paid for the preview, but let's not jump to conclusions now. Software developers and other craft workers often give sites and journalists an exclusive to try and increase interest, AI benefits by having a story that no one else does, not by being paid to publish it.


    I don't know about this particular case, since there is no link to purchase. This does not necessarily mean that money has not changed hands.

    There have been numerous 'articles' from AI that have links to Amazon to make a purchase, and the links are part of an affiliate program that pays AI. This has never been disclosed in an article. Never. A simple disclosure (for example, including the words "paid link", or "advertisement") would do wonders for the credibility of this site.

    I doubt the veracity and motivation of every featured story here otherwise. Again, I'm not the author of the stories and it's not my web site, but any and all attempts at achieving journalistic authenticity, especially for a largely rumor-based site, fall flat.
  • Reply 51 of 89
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 52 of 89
    sabonsabon Posts: 134member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    I don't know about this particular case, since there is no link to purchase. This does not necessarily mean that money has not changed hands.

    There have been numerous 'articles' from AI that have links to Amazon to make a purchase, and the links are part of an affiliate program that pays AI. This has never been disclosed in an article. Never. A simple disclosure (for example, including the words "paid link", or "advertisement") would do wonders for the credibility of this site.

    I doubt the veracity and motivation of every featured story here otherwise. Again, I'm not the author of the stories and it's not my web site, but any and all attempts at achieving journalistic authenticity, especially for a largely rumor-based site, fall flat.

    Hey SpamSandwich,

    I'm just curious. Where do you normally get reviews from? Newspapers? Magazines? Other internet sites?

    OMG (mock surprise) - have you noticed that they have ads in those? Have you noticed that there is never anything in there about a company that makes the product or the company that sales the product isn't mentioned in the review but the ad might appear on the same page. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (mock surprise - think of that kids that in the movie that slaps his hands onto the sides of his face).
  • Reply 53 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Sabon View Post

    Hey SpamSandwich,

    I'm just curious. Where do you normally get reviews from? Newspapers? Magazines? Other internet sites?

    OMG (mock surprise) - have you noticed that they have ads in those? Have you noticed that there is never anything in there about a company that makes the product or the company that sales the product isn't mentioned in the review but the ad might appear on the same page. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! (mock surprise - think of that kids that in the movie that slaps his hands onto the sides of his face).



    -Unequivocal separation between news and opinion. In-house editorials and opinion (Op-Ed) pieces are clearly separated from news pieces. News reporters and editorial staff are distinct.

    -Unequivocal separation between advertisements and news. All advertisements must be clearly identifiable as such.

    -Reporter must avoid conflicts of interest — incentives to report a story with a given slant. This includes not taking bribes and not reporting on stories that affect the reporter's personal, economic or political interests. See envelope journalism.

    -Competing points of view are balanced and fairly characterized.

    -Persons who are the subject of adverse news stories are allowed a reasonable opportunity to respond to the adverse information before the story is published or broadcast.

    -Interference with reporting by any entity, including censorship, must be disclosed.

    Any site that features stories with the intention of generating income based on products or services are, plain and simple, promotion, not news.

    The above are a few of the basics of good journalism. By not following these basics, you run an advertising site, not a credible news (or even 'rumor' site). Learn something. You can't have it both ways. You're either a credible news site, with a reputation worthy of being quoted by "mainstream" news organizations, or you're a shill receiving kickbacks without disclosure.

  • Reply 54 of 89
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 55 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    So for that, AI fails since they have an economic incentive (ads everywhere) to draw more people to the website. Oh well, guess it's been like that from day one eh? Remember, this is an exclusive and exclusives are offered to websites to create more hype around the product and sites accept to draw more people towards their websites. I suppose if Delicious Library 2 is given a good review you're going to complain about how Daniel and AI are a bunch of shills.


    Is it understood by the viewing public that by simply including a link at the end of an article that a financial incentive exists for publishing the article? Of course not.

    If you make money from a link (as a legitimate source of journalism) then disclose it. Otherwise, just place an ad on the site. It's a conflict of interest, and it's dishonest.

    If you write an article, and you're compensated by the company of the product featured, disclose it. Anything else is "pay for play".

    Tell me you expect more from your 'news' sources. Give me a break.
  • Reply 56 of 89
    Originally Posted by Gatesbasher View Post

    The only annoyance is that I have to keep two lists: One for Seattle and one for everybody else, since Seattle and King County use different call numbers for the same book a lot of the time, and there'd be too many dupes. I thought these things were supposed to be standardized!

    The reason why the call numbers are different (I'm assuming you are referring to LOC call numbers) is that each library has the option to create there own. In most cases this is because of the nature of their collection. For example, the seminary library in which I work probably catalog's theology books far different than a public library. We insert extra cutter numbers in the middle of the call number to help us distinguish between books. This is necessary when a library has hundreds or even thousands of books on the same subject. Generally the difference between a standard LOC Call Number and a local number is just the addition of a cutter, but sometimes they can be drastically different. It does stink sometimes... but at least it is better than dewey...
  • Reply 57 of 89
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Well if it weren't for AI, MR, TUAW, etc. I honestly don't know where I'd find about programs like this. I though the preview of an upcoming release was interesting. It wasn't like it was a direct cut/paste of a press release like you see on engadget or gizmodo. I really don't get all the angst.

  • Reply 58 of 89
    Originally Posted by samatsem View Post

    The reason why the call numbers are different (I'm assuming you are referring to LOC call numbers) is that each library has the option to create there own. In most cases this is because of the nature of their collection. For example, the seminary library in which I work probably catalog's theology books far different than a public library. We insert extra cutter numbers in the middle of the call number to help us distinguish between books. This is necessary when a library has hundreds or even thousands of books on the same subject. Generally the difference between a standard LOC Call Number and a local number is just the addition of a cutter, but sometimes they can be drastically different. It does stink sometimes... but at least it is better than dewey...

    No, I'm talking about drastically different Dewey Decimal classifications. They'll differ over how many places they carry the numbers all the time, but frequently the number is completely different. Why one or the other doesn't use the number on the copyright page, I have no idea.

    Fortunately, none of them use the Library of Congress system, which as far as I can tell is completely random!
  • Reply 59 of 89
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Well if it weren't for AI, MR, TUAW, etc. I honestly don't know where I'd find about programs like this. I though the preview of an upcoming release was interesting. It wasn't like it was a direct cut/paste of a press release like you see on engadget or gizmodo. I really don't get all the angst.

    It's simple. Do you want reporting, or do you want advertising disguised as reporting?
  • Reply 60 of 89
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    It's simple. Do you want reporting, or do you want advertising disguised as reporting?

    I believe Kasper contacted you regarding the DL 2.0 article.

    It is not a paid story.
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