Exposed: iPhone 2.0's parental controls, advanced calculator



  • Reply 41 of 54
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by gmon750 View Post

    No disrespect intended, but I am looking at the big picture. Kids in general have no business going around flashing expensive toys like that. It's not an issue of my personally not seeing this as inappropriate for my kids or whether they want email access or whatever type of function. This is about personal safety and sending the wrong message to their kids and other kids. It's reality.

    Reality is kids already flash $400 iPods (80GB models, etc.). They also flash $300 PSPs and a host of other very expensive electronics. They're just spoiled rotten nowadays.

    Originally Posted by Tri3 View Post

    Now if they made the calculator a RPN Reverse Polish Notation calculator it would have been sweet. Once you use one of those you don't go back to a regular one.

    HP emulators for the iPhone/iPod touch, based on the nonpareil emulator for Macs, have been around for a while now. I've had one installed on my touch ever since I got it. I do use the built-in calculator, though, for when I need to do simple arithmetic and don't want to mess around with the small buttons on the emulator.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by gmon750 View Post

    Honestly, what kind of parent would even consider giving their kid an iPhone? It's not an issue of having the money. I would not want my kid going around flashing a $400+ device in the face of other kids. It's just asking for trouble.

    Every phone has parental controls on it. IT'S CALLED "TAKING THE PHONE AWAY!!!"

    I guess if the kids whine enough, mommy and daddy will do pretty much anything to keep them quiet.

    It's just wrong.

    You guys need to calm down with the outrage. My 4-year old absolutely loves my iPod touch. She mainly watches kids' podcasts and listen to kids' audiobooks and music, but she can navigate anywhere on it and likes to fiddle with the calculator and calendar. I'd think it would be a good idea to have parental controls. I didn't buy it for her and she's not going to flash it in front of other kids - but still, parental control could be useful, in the same way that many kids probably play with their parents' computers but don't have their own.
  • Reply 43 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    A little of topic:

    Another option Apple needs to add before the 2.0 release is the abilty to add .DOC(X), .XLS, .RTF, .PDF and .TXT files to the device for use with an eReader.

    iTunes can currently accept .PDF files which it opens with Preview, by default. But the only way to read these files on the iPhone is by emailing them to yourself. You can also email .DOC and .DOCX, but oddly you can't read .RTF or .XLS. The viewers only allow for pinching and spreading of the document. That is far to restrictive to be any worthwhile reader.
  • Reply 44 of 54
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by jpellino View Post

    RLM software has done a great job of putting sims of these into OS X - the iPhone iPT is just RIPE for these...

    48G and 50g series would be nice too.
  • Reply 45 of 54
    Originally Posted by gmon750 View Post

    Very well said and I understand your point entirely. However, as this article pertains mainly to adding the parental controls to a $400 phone, I am staying within those bounds. Parents have no business giving their kids a "mug me/steal me/beat-me-up/I'm better than you" device to begin with. I don't have a problem with Apple putting these controls on devices.

    I know Apple is looking at the bigger picture of using the power of OSX into future devices and I hope they do. It's exciting stuff that Apple is doing. I have no problem with them putting it in a future $50 widget for kids with controls. But having parents giving kids multi-hundred-dollar devices is just wrong.

    Just because you wouldn't give a child a $400 device doesn't mean that nobody should or will. Apple is simply giving as many options available depending on the preferences of it's customers (you can spare me the comments about all the restrictions that currently exist on the phone) Maybe Joe Blow lives in moneyland where he doesn't care that his 9 year old is taking such an expensive phone to school but still doesn't want her to access something inappropriate. It's just an option. Not having it isn't going to make a parent not get the device for the child if they want to. In some communities/families $400 might not be that big of a deal. There are regular iPods that get near that price point as well as other portable entertainment devices. Why are you letting this stick in your craw so much?
  • Reply 46 of 54
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by bdwaycas View Post

    Just because you wouldn't give a child a $400 device doesn't mean that nobody should or will. Apple is simply giving as many options available depending on the preferences of it's customers (you can spare me the comments about all the restrictions that currently exist on the phone) Maybe Joe Blow lives in moneyland where he doesn't care that his 9 year old is taking such an expensive phone to school but still doesn't want her to access something inappropriate. It's just an option. Not having it isn't going to make a parent not get the device for the child if they want to. In some communities/families $400 might not be that big of a deal. There are regular iPods that get near that price point as well as other portable entertainment devices. Why are you letting this stick in your craw so much?

    Gmon750 may be surprised by the numbe rof people who want parental controls. As a matter of fact, the 2.0 software will make the cheapest iPod Touch (currently $249 for 8GB model with latest software) the Xmas gift for my niece and nephew who are 9 and 11yo. I wouldn't have considered it without the Parental Controls.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by Tri3 View Post

    Now if they made the calculator a RPN Reverse Polish Notation calculator it would have been sweet. Once you use one of those you don't go back to a regular one.

    I'm sure someone will program something like that. There might be a dozen silly little calculator apps, several to fit certain industries / niches, and a couple of them are bound to offer postfix.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member

    The too limited calculator (no 1/x, sqroot) was always strange to me on such a high performance device like the iphone/itouch.

    The high performance is meant to be in the background not necessarily in your face. Most people only need a calculator with basic functions and these are the people the iPhone is largely targeted at.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    Parental Controls are not only aimed at parents. These so called 'parental controls' will be a big drawcard for large enterprise adopting the iPhone. Really, what employer wants their employees watching youtube clips on their work devices? As an employer, if I can disable certain features of the phone that I believe are not relevant to an employees work, I will.
  • Reply 50 of 54
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post


    It's got SIGN CHANGE in it now!

    I was getting all excited, but then my hopes were dashed. No trig functions? Total bullshit -- that's a deal-breaker! I want to be able to carry around my co-secants with me at all time. Screw 3G -- give me a decent scientific calculator (RPN would be cool.)

    I just wanted a percent key, like any business tool should have! Its not hard, guys.....
  • Reply 51 of 54
    I agree that most parents aren't going to purchase a $400 device for their kids, but remember that these things aren't always going to be that expensive. If the iPhone follows a similar evolution as the iPod then parental control features seem like a necessary enhancement.

    On my wish list: more SMS options, MMS, ability to set missed call or message reminder tone, iChat.
  • Reply 52 of 54
    kolchakkolchak Posts: 1,398member
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    I'm sure someone will program something like that. There might be a dozen silly little calculator apps, several to fit certain industries / niches, and a couple of them are bound to offer postfix.

    Am I invisible? For anyone too lazy to Google it, HP calculator emulators for iPhone/iPod touch, including the "basic" HP-11c scientific model, the HP-16c programmer's calculator and the HP-12c financial calculator. All available for quite a while now and using the original HP ROMs copied from the calculators.
  • Reply 53 of 54
    Originally Posted by k2director View Post

    Wonderful! Apple finds the time to add parental controls to the iPhone (how many people are really going to find this useful??), but not a To Do app that synchs with iCal/Mail.


    Does Steve Jobs have some irrational hatred of To Dos? I can't think of any other reason why there would *still* be no sign of them.

    So, download that SDK and write one! It should take all of about 6 hours of work, I imagine.

  • Reply 54 of 54
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by ravelgrane View Post

    So, download that SDK and write one! It should take all of about 6 hours of work, I imagine.

    I thought the ToDo is there in a rudimentary fashion, the problem is tying it with the ToDo with the computer so it syncs and shares information. The Notes app can serve in a way, but at least originally did not sync with the computer.
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