Rumor: Digg founder claims 3G iPhone to do video chat



  • Reply 61 of 100
    mac84mac84 Posts: 2member
    I wonder what Kevin's BAC was while he was obtaining and receiving this "HOT" information on the new iPhone. I can't think of anything Kevin had correct on his previous "HOT TIP" on the original phone was that it was a phone.
  • Reply 62 of 100
    Originally Posted by mgabrysSF View Post

    If Apple buys you out in court. Think Secret you're not, and I don't see Apple interested in throwing money at you so let me be the first to recommend: Don't give up your day jobs.

    When we ban you once, it doesn't mean you should create a new username.

    Bye, again.
  • Reply 63 of 100
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by sapporobaby View Post

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. So much truth and wisdom in on a few lines of text.

    Yeah! Because we the phones we have in Europe have been larded up with features nobody uses for years! Ha!
  • Reply 64 of 100
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by planetWC View Post

    I remember the AOL IM demo. The AI forums seem to be home to Extreme Fanbois.

    If a rumor doesn't start from here, then it is bogus and you must denigrate the source, whether or not the feature might be useful. A rumor is just a rumor. No need to get all worked up and flame on. As other phones have higher resolution cameras, it certainly would be nice if the iPhone had a higher resolution camera. *IF* video conferencing were to be supported it would make sense to add a second one on the front. Here's hoping we get a least a 5megapixel camera, like the nokia units have.

    Yeah. Except this is total bullshit. All kinds of rumors get discussed here; some people succumb to wishful thinking and get excited about the far fetched, some people refuse to believe anything till they see it, some people are very analytical and informed about what seems plausible. It has nothing to with anyone being a "fanboi".

    Personally, I think we should ban people just for using the term, not because some Apple enthusiasts aren't very enthusiastic indeed, but because the word has become the favorite of lazy jackasses trying to sound worldly and wised-up.

    At this point all it means is "I'm better than the company I keep", AKA "I am a huge tool."
  • Reply 65 of 100
    bowserbowser Posts: 89member
    Originally Posted by TimUSCA View Post

    Right, except you obviously don't get it... the point of Digg is to tell other people about sites that others have found. Social bookmarking is what they call it... sure, I can go to the individual pages and comment on there, but I wouldn't have found that particular article in the first place of not for Digg, Reddit, Slashdot, etc... its a hell of a lot easier than going to 5000 websites a day looking for updates.

    I guess you don't get it. So much of what's posted on Digg is meaningless, you have to read through 5000 posts to find anything worthwhile. So that means where's the time savings? All that Digg does is add another layer to the problem. And if you're using Digg so you can spend your time posting about and on bunches of other web forums, then that actually is supporting my original point about Digg.
  • Reply 66 of 100
    jousterjouster Posts: 460member
    Originally Posted by RunLevelZero View Post

    I registered just because this annoyed me. The video oh so elegantly leaves out the parts where Kevin VERY specifically says, this is all rumor. He said that he had some different sources than last year. Also at the end when he said, "don't post this on Digg", he actually said, don't post this on digg because I don't want it to come back on me when all this sh** is wrong.

    Just FYI

    And you think that no one would post it because he said so? He's a public figure with a lot of influence on the rumor world and a distribution system that reaches many, many people with equivalent interests.

    Just FYI.
  • Reply 67 of 100
    gikkugikku Posts: 10member
    a 3G iphone with video chat/call capabilities, it wouldn't really be 3G without it, would it?

    I guess they get away with a 2G iphone without MMS so anything's possible. \
  • Reply 68 of 100
    rolsrols Posts: 68member
    Originally Posted by Tofino View Post

    that was my first thought. how many people do you see doing video calls outside of telecom commercials and sales rooms? one thing apple does not suffer from is 'featuritis' and adding more hardware to the iphone to appeal to a small percent of potential users is not apple's style. i'm sure there are other features that are more important to a larger base that should be considered first.

    I agree few people use it, but it's part of the whole '3G experience'. Telcos invested lots of money in 3G only to find pretty universally that people aren't using video conferences, aren't downloading a lot and aren't using more than voice and SMS. They have been pushing these services very hard and don't really want to sell 3G phones which don't even have the video call capabilty.

    That said the iPhone could probably get away without it and still sell, but a 3G phone without the capability would be odd now.
  • Reply 69 of 100
    sapporobabysapporobaby Posts: 1,079member
    Originally Posted by NOFEER View Post

    i'd rather have video chat than other 3g phones have both??

    Nokia N82, N95, E90, just to name a few. It is actually becoming quite common.
  • Reply 70 of 100
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,362member
    It's a matter of time. They have this iChat that they're very proud of... that nobody uses. I think the majority uses MSN or Skype, mostly because they're available on multiple platforms. Now the new iPhone platform with 3G could make iChat a killer app, and make it famous. And if they also make it available for Windows like they did with Safari then hey.. it might be a runner up.

    However that being the reason for Apple not to acknowledge background apps... I don't know. I think there are more serious concerns about memory management and performance etc and not so cynical reasons at all. But eventually I think there will be background apps, it's just a matter of Apple incorporating a safe strategy for these apps.
  • Reply 71 of 100
    julesjules Posts: 149member
    So it can do what every other fucking 3G phone on the planet can do...

    Big fucking deal. Why is this newsworthy pray tell?

    Just as a bit of a side note - I design and optimise 3G networks for a living. Video telephony in any form makes up about 1% of total carried traffic. Operators dont even use it as a selling point any more. Its data and voice only.
  • Reply 72 of 100
    Originally Posted by GregAlexander View Post

    AppleInsider is a great rumour site, and certainly this thread is not a counter example in any way.

    In this thread they make it quite clear what the rumour is, who said it, and what their past track record was. What more can you ask for?

    AppleInsider may be a great rumour site, but you couldn't prove it by THIS article.

    It's a joke, by a guy that's considered a joke.

    You can't simply have someone make something up, then call it a rumour, and then have credibility by reporting it.

    Let's get back to something REAL.

    Please tell me today isn't going to be so slow we're going to make up more stuff like a nano-phone or a iNewton just to call it a rumour and pass the day.

    Please tell me Appleinsider is going to have some NEWS or a REAL rumour.

    Afterall.... it IS Tuesday and it's news day at Apple......
  • Reply 73 of 100
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by gikku View Post

    a 3G iphone with video chat/call capabilities, it wouldn't really be 3G without it, would it?

    I guess they get away with a 2G iphone without MMS so anything's possible. \

    I think the video calling feature was added to encourage people to use the data plan, to make more money. From all accounts, it looks like it's a failure, it's hardly used by anyone. As such, adding a second camera for that doesn't seem to make much sense.
  • Reply 74 of 100
    Originally Posted by wbrasington View Post

    AppleInsider may be a great rumour site, but you couldn't prove it by THIS article.

    It's a joke, by a guy that's considered a joke.

    You can't simply have someone make something up, then call it a rumour, and then have credibility by reporting it.

    Let's get back to something REAL.

    Please tell me today isn't going to be so slow we're going to make up more stuff like a nano-phone or a iNewton just to call it a rumour and pass the day.

    Please tell me Appleinsider is going to have some NEWS or a REAL rumour.

    Afterall.... it IS Tuesday and it's news day at Apple......

    Shhh - they have thin enough skin around here they'd die in a strong rainstorm. You don't want to get the wrath of the admins and get banned like me. Take a tip from others and blow smoke up their asses. It seems to work for most people. I tend to skew into honest appraisals and of course - I'm banworthy as a result. Watch this one get banned too!

  • Reply 75 of 100
    Originally Posted by blingem View Post


    Broken link, oops

    The iEye? If one person thinks of another parody on iShi*t, I might croak. Or better yet, call your device the isight...oh wait...

    Good idea aside from the name. Oh yeah, and they've had this in Japan for like 5 yrs now. We in the US still get freaked out by flying robots too. Get with the program, the irobot is on its the next WWDC according to digg[/QUOTE]


    Thanks, the name was intended to be a little funny. published a great review on Pirate Day.
  • Reply 76 of 100
    Originally Posted by mgabrysPIXAR View Post

    Shhh - they have thin enough skin around here they'd die in a strong rainstorm. You don't want to get the wrath of the admins and get banned like me. Take a tip from others and blow smoke up their asses. It seems to work for most people. I tend to skew into honest appraisals and of course - I'm banworthy as a result. Watch this one get banned too!


    and you will, too.

    like magic.
  • Reply 77 of 100
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    and you will, too.

    like magic.

    And like mmmaaaaagic - it's all bullshit! TA DA!

    So anything interesting happen the whole 5 minutes I was banned? Or are you still working on that "day job" thing?
  • Reply 78 of 100
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,659member
    Originally Posted by _HOLYFUCKINGSHITLOOKOUT View Post

    And like mmmaaaaagic - it's all bullshit! TA DA!

    So anything interesting happen the whole 5 minutes I was banned? Or are you still working on that "day job" thing?

    You really are acting idiotic. Either just go away, or apologize and get reinstated. You aren't proving anything.

    No one is impressed.
  • Reply 79 of 100
    Originally Posted by mgabrys_HOLYFUCKINGSHITLOOKOUT View Post

    And like mmmaaaaagic - it's all bullshit! TA DA!

    So anything interesting happen the whole 5 minutes I was banned? Or are you still working on that "day job" thing?

    Y'know, eventually, I'll just have to ban entire IP blocks.
  • Reply 80 of 100
    Originally Posted by audiopollution View Post

    Y'know, eventually, I'll just have to ban entire IP blocks.

    Hmm. Interesting idea - you could block all of North America and it'd be kinda dull around here. Bout as dull as an entire board of people blowing smoke up your ass and agreeing with you non-stop.

    Might have to block Europe too. And Asia. Oh hell - pretty much all of earth really.

    Oh and Digg sucks balls.
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