Windows XP beats Mac OS X



  • Reply 21 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    You Maclots should be damned grateful for Office, it's keeping your platform alive.

    WiMP for Mac does suck heinous nutsack. Man I forgot about that abortion of an app. . . *shudder*

    [quote]Basically the only people that it's going to hurt are the honest ones that pay for it.<hr></blockquote>


    [quote] How much RAM did that G4 have.. 64megs?<hr></blockquote>

    First off, it's a G3 tower, not G4. 128MB. Window resizing is a lot better, but "speedy" isn't the word for it.

    Even on this Dual450 G4 I use at work OmniWeb or something will hang it and the Force Quit command isn't 1/10th as speedy or reliable as WinXP's task manager.

    It's getting faster and I'm hoping that soon it will haul ass, but it's not there yet.

    [quote]Yes and Apple took it back.<hr></blockquote>

    So Dell comes out of nowhere and snatches it from the reigning king who fell asleep. The king wakes up and sneaks back past and Dell is supposed to be ashamed?

    I have no love for Mike Dell. I live in Austin for Christ's sake and I know firsthand how evil Dell can be. My point was that more sour grapes are thrown by the Maclot horde than Mr. Dell could ever dream of throwing.
  • Reply 22 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>You Maclots should be damned grateful for Office, it's keeping your platform alive.


    Funny thing is .. in the 4 places I have worked for that used Macs.. not one of then had Office installed

    <strong> [quote]



    The people who get it illegally wont be dealing with the very WPA that is trying to detract from such things.

    <strong> [quote]

    First off, it's a G3 tower, not G4. 128MB. Window resizing is a lot better, but "speedy" isn't the word for it.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Maybe it's cause I have 512m of RAM. I know XP runs better on 512 than 128.

    <strong> [quote]

    Even on this Dual450 G4 I use at work OmniWeb or something will hang it and the Force Quit command isn't 1/10th as speedy or reliable as WinXP's task manager.


    Omniweb is still a tad slow. Try the new sneaky peaks. They are just as fast or faster than IE. That is a Omniweb thing. not a OS X thing.

    <strong> [quote]So Dell comes out of nowhere and snatches it from the reigning king who fell asleep. The king wakes up and sneaks back past and Dell is supposed to be ashamed?


    Nice spin but Dell was acting like it was a permanent thing. That Apple was going under. That Dell was the new King of Education. Then reality smacked them in the face

    <strong> [quote]

    I have no love for Mike Dell. I live in Austin for Christ's sake and I know firsthand how evil Dell can be. My point was that more sour grapes are thrown by the Maclot horde than Mr. Dell could ever dream of throwing.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Naw Mike wants to be Steve..He keeps making false claims like Dell being the first laptop shipping with wireless net capabilities. It's sour grapes.


    Being Politically Correct is retarded.

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Sinewave ]</p>
  • Reply 23 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]The people who get it illegally wont be dealing with the very WPA that is trying to detract from such things.<hr></blockquote>

    Corporate warezing is the problem, not l33thaX0rGoD on the warez IRC channel.

    M$ wants the money that's "lost" when people install the same copy of Windows on 20 different machines in a corporate environment.

    [quote]Maybe it's cause I have 512m of RAM. I know XP runs better on 512 than 128.<hr></blockquote>

    XP doesn't hog RAM so much if you turn off the eye candy. I have 768 so I leave the eye candy on.

    It's as fast as Win2k on non-FisherPrice visual settings. And that's excellent.

    [quote]Omniweb is still a tad slow. Try the new sneaky peaks. They are just as fast or faster than IE. That is a Omniweb thing. not a OS X thing.<hr></blockquote>

    I have been using the SneakyPeeks.

    I haven't come across a hung app that Force Quit handles efficiently. Oh well, it's 20x more stable than OS9.

    [quote]Nice spin but. . .<hr></blockquote>

    Spin? Has Apple *not* been the undisputed king in education for over a decade?

    Dell's focus on education isn't that overwhelming, they sell to corporations. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me either way so long as there are still Macs in the lab for me to use instead of the Dells.
  • Reply 24 of 170

    Windows XP is nothing more than 2000 with a new kernel (woopie-wow), Fisher-Price Looks (that annoy me frankly), and 30 new programs that completely ripoff companies such as WinZip and Adobe (the two major companies I could think of). While everyone claims that the 'task manager' is faster on XP, Mac OS X is so stable, (for me OS 9.2 as well) that I never have to use force quit so much that I clock its speeds.

    I feel sad for those lackeys out there who claim how Microsoft saves the worls, because its, well not true. I feel sad for those who like the 'features' of XP, yet fail to realize that it only supports Microsoft and no other companies. I use both OS's frequently along with Redhat 7.2 and honestly, between Linux and Mac OS X, a windows box is really not needed. While some people may say that XP is great for a 'revised codebase', it is just another version of Windows which aside from its eye-candy is nothing more than a ripoff of the Mac OS, again.

    Bill and his goonies have never come up with anything on their own, they always steal, hence the Antitruct suit still pending in 9 states, with Sun and 2 other major technology companies. If anyone is mad at me for taking this stance... My iBook is telling me that well, thats too bad Good day.

    <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />
  • Reply 25 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]Windows XP is nothing more than 2000 with a new kernel (woopie-wow), Fisher-Price Looks (that annoy me frankly), and 30 new programs that completely ripoff companies such as WinZip and Adobe (the two major companies I could think of)<hr></blockquote>

    How exactly do they rip off WinZip and Adobe?

    [quote]While everyone claims that the 'task manager' is faster on XP, Mac OS X is so stable, (for me OS 9.2 as well) that I never have to use force quit so much that I clock its speeds.<hr></blockquote>

    Task Manager does a lot more than the Force Quit menu does. I use it to check diagnostics 99.9% of the time. Wolfenstein Beta 1 had a nasty habit of hanging on load, Task Manager pops right up when I hit Ctrl-Alt-Del. When OmniWeb4.1sp10 hangs it takes at least 9-10 seconds before Force Quit comes up.

    [quote]I feel sad for those lackeys out there who claim how Microsoft saves the worls, because its, well not true.<hr></blockquote>

    Who claimed Microsoft saved the world. Maclots are far more likely to glorify their corporation of choice.

    [quote]I feel sad for those who like the 'features' of XP, yet fail to realize that it only supports Microsoft and no other companies.<hr></blockquote>


    Me using Remote Assistance to administer PCs in my lab is benefiting Microsoft?
  • Reply 26 of 170
    Ok, well honestly, that remote desktop connection has allot of security flaws. If you don?t believe me check the securityfocus list... It is worse than Swiss cheese, it is insecure as hell. Real administrators use command line because, well it works quicker, which is a benefit of Mac OS X. And yes, their remote junk is aimed at ATT, which made a program called VNC, which Microsoft has explicitly stated this program is supposed to emulate. While this VNC program is free via the GNU software license, it is still a rip off.

    Furthermore, look at the built-in zip decompression and photo editing tool (which I must say do suck for their lack of ability to do anything), yet these tools aim to take market share away from WinZip and Adobe (respectively).

    As for task manager. Diagnostics and quitting programs are two different things. On Mac OS X, why not use the alert console or some other utility designed to do that? If you want to use diagnostics, then obviously for Mac OS X the force quit feature is not the prime tool to use.

    I really do think XP has its good points, as they removed the darn blue screen, so obviously we don?t see it, instead the kernel just reloads. Mac OS X is built on XML... Something which is very customizable. Try doing anything with XP, its worthless aside from turning the default child-mode look off.

    "Maclots" as you call them are simply people who yes, don?t buy into the garbage of Microsoft. Look at companies such as Adobe, which make their programs originally for Mac OS, and why actual developers of any sort use anything other than Windows. Developers use SGI, Sun or MacOS workstations (as an example).

  • Reply 27 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    Grover quoting you is hard cause for some reason anytime I hit the quote button only part of your post seems to come up. I guess you HAVE to use the <strong> tags. They need to fix this.

    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    Corporate warezing is the problem, not l33thaX0rGoD on the warez IRC channel.

    M$ wants the money that's "lost" when people install the same copy of Windows on 20 different machines in a corporate environment.


    That isn't what MS said. After all the "Business" edition doesn't have WPA

    <strong> [quote]

    Spin? Has Apple *not* been the undisputed king in education for over a decade?

    Dell's focus on education isn't that overwhelming, they sell to corporations. Anyway, it doesn't matter to me either way so long as there are still Macs in the lab for me to use instead of the Dells.


    Yes but my point was Mike made it out to be bigger than it was. He was basically saying Dell would be the King from now on.. and that Apple's Education days where numbered. Until that is .. Apple came back and made him look like a moron
  • Reply 28 of 170
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Task Manager does a lot more than the Force Quit menu does. I use it to check diagnostics 99.9% of the time. Wolfenstein Beta 1 had a nasty habit of hanging on load, Task Manager pops right up when I hit Ctrl-Alt-Del. When OmniWeb4.1sp10 hangs it takes at least 9-10 seconds before Force Quit comes up.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, I have Process Viewer hidden all the time and when an app locks up I chose it from the dock and it instantly appears on my screen and I can quit any process I want. Oh, and it also does much more than the Windows Task Manager, so there.
  • Reply 29 of 170
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by starfleetX:


    Of course you had to compare using Apple software on a Microsoft OS versus Apple on Apple. Did it occur to you that QuickTime for the PC may not be as well optimized as QuickTime for Mac OS?

    Besides that, I wouldn't dare compare a 500 MHz PIII to a 400 MHz G3. Everyone here ought to know by now that 1 Motorolla Hz == ~2 Intel/AMD Hz. Isn't that true from the "Megahertz myth" we so often hear about? Thus, you should be comparing your iMac to an 800 or 900 MHz PC.

    [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: starfleetX ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am not stupid, the comaprison is perfectly valid. I have been able to play the Episode 1 teaser trailer under 98 Quicktime with not a frame drop. On my OS 9 box, G4 400 it was actually and sadly quite painful. Under OS X it runs much better, and under XP. . .well it is worse. So Apple improved their OS and MS did what? This is where people start talking aobut how MS purposely is making other competing standards not work as well under XP. NOt saying htis is what is happening here, but it is possible.
  • Reply 30 of 170
    WPA = Windows Protection Failure (sorry it doesnt stary with A, but hey...) PA was intended to keep compes of ALL XP (OS, Office, etc...) off warez channels, servers, etc. WPA is a failure. Everyone who wanted an XP product has it.. Really, do you think some dum protection stopped people? Its just another attempt of Microsoft trying to invade peoples' privacy. Companies dont need privacy. Microsoft Sucks. Plain and simple. <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 31 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Fred Bear:

    [quote]Ok, well honestly, that remote desktop connection has allot of security flaws.<hr></blockquote>

    If I was working with nuclear secrets I might be concerned.

    [quote]which made a program called VNC<hr></blockquote>

    I'm well aware of VNC, I use it on the Macs and non-XP PCs.

    [quote]it is still a rip off.<hr></blockquote>

    Is VNC a rip-off of Timbuktu? Or PCAnywhere? Or any one of the other dozen apps just like it?

    [quote]look at the built-in zip decompression and photo editing tool<hr></blockquote>

    .zip is a common format. I don't know anyone who actually paid for WinZip, there were freeware unzippers before XP.

    How dare they bundle it with the OS so you don't have to download it!

    What Adobe product is their photo-editing tool aimed at replacing?

    [quote]As for task manager.<hr></blockquote>

    I don't use other utilities in XP because I don't have to. Task Manager takes care of all those things and stays minimized in my system tray displaying processor usage.

    [quote]Developers use SGI, Sun or MacOS workstations (as an example).<hr></blockquote>


    That's funny.

    Developers don't use Windows. . . heh


    [quote]After all the "Business" edition doesn't have WPA<hr></blockquote>

    You have to buy 250+ licenses to get the versions sans WPA.
  • Reply 32 of 170
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    Force Quit sucks in OS X. Takes forever to come up.... when it does come up that is. Windows is near instant.
  • Reply 33 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    You have to buy 250+ licenses to get the versions sans WPA.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    And this is what most companies get too. And this is the one that is going to be warezed.
  • Reply 34 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]And this is what most companies get too. And this is the one that is going to be warezed.<hr></blockquote>

    By warez fiends who would hack it anyway. It won't be casually copied anymore, that's what M$ was aiming for.

    Do you think your average user knows where to get hacked copies?
  • Reply 35 of 170
    kukukuku Posts: 254member
    Umm windows combatbilty has a much easier time then mac. Classic and carbon must require a recode, while windows only means a few missing supports. Think about that.

    For me WinXP lost big time. Lack of support and all that "window certified driver, or your system explodes" crap can't be made any blunter.

    I had to completely wipe a HD of XP because a install of soundmaster, rebooted to a windows explorer using 98% system resorces-i.e. can't even move the mouse. Can't be fixed as far as I know when xp doesn't even allow you to over write a system.

    How's that for compatbilites? At least I can force quit classic in OSX.

    Guess the old $50 technical support rule still holds. Format C: drive.

  • Reply 36 of 170
    if You know, VNC is freeware... It also was started earlier than any of those program were coded. If You might not be using Nuclear Secrets, but have you heard about the cookie bug in IE6? Go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> Microsoft cannot figure out how to patch it, and it eventually allows one to rip information from any sub directory in the /Windows folder and allows one to get all cookies. I think its pathetic that Microsoft scorned the company who released the information for this exploit 2 weeks after Microsoft failed to even mention the problem to anyone. And sorry to say, but most programmers do not use native windows If boxes to code, all of them I know use a Sun box or a Unix variant.

    I laugh at all the dumb Windows users who think that Microsoft isn?t controlling them from behind... think about the 'Microsoft Virtual machine' e.g. rip off of Java... If nine US states along with the European Union think Microsoft is a bad company, in terms of their business practices, then um, is any Mac user out of line for saying that too?

    I think its so dumb that the Windows users gloat about a improved 'task manager'... so what? you have a good utility to make sure Windows isn?t messing w/ your PC or when your PC crashes? Oh, and if you are too ignorant to know what Adobe products are being railroaded, then sorry, that really does say something about you. Even though paint and the internal viewer aren?t close to Adobe, at all, they are still aimed at the same market. Think about Digital cameras... They distribute software which is now not needed by XP, yet that software company just got screwed...

    Karl Marx belied that capitalism was, in its self, destructive. Bill Gates and his gooiness are perfect examples of this point. PC users are always too dumb to actually know that an Intel and PPC processor cannot be compared, (different architectures maybe?). Oh-well. I use XP when I have to, otherwise long live OSX.
  • Reply 37 of 170
    About WPA... Think about MP3 utilities such as Kaazaa or Morpheus. I dont know one person, even 'dumb' users, who dont have a warez'ed XP copy. The dumb idea of WPA failed. Company employees warez, as most humans do... F. It was a good try, but it was a crappy way of invading people's privacy. Just because you need 250+ copes doesnt mean one of those 250 people doesnt rip it... Search a P2P file sharing utility. XP is everywhere.

    [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Fred Bear ]</p>
  • Reply 38 of 170
    Computing is not a religion. But truth be told any form of woindows is nothing but DOS with an interface. If you dont believe me take a look in your sys32 folder. Notice the file extensions, .com .bat .ini these are dos extensions. 95,98,nt and the rest are just hype built on dos. Ever wonder why all other OS manufacturers gave up on dos? UNIX! <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    power, style and world class. Any OS not built on it is'nt worth a damn. let the microsucks have their delusions.

    An Apple a day keeps microsucks away!

    [ 11-16-2001: Message edited by: mortal ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 170
  • Reply 40 of 170
    [quote]Originally posted by Mac The Fork:

    <strong>Uhh...</strong><hr></blockquote> <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
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