Windows XP beats Mac OS X



  • Reply 141 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]I am suprised some feel the need to argue it over and over that windows is better because everyone uses it.<hr></blockquote>

    Windows isn't better than the MacOS because of market share, I never said that.
  • Reply 142 of 170
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    Windows isn't better than the MacOS because of market share, I never said that.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I was speaking to those in this and every thread who feel that it is because of that. They know who they are.
  • Reply 143 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    Windows isn't better than the MacOS because of market share, I never said that.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And my original post wasn't a response to you was it?
  • Reply 144 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I was talking to the person that quoted me, I even quoted them.

    Take smart pills.
  • Reply 145 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    Well excuse me then I apologize.

    But it brings up a point as to WHY you complained about such a analogy in the first place?

    If you don't think mkt share = quality then what are you complaining about?
  • Reply 146 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I complained about car analogies because they are stupid.

    This whole market share thing is a different thing from what I was talking about.

    Even so, market share has no correlation with quality. I never claimed anything else or even care.
  • Reply 147 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>I complained about car analogies because they are stupid<hr></blockquote></strong>

    Sometimes one has to use analogies to explain to someone else how things work. Obviously this guy thinks mkt share = better. I was showing him how that isn't true. So the car analogy worked.


    This whole market share thing is a different thing from what I was talking about.


    You replied right after me with

    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Maclots and their car analogies.

    Sheesh. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    What am I supposed to think what you meant by that?

    <strong> [quote]

    Even so, market share has no correlation with quality.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And that's what my car analogy showed.
  • Reply 148 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    [quote]What am I supposed to think what you meant by that?<hr></blockquote>

    That car analogies are stupid and that Maclots love car analogies.

    I can understand that you would think that I was arguing against your market share point, but that understanding comes from me knowing that you aren't very sharp.


    WindowsXP is better than MacOSX for a whole host of reasons, market share isn't one of them.
  • Reply 149 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:


    That car analogies are stupid and that Maclots love car analogies.

    I can understand that you would think that I was arguing against your market share point, but that understanding comes from me knowing that you aren't very sharp.


    Ah.. maybe if you was a tad more clear on your posts we'd not have to guess as to your meaning. Or was you being intentionally vague to appear deep?
  • Reply 150 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    How the hell was that intentionally vague?


    "Are you trying to say that it's better to add 2 and 2 than it is to multiply 2 and 2!?!"

    And how in God's name does that statement contain any kind of depth? Maybe it's deep to you, but not to the majority of people.
  • Reply 151 of 170
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    groverat and sinewave need to be in a death match. Do you two seek one another's posts out? I'm taking bets: 2:1 odds on sinewave (based on shear posting power). Any takers?
  • Reply 152 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    grover let me explain it to you slowly. I made a comment about mkt share. It had to do with cars. No one else made any car analogies. Right after I posted mine you posted this.

    [quote]Maclots and their car analogies.



    Now that either means.

    1. You either thought that it was a bad example.

    2. You where just being a ass.

    Now I asked you why you posted that.. and you try to weasel your way out of it.

    Now please lets have a straight answer as to why you rolled and sheeshed my comparison.

    But I am sure we will see you post some sort of twist to turn it back on me. .and totally not answer my question. I hope I am wrong.. but I am betting..
  • Reply 153 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I have already explained why that particular car analogy doesn't work.

    If you want to read into what I said, then fine. If you want to put words in my mouth, then fine. I would love to know what I'm supposed to be weaseling my way out of.

    It's quite simple, a ****ing child could understand this.

    Maclots love to use car analogies like "Mac == Rolls Royce, MS == Ford" you see that all the time. You did it and I expressed disgust at the practice. Jesus ****ING Christ you are dense.

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 154 of 170
    The nice thing about exclusivley using a PC (I almost never use a mac now) is that you cant be called a macalot

    in my small experiences with OSX Ive never had ANY force quit problems.

    I dont know about XP, but I find that quite a lot of the time it takes AGES to bring up the win2k task manager. Also MacOS rarely freezes, though its apps do.

    I almost NEVER have an app freeze in win2k, but the system its self seems to halt half the time its running.

    Mind you I think I have some strage conflicts right now, but even with a fresh install...

    Oh, and Ill never forget when I installed that crap called WinME. Wit ha completley fresh install it crashed when I was going to properties to set up my display.
  • Reply 155 of 170
    sinewavesinewave Posts: 1,074member
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>I have already explained why that particular car analogy doesn't work.

    If you want to read into what I said, then fine. If you want to put words in my mouth, then fine. I would love to know what I'm supposed to be weaseling my way out of.

    It's quite simple, a ****ing child could understand this.

    Maclots love to use car analogies like "Mac == Rolls Royce, MS == Ford" you see that all the time. You did it and I expressed disgust at the practice. Jesus ****ING Christ you are dense.

    [ 12-06-2001: Message edited by: groverat ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ah I am the one who is dense? I wasn't comparing Mac = Rolls Royce, MS = Ford. AS I stated before. (and again I am the one being dense ) I said I was showing how large mkt share doesn't = quality. Nowhere did I say "Macs are cool and fast as Porsches and Windows are Like Hondas" I was merely stating that mkt share doesn't = quality in a way that the person I was replying to could understand. That car analogy does INDEED work. It proves that mkt share doesn't = quality. Which is what I was out to prove. AS I stated before... 2 or 3 times.

    BTW get your panties out of the perpetual knot they are in. You sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum.
  • Reply 156 of 170
    [quote]Originally posted by Sinewave:


    OS X is based on a kernal even older.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    As far as I know, force quitting from the terminal in OSX works just fine ... getting it to work with the aqua gui would most likely take some finessing.
  • Reply 157 of 170
    [quote]Originally posted by rbald:


    You mac people are a riot! If the mac OS is sooo good how come Apple has 3% market share and Microsoft has 95% market share and is the world standard OS! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    The "World Standard" in what?

    Servers? no

    Desktop Publishing? no

    Video Editing? no

    Audio ? no

    Education ? no

    Word Processing? THERE YA GO!!!!

    Microsoft dominates the industry, because 90% of the market doesn't use the computer for anything else besides office applications, internet, and gaming ... things that P.C.s do just fine at. Despite office for the mac being the superior version, as well as file management on the Mac being head and shoulders over everything else, if you are a corporation filling office buildings with computers, you are going to go with P.C.s
  • Reply 158 of 170
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I think this thread was doomed from the beginning, but I have friends who think XP is so fast and wonderful. Mostly I think some of the filing procedures are more Mac like and they are noticing that they work faster, rather than that the speed of the software is faster.

    And THAT was the point of the Mac operating system, to make the user more efficient and enjoying the process of being on a computer.

    I haven't used XP so I can't compare myself, but I can see from the Teletubbie colorization, that I would get very annoyed using it.

    And Groverat, I respect your opinions and thoughtful comments, but I have a hard time understanding how people feel genuine joy using software promulgated by a company that has been convicted of abusing monopolistic powers. The punishment is still being debated, but Microsoft still LOST! Why doesn't anyone running Windows talk about that? How can you admire that? It is like admiring a Nazi V2 rocker, except it isn't even that revolutionary?

    If anyone can watch Balmer or Gates for more than 45 seconds and not feel disturbed, then I suggest reading Muir or Tolstoy.
  • Reply 159 of 170
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    1) Invoking Nazi imagery exposes your limited thinking.

    2) Steve Jobs disturbs me as well. He is just as bad (if not worse) than Gates or Ballmer.

    I don't talk about it with my friends because my friends don't care and neither do I. Apple single-handedly put clone-makers out of business, I don't care about that either.

    I think your own eyes are a little blind to your chosen object of fascination.
  • Reply 160 of 170
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    Is it just me that is noticing how you guys are basically arguing the same things over and over but are too pigheaded to realize by the end of the argument you're saying the same damned thing? Just out of curiosity. And no groverat, I am not asking you.

    Anyway, I love OS X, but I am kinda interested in XP too. It's not as fun, beautiful, or from Apple, nor does it work nearly as seamlessly as OS X does on my Mac, but it works well and has some unique, new features, plus it ain't too bad on the eyes.

    [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: bradbower ]</p>
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