Mexican iPhone, iTunes June rumor; Wall Street retail; Boston unveiled



  • Reply 21 of 39
    If it's not 3G and if it's locked to one service provider it will be the "Ay, ay, ay! Phone."

  • Reply 22 of 39
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    This is far from certain. There are many different ways to define regions--geological, geographical, political, economic, cultural... to name a few. Certainly, I don't remember anyone in Central America who considered themselves part of North America... When in Nicaragua I was known as either Chele (white boy) or el Norteamericano (the North American).

    Meanwhile, in all the Spanish Textbooks I have seen, Mexico is never included in Central America...

    From Wikipedia:

    Good point, and one I was going to point out once I didn't have to post on an iPhone. Even if culturally (and economically or politically, which can fall under cultural as they tend to have effect) it's not considered North America, from a geological standpoint it is on the continent of N. America. That is the original definition and therefore stands against any social shunning of the term that some people may have against it. Sub-classifications are fine, but it makes classification pointless if one disengages the root definition because emotional reasoning.

    The Oxford American dictionary defines North America as: "A continent comprising the northern half of the American landmass, connected to South America by the Isthmus of Panama. It contains Canada, the U.S., Mexico, the countries of Central America, and usually Greenland."

    It also defines Central America as: "The southernmost part of North America that links the continent to South America and consists of the countries of Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama."

    This often also comprises all or most of the islands of the Caribbean in geological defintions, which in itself can be defined differently depending on your POV. For instance, the Bahamas are member of Caribeean Community (CARICOM), but they are not within the Caribbean Sea, and I don't believe the Carib indians ever settled the island. So they are Caribbean from a political and economic standpoint, but not from a maritime or anthropological standpoint.
  • Reply 23 of 39
    funkafunka Posts: 1member
    Here in Mexico Telcel (America movil) works only with 3G band in which represents that we are getting the new iphone or at least 3G version becuase the one thats sells ATT dosen't work with the tecnologies for the browser and other details such as visual voice mail.

    Apple Store in México is going to take a long time, such i guess they are going to be openning more in other spots that represent a market. What they are doing is giving resellers the chances to be APR (Preimun Resellers) and are being supported by apple. In a future Apple can invest in a Apple Store.

    The print of books and iTMS would be a great thing to know more about.
  • Reply 24 of 39
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Mexico has always been Central America. The US might consider it part of the US though because the US likes to own everything and in fact Fox & Harper did blow Bush on several occasions, unlike Venezuela or other countries with a spine. And since the NWO is currently trying to unify Canada, USA and Mexico eventually it will all be a North American Union just like the EU. The “amero” is a proposed North American currency to replace the Canadian loonie, dollar and peso.

    Here Ron Paul talks about it.
  • Reply 25 of 39
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Mexico has always been Central America. The US might consider it part of the US though because the US likes to own everything.

    The US does not consider Mexico part of the US*, but there are a lot of Mexicans in the US. There is no geopolitical definition that removes Mexico from N. America, but there are varying definitions that put Mexico (in whole or part) that define it as Central America.

    * If you want to go back a few purchases, wars and massacres then you may have a point, but that is another thread altogether.

    <Old timey map of Mejico>

    PS: The Amero is a really bad idea on many levels. This wikipage has a pretty explanation of the associated pitfalls.
  • Reply 26 of 39
    mexico = north america and nothing else. dont knock your brains out.

    and about the iTMS Mexico... BOUT TIME BITCHES!! there are some of us here in good ole mx that would gladly pay for digital downloads that are ipod compatible and integrate seamlessly with itunes if given the option!
  • Reply 27 of 39
    jcgnujcgnu Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    Mexico has always been Central America. The US might consider it part of the US though because the US likes to own everything and in fact Mexico does get on its knees for the US, unlike Venezuela or other Latin American countries with a spine. And since the NWO is currently trying to unify Canada, USA and Mexico eventually it will all be a North American Union just like the EU. The ?amero? is a proposed North American currency to replace the Canadian loonie, dollar and peso.

    Hahahaha... that was actually funny.... the video is hillarious! No way in this world that's gonna happen.... Do you really think the US would agree to have a common currency with us?? Plus, 99% of the Mexican population would reject the idea! (believe it or not).

    Anyway... Mexico does NOT get on its knees for the US... remember Bush wanting to make the war to Iraq? Mexico voted no... Of course, mr Bush punished us, but we standed for what we believed in (we as in I would have voted the same way if I had been there). Sure we have more coincidences with the USA than with Venezuela, but that doesn't mean we don't have a voice of our own. Anyway, how much can you do against the most powerful nation in the world??

    So, the point of the story was not a political discussion, but to state that soon we'll be gettin an iTunes Store and the new iPhone. Yeah, believe it or not there is a whole world outside the US and not all Mexicans are poor and illegal immigrants...
  • Reply 28 of 39
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by alenm88 View Post


    What was it labeled before the term, America?
  • Reply 29 of 39
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    What was it labeled before the term, America?

    I don't recall ever reading about any pre-American terms for the continent(s) as a whole. There would be regions that were named by proto-American people but none that cover the whole, unless they are newer discoveries. I'll try to find out, but I'm pretty doubtful.
  • Reply 30 of 39
    anantksundaramanantksundaram Posts: 20,407member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    From a USA corporate perspective marketing to Mexico, clearly Mexico speaks Spanish and uses the exact same infrastructure as other Latin American countries, in terms of Spanish language, advertising and so on. So, for all intents and purposes, it is a unified CORPORATE region with Central America, as separate from the USA / Canada. This is probably Apple's perspective as well .... Latin America = 1 region and 1 market pool. Wherever it happens to be located.

    The discussion of whether something constitutes Latin America has nothing to do with North or South America. 'Latin' does not equate to 'South.'

    Not to inflame issues further, but this discussion also shows a some ignorance about what constitutes the seven continents (I recall a discussion about whether Russia was part of Europe, and some people were using the residents' state of mind as the distinguishing factor - 'gee, I feel European, so I must be one....').

    Mexico is a part of the continent called North America. One does not get to choose that fact.

    (Btw, corporate America also often lumps countries into 'EMEA' category, which stands for Europe, Middle East, and Africa - in terms of continental classification, it is a completely meaningless contruct, as would no doubt agree!).
  • Reply 31 of 39
    c0h1b4c0h1b4 Posts: 8member

    Tell me about long term previsions, futurology, anything!!!!

    The interview with mr. Souza (Brazil Distr. Manager) was done last year, June 5th 2007!!!! And he was talking about the release of the iPhone last year, not this new one (or maybe he had a direct connection with mr Jobs and knew that the new iPhone was going out on June 11th 2008 - 1 year after the interview).

    Please, erase your wrong headlines. This is pathetic. Your sources are realy failing.

  • Reply 32 of 39
    c0h1b4c0h1b4 Posts: 8member

    I can't help it.... is this the future of recycling? Recycling news from 1 year ago and making headlines with them???

    1 year have gone and no iTunes store for Brazil. Not yesterday, not today and not tomorrow. Perhaps in 1 year this news will be off again with the 3rd gen iPhone and plans for an iTunes store in Brazil....

  • Reply 33 of 39
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Not to inflame issues further, but this discussion also shows a some ignorance about what constitutes the seven continents (I recall a discussion about whether Russia was part of Europe, and some people were using the residents' state of mind as the distinguishing factor - 'gee, I feel European, so I must be one....').

    Mexico is a part of the continent called North America. One does not get to choose that fact.

    I don't think you are inflaming things, I think it is an interesting discussion.

    And I do think that context is important here. This is not a geological discussion. I think that everyone would agree (if they took the time to look into things) that Mexico is considered part of North America when talking about the continents.

    The issue of Central America is much more complicated because it does not have an agreed upon definition--not according to my general understanding of the area nor according to my cursory research.

    When talking about a news item like this, however, I think you should take into account the general understanding of the reader unless your goal is to bring up a geology discussion. If most people think that Mexico is not best identified as a "Central American country," why use that phrase?

    For (an admittedly absurd) example, suppose Jobs' "one more thing" at the WWDC keynote is the iZapper--an AirPort upgrade that is an outdoor wireless N router/backup HD with bug zapping capabilities to protect you from flies and mosquitos while using your MacBook outside. Are you going to spend your time explaining that it is an "insect zapper" not a "bug zapper" because bug is a scientific term for the order Hemiptera, which does not include flies or mosquitos? Probably not, because in common usage, bug works for most people in this situation to mean annoying insect.

    Therefore, if the common usage in the US, Mexico and Central America does not include Mexico in the later, why should this article?
  • Reply 34 of 39
    orionno9orionno9 Posts: 10member
    I am always surprised when I am reading the discussions on this site and I see them go off on a tragents such as is Australia an island or a continent (it is both.) For the record the seven continent are Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Notice that Central America is not in that list. Central America is just a regain within North America, the landmass that connects upper N. America to S. America. it is like Iran getting all upset because I where to say they are part of the Middle East instead of saying Asia, it is just ridiculous.

    Their is nothing discriminating about saying that some country is on one regain, instead of saying another regain it is in as well.
  • Reply 35 of 39
    Originally Posted by jcgnu View Post

    Do you really think the US would agree to have a common currency with us?? Plus, 99% of the Mexican population would reject the idea! (believe it or not).

    the PRD would be first in line.

    Originally Posted by jcgnu View Post

    Yeah, believe it or not there is a whole world outside the US and not all Mexicans are poor and illegal immigrants...

  • Reply 36 of 39
    jcgnujcgnu Posts: 11member
    Originally Posted by c0h1b4 View Post

    Tell me about long term previsions, futurology, anything!!!!

    The interview with mr. Souza (Brazil Distr. Manager) was done last year, June 5th 2007!!!! And he was talking about the release of the iPhone last year, not this new one (or maybe he had a direct connection with mr Jobs and knew that the new iPhone was going out on June 11th 2008 - 1 year after the interview).

    Please, erase your wrong headlines. This is pathetic. Your sources are realy failing.

    It is true that the interview was done last year. Although, the mention of iTunes stores in Mexico and Brazil seems logical to me. It takes more than a year to do that since you need to arrange a lot of different stuff with a lot of different people in order to open an iTunes store. Some other sources have indicated that it could happen this year, so I think Mr. Souza knew that the efforts were starting to be done since last year.

    The only problem I see in the article is about the iPhone release date, wich does coincide with last year's launch date. As for the rest, I think it is somewhat believable.

    Besides the story from Mundo Mac was pulled out shortly after being published. That also happened to the story of a Mexican Store Online a few months ago. Apple called them and asked them to delete it that time. I guess same thing happened this time.

    I'm pretty certain it's gonna happen, just wait a few more weeks.
  • Reply 37 of 39
    mr.scottmr.scott Posts: 124member
    Originally Posted by enzos View Post

    It may be a fine looking building but I can't see the stairs being all that popular with the ladies in summer... popular with the lads perhaps.

    Amen to that brother!!!
  • Reply 38 of 39
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    I don't think you are inflaming things, I think it is an interesting discussion.

    And I do think that context is important here. This is not a geological discussion.

    No but I think it was a tending to be a geographical one though
  • Reply 39 of 39
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,008member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    No but I think it was a tending to be a geographical one though

    OK, but that was actually my point.

    Many posters were distilling the discussion to plate techtonics to derive the ultimate answer, I would say this was geology. Others were saying that humans and how they viewed the world had nothing to do with the discussion--again, I think this bypasses geography because I have always thought that geography was a study of the human/natural world interface.

    maybe I would have been better served to reference "physical geography" versus "human geography" but I didn't know of that distinction until now...
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