Need a Legit Reason

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I want to make my first switch to a Mac. I've got the model I want, the specs, everything picked out. But here is my problem. I realize I am spending extra because it is an Apple product; it comes with the territory of the brand. I'm ok with this. What my problem is though, is that the purchasing of the iMac feels very unnecessary to in some regards (frivolous maybe). What I need to make it feel legitimate enough to me is a reason why owning a Mac would be better than owning a new PC in terms of how it would affect me when it comes to computer programming, and software engineering.

Trust me I am very aware that Vista is not that great. I've put off getting a new PC due to that mostly. I really want a Mac; I just need some pushing to purchase the damn thing. Also does anyone think there is any reason I should wait until the WWDC to get the iMac (I can't imagine they do something else too it but I'd hate to have to buy one and then suddenly a new model hit). I figured you guys were the people to ask, so have at it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I don't want to run Bootcamp since I want to keep my Mac purely a Mac.


  • Reply 1 of 11
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    Originally Posted by Omni245 View Post

    I want to make my first switch to a Mac. I've got the model I want, the specs, everything picked out. But here is my problem. I realize I am spending extra because it is an Apple product; it comes with the territory of the brand. I'm ok with this. What my problem is though, is that the purchasing of the iMac feels very unnecessary to in some regards (frivolous maybe). What I need to make it feel legitimate enough to me is a reason why owning a Mac would be better than owning a new PC in terms of how it would affect me when it comes to computer programming, and software engineering.

    Trust me I am very aware that Vista is not that great. I've put off getting a new PC due to that mostly. I really want a Mac; I just need some pushing to purchase the damn thing. Also does anyone think there is any reason I should wait until the WWDC to get the iMac (I can't imagine they do something else too it but I'd hate to have to buy one and then suddenly a new model hit). I figured you guys were the people to ask, so have at it.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention I don't want to run Bootcamp since I want to keep my Mac purely a Mac.

    Do you want computing to be FUN and Productive again? If you answer "yes" then make that Mac purchase.
  • Reply 2 of 11
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Don't be a Vista slave. Break away from certain death and live again with something that will only cost you a few extra coffees when you really get down to it.
  • Reply 3 of 11
    drazztikkadrazztikka Posts: 240member
    Your legit reason: OSX

    Windows costs more in the end if U count the hours spending on getting things to work. I've had numerous days on windows that wasted my time and killed my mood. Trust me the extra money is worth every penny.

    If your still not convinced try to rent one if U can.

    Remember there will always be problems, for instance this week my wireless internet connection got really bad, it seems it was the modems from my internet provider which had te be unplugged and replugged.

    Read my sig

    (I should add: 'a lot less on osx')

  • Reply 4 of 11
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Nah. Don't be a coward, just do it. Every friend and relative who made the change tell me they will never go back to PC Hell.
  • Reply 5 of 11
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Get the Mac, it just works!
  • Reply 6 of 11
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    After 20 + years using a PC, it was like coming out of a fog into the sunlight. I have to use a PC at work and curse it every day. My two PC's at home have been gathering dust. I can't bring myself to use them.

    Every now and then, I see an inexpensive PC and think 'why not'. Then a voice says to me, "It doesn't use OS X." Saved by the voice. Where does it come from? Is it my guardian angel? Naw, it's common sense.

    As someone else said, there can be problems with a Mac. After all, they are assembled by humans. But think about this: Windows has to be used by many computers not made by MS. Apple makes ONE OS for ONE computer it makes. (In fact, that's a glowing testimonial for MS. but it can't be ALL things to ALL computers. Ergo, many brushfires to put out.)
  • Reply 7 of 11
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by sequitur View Post

    After 20 + years using a PC, it was like coming out of a fog into the sunlight. I have to use a PC at work and curse it every day. My two PC's at home have been gathering dust. I can't bring myself to use them.

    Every now and then, I see an inexpensive PC and think 'why not'. Then a voice says to me, "It doesn't use OS X." Saved by the voice. Where does it come from? Is it my guardian angel? Naw, it's common sense.

    As someone else said, there can be problems with a Mac. After all, they are assembled by humans. But think about this: Windows has to be used by many computers not made by MS. Apple makes ONE OS for ONE computer it makes. (In fact, that's a glowing testimonial for MS. but it can't be ALL things to ALL computers. Ergo, many brushfires to put out.)

    Well put.
  • Reply 8 of 11
    name101name101 Posts: 79member
    I got Myself my first mac.

    ok i admit i got really pissed off with the UI at first.

    and a few adjustments but now I’m used to both. but in all honestly i love the mac.. when i boot into windows for school work.. i hate every minute of it..

    windows feels..... sluggish.

    and now i have a bad habit on my mac I can leave 12 programs running at once taking 3GB of ram and it still feels more responsive than a windows computer with 2 programs on..

    and a direct comparison

    my friend runs Vista on his MBP and I run OSX on my MBP..

    not only my batteries last twice as long.. the hard drive is cooler because there are less read/writes in mac.

    the CPU is under less load. therefore more battery life..

    and if you use your computer a lot this will save quite a bit of money in electricity bills.. if you are stressed for money at all.


  • Reply 9 of 11
    lundylundy Posts: 4,466member
    First, Macs are not more expensive for what you get.

    Second, Macs are where it's at now. Look at the positive press:

    Third, Consumer Reports lists the MacBook and the MacBook Pro as #1 in the laptops categories. They also list Apple as #1 in Customer Service.

    Fourth, when it comes to programming, you need a Mac to write apps for the iPhone. The SDK will be released in less than a month and Apple's Xcode development environment is great. I've written an iPhone app with it and it was working in short order. You can leverage your programming by writing for the Mac and the iPhone and the iPod touch all with the same basic code. No special language to learn for the mobile device.

    The Mac also has all the other programming languages you could want - Perl, Ruby, Python, C, C++, everything except MS-specific stuff. It's also a fully-certified Unix platform and can run just about any X-windows app with a little tweaking. Can run Linux too just like any other Intel machine.

    Ways to save money:

    - Student discount

    - Order from a non-Apple company online: no sales tax.

    - If ordering a Mac Pro, buy a $500 Select Developer membership, sell the 4 extra Software Seed Keys, and use the 20% discount when you buy.

    - Buy from the Refurb Store. Refurbs are identical to new machines except for the plain brown box they come in.
  • Reply 10 of 11
    sam damonsam damon Posts: 129member
    IMO, the best reason is Mac OS X. For the most part, it Just Works. Just run the maintenance cron scripts from the terminal once a month or so. No big deal.

    I have friends running Linux, and deal with Windows at work. Mac OS X in the home is just less hassle, pure and simple. My friends with Linux have pretty stable setups, but it took them a fair amount of time for them to get their systems settled down. Windows is just a hassle, period. Tiger runs just fine on older hardware -- I just gave an old iMac DV away running it -- and this person who had been tired of the usual problems with Windows is much, much happier with an eight-year old Mac than with a three-year old Windows box.
  • Reply 11 of 11
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Originally Posted by Sam Damon View Post

    IMO, the best reason is Mac OS X. For the most part, it Just Works.

    Well, that's true for all users and especially for the average ones who don't know or are not willing to spend all day to tweak the OS. But an Intel Macintosh can run pretty much everything useful today and as such it is a computing paradise for the more advanced users.
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