Apple again greenlights iPod touch 2.0 update

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
Having cleared most of the iTunes woes that plagued Apple's firmware updates on Friday, Apple has now officially posted the iPod touch 2.0 upgrade.

The refresh, available through iTunes, mirrors the iPhone 2.0 software and gives the touchscreen iPod access to third-party native applications downloaded from the App Store.

These programs can take advantage of all the hardware built into the iPod, including 3D graphics, the tilt sensor, and Wi-Fi access to the Internet and local area networks.

It also adds particular support for push calendars, contacts, and e-mail through either Apple's own MobileMe service or for Microsoft Exchange servers.

The upgrade also makes key improvements to Mail, adds the ability to save images, and adds a scientific mode to Calculator.

While the iPhone 2.0 upgrade is available for free, the iPod touch 2.0 update is priced at $10 due to Apple's concerns about US accounting laws.

Apple had originally posted the update alongside the iPhone 3G launch but was stymied when the strain on its iTunes and activation infrastructures made the download inaccessible.



  • Reply 1 of 37
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    I am impressed at how fast Apple reacted to the slowdowns, things appear to be running better today. I was able to activate my son's phone first try.

    Just waiting for push contacts to catch up.
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  • Reply 2 of 37
    walshbjwalshbj Posts: 864member
    Officially? it wasn't official when the non-functioning links were all over the iPod touch page at
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  • Reply 3 of 37
    wtbardwtbard Posts: 42member
    Originally Posted by walshbj View Post

    Officially? it wasn't official when the non-functioning links were all over the iPod touch page at

    I agree. If it wasn't officially available, those links should not have been available. That led to a lot of everyone's frustration.

    I was able to update my touch SW this morning. Including download, backup, install, and restore took about an hour and a half.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 37
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by wtbard View Post

    I agree. If it wasn't officially available, those links should not have been available. That led to a lot of everyone's frustration.

    I was able to update my touch SW this morning. Including download, backup, install, and restore took about an hour and a half.

    I still can't access "Mobile Me " from any of my .mac links , mac, iphone , etc. Just says "sorry still working on it "Maybe they mean "seamless " when it finally works ? . . . on July 24th?

    Typical Apple, making the already invested users wait . . . . .
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 37
    Originally Posted by bobo28 View Post

    I still can't access "Mobile Me " from any of my .mac links , mac, iphone , etc. Just says "sorry still working on it "Maybe they mean "seamless " when it finally works ? . . . on July 24th?

    Typical Apple, making the already invested users wait . . . . .

    You need to breath... and then type

    It has been working for me since Thursday night! Not 1 issue!
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 37 has been unavailable to many people, based on their login. For the last 3 days, all I've had is access to the iDisk screen, and it didn't actually work. This morning (Saturday), the MeMail is the only screen that displays (and it isn't exactly 'working'), and the rest is offline - even iDisk.

    Not very cool. I would have preferred a phased rollout where everything would have kept working on the old .mac. I'm moving in 2 days and can't backup important files to my iDisk - which is why I PAY $99 a year.

    Considering the rest of the world is doing these things for free, I expect more from Apple.
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  • Reply 7 of 37
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by imurphit View Post

    You need to breath... and then type

    It has been working for me since Thursday night! Not 1 issue!

    Are you trying to be helpful or a smarta** ?

    You're not very good at either .

    Do you even have a .mac account ?

    I'm talking about a frustrating problem that is apparently all to common .

    Not to mention the $69/99 that people paid Apple for the privilege to enjoy !
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 37
    Better late than never. I tried updating all Friday (UK time) but it worked first time this morning (9.00am GMT) - and it is sweeeeet!!

    I hadn't poneyed up for the £13 GBP previous update, so this update gave me those features as well as all the other stuff, for £5.99 GBP. I am glad I waited.

    I am loving the app store.
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  • Reply 9 of 37
    zinfellazinfella Posts: 877member
    Originally Posted by bobo28 View Post

    Are you trying to be helpful or a smarta** ?

    You're not very good at either .

    Do you even have a .mac account ?

    I'm talking about a frustrating problem that is apparently all to common .

    Not to mention the $69/99 that people paid Apple for the privilege to enjoy !

    Oh, good grief! Click on the supplied link and get on with it! Your whining is irritating.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 37
    pg4gpg4g Posts: 383member
    I love the look of mobile me... but for some reason the clickers at the top of the page aren't working for me. Is this a common issue?
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  • Reply 11 of 37
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    Oh, good grief! Click on the supplied link and get on with it! Your whining is irritating.

    The mobile me link isn't the point and doesn't solve the problem .

    You don't know what you're talking about either.

    Who's whining ?

    Think a little before you speak .

    You're pretty irritating too.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 37
    dooghdoogh Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by bobo28 View Post

    The mobile me link isn't the point and doesn't solve the problem .

    You don't know what you're talking about either.

    Who's whining ?

    Think a little before you speak .

    You're pretty irritating too.

    I don't get it... works fine. You can sign in with your .Mac account, as Mobile Me has replaced .Mac.

    Why does the actual "" address have to work? My guess is will only redirect you in the long run.
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  • Reply 13 of 37
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    testing push mail. not pushed ... buying supar monkeyyy balls now.
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  • Reply 14 of 37
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by bobo28 View Post

    The mobile me link isn't the point and doesn't solve the problem .

    You don't know what you're talking about either.

    Who's whining ?

    Think a little before you speak .

    You're pretty irritating too.

    Then why don't you describe what your problem is, because it's been accessible for 2 days now for everyone else via the url.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 37
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by DoogH View Post

    I don't get it... works fine. You can sign in with your .Mac account, as Mobile Me has replaced .Mac.

    Why does the actual "" address have to work? My guess is will only redirect you in the long run.

    The page only partially works for me .

    According to Apple's changeover information and directions , my .mac links should be working .

    Even if they end up just forwarding me that would be better.Then I'd know what's up.

    Of course that would mean acknowledging that their initial claims about the transition weren't quite true

    Guess I just hope my email eventually shows up and see what tomorrow brings .
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 37
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    Originally Posted by bobo28 View Post

    The page only partially works for me .

    According to Apple's changeover information and directions , my .mac links should be working .

    Even if they end up just forwarding me that would be be better.Then I'd know what's up.

    Of course that would mean acknowledging that their initial claims about the transition weren't quite true

    Guess I just hope my email eventually shows up and see what tomorrow brings .

    Email has been working the whole time via; there has been no downtime with that, as far as I know. There was just no web access for a day or so.
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  • Reply 17 of 37
    bobo28bobo28 Posts: 59member
    Originally Posted by BRussell View Post

    Email has been working the whole time via; there has been no downtime with that, as far as I know. There was just no web access for a day or so.

    As far as I can tell , my email takes about a hour to show up and I know of at least a dozen that haven't yet.

    It'll clear up eventually . . .
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 37
    Originally Posted by DoogH View Post

    I don't get it... works fine. You can sign in with your .Mac account, as Mobile Me has replaced .Mac.

    Why does the actual "" address have to work? My guess is will only redirect you in the long run.

    If you would read the posts, you'd see that it IS NOT working for everyone. Whether it is or, some people don't have web access to Gallery, Mail, iDisk, or ANYTHING.

    Why? I don't know, but just because it works for you doesn't mean you should hassle those it is still not working for.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 37
    Originally Posted by PG4G View Post

    I love the look of mobile me... but for some reason the clickers at the top of the page aren't working for me. Is this a common issue?

    They aren't working for me as well. However, right-clicking and saying 'open in new tab' is working. Seems like a very poorly debugged page... perhaps they are still working on it. Howcer, even once you open the Contacts or Calendar... nothing works on those pages... for me...
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  • Reply 20 of 37
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    While the iPhone 2.0 upgrade is available for free, the iPod touch 2.0 update is priced at $10 due to Apple's concerns about US accounting laws.

    I accepted this at first, but I've been thinking. Mac OS X, MS Office for Mac, iWork, iLife, etc., etc. are not offered in subscription versions (like software for the iPTouch), and their updates are free.

    so what laws exactly are we talking about?

    I realize $10 a pop won't materially effect Apple's bottom line, so why leave this issue hanging out there? Or at least give the reasons up front, and if not a revenue generator per se, why not make it the price of an iTunes download, e.g., 99 cents to say $4.99.
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