anybody had any success adding personal domain names?
I am using a personal domain name but the implementation is simplistic. It works for iWeb, but once you hop over to a gallery the url goes to .mac or
The one thing that want is to be able to use my domain / email with This is not possible so the whole email experience is a big looser for me. Super crappy.
I would normally respond. However, the immature tone in your post and the looking for a fight attitude are just not worthy of a response. Not to mention you are a brand new member with 5 posts under your belt. You'll learn how discuss topics and respond properly in time.
I agree with you . I thought we were long past the days when people would attack others rather than discuss issues of interest to all of us .
I'm glad Apple have responded to this meltdown. The bakers dozen deal is a good idea -13for12 but can they fix the iWeb problems. You can't add comments on the iWeb blogs currently and thousands of people around the world are getting "Publishing Error" messages. Check the Apple Support page to see extent of this problem.
I agree with you . I thought we were long past the days when people would attack others rather than discuss issues of interest to all of us .
Oh what-freakin' ever. Wah... wah.
If solsun, the elder to these discussion boards that he/she is, took my response as an attack, maybe it's his/her over-inflated ego that's to blame; not me.
Yes... I may be new to these boards, and as such, only have 5 posts. Rather than a sign of immaturity, I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
He/she should have kept their un-informed "facts" to themselves.
The world is not perfect...neither is Apple. Apology has been made. Shit happens. Get over it.
You need to reread my post and comment appropriately. I know the worlds not perfect nor is Apple. "I'm Sorry" are just words. Problems occur, when you have a bad apple you don't replace it with an orange (no pun intended it's the example I use when training customer service). You acknowledge the problem and you correct the problem ASAP! You don't gloss it over with a free 30 days or some other trinket. In this case Apple did not deliver as promised. My point is they need to in a timely manner. If they went back to their old way of doing business making sure the product is ready before launch instead of racing against a dead line to deliver a product on time many of the failures such as "push" wouldn't have occurred.
For the record I've been a Mac user from the beginning and always will be. Even at their worst moments the far exceed the rest.
Can someone explain to me the value of an extension to subscription service?
If someone's not happy with the service, and plans to cancel at the end of their contract, is an extra 30 days going to change their decision?
If someone has become dependent on the MobileMe, and migrating to a new service becomes impractical, what value does adding an extra month provide? They're not going anywhere anyway.
Am I missing something? Will $8 and change be deducted from the following year's bill?
I had to turn off syncing in System Preferences, then turn it back on before my MobileMe data was properly updated. Some users may have to reset sync history in iSync preferences.
If solsun, the elder to these discussion boards that he/she is, took my response as an attack, maybe it's his/her over-inflated ego that's to blame; not me.
Yes... I may be new to these boards, and as such, only have 5 posts. Rather than a sign of immaturity, I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
He/she should have kept their un-informed "facts" to themselves.
if you're first post didn't confirm the level of maturity that you are able to bring to these discussions, this one surely did.
30 more days does not solve any subscriber's problem. MobileMe shouldn't have been released, these issues are not Server overload issues nor are they oversight issues. Instead they are typical your typical fresh-code issues that should be in the alpha or early stages of beta. Definitely not ready for prime-time.
PFFT. What's your definition of prime time GMAIL or hotmail. Try using either in their first revision. Not pretty. A 30 day extend is a nice gesture.
Oh and p.s. if you think this is bad imagine if that sycophant Ron Paul made software
PFFT. What's your definition of prime time GMAIL or hotmail. Try using either in their first revision. Not pretty. A 30 day extend is a nice gesture.:
One one side, we do expect more QA from paid services over free ones. As for Gmail, they did it smart by only allowing people to signup via and invite and controlling the number of invites you could send out.
I partial agree with Suhail about the way they released it. They could moved .Mac users over in bursts and had MobileMe come out a month before or after the iPhone launch. They could have also removed the 60-day trial.
I have no stats but I imagine that many people purchased and Phone and then signed up for the free trial to test out the Push and whatnot. Not only did this bog down the servers it made a very bad first impression. Sometimes that all you get. By Sunday I was able to maneuver through MobileMe fine. Mail, Address Book, Photos and iCal work as they should. The experience is the most native, desktop like web app I've ever used. There are even hot keys for copies and pasting, you just have to use Control instead of Command to do it.
Now, if they can get iDisk up and running, re-add the Bookmarks (I don't care about iCards), get iWork in there, and allow me to choose folder and/or files from anywhere within Finder that are auto synced with MobileMe I'd be set. On the last one, it's pretty pathetic that I have to manually move or keep files in my local iDisk folder if I want them available on the Cloud. Would it not be better if I could just make my Documents folder part of my iDisk sync without moving it, or choose my stickies DB file in ~/Library as a part of that? I think so.
PS: Does anyone remember when MS forgot to renew it's domain name or when they bought Hotmail and tried to move everything to NT servers but it was causing so many issues they moved back to Unix?
PPS: The sync current only sends upstream every 15 minutes from Mac and PC, while Pushing immediately from iPhone. iPhone Touch and your MobileMe Cloud. On the Mac end you can change this duration easily with a simple .PLIST edit.
One thing they didn't mention in the transition document was that you would no longer be able to read your mail with Internet Explorer. Considering how many workplaces are IE centric, that rather rated a mention don't you think?
I sympathise with everyone facing problems with MobileMe. All the best and I'm sure Apple is working hard on it.
Keep up the feedback and they should continue to respond.
IMHO, if after one month MobileMe doesn't do what you want, maybe there are appropriate third-party options. I know that's not great when you've already paid for one year of Mobile Me though.
One thing they didn't mention in the transition document was that you would no longer be able to read your mail with Internet Explorer. Considering how many workplaces are IE centric, that rather rated a mention don't you think?
Most workplaces if they had a shred of intelligence (which they probably don't) should not use IE7 at all. Oh wait the O2 UK activation only works through IE7. And people think it is a big surprise that O2 epic fails over the past few weeks. I am feeling confused.
I agree with ascii that if Mobile Me is dropping IE totally that should be clear. Hopefully though whether intended or not with the popularity of the iPhone 3G in strongly Windows-dominant work and home environments, this will push (pun unintended lol) more people towards Firefox, even in the workplace, where clearly, using Firefox 3.0 in most cases should increase workplace productivity and security?
Yes, they should have been clear. The whole point of webmail is that you can read your email anywhere, therefore it should be as compatible as possible.
Yes, they should have been clear. The whole point of webmail is that you can read your email anywhere, therefore it should be as compatible as possible.
Exactly, and if IE7 adhered to modern web standards instead of proprietary Microsoft BS, it would be compatible.
anybody had any success adding personal domain names?
I am using a personal domain name but the implementation is simplistic. It works for iWeb, but once you hop over to a gallery the url goes to .mac or
The one thing that want is to be able to use my domain / email with This is not possible so the whole email experience is a big looser for me. Super crappy.
I would normally respond. However, the immature tone in your post and the looking for a fight attitude are just not worthy of a response. Not to mention you are a brand new member with 5 posts under your belt. You'll learn how discuss topics and respond properly in time.
I agree with you . I thought we were long past the days when people would attack others rather than discuss issues of interest to all of us .
I agree with you . I thought we were long past the days when people would attack others rather than discuss issues of interest to all of us .
Oh what-freakin' ever. Wah... wah.
If solsun, the elder to these discussion boards that he/she is, took my response as an attack, maybe it's his/her over-inflated ego that's to blame; not me.
Yes... I may be new to these boards, and as such, only have 5 posts. Rather than a sign of immaturity, I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
He/she should have kept their un-informed "facts" to themselves.
The world is not perfect...neither is Apple. Apology has been made. Shit happens. Get over it.
You need to reread my post and comment appropriately. I know the worlds not perfect nor is Apple. "I'm Sorry" are just words. Problems occur, when you have a bad apple you don't replace it with an orange (no pun intended it's the example I use when training customer service). You acknowledge the problem and you correct the problem ASAP! You don't gloss it over with a free 30 days or some other trinket. In this case Apple did not deliver as promised. My point is they need to in a timely manner. If they went back to their old way of doing business making sure the product is ready before launch instead of racing against a dead line to deliver a product on time many of the failures such as "push" wouldn't have occurred.
For the record I've been a Mac user from the beginning and always will be. Even at their worst moments the far exceed the rest.
So basically what Apple is doing is taking your money now but not letting you use it for 30 days. Thats real nice of you Apple.
Is that supposed to be a joke?
If someone's not happy with the service, and plans to cancel at the end of their contract, is an extra 30 days going to change their decision?
If someone has become dependent on the MobileMe, and migrating to a new service becomes impractical, what value does adding an extra month provide? They're not going anywhere anyway.
Am I missing something? Will $8 and change be deducted from the following year's bill?
Oh what-freakin' ever. Wah... wah.
If solsun, the elder to these discussion boards that he/she is, took my response as an attack, maybe it's his/her over-inflated ego that's to blame; not me.
Yes... I may be new to these boards, and as such, only have 5 posts. Rather than a sign of immaturity, I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
He/she should have kept their un-informed "facts" to themselves.
if you're first post didn't confirm the level of maturity that you are able to bring to these discussions, this one surely did.
Yes... I may be new to these boards...I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
That should be "and not just type to read myself."
Rather than a sign of immaturity, I think it speaks to my ability to choose my words wisely, and not just speak to hear myself.
Wise and mature.
30 more days does not solve any subscriber's problem. MobileMe shouldn't have been released, these issues are not Server overload issues nor are they oversight issues. Instead they are typical your typical fresh-code issues that should be in the alpha or early stages of beta. Definitely not ready for prime-time.
PFFT. What's your definition of prime time GMAIL or hotmail. Try using either in their first revision. Not pretty. A 30 day extend is a nice gesture.
Oh and p.s. if you think this is bad imagine if that sycophant Ron Paul made software
PFFT. What's your definition of prime time GMAIL or hotmail. Try using either in their first revision. Not pretty. A 30 day extend is a nice gesture.:
One one side, we do expect more QA from paid services over free ones. As for Gmail, they did it smart by only allowing people to signup via and invite and controlling the number of invites you could send out.
I partial agree with Suhail about the way they released it. They could moved .Mac users over in bursts and had MobileMe come out a month before or after the iPhone launch. They could have also removed the 60-day trial.
I have no stats but I imagine that many people purchased and Phone and then signed up for the free trial to test out the Push and whatnot. Not only did this bog down the servers it made a very bad first impression. Sometimes that all you get. By Sunday I was able to maneuver through MobileMe fine. Mail, Address Book, Photos and iCal work as they should. The experience is the most native, desktop like web app I've ever used. There are even hot keys for copies and pasting, you just have to use Control instead of Command to do it.
Now, if they can get iDisk up and running, re-add the Bookmarks (I don't care about iCards), get iWork in there, and allow me to choose folder and/or files from anywhere within Finder that are auto synced with MobileMe I'd be set. On the last one, it's pretty pathetic that I have to manually move or keep files in my local iDisk folder if I want them available on the Cloud. Would it not be better if I could just make my Documents folder part of my iDisk sync without moving it, or choose my stickies DB file in ~/Library as a part of that? I think so.
PS: Does anyone remember when MS forgot to renew it's domain name or when they bought Hotmail and tried to move everything to NT servers but it was causing so many issues they moved back to Unix?
PPS: The sync current only sends upstream every 15 minutes from Mac and PC, while Pushing immediately from iPhone. iPhone Touch and your MobileMe Cloud. On the Mac end you can change this duration easily with a simple .PLIST edit.
Keep up the feedback and they should continue to respond.
IMHO, if after one month MobileMe doesn't do what you want, maybe there are appropriate third-party options. I know that's not great when you've already paid for one year of Mobile Me though.
One thing they didn't mention in the transition document was that you would no longer be able to read your mail with Internet Explorer. Considering how many workplaces are IE centric, that rather rated a mention don't you think?
Most workplaces if they had a shred of intelligence (which they probably don't) should not use IE7 at all. Oh wait the O2 UK activation only works through IE7.
I agree with ascii that if Mobile Me is dropping IE totally that should be clear. Hopefully though whether intended or not with the popularity of the iPhone 3G in strongly Windows-dominant work and home environments, this will push (pun unintended lol) more people towards Firefox, even in the workplace, where clearly, using Firefox 3.0 in most cases should increase workplace productivity and security?
Yes, they should have been clear. The whole point of webmail is that you can read your email anywhere, therefore it should be as compatible as possible.
Exactly, and if IE7 adhered to modern web standards instead of proprietary Microsoft BS, it would be compatible.