Server, connectivity problems add to Apple's MobileMe woes



  • Reply 21 of 43
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by Callaway7 View Post

    I'm glad to read it's working for someone but I still cannot get over how you can provide someone with email capabilities but not provide them with a way to select a recipient from your address book (Contacts) when creating a new email. Where is the logic in that?

    Least I'm on the trial right now. I really feel for those who were existing .MAC subscribers and used your .mac address as your primary email. You're getting hosed.

    No I am not. It is working as it should for me with no problems. So I am not getting hosed but I am getting what I paid for.

    Besides, I am a planner and I have a GMail account as backup just in case. Everything is under control for me. Also, my email works beautifully on my iPhone. I just wish Subscription Calenders were Push compliant at this time but I will live until they get that resolved.
  • Reply 22 of 43
    Originally Posted by Callaway7 View Post

    When creating a new email at, does the TO: field autopopulate for anyone? Does the contacts icon work for anyone? Cause it sure doesn't for me u sing FF3.0

    I mean I can get over the AJAX not working correctly to autopopulate my TO: field as I type in an address....but to have the Contacts icon not even work so you can't even select an email address is just stupid.

    Same here. The Address Button doesn't work for me either... Also, in Received Message there is not button to Add Sender to Addresses.

    Switching to Address Tab is SLOW! I often get Unresponsive Scrip Error, and if I click on Continue, after a a while it displays the Addresses, but they work SLOW, unlike the Demo at WWDC on 6/9/08!

    Hope all this stuff is fixed soon, so that the ENEMIES don't start make commercials mocking ME.COM

    This issues exist on both FF and the latest Safari on OS 10.4.11
  • Reply 23 of 43
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    In the past few days Mobile Me Status reports 1% of mail users unable to access. I had the problem for a few hours this morning but it was okay after a few hours.

    To be honest, I consider myself one of the lucky ones with all the Mobile Me stuff. And I get 30 days extra.

    On a serious note, I empathise with everyone that has had a rocky period. It is not a good time for those seriously relying on Mobile Me.

    As a 4 year two person subscriber ($800 so far) I am annoyed at the disappearance of Status reports. Where exactly is that found now?
  • Reply 24 of 43
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Originally Posted by justfine View Post

    As a 4 year two person subscriber ($800 so far) I am annoyed at the disappearance of Status reports. Where exactly is that found now?

    (Status indicator contains forward looking statements and may be nuts )
  • Reply 25 of 43
    winterspanwinterspan Posts: 605member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    I appreciate that Apple is working hard on this stuff, but the constant lying is really starting to get to me.

    This is also a really good example of how Apple's long-held policy of not telling anyone anything and not commenting much on their problems simply doesn't scale to the size of operation they are now running. In the 90's when there were only a few thousand people likely to be affected by a given issue maybe... but now... not so much. Even 1% (and that is a total lie) of Apple's users is a big big number nowadays.

    Yeah, I've always hated the secrecy and long periods of silence on problems from Apple, it really drives me nuts. They are obviously going to need to evolve their strategy to deal with the burgeoning customer base.

    MobileMe is certainly having some problems, but it's still very early. These types of issues aren't at all unexpected with a major service launch like this -- that's just the way it goes. Large servers grids, networks connections, software, etc all conspire to make a very difficult environment sometimes. But I guarantee they will soon have it all smoothed out and everyone will forget the growing pains. I'm sure it will turn out to be an excellent service, and finally provide a solution for email/contact/calendar synchronization to personal and SOHO users.
  • Reply 26 of 43
    Well... I am definitely part of that 1%... been without mail for a few days now... At least I'm only doin the 60 day trial so I'm not gettin ripped off or anything.

    Hope it gets resolved soon though so at least I can "test" stuff out a bit more
  • Reply 27 of 43
    messiahmessiah Posts: 1,689member
    I'm part of the 1% as well.

    I've been a .Mac subscriber, pretty much from day one. I found the .mac service to be really reliable, and indeed, I did rely on it for my business because unlike my POP3 accounts .mac always seemed to just work on all my devices.

    There were a couple of occasions about a month or so ago where .mac just flat out refused to let me send two particular emails - but apart from that, .mac has been fine.

    I don't understand why Apple had to take something which worked fine, and over-egg it and turn it into a complete fiasco.

    I'm freelance, and clients tend to contact me without any warning to offer me work. As a result I rely on my mobile and .mac for my livelihood. I'm appalled that Apple has allowed a single point of failure to take down the entire system.

    I certainly won't be renewing either of my iMac subscriptions!
  • Reply 28 of 43
    "This issue is currently affecting approximately 1% of MobileMe members"

    Yep ! and if Steve need a new Job after this disaster he can always apply as "Chief Liar Operator" in China or North Korea !

    I'm part of the 49% (not 1% ) see:

    They really are taking the mickey ! as a 20 years old Apple good customer (6 Macs at home) and ex Apple-fan I'm gutted:

    I've suscribed to .mac one year ago.

    About 2 weeks ago we've been forced by Apple to "upgrade" our .mac to this "immobilise me" thing without anyone asking if we wanted this "upgrade " in the first place !

    It would have been easy for Apple to set up this new "mobileme" service as a new different offer next to the existing .mac service, Huu dude!

    This new "mobileme" email doesn't work on my wife iMac with a system (OS 10.3.9) only 3 years old !

    So, I'm going to be forced to buy a brand new Apple computer to be able to get our email on a .mac account we've already paid for !

    In Europe where we're living it is unlawfull to:

    1/ breach contracts (.mac)

    2/ force people to buy what they do not want: Mobile Me, OS 10.5 or a new Apple computer.

    And "oups" I forgot: an Apple email I received this morning said that my mobile me (ex .mac) account is supposed to be renewned in 6 days, where are the 30 DAYS FREE EXTENSION APPLE promised me in another email after a five days interuption of all the services ???

    I'm fed up with Apple, NOT ONE answer from support / customer service and even Legal deptmts (I want to file an official complaint to the autorithies but Apple doesn't want to give me their address in Belgium. Cost dozens of Euros to try to get someone on the phone !

    I will go to court to have my customer rights back ! and I hope some of other customers will do the same if Apple doesn't scale back.


    With me sing my song loudly:



    PS: don't google "complain + apple" = you will get nothing concerning Apple customers real complaints , you'll only get an Apple diversion against a cloning firm. Well done Bill (oups, Steve, my mistake !)


    MacMini OSX10.4.11, iMac OSX 10.3.9, b&w G3 OS 9.2.2, Powerbook G3, 3 iBooks

    Linksys WiFi, iPod 80 Go, Shuffle
  • Reply 29 of 43
    I used to be able to access dotmac using Opera Mobile Java edition on my non-Apple phone. I can't any more. Of course I can't get Firefox or Safari on my freaking Sony Ericsson. Which means I can't read any of my email with my phone. Thanks, Apple.

    That's my only gripe about Mobile Me.
  • Reply 30 of 43
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by heller14 View Post


    In Europe where we're living it is unlawfull to:

    1/ breach contracts (.mac)

    2/ force people to buy what they do not want: Mobile Me, OS 10.5 or a new Apple computer


    Europe is way advanced from the rest of the world in many ways. Too bad I can't get a bloody decent job here in London (I know...) after 2 bloody months... Or did you mean mainland Europe? LOL.
  • Reply 31 of 43
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    This is beginning to sound like Karma.

    Is MobileMe Apple's Vista?
  • Reply 32 of 43
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    I'm part of the 1% as well.

    I've been a .Mac subscriber, pretty much from day one. I found the .mac service to be really reliable, and indeed, I did rely on it for my business because unlike my POP3 accounts .mac always seemed to just work on all my devices.

    There were a couple of occasions about a month or so ago where .mac just flat out refused to let me send two particular emails - but apart from that, .mac has been fine.

    I don't understand why Apple had to take something which worked fine, and over-egg it and turn it into a complete fiasco.

    I'm freelance, and clients tend to contact me without any warning to offer me work. As a result I rely on my mobile and .mac for my livelihood. I'm appalled that Apple has allowed a single point of failure to take down the entire system.

    I certainly won't be renewing either of my iMac subscriptions!

    Same here- a subscriber since day one.

    Don't you know - it's all about the iPhone.

    That's why I didn't renew mine June 25th- thank god.
  • Reply 33 of 43
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    Originally Posted by tmedia1 View Post

    For anyone who switched their primary email to mobile me in first 30 days of its existence, well, all I can say is "what were you thinking?!" I'm seriously considering mobile me, but not until its out of it beta stage and fully operational...

    Well you couldn't think if you already had a .Mac account- you had no choice.

    At least with Visa you can still choose XP. We can't go back to .Mac if we want to here.

    Oh the irony in the world.
  • Reply 34 of 43
    ea32ea32 Posts: 1member
    So good to know its just not me, One more person no access all of last week and sporadic this week
  • Reply 35 of 43
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    Well you couldn't think if you already had a .Mac account- you had no choice.

    At least with Visa you can still choose XP. We can't go back to .Mac if we want to here.

    Common people lighten up. MobileMe is everything I thought I was getting when I signed-up for .Mac last year. Now that I've seen what it is capable of I feel screwed for paying for .Mac for the year, MobileMe blows it out of the water. I admit Apple screwed the pooch big time on its release and it appears they are admitting it also. I say give them some time to work out the issues. I'm not ready to jump ship yet. This looks way to promising to be that irrational.
  • Reply 36 of 43
    Originally Posted by Messiah View Post

    I'm part of the 1% as well.


    I don't understand why Apple had to take something which worked fine, and over-egg it and turn it into a complete fiasco.


    I certainly won't be renewing either of my iMac subscriptions!

    Common sens would have be to give 2 simple options for their band of fan / customers:

    1/ one simple .mac as usual you can use on your old Macs for your webmail, no hassle.

    2/ a brand new trendy "Mobile me" thing you can use with you brand new mac + iphone etc.... at a different price.

    and let their customers decide themselve what suits their own needs.

    Isn't it too rocket science that a family home with 4 old macs used only for word processing, some surfing and emailing doesn't need more than a simple webmail in a "safe" environment (I say safe, because we could get webmails for FREE with microsft, google etc... we give our money to Apple because we trusted them)

    And if one day this family want the new cool flashy features offered on Mobile Me, so they can try it (separetly from .mac) and get informed that they will have to buy new computers to be compatible.


    they wouldn't be forced as we are today.


    I certainly won't be renewing either of my iMac subscription.

    their mistake.
  • Reply 37 of 43
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Europe is way advanced from the rest of the world in many ways. Too bad I can't get a bloody decent job here in London (I know...) after 2 bloody months... Or did you mean mainland Europe? LOL.

    Europe is no different from anywhere else, no better, no worst.

    Personnal advice: London is the best place to find a job in Europe, it is much worst in France or Italy - depending of what sort of job you're looking for and from which country you come from (employment laws).

    Maybe I could help ?

    Good luck !
  • Reply 38 of 43
    nortonnorton Posts: 9member
    When I delete an email on my iPhone and then check the mail a while later on my web inbox, the deleted mail is still in the inbox as well as a copy in the trash. Also once you delete at least one other message on the web, then all previously deleted messages go into the trash.

    When you read the email on the web, it does not update your iPhone with the proper number of emails that have not been read. The only way to update the iPhone at this point is to log into the mail application and then the mail application connects to server and checks it.

    There is nothing PUSH about the two scenarios above.

    When contacting Apple it is like speaking to a wall, and that is how they treat their loyal customers.

    I hope they are reading it. And I hope that people that did not get their services yet, stay FAR FAR AWAY.
  • Reply 39 of 43
    kenaustuskenaustus Posts: 924member
    So Apple has both a SNAFU and a FUBAR. I'm glad that the optic cable problem is solved - just as I'm happy that my email is working. I don't want to try anything else at the moment!

    As for those that are having email problems I hope that Apple has some very good back up procedures and don't tell the customer that it is their fault that the back up is a customer responsibility.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the problem isn't one of the actual servers and, if it is a hardware problem Apple should have replacement servers on hand to handle the problem.

    As for the slowness of the MobileMe system, that sounds like Apple simply needs to significantly increase the capacity of their server farms. Like the old texas oil man said when presented with a carefully prepared hardware proposal from IBM in the 50's - "fine, now double that".

    The explosive sales of the iPhone plus a free trial of MobileMe has probably left Apple's servers straining and major upgrades are needed ASAP.
  • Reply 40 of 43
    abster2coreabster2core Posts: 2,501member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's support forums are rife with complaints…

    Not quite true.

    If you peruse through the discussion forums, many are simple questions or duplicates. More often than not the issue could have been averted if they read the instructions, watched the videos, used the Help or viewed the Support page, which by the way should be bookmarked for reference by everybody.

    Accessed via or, it is just one of Apples superior support sites.

    Interesting that there are a number of visitors here that don't have an iPhone, MobileMe or ever a .Mac account and yet continue to smite it for all its worth. Equally interesting is the fact that the pundits or those that take the time to follow directions are not having any issues or major concerns that perhaps just a little patience will or would not have resolved.

    My experience: MobileMe, my iPhone and Macs are syncing beautifully. Sure there have been glitches, but in 99% of the cases, it was because I ran instead of walked. And to those few clients, colleagues and friends who have called me because they had problems with syncing their email, I hope my abruptness was not taken as a refection of their intelligence when I told them, "Yes, the Mail Accounts box must be checked in the MobileMe preference pane if you want to synchronize your mail.
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