Adding Contacts/MobileMe issues...

in iPhone edited January 2014
Today I spent about two hours adding contacts into my iPhone. I've signed up for MobileMe, so whenever I add a contact it pushes it to the cloud.

About 30 minutes ago, after attempting to add an additional contact, my entire contact list (all 450 of them) were erased. After about 10 minutes of waiting, a majority of the contacts returned. Although now I've noticed about 20 of them are missing.

This is extremely frustrating considering I've spent a lot of time adding these contacts, only to have them erased for no apparent reason. I am beginning to regret signing up for this service.

Has anyone else had this issue?


  • Reply 1 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Yes. I couldn't get it to work at all. You should have synced your Mac with the cloud ever before attempting to sync your phone. I feel your pain though. Go back into your time machine to rescue those contacts, if you back up like that.

    Here's the file you're looking for, to replace:

    I couldn't get it to work at all and I gave up on it. The only thing I've set to push is my email, and that has actually slowed down my email syncing from when I used my iPhone on .Mac.

    Mobile me needs serious attention from Apple. Also, I hate the way people who don't have issues always say; it's working fine for me, I can't understand why anyones having any issues. Well of course you can't understand, it's called ignorance. This is an Apple issue guys, not a user versus user issues. It's not reliable at all for a fair number of users, that's bad enough.
  • Reply 2 of 19
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
  • Reply 3 of 19
    Thanks, Ireland. I'll probably just re-enter them into the phone. It was only twenty, so it's not too big of a deal. It would be if it were the entire contact list.

    Oh, and shaddup Spammy.
  • Reply 4 of 19
    tutumiles1tutumiles1 Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Thanks, Ireland. I'll probably just re-enter them into the phone. It was only twenty, so it's not too big of a deal. It would be if it were the entire contact list.

    Oh, and shaddup Spammy.

    I am hating MobileMe right now myself. it is slow and buggy.
  • Reply 5 of 19
    sammicksammick Posts: 416member
    I had a lot of problems too---it took me a couple of hours to get it going--

    what I did was to stop all syncing---then fix all the contacts in my address book--remove all the contacts in my other computer's address book ---- then allow syncing and it worked--

    My problem was that the cloud and my other computers kept syncing and kept screwing up my

  • Reply 6 of 19
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    On the other hand I've had no problems. I've got 1500+ contacts which I've been syncing with 3 computers and dot mac for 4 years. About 2 days after the announced release I

    1) sync'd my contacts/calendars

    2) turned on Mobile Me on the iphone

    In about 2 minutes all the contacts and calendar items were there. Everything I put on the iPhone has shown up in all the computers, for both contact and calendar items. There is the limit of the 15 min sync on the computers but, for now, thats easily dealt with by the top bar menu item sync now. As soon as that's complete the iphone-computer exchange is done and things appear on all three placed (computer/phone/cloud). Of course to get the other two computers they have to go though a sync cycle.

    For me, this is all working great. No more having to sync with my laptop/desktop to get updates from one to the other.
  • Reply 7 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    On the other hand I've had no problems. I've got 1500+ contacts which I've been syncing with 3 computers and dot mac for 4 years. About 2 days after the announced release I

    1) sync'd my contacts/calendars

    2) turned on Mobile Me on the iphone

    In about 2 minutes all the contacts and calendar items were there. Everything I put on the iPhone has shown up in all the computers, for both contact and calendar items. There is the limit of the 15 min sync on the computers but, for now, thats easily dealt with by the top bar menu item sync now. As soon as that's complete the iphone-computer exchange is done and things appear on all three placed (computer/phone/cloud). Of course to get the other two computers they have to go though a sync cycle.

    For me, this is all working great. No more having to sync with my laptop/desktop to get updates from one to the other.

    That's a lonely club you're in.
  • Reply 8 of 19
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That's a lonely club you're in.

    That's what I love about the Internet and forums like this - sweeping statements like this based on relatively small and highly biased (those having trouble are by far the most likely to post) samples. Do I think there are problems that need to be addressed - of course. Are they so sweeping that the group for which things are working is in a minority, or even a limited majority - most likely not. I'm sure I'm in a very large, silent, happy club.

    By far, the majority (I would venture 95%+) of the problems reported on these forums have not been a problem for me or those others I work with on Macs. Of the remaining 5%, 4% are not critical in any sense as there are reasonable work-arounds.

    Believe me I post suggestions and complaints at Apple, both feedback and bugreporter. I had Apple engineering work with me to get additional information on problems reported so I'm not naive.
  • Reply 9 of 19
    I have a PC running Vista 64 and I have NOT been able to SYNC!!! When I opne the Control Panels MobileMe Preferences everything starts and appears normal, heck it even shows iDisk. But when I go to the SYNC TAB, nothing is SYNC'd! When I select the option to "Sync with MobileMe", it errors out with this message, "Unable to register this computer for syncing. Please try again later."

    I have MobileMe working fine on my iPhone and through the web. My PC as stated above has all working EXCEPT NO syncing.

    So since the whole idea behind this plan is the ability to sync on the fly, it is nothing more than a nice email program until Apple gets this fixed!

    Can anyone show me the light???

    Thanks ~~ Gunny
  • Reply 10 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    That's what I love about the Internet and forums like this - sweeping statements like this based on relatively small and highly biased (those having trouble are by far the most likely to post) samples. Do I think there are problems that need to be addressed - of course. Are they so sweeping that the group for which things are working is in a minority, or even a limited majority - most likely not. I'm sure I'm in a very large, silent, happy club.

    By far, the majority (I would venture 95%+) of the problems reported on these forums have not been a problem for me or those others I work with on Macs. Of the remaining 5%, 4% are not critical in any sense as there are reasonable work-arounds.

    Believe me I post suggestions and complaints at Apple, both feedback and bugreporter. I had Apple engineering work with me to get additional information on problems reported so I'm not naive.

    So you work with Mac users and that makes your argument better than mine. When people don't have issues they assume most are like them. The issues are so bad Apple wrote an apology letter. A very very rare thing from Apple. Most are having issues with mobile me and the iPhone. It really is that simple.
  • Reply 11 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by seidell23231 View Post

    I have a PC running Vista 64 and I have NOT been able to SYNC!!! When I opne the Control Panels MobileMe Preferences everything starts and appears normal, heck it even shows iDisk. But when I go to the SYNC TAB, nothing is SYNC'd! When I select the option to "Sync with MobileMe", it errors out with this message, "Unable to register this computer for syncing. Please try again later."

    I have MobileMe working fine on my iPhone and through the web. My PC as stated above has all working EXCEPT NO syncing.

    So since the whole idea behind this plan is the ability to sync on the fly, it is nothing more than a nice email program until Apple gets this fixed!

    Can anyone show me the light???

    Thanks ~~ Gunny

    I can't show you the light, but I can predict the future.

    Very soon expect a user here to blame Vista and not Apple, cause Apple never makes mistakes or fuck-ups. Apple shits Bibles.
  • Reply 12 of 19
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    So you work with Mac users and that makes your argument better than mine. When people don't have issues they assume most are like them. The issues are so bad Apple wrote an apology letter. A very very rare thing from Apple. Most are having issues with mobile me and the iPhone. It really is that simple.

    Did you actually read the apology or just assume it was aimed at your problems?


    Although core services such as Mail, iDisk, Sync, Back to My Mac, and Gallery went relatively smoothly, the new MobileMe web applications had lots of problems initially. Fortunately we have worked through those problems and the web apps are now up and running.

    Another snag we have run into is our use of the word "push" in describing everything under the MobileMe umbrella. While all email, contact or calendar changes on the iPhone and the web apps are immediately synced to and from the MobileMe "cloud," changes made on a PC or Mac take up to 15 minutes to sync with the cloud and your other devices. So even though things are indeed instantly pushed to and from your iPhone and the web apps today, we are going to stop using the word "push" until it is near-instant on PCs and Macs, too.

    They were apologizing for the web apps, not the syncing which they claim went relatively smoothly and, in my experience circle, did go rather smoothly overall. Is my experience any 'better' than yours? Of course not. My 'argument' is not better that 'yours' especially since I'm not making one. My point was just that you don't have any support for your statement that I'm in a lonely club. I'm not claiming anything other than that there is a large bias in posting to post negatively and not to post positively. Therefore, making large generalizations from limited, biased, samples is erroneous by any standard even if it is emotionally satisfying.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    i tried to use contacts from a pc at work to change contacts, server couldnt be found, got mail though maybe a problem with contacts server. all my changes from the iphone worked hmmmm
  • Reply 14 of 19
    datamodeldatamodel Posts: 126member
    Data point - I'm with physguy, it works just fine, as advertised for me.

    The only issue is not syncing other people's calendars that I'm subscribed to in iCal, so I turned off calendar syncing. The rest works fine for me (MBP, 3G iPhone) and for my wife (MBA, 2G iPhone).
  • Reply 15 of 19
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Push to my iPhone 3G White 16GB is working well over wifi, except for Mail. It no pushy. No pushy at all. Apple's mail servers as we know, have been thrashed over the past several days.

    Mobile Me still has a lot of challenges.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Guybrush Threepwood View Post

    Thanks, Ireland. I'll probably just re-enter them into the phone. It was only twenty, so it's not too big of a deal. It would be if it were the entire contact list. ...Oh, and shaddup Spammy.

    Do you regularly backup with Time Machine? Maybe too late to suggest, but for the future...
  • Reply 17 of 19
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Push to my iPhone 3G White 16GB is working well over wifi, except for Mail. It no pushy. No pushy at all. Apple's mail servers as we know, have been thrashed over the past several days.

    Mobile Me still has a lot of challenges.

    This must depend on which server your account is being handled by. I just tested mine by sending an e-mail through our business server to my .me account. From the time I hit the send button until the badge number on the mail icon on the iphone lit up was a count of 2 ~ 2 seconds.

    Observation/question. While the mail reception is push, synchronization does not seem to be. If I then read and delete the above mail on my client machine and even manually resync by 'getting mail' again the badge number doesn't change until I either 'get mail' or another mail message is received and 'pushed'. Is this typical for other push services? Does anyone know?
  • Reply 18 of 19
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by physguy View Post

    This must depend on which server your account is being handled by. I just tested mine by sending an e-mail through our business server to my .me account. From the time I hit the send button until the badge number on the mail icon on the iphone lit up was a count of 2 ~ 2 seconds.

    Observation/question. While the mail reception is push, synchronization does not seem to be. If I then read and delete the above mail on my client machine and even manually resync by 'getting mail' again the badge number doesn't change until I either 'get mail' or another mail message is received and 'pushed'. Is this typical for other push services? Does anyone know?

    Everything should be synced properly, I think. That's why I feel Apple is still sorting out the kinks.
  • Reply 19 of 19
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Do you regularly backup with Time Machine? Maybe too late to suggest, but for the future...

    He should. I do. It's safer.
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