Microsoft sets sights on providing an Apple-like experience



  • Reply 21 of 118
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
  • Reply 22 of 118
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    That's ridiculous. They would like- have to -build a computer first?
  • Reply 23 of 118
    stevetimstevetim Posts: 482member

    In the competition between PCs and Macs, we outsell Apple 30-to-1.

    Perhaps someone should tell Mr. Balmer that Microsoft doesn't sell PC's.
  • Reply 24 of 118
    satchmosatchmo Posts: 2,699member
    Originally Posted by EyeNsteinNo View Post

    An article by Darren Morph in engadget jan 18, 2007 was titled 'Steve Ballmer laughs off the iPhone" came right after the WWDC in 2007. the article can be found here: steve-ballmer-laughs-off-the-iphone-deems-it-most-expensive-i/

    It would seem the Value of Vista would be going down since SB's IQ is on the rise!

    V=SqRoot of 1984/SBIQ=.6455378

    The video is part is where he says, paraphrasing... 'they have their strategy, we have ours...we like ours'

    Hmmm.....sounds more and more like he like Apple's strategy now.
  • Reply 25 of 118
    jcatma61jcatma61 Posts: 37member
    Good luck with that.

    What a horrid spectacle Monkey Boy is making of his leadership of MS.
  • Reply 26 of 118
    stevetimstevetim Posts: 482member
    I can't wait to get the Microsoft phone and keep on buying the anti-cell phone virus software every month.
  • Reply 27 of 118
    bowserbowser Posts: 89member
    Originally Posted by BuzDots View Post

    And................... don't forget the master sales promoter to provide the pitch

    ARGH!!! My eyes!!! My eyes!!! Help!!! Medic!!!

    The horror...

    the horror...
  • Reply 28 of 118
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    Ah, yes. Because providing a user-friendly, integrated solution across multiple hardware and software product lines is as easy as just saying so

    All along, it wasn't that Apple was good at this stuff, it's just nobody else ever tried before
  • Reply 29 of 118
    bpattonbpatton Posts: 19member
    I don't get the monkey boy reference everyone keeps throwing out. Can someone elaborate real fast?
  • Reply 30 of 118
    simontsimont Posts: 5member
    Steve Ballmer looked completely idiot on the stage. For a CEO, he should have been calm and make a witty joke at his competitor. Oh! Isn't it what Steve Jobs do? Sorry! There is stupid and stupid... looking at him, a monkey would have done it better.

    If Microsoft wants people to have a better opinion of its products, then they should fire Ballmer first, then concentrate on products that appeal to people and that go away from that "Social experience" mind. The Zune is a failure, Vista is a failure on all the line, and everything else they are doing just s***.... maybe except the 360, and even in that field, the hardware isn't working that well and the interface is clunky...

    In fact, why bother rebuilding this company? Shut it down, give the money back to the investors and save the face...
  • Reply 31 of 118
    justflybobjustflybob Posts: 1,337member
    Originally Posted by bpatton View Post

    I don't get the monkey boy reference everyone keeps throwing out. Can someone elaborate real fast?

    Look up "Developers, developers, developers" on uTube
  • Reply 32 of 118 the one they should copy the most: Admit their OS isn't cutting it anymore, build a new one from scratch, and add legacy support for the old OS into the new one for a few years until application developers make the transition from old-and-busted Windows to new-hotness Windows.

    Windows is a bloated piece of crap, spaghetti code, ready to collapse under its own weight. They need to throw it out and start over, they just refuse to admit it to themselves. That's why Vista took so long to come out. Actually they did sort of do it, in typical half-assed Microsoft fashion, a few years back-- when they decided to throw out what they had done and rebuild Vista on the newer Server 2003 codebase. That was a start, but there's still too much legacy crap weighing the system down, and the proof is in the fact that you need a pretty beefy machine with a ton of RAM to even hope to get performance comparable to XP on older hardware.

    The funny thing is, I think Microsoft is in a better position to do this sort of thing than Apple was back when they did it. Microsoft owns Virtual PC, and that coupled with today's virtualization technologies ought to make running the "classic" Windows and apps in a sandbox on top of a revamped OS a pretty painless exercise.

  • Reply 33 of 118
    teckstudteckstud Posts: 6,476member
    "Leave Ballmer Alone- Just leave him ALONE- PLEEZ!!!"
  • Reply 34 of 118
    ameristamerist Posts: 77member
    Microsoft's Windows' strongest selling point is that it can run on any modern PC. You don't need proprietary hardware to run it. Because of that fact, if they were to make their own PC they would not be competing with Apple, but they would be taking sales away from other PC vendors. Imagine how that conversation might go...


    HP and Dell: "We hear that you're making your own line of computers to compete with ours."

    Microsoft: "No, we're competing with Apple."

    HP and Dell: "Oh. So you are going to make a new OS that competes with OS X?"

    Microsoft: "No, we're going to use windows Vista"

    HP and Dell: "Then you're competing with us!"

    I don't see Microsoft purposely taking business away from HP or Dell. It's never going to happen.
  • Reply 35 of 118
    maybe I'm crazy, but I'd like for them to succeed... imagine them coming out with a microsoft phone with a few personal edition of Exchange a la mobileme, but for free. This will force Apple to drop their service to free, or come up with something better to keep us paying for it. Sometimes competition is good, and considering no one has been able to compete for the first year of the iphone, hopefully someone will soon.
  • Reply 36 of 118
    bpattonbpatton Posts: 19member
    Originally Posted by justflybob View Post

    Look up "Developers, developers, developers" on uTube


    Well, I guess you gotta have energy and excitement flowing like that to keep people from noticing the sinking ship
  • Reply 37 of 118
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    The problem with companies like Microsoft is they see Apple's success and think that's where they need to be when they really need to aim ahead of them. If they aim for where Apple is now, the best they'll achieve is second place because Apple is a moving target.

    Always playing catchup isn't the best of business plans. It's hypocritical of Ballmer to admit this plan too. He has derided Apple so many times and then he turns round and says that Microsoft need to start doing what Apple do.
  • Reply 38 of 118
    ameristamerist Posts: 77member
    Originally Posted by PhillyMJS View Post the one they should copy the most: Admit their OS isn't cutting it anymore, build a new one from scratch, and add legacy support for the old OS into the new one for a few years until application developers make the transition from old-and-busted Windows to new-hotness Windows.

    I couldn't agree more. When that happens, they might get me to start using Windows again. Until then, I'm an Apple fanboy and I'm not ashamed to prove it.
  • Reply 39 of 118
    bpattonbpatton Posts: 19member
    From the Memo: "Looking ahead, I see an incredibly bright future for our company. As I said at the June 27th Town Hall for Bill, we are the best in the world at doing software and nobody should be confused about this. It doesn?t mean that we can?t improve, but nobody is better than we are. Nobody works harder than we do. Nobody is more tenacious than we are. We?re investing more broadly and more seriously than anybody else. Our opportunities to change the world have never been greater."

    Huh? Did he wake up thinking he was working for Apple?
  • Reply 40 of 118
    citycity Posts: 522member
    Microsoft should stop focusing on capturing and dominating markets and actually invent something that will advance womankind. It all about "selling" to them. As such they are following the path of General Motors and their high profit impractical SUVs. People eventually wise-up with California leading the way. ("focusing on capturing and dominating markets"-is Bush in-charge?)
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