Microsoft sets sights on providing an Apple-like experience



  • Reply 61 of 118
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by Lakota View Post

    I can see it now! The MEphone. Building on the success of Windows ME!

    Don't you mean the METOOphone?
  • Reply 62 of 118
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Originally Posted by pixelnyc View Post


    Yes... thank you for contributing with such eloquence and insight.

    I say let the games begin. MS has finally woken up, they've been sleeping on their laurels for too long and now Apple might finally have some actual competition again. If MS wants to join the battle and actually start trying, then Apple will have to keep innovation rolling to keep focus on them. But they already know this, Apple have dug themselves out of the pit of despair that was the mid-90's and have been steaming along rapidly since.

  • Reply 63 of 118
    pmjoepmjoe Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    In the meantime will corporate America be stuck in a Windows XP malaise?

    They already are. Vista is a dud, and IMHO unfixable. They need to throw the OS out and start from scratch. They may be able to build from some existing core, much like Apple did.

    Ballmer's fixation on an "end-to-end experience" is flawed. It may be good for getting crossover buyers who get both iPods and Macs. BUT, if Apple had tried to build their end-to-end experience on OS 9, they'd have failed miserably.

    An end-to-end experience won't fix Vista's flaws.
  • Reply 64 of 118
    wheelhotwheelhot Posts: 465member
    In the future Microsoft logo will change to a pear with a bite mark on the upper left of the logo.
  • Reply 65 of 118
    I feel that Apple has gotten quite cocky lately and has become too ambitious in providing things that are actually "like Microsoft but better". Mobile Me has yet to surprise anyone with quality. Every new update that comes out for Leopard seems to create more problems than fix. The new iPhone's launch was plagued with problems. There are incompatibility issues with some 3rd party plug ins (which is exactly the opposite of Microsoft actually, where I have specifically made products that crash and 3rd party products which work well). It seems that all Apple needs to do is have the blue screen of death instead of that spiny pinwheel of horrific catastrophe.

    Apple has become lazy lately because of their booming sales. This is leading to poorer quality . I agree with others stating the claim that Microsoft should be successful to create more competitive business. I hope that the "zune phone" makes it and creates a shift towards progressive technology instead of regressive. When Apple sees it, maybe they'll strive for an even bigger push than they usually have.
  • Reply 66 of 118
    hosshoss Posts: 69member
    The most overpaid seat warmer in history is reacting the same way his boss did when a little company called Netscape took the wind out of his sails in '95. If you guys up in Redmond would stop sprinkling anti-cool dust on all your products before you ship them you wouldn't have to panic every 5 years. Come on guys.....Vista?.......Seriously!
  • Reply 67 of 118
    The 30 to 1 ratio is worldwide. The US only ratio would be about 30 to 4, but changing fast (too fast for SB).

    I would guess the OS referred to as Windows 7 is based on "Xenix" with the addition of only the stuff that really works right from "XP Pro", add a new browser (aka Safari) and label it as "Lisa OSX!

    Send Vista off the Microsoft Museum.

    The "Windows 7" should be "9" if they count "Xenix-Lisa" and "BOB".

    PS: Still looking for SB IQ. Couldn't find it on net so could be nothng.

    Nothing equation: NT=0-0=BD
  • Reply 68 of 118
    wessanwessan Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by mbmcavoy View Post

    3) If you want to develop for a Mac, you use Cocoa and Objective-C. Very complete, but that's just about it.

    4) On a PC, you have C++, C# .NET, VB .NET, VBA, etc. See - CHOICES!!!

    Well, I'm Java developer on Mac OS X, so Cocoa and Objective-C are not the only choices. I guess there are much more less common languages like Python, Ruby etc. supported directly in the OS. Using Microsoft languages does not make much sense as Cocoa and core libraries are great for developing Mac-only applications.

    Supporting these Microsoft-only languages makes no sense as:

    1) Microsoft is very poor in designing APIs and languages

    2) most of the languages and frameworks are by-design bound to Windows components

    3) there is a lot of IP/patent/licensing stuff around these

    ... I don't think it is Apple, who does not make choice. If you develop an application in the Microsoft crap, what OS can user use to run your app? Only Windows and with a lot of troubles Linux using Mono which is incredibly slow, unstable and incomplete.

    If you want a Mac-only stuff tightly bound to features of OS X you choose ObjC+Cocoa, such choice is similar to Microsoft's stuff. If you want a cross-platform thing you have to choose different languages/frameworks (Java, Python, Ruby etc.) to avoid writing a lot of stuff multiple times.
  • Reply 69 of 118
    jimzipjimzip Posts: 446member
    Originally Posted by rnaoncfixd View Post

    I feel that Apple has gotten quite cocky lately and has become too ambitious in providing things that are actually "like Microsoft but better". Mobile Me has yet to surprise anyone with quality. Every new update that comes out for Leopard seems to create more problems than fix. The new iPhone's launch was plagued with problems. There are incompatibility issues with some 3rd party plug ins (which is exactly the opposite of Microsoft actually, where I have specifically made products that crash and 3rd party products which work well). It seems that all Apple needs to do is have the blue screen of death instead of that spiny pinwheel of horrific catastrophe.

    Apple has become lazy lately because of their booming sales. This is leading to poorer quality . I agree with others stating the claim that Microsoft should be successful to create more competitive business. I hope that the "zune phone" makes it and creates a shift towards progressive technology instead of regressive. When Apple sees it, maybe they'll strive for an even bigger push than they usually have.

    Sorry to do this but I have to jump in here and debate some inaccuracies and/or generalisations.

    While I do agree with some of what you're saying, (Apple being cocky lately and the new iPhone having quite spectacular bugs), I'm extremely impressed with the quality of Mobile Me, it's worked flawlessly since the switch and I've been using it regularly - the features, speed and feel of the service have been stellar... As well, Leopard has been as solid for me as it's ever been, even after the last update.

    Years ago I stated my fears that Apple gaining popularity would reduce the quality of their products and services, as the masses would begin occupying their time with whining and pressure to do more than before, & their success would bring lethargy. So far this has only come true in small ways - I'm hoping their continual growth doesn't lead to that scenario, but it's inevitable to some degree. They've been dealing with it pretty well so far in any case. New products will always have bugs, Apple brought out two at the same time... that's all I see.

    (Edit: 300 posts!!! Woohoo!)

  • Reply 70 of 118
    hypoluxahypoluxa Posts: 699member
    Originally Posted by thrang View Post

    And Apple's ad agency must already be busy whipping up a new Mac/PC tv ad with THIS gem as its theme...

    The funny thing with that is....the ad adgency that is designing all the print and web based materials is more-than-likely... doing it all on Macs!
  • Reply 71 of 118
    hosshoss Posts: 69member
    Does anybody on this post know anything about the Hammerhead GPS chip in THEPHONE?

    Obviously GPS can transmit location data to and from handset and satellite, but can it potentially allow SiriusXM to compete with AT&T as service provider? Sorry to blow up this thread with the iphone. I'll get back on subject:

    Ballmer's a moron!!!!!
  • Reply 72 of 118
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    Balmer said:

    <...more comprehensive effort to redefine the meaning and value of Windows for our customers.>

    This quote says so much. First of all, it says that Microsoft feels that it is necessary to define the meaning and value of windows to the customer. Shouldn't the customer just naturally sense the value, if the product is any good? I know with most good products, the value is inherently obvious from the get-go. If the company has to TELL me why it is valuable even after I have tried it, then the product most likely stinks.

    The second thing the quote says is that Microsoft has to REdefine the value. In other words, not only do they feel it necessary to define in the first place, but they failed at it once and need to try it again... presumably with a different - but somehow better - definition.

    Balmer STILL doesn't get it!



    Nobody had to make a comprehensive effort to redefine the meaning and value of the iPod, for instance. People just got it. And they've kept on getting it. Operating systems are more complex, but EVERYBODY (I'm sorry to say) has used Windows. Apple might need to do some defining on the OS front to educate people who've never used Mac OS X and therefore have misperceptions. But if you're using Windows, and Microsoft wants to change your perception of your experience... there's real problems with that.
  • Reply 73 of 118
    cicerocicero Posts: 20member
    That's funny... Apple was just trying to provide a Microsoft like experience with the launch of Mobile Me....
  • Reply 74 of 118
    please refer to the link re facebook - this Picture of Steve B is fascinating. Makes me realize at once that the new Windoze experience will be incredible, and Steve J and his team are really going to have to step up....
  • Reply 75 of 118
    Congrad.. Your are the only one to figure out the equation in my post (#16):

    It would seem the Value of Vista would be going down since SB's IQ is on the rise!

    V=SqRoot of 1984/SBIQ=.6455378

    A moron IQ starts at 69, so SBIQ of 69 = .6455378

    In case SBIQ reaches 140 the value of Vista would be .3181579.

    but the chance of that happening has about the same odds as Xenix or BOB replacing Linux.

    PS: Today's CNET News has a article about 60% rejection of Vista and SB.
  • Reply 76 of 118
    djpadzdjpadz Posts: 37member
    Originally Posted by Foo2 View Post

    Step 1. Buy YHOO

    Step 2. Buy a Mac

    Step 3. THERE IS NO STEP 3!!!

    I think it's more like:

    Step 1. Mimic Apple

    Step 2. ...

    Step 3. Profit!

    Seriously, I think this is going to be another example of Microsoft getting to the game with too little, too late.
  • Reply 77 of 118
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by djpadz View Post

    I think it's more like:

    Step 1. Mimic Apple

    Step 2. ...

    Step 3. Profit!

    Seriously, I think this is going to be another example of Microsoft getting to the game with too little, too late.

    I think if Microsoft tries to use that plan, they will face a patent lawsuit

    by the sock drawer gnomes.
  • Reply 78 of 118
    guinnessguinness Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by teckstud View Post

    In the meantime will corporate America be stuck in a Windows XP malaise?

    I can see most people have never worked in a large enterprise environment.

    It's often expensive and pointless to upgrade corporate PCs to a brand new OS, especially since said new OS could (most likely) cause compatibility issues. The last thing IT staff really care about, are new features, like transparency, Spaces, or Aero, or countless changes "under the hood", if its causes apps to break, untill they can be properly tested.

    Many companies skipped Windows 2000, going from NT4 to XP. Usually, if it isn't broke, don't fix it, and then break it.

    And yes, I also think Microsoft needs to pull an Apple, and restart with Windows. Start with something new, and virtualize the old stuff. I know some users bitch about backwards compatibility, but there comes a point where it drags everything down.
  • Reply 79 of 118
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Cicero View Post

    That's funny... Apple was just trying to provide a Microsoft like experience with the launch of Mobile Me....

    you're killin' me
  • Reply 80 of 118
    olternautolternaut Posts: 1,376member
    Originally Posted by mbmcavoy View Post

    This is a pretty interesting statement. I think Ballmer almost gets it.

    1) From a user perspective, I don't think the Mac is at all narrow; it is consistent.

    2) The choice that Windows provides, in terms of hardware, is valuable. What other choice, provided by MS, does the user get?

    Now, from a developer perspective, his comments make more sense.

    3) If you want to develop for a Mac, you use Cocoa and Objective-C. Very complete, but that's just about it.

    4) On a PC, you have C++, C# .NET, VB .NET, VBA, etc. See - CHOICES!!!

    "In Windows, the choice makes YOU!" It seems to me, the selection of development language depends on your project. I started using VBA with Excel and Access. Then I made the transition to VB .NET, and now I'm working with C# .NET. I'd hardly say I mastered any of them, after several years.

    5) Furthermore, there are often several APIs that you can use to accomplish the same task. See - CHOICES!!!

    I've had a hell of a time figuring out how to work with databases. There are several different APIs that can be used, and they can't be mixed. ADO and DAO, I think. I've never been able to keep them straight. Which should I use, and why? Searching for help usually gets me an example that looks perfect, but after several hours I discover it's the wrong kind. More like DOA to me...

    While this choice is perceived as value, it is so messy and confusing that it's detrimental to the novice and mid-level programmer.

    Considering "Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers!", this is clearly where his mind is at, and this is a good thing to focus future Windows development.

    But what about the users?

    Did someone say "DEVELOPERS"?????????

    Well why didn't you say so earlier?!!

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