Microsoft 10K warns of iPhone, Mac threats as iPhone nears 1.1% share



  • Reply 21 of 115
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Even among hardcore Apple enthusiasts I think you'll be hard-pressed to find people that think MS could go away so easily or that they even should go away. IIS is beating out Apache and their Exchange and other Server OSes also seems to to be holding strong despite the free Linux alternatives. Even if Apple had more than 50% of the of the consumer market there would still plenty of room for MS's well known OS to thrive. Their net income are 4x that of Apple and they have a higher profit margin, too.

    I'm all for competition and hope that MS is actually taking notes from Apple's business plan. There is no reason they can't offer a specialized Windows machine and sell their standalone OS, the way people want Apple to open up OS X to everyone.

    IIS beating out Apache? I say bull. See the link below.
  • Reply 22 of 115
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    Normal people don't have beef with Office products, and Exchange is pretty powerful.

    If that were true, there'd be a majority of abnormal people.

    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    They have plenty of good business oriented stuff; it's really just consumer computing that they are burning themselves away with.

    Yeah, and that's a pretty major problem considering that's a niche market compared to the consumer market.

    Originally Posted by probably View Post

    About the above:

    That *will* potentially suck in the future of more immense Apple platform marketshares: it won't keep evolving at the same 'wow'-rate because no one within will respect/fear/worship the next guy quite as much as Jobs.

    You don't know that. Cook or the young Forstall could push Apple harder. At the same time, Apple could do better without Jobs' hectic pace.
  • Reply 23 of 115
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    The day 25% of people use a Mac, Windows will be history in three years. Windows is maintained solely on inertia and user ignorance. Someone at Redmod must be nervous. Microsoft, do the Humanity a favor and get out of business! Let the technology evolve once and for all. Get lost! You have demonstrated that are pathetic. You are not worth it!

    The day 25% of people use Mac will be 10 years after Microsoft get's out of the OS & Software Market.

    Apple has a VERY small market share and FanBoy's giggle when you gain .001% over 30 Years.

    Yes, Apple OSX is great but name one bank, large corporation or Auto Dealership that uses Macs.

    90% of Business is done on PC's that run Windows. By default most home users buy the same thing so they can work at home.

    Since Microsoft has given in to the fact that people like a better user experience it will only nibble on the pathetic % of users that run Mac's.

    Even Graphic's software is being released on PC's first. That's because even Graphic houses are converting to PC's.

    Apple has the Market on 1 item. IPOD

    1% of the phone market with the competion quickly learning what an end user wants.

    Get real here. As long as the Microsoft corporation exists they will rule the PC OS software Market.
  • Reply 24 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    IIS beating out Apache? I say bull. See the link below.

    I wasn't clear, but I was referring to rate of adoption. From about April 2006 to just couple months ago IIS was rising fast while Apache was falling.

  • Reply 25 of 115
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    The day 25% of people use Mac will be 10 years after Microsoft get's out of the OS & Software Market.

    Even Graphic's software is being released on PC's first. That's because even Graphic houses are converting to PC's.

    Get real here. As long as the Microsoft corporation exists they will rule the PC OS software Market.

    I've been working in the industry for 20 years in both the US and UK and in my experience very few design or production companies run PCs. There's an aesthetic that such companies appreciate and value over cost.
  • Reply 26 of 115
    MS has already invented a pig that can fly code-named SBFUD (e.g., reverse BS)
  • Reply 27 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    Apple has a VERY small market share and FanBoy's giggle when you gain .001% over 30 Years.

    Your argument is better served by not making hyperbolic comments like "0.001%" The OS X marketshare is considerably higher in the US and worldwide.


    Apple has the Market on 1 item. IPOD

    1% of the phone market with the competion quickly learning what an end user wants.

    They also have the market in notebooks, $1000+ PCs, AIOs, and perhaps even in consumer market altogether when you compare them to other HW vendors in the US.

    Here is one chart from February with Apple getting 14% of the consumer market for that month and getting 67% of the nteobook market, which is impressive considering that the cheapest MacBook is $1099 and you can readily get an HP or Dell notebook for under $400.

  • Reply 28 of 115
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I wasn't clear, but I was referring to rate of adoption. From about April 2006 to just couple months ago IIS was rising fast while Apache was falling.

    Okay, I'll forgive you for that. Just kidding. As for IIS rising, there's some questionable reasons why but I won't get into that.
  • Reply 29 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    Okay, I'll forgive you for that. Just kidding. As for IIS rising, there's some questionable reasons why but I won't get into that.

    I'm curious to know what you think happened. The graph seems to show a direct correlation between Apache falling and IIS rising. The site you posted is the same site that Melgross posted last week (the July stats weren't out then) which showed that IIS was gaining ground. I was surprised too by the adoption
  • Reply 30 of 115
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm curious to know what you think happened. The graph seems to show a direct correlation between Apache falling and IIS rising. The site you posted is the same site that Melgross posted last week (the July stats weren't out then) which showed that IIS was gaining ground. I was surprised too by the adoption

    This could be one of the reasons:
  • Reply 31 of 115
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    This could be one of the reasons:

    Could? Now you're just being modest, that is definitely a major reason for that shift.

    Another point of interest for July 2008's stats is that Apache gained 2.2M and IIS gained 1.4M which is a 2.6% increase for Apache and 2.3% increase for IIS.

    On another note, I wonder how many of those Apache web servers are being run on Windows.
  • Reply 32 of 115
    wobegonwobegon Posts: 764member
    Originally Posted by VisualZone View Post

    This could be one of the reasons:

    So it wasn't a real movement to IIS by choice so much as a buyout by MS of a major domain registrar. Big surprise.
  • Reply 33 of 115
    Originally Posted by wobegon View Post

    So it wasn't a real movement to IIS by choice so much as a buyout by MS of a major domain registrar. Big surprise.

    Well I didn't want to get anyones panties/boxers/shorts in a knot by making any unsubstantiating claims. It's just that, from that time on, Apache started to decline.
  • Reply 34 of 115
    [QUOTE=solipsism;1288404]Your argument is better served by not making hyperbolic comments like "0.001%" The OS X marketshare is considerably higher in the US and worldwide.

    They also have the market in notebooks, $1000+ PCs, AIOs, and perhaps even in consumer market altogether when you compare them to other HW vendors in the US.

    Here is one chart from February with Apple getting 14% of the consumer market for that month and getting 67% of the nteobook market, which is impressive considering that the cheapest MacBook is $1099 and you can readily get an HP or Dell notebook for under $400.

    Giving a link from an article on AppleInsider with no backup link to the data is not very responsible and typical of a FanBoy

    June 2008 Numbers show OSX is 2.11% Market share of Operating systems.

    Here's a link to the article that doesn not have an arbitrary link to AppleInsider

    Don't twist the numbers. Apple's Total Market Share is Pathetic in the OS arena.
  • Reply 35 of 115
    dcj001dcj001 Posts: 301member
    Originally Posted by alansky View Post

    The day that Microsoft-controlled PC's are "more Mac-like" is the day that pigs learn to fly.

    Dude. I'm looking out my window and I just took this picture:

  • Reply 36 of 115
    [QUOTE=DCJ001;1288438]Dude. I'm looking out my window and I just took this picture:

    Then you're looking through Rose Colored Glasses.

    Just because you wish it doesn't make it happen and real numbers don't lie.
  • Reply 37 of 115
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by WidnowsGuy View Post

    The day 25% of people use Mac will be 10 years after Microsoft get's out of the OS & Software Market.

    Apple has a VERY small market share and FanBoy's giggle when you gain .001% over 30 Years.

    Yes, Apple OSX is great but name one bank, large corporation or Auto Dealership that uses Macs.

    90% of Business is done on PC's that run Windows. By default most home users buy the same thing so they can work at home.

    Since Microsoft has given in to the fact that people like a better user experience it will only nibble on the pathetic % of users that run Mac's.

    Even Graphic's software is being released on PC's first. That's because even Graphic houses are converting to PC's.

    Apple has the Market on 1 item. IPOD

    1% of the phone market with the competion quickly learning what an end user wants.

    Get real here. As long as the Microsoft corporation exists they will rule the PC OS software Market.

    I didn't read this entire thread but caught your post. You raise some good points but don't be so sure that 25% is not attainable.

    When I replaced all of our PC's with IntelMac's, it was a disaster at first. People were ready to shoot me. 1 week later, they were calmed down. hehe 3 months after the swap they loved them, and now they are stating their next home purchase will be a Mac. You would be surprised what exposure can do for a product. The more small businesses that opt in for the Mac experience, the more computers will get sold for home use. I doubt I see 25% within 10 years but stranger things have happened. In this case, a lot of strange things would have to happen starting with people and we all know how the mass populous is (PC or Mac).

    I would also like to say that if Verizon had of made the agreement with Apple regarding the iPhone, the market share would be over 5% right now and skyrocketing. I believe that to my soul. AT&T has more bars in more places, just not this place.
  • Reply 38 of 115
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    I didn't read this entire thread but caught your post. You raise some good points but don't be so sure that 25% is not attainable.

    I would also like to say that if Verizon had of made the agreement with Apple regarding the iPhone, the market share would be over 5% right now and skyrocketing. I believe that to my soul. AT&T has more bars in more places, just not this place.


    If you are going to quote percentages then back them up with data not speculation.
  • Reply 39 of 115
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I'm all for competition and hope that MS is actually taking notes from Apple's business plan. There is no reason they can't offer a specialized Windows machine and sell their standalone OS, the way people want Apple to open up OS X to everyone.

    Microsoft's partners will not be pleased at all if they wind up in competition.

    (Note that Microsoft has a history of doing this, and the only people who lose are their former partners).
  • Reply 40 of 115
    aheneenaheneen Posts: 75member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    The day 25% of people use a Mac, Windows will be history in three years. Windows is maintained solely on inertia and user ignorance. Someone at Redmod must be nervous. Microsoft, do the Humanity a favor and get out of business! Let the technology evolve once and for all. Get lost! You have demonstrated that are pathetic. You are not worth it!

    ...and then Apple will be slammed by the SEC & EU's anti-trust laws. While I am no expert, Apple's high profit margins, limited selection, & integrated software(product bundling) would clearly (if Apple controlled most of the market) resemble price-rigging & product bundling: prohibited anti-competitive practices. While I would certainly love to see the day Apple controls the whole computer market and Microsoft withers away, Apple certainly needs to change a few of its policies. First, they'd need to widen their product selection, lower prices, start charging for some of their integrated software (I know we all hate this idea, but maybe have 2 OS X flavors), & allow other companies to install OS X on their computers (another dreaded idea). Yes, they would have to open up and allow OS X to be installed on other makes of computers...we must admit that Apple's integration of hardware and software would be monopolistic and unobtainable should they gain the overwhelming majority of the market share.

    In other words...for Apple to control the market, they'd loose what we love most about our beloved Apple. They'd need to become a (not completely) different company.
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