iPhone 2.1 jailbroken with end run around iTunes 8 defenses



  • Reply 41 of 116
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by jameskatt2 View Post

    Hackers on the iPhone are very useful to Apple.

    Whenever they hack the iPhone, they show Apple what security holes exist on the iPhone.

    Then Apple patches those holes.

    The Hacker community complains then creates another hack.

    But Apple will repeatedly close those security holes - breaking the hack.

    It is a useful tit-for-tat.

    For Apple, it is an opportunity to improve security on the iPhone.

    Jailbreaking the iPhone is also good in term of sales. My guess is that Apple intentionally made it much more harder to unlock the 3G iPhone while easier to jailbreak. This help Apple sells more iPhone and make the iPhone more attractive to people who love to hack their gadgets without getting complains from carrier about how easy it is to unlock the iPhone.
  • Reply 42 of 116
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You'll have to explain to me why marketshare is more important than profit.

    Hint: Apple vs Microsoft, 25 years go. Result: 95% worldwide M$ market share vs 3% Apple.
  • Reply 43 of 116
    Originally Posted by pmoeser View Post

    I know it does keep apple on their toes and gets their developers to think more about improving their products, but I don't see the point of jailbreaking a phone beyond that.

    Well, I do see the points...

    The official SDK is limited in that it does not allow a lot of things that are needed for some kind of applications the end user need. For instance, you can't provide a better control panel without jailbreaking - like a centralized point where to control 3G/wifi/Edge connectivity.

    The way Apple authorize or not applications to be available through AppStore is also totally opaque. For instance, it appears that you're not allowed to provide end users with something that is already existing on the iPhone OS. This means that I can't have a better or improved agenda - like I had with Agenda Fusion on Windows Mobile. I means I can't have an application to update my Podcasts on the go - especially since the iPhone will only synchronize with a single iTune.

    Moreover, jailbracking is the first step to unlocking your phone in order to use it on any network. In some countries, your phone provider has the obligation of unlocking your phone six months after purchase, but that's not the case everywhere. And six month is still a long time to wait.

    Unlocking something like the iPhone is an absolute necessity if you ever travel abroad. Data transfer outside your own country is insanely expensive, people have been know to be billed more than 500? for just using the iPhone a couple of weeks in New-York. An unlocked phone lets you buy a cheap local SIM and use it on the phone.

    Jailbreaking is a necessity for a platform such as the iPhone. Just as it was under Windows Mobile - until Microsoft finally gave up and decided to open the platform... Hopefully Apple will be as open to change as Microsoft...
  • Reply 44 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    I thought Apple's official position on this was that you COULD use your old phone as an iPod.

    If so, this must be a bug.

    You are correct. That is Apple's position, until you load an update that requires reactivation on the cell network. I was up all night customizing my 2G iPhone/iTouch.

    Jail Break is needed.
  • Reply 45 of 116
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Hint: Apple vs Microsoft, 25 years go. Result: 95% worldwide M$ market share vs 3% Apple.

    That doesn't explain why you think marketshare takes priority over profits. There are plenty of comoanies that only deal in the higher-end end and aren't looking to sell to the majority for little profit. It's the 20/80 vs. the 80/20.

    You're missing the point that Apple makes their OS to sell their HW. Apple is reportedly the 6th largest PC OEM in the world. That is from a company who'd average PC sale is double that of other vendors and who's most popular selling Mac starts at $1,100. You're looking at the wrong numbers and coming to a false conclusion.
  • Reply 46 of 116
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    May I ask why the hell you would give a damn?


    I care because it's illegal and unethical and breaks the agreement you have with Apple if you Jail Break the phone.

    It's no different than stealing cable with a cheater box.

    If Steve Wozniak broke his phone he's basically telling Apple he doesn't give a damn about the agreement he signed when he purchased the phone.

    I'd say it says more about Steve and anyone else that breaks their phones.

    If you don't like it in it's current form than swith to another phone.
  • Reply 47 of 116
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    I care because it's illegal and unethical and breaks the agreement you have with Apple if you Jail Break the phone.

    It's no different than stealing cable with a cheater box.

    If Steve Wozniak broke his phone he's basically telling Apple he doesn't give a damn about the agreement he signed when he purchased the phone.

    I'd say it says more about Steve and anyone else that breaks their phones.

    If you don't like it in it's current form than swith to another phone.

    1) It's not illegal. In fact, it's completely legal to tinker with your own equipment.

    2) Ethics are personal, but for me it's not as it breaks no laws, upsets no one's God, and hurts jo woodland creatures in the process.

    3) How is it like stealing cable? What service is the user now getting free of charge?

    4) This has nothing to do with an agreement from AT&T. Woz et al. are required abide by their signed agreement to pay the carrier for 24 months or to pay the $175 cancelation fee.

    5) Jailbreaking your iPhone does not mean that you aren't going to use it with another carrier. In fact, it's impossible unless you unlock it, which currently isn't possible right now.

    6) All people are doing are installing apps and themes that Apple doesn't offer. It's akin to changing a playlist file for an app in OS X because Apple doesn't offer a GUI control for the function.
  • Reply 48 of 116
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    I care because it's illegal and unethical and breaks the agreement you have with Apple if you Jail Break the phone.

    It's no different than stealing cable with a cheater box.

    If Steve Wozniak broke his phone he's basically telling Apple he doesn't give a damn about the agreement he signed when he purchased the phone.

    I'd say it says more about Steve and anyone else that breaks their phones.

    If you don't like it in it's current form than swith to another phone.

    it's neither "illegal" or "unethical"... you aren't "stealing" anything from apple... sure you break the agreement you made with apple... but it is perfectly legal to do so... it just voids your warranty.... who cares?!

    and thank God for Woz! It is that kind of spirit that keeps innovation coming... Expecting more from a device than it was originally built to do... this is what keeps technology moving forward...

    I'm sure James Lovell, Jack Swigert, and Fred Haise were very grateful for the few devices were put to use outside "agreements"... Imagine if someone said it was "illegal" and "unethical" to put 3 folks in the LM... actually the manufacturer did argue that it wasn't built for the solution being considered... but that wasn't good enough for Gene Kranz... and we know the end of that story...

    so step outside your little labels of "ethical" and "legal"... have fun in life... live a little... do no harm to others and hack your iphone how ever you wish!
  • Reply 49 of 116
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    You are correct. That is Apple's position, until you load an update that requires reactivation on the cell network. I was up all night customizing my 2G iPhone/iTouch.

    Jail Break is needed.

    You do not need to Jail Break your 2G iPhone in order to make it work with everything with the exception of Phone use and SMS.

    I have both a 2G & 3G iPhone and both updated with no problems.

    My 3G phone is activated and full use.

    My 2G phone has full use of everthing but cellular calls and SMS. Other than those features it's fully functional.
  • Reply 50 of 116
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I like the dock look, but I agree that Apple should offer customization options. ...

    I totally agree that customisation options is the main thing people want and the main reason for jail-breaking it, but in Apple's defence, customisation is an ugly, ugly thing for the most part.

    Being a user/owner of computers from the 1980's onward including almost every platform and portable, I can't think of a single "theme" or customisation add-on that actually improves the user interface of the OS in question with the exception of early Windows 3.1 fixes, (by HP, not by users), and the recent spat of UI's that dress up the seriously ugly WinMobile.

    Customisation, if we are honest is about personal tackyness. It's the same urge that drove people to have checkerboard shag-fur carpets in their 1970's era funny cars, and the same urge that forces old ladies to dress up their dogs in pink satin.

    Speaking as a long-time practising artist and designer, all of those screen shots are seriously ugly and bad design. To the individuals that make them, they are great of course, but they can hardly be called anything like an improvement to the system.

    All that being said, it's likely that Apple will allow apps like this eventually. It would in fact be interesting to know if anyone has actually tried to make a customisation app and tried to put it in the app store yet. I certainly haven't heard of anything like that being attempted so we don't know for sure it would be refused.

    A lot of these things can be put down to the fact that it's just really really early days yet. The iPhone OS is struggling merely for stability and security at this point. Allowing folks to tacky up their personal phones is secondary to that effort as it should be. it's also worth noting that most other phones don't allow this either, and that the other Mobile OS's that do allow this, (Palm, WinMobile), have some serious usability and ugly problems that almost require such tools.
  • Reply 51 of 116
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,754member
    1) My wife and I both had 1st gen iPhones unlocked and used on Fido in Canada. When the 3G iPhone was officially released in Canada, we both signed up for plans. I decided to get a new 3G phone with the plan (and sell my old one), my wife didn't. Fido refuses to activate her older model iPhone saying that it won't work on their network. But yet it works just fine jailbroken. So that's her only option right now.

    2) Netshare (the tethering app) was banned from the app store. So I'm probably going to have to jailbreak my 3G phone to allow tethering when I visit my family at Christmas (they don't have an internet connection).

    Basically, I want to be able to use my phone how I need to use it, not how Apple and cellular service providers decide I can. I don't intend to abuse the network and do tethered BitTorrent 24/7, I just prefer using my laptop for mobile browsing/email whenever I'm able (far more efficient). And this isn't a regular enough occurrence (having my laptop somewhere without internet access), nor a long enough time period, to make it worthwhile for me to sign up for a laptop data plan (pay for a 3rd data plan).
  • Reply 52 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    You do not need to Jail Break your 2G iPhone in order to make it work with everything with the exception of Phone use and SMS.

    I have both a 2G & 3G iPhone and both updated with no problems.

    My 3G phone is activated and full use.

    My 2G phone has full use of everthing but cellular calls and SMS. Other than those features it's fully functional.

    I am not sure how you are accomplishing that. According to Apple support that should not be possible. It sure isn't possible for me.

    My 2G iPhone is just an iPod and I have restored it with my last good back up of 2.0 and then tried again for kicks and same thing. It is a repeatable bug if it is a bug on my phone for sure.
  • Reply 53 of 116
    Originally Posted by aplnub View Post

    I am not sure how you are accomplishing that. According to Apple support that should not be possible. It sure isn't possible for me. ....

    This makes no sense at all.

    The first person says (paraphrased):

    "Everything works on my old 2G phone except the phone." (in other words it still works like a regular iPod touch.)

    You say (paraphrased):

    "That's not right, on mine, all I can do is use it as an iPod (touch)." (in other words everything works but the phone part).

    Let me be the first to point out that even though you are disagreeing, you are saying the exact same thing as the person your "disagreeing" with.
  • Reply 54 of 116
    slewisslewis Posts: 2,081member
  • Reply 55 of 116
    These hacks are necessary for unlocking it. Can't accept locked phones. It just doesn't work for me. Sorry Apple. Would never consider buying an iPhone if it wasn't for the unlocks.
  • Reply 56 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    This makes no sense at all.

    The first person says (paraphrased):

    "Everything works on my old 2G phone except the phone." (in other words it still works like a regular iPod touch.)

    You say (paraphrased):

    "That's not right, on mine, all I can do is use it as an iPod (touch)." (in other words everything works but the phone part).

    Let me be the first to point out that even though you are disagreeing, you are saying the exact same thing as the person your "disagreeing" with.

    Reread my posts. I think I was expecting the other people to know my intent from all my post.

    I had to jailbreak my iPhone 2G for it to work as an iPod only. I have no cell phone service on it because I replaced it with my 3G phone.

    For instance, I said this in one post in this thread:


    Are both your phones, phones? My 2G iPhone is not an active "Phone". I deactivated it the day I got my 3G.

    I just jail broke my 2G iPhone (iTouch now) and it is working great. I wish I would have changed my startup icons to show my defiance to Apple on this one. Freekn' senseless!

    I may have miscommunicated but if you read all my posts, you get what I was getting at.
  • Reply 57 of 116
    Originally Posted by Virgil-TB2 View Post

    This makes no sense at all.

    The first person says (paraphrased):

    "Everything works on my old 2G phone except the phone." (in other words it still works like a regular iPod touch.)

    You say (paraphrased):

    "That's not right, on mine, all I can do is use it as an iPod (touch)." (in other words everything works but the phone part).

    Let me be the first to point out that even though you are disagreeing, you are saying the exact same thing as the person your "disagreeing" with.

    You are all correct that it is not illegal to "unlock" your phone until January 2009 when it will be voted on again.

    You are stealing money from Apple that would have recognized profit from the App Store. So ultimately you are hurting the Apple Community as a whole because great Apps aren't making the store.

    Lastly, My 2G phone has WiFi and everything but phone and SMS and sync's with iTunes with no problem.

    I'm not going to post anything else on the matter because I'm obviously a minority here and people seem to think that breaking a license agreement means nothing; but will be the first to complain when Apple does something you disagree with.

    -Old Timer
  • Reply 58 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by MacOldTimer View Post

    You are all correct that it is not illegal to "unlock" your phone until January 2009 when it will be voted on again.

    You are stealing money from Apple that would have recognized profit from the App Store. So ultimately you are hurting the Apple Community as a whole because great Apps aren't making the store.

    Lastly, My 2G phone has WiFi and everything but phone and SMS and sync's with iTunes with no problem.

    I'm not going to post anything else on the matter because I'm obviously a minority here and people seem to think that breaking a license agreement means nothing; but will be the first to complain when Apple does something you disagree with.

    -Old Timer

    I am not stealing as I purchase all apps from the app store for my 3G iPhone. My 2G iPhone is just a iTouch that shares my App collection with the 3G.

    This is a problem and only certain phones appear to be effected. I have had numerous emails from people haveing the same problem as me.
  • Reply 59 of 116
    aplnubaplnub Posts: 2,605member
    Originally Posted by Slewis View Post

    HAHAHAHAHA. Well the first 2 who replied to you probably said it better than I could, but I'll take a shot at you anyway.

    There's nothing illegal or unethical about voiding your own warranty, you just void your own warranty. It wouldn't be illegal or unethical to then go to the genius bar if you break your iPhone after wards, but you'd be wasting your time if you did, and I'm not worried about Woz not being able to fix it himself, even if he can't, he can just buy another. He's not stealing phone service (well not anymore anyway), he's not breaking any NDAs (just his warranty), and it doesn't say anything about him except he likes having more options than Apple's closed platform offers on a piece of equipment he bought and owns. If he doesn't like it in the current form, he CAN just switch to a different one, but he can just go ahead and change the one he bought for any reason he chooses to do so, whether he likes it in it's current form or not.

    The same more or less goes for anyone who jailbreaks their iPhone, but thanks for responding, I'm curious about the minds of Apple fanboys. =^_^=


    Agreed. Chevrolet did not care I voided my warranty when I bought my LS1 Z28 and turned it into a drag car.
  • Reply 60 of 116
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    I don't know about that. Apple is killing quite a bit of application software because it disagrees with some aspect of the software. If you want to use that software, you have to have a jail broken iPhone or iPod Touch.

    Originally Posted by Mark Fearing View Post

    I agree. Seems like a waste of time to jailbreak the thing. I'd put this down as hobby stuff more than anything meaningful or important to the Mac user community. It's like hacks for the PS2 or something.

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