Next-gen MacBook shipments begin ahead of 'sharp ramp'



  • Reply 221 of 287
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    If posters can whine about products before thinking through the logistics of why something was or wasn't released, I certainly have a right to whine to about the whiners, just as you have a right to whine about the whiner whiners whining about the whiners.

  • Reply 222 of 287
    Originally Posted by zinfella View Post

    It's actually more about the status symbol, the elevated (in their mind) level of coolness, that comes with having the latest and greatest, but they use all manner of manufactured reasons why they just have to have this new model.

    That's why a lot of people buy any Mac at any time. Or any Apple product for that matter. They're all different wrinkles in the same fabric; product envy.

    And it's true, Apple is definitely known for many of its customers that give themselves a higher "status symbol" "in their minds."
  • Reply 223 of 287
    Originally Posted by nowayout11 View Post

    That's why a lot of people buy any Mac at any time. Or any Apple product for that matter. They're all different wrinkles in the same fabric; product envy.

    And it's true, Apple is definitely known for many of its customers that give themselves a higher "status symbol" "in their minds."

    This is just what PC users keep telling themselves. Perhaps someday they'll actually believe it.
  • Reply 224 of 287
    Originally Posted by satchmo View Post

    Anyone jumpin in on buying some APPL stock?

    I'm tempted, but there may be more troubles ahead with the overall economy.

    Glad to see others are thinking about it but there are a lot of moving parts right now to predict.
  • Reply 225 of 287
    dunksdunks Posts: 1,254member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    as per usual there are many unrealistic expectations of both apple's pricing and specifications.

    Congratulations, you win most accurate comment of the day.
  • Reply 226 of 287
    Originally Posted by mezzkat View Post

    There are those of us, however, with 3 year old iBook G4's that can no longer run iTunes smoothly. We're eagerly waiting for the moment Apple puts these new MacBooks up for sale.

    how much memory do you have?

    my iBook G4 seems to run iTunes fine.
  • Reply 227 of 287
    Originally Posted by satchmo View Post

    Anyone jumpin in on buying some APPL stock?

    I'm tempted, but there may be more troubles ahead with the overall economy.

    According to Jack Hough, may be a good time to get in! If he really made his recommendations for buying and selling, he just may be on to something!!

    Me, I bought APPL stock at $40 (March 2005) and just recently sold half at $175 (Aug 28, 2008). Up until its peak at the end of 2007, I thought this stock might just keep going up! I guess no tree ever grows to the sky! Maybe it's a good stock to buy on the dips and sell when folks have driven the stock to the $200 range?
  • Reply 228 of 287
    Ok, I just sold my two MacBooks, so I am currently, for the first time in a long time, Mac-less

    On the bright side, I now give permission to Apple to release new MacBooks NOW.

    (What I would love even better would be a MacBook Air with one Firewire port, 4 GB max RAM and a bigger HD, say 200+ GB 7200 rpm, I don't need one of those flash job thingies yet)

    Or if the new MacBook/MacBook Air is a lunchbag letdown, I'll take advantage of the dropped prices of refurbs and get a black 2.4 ghz MacBook for a good deal and just hang onto it while the rev A bugs get worked out and the specs improved.
  • Reply 229 of 287
    Originally Posted by Kestral View Post

    What I would love even better would be a MacBook Air with one Firewire port, 4 GB max RAM and a bigger HD, say 200+ GB 7200 rpm, I don't need one of those flash job thingies yet

    You don't want a Macbook Air. You've just described a loaded aluminum Macbook.
  • Reply 230 of 287
    If the MacBook aluminum can be as thin and light as a MacBook Air, sure.

    I don't care what they call it, just make it at least as powerful as a current model MacBook but the lightness and quality of the MacBook Air, and I'll buy it.
  • Reply 231 of 287
    Originally Posted by Kestral View Post

    If the MacBook aluminum can be as thin and light as a MacBook Air, sure.

    I don't care what they call it, just make it at least as powerful as a current model MacBook but the lightness and quality of the MacBook Air, and I'll buy it.

    That goes against all known physics, so unless Apple is using TARDIS technology it isn't gonna happen.
  • Reply 232 of 287
    Oh yes, and I want it to have a built-in Genesis Ark as well (Huge Doctor Who fan here)

  • Reply 233 of 287
    Can I ask a question..? What is the usual pattern of announcements and release dates? When they announce the new Macbooks, will they be available for purchase right away?

    I'm in Canada..a student, and I need a laptop, and I was going to buy a macbook until I heard that a release is imminent. But is it likely that I will actually be able to go out and buy a new macbook in weeks? Or will there be delays until the actual release date, or until it is available in Canada....what is the pattern for these sort of things with past macbook releases?
  • Reply 234 of 287
    Apple usually ships its laptops within 2 weeks, sometimes immediately. In the case of a new MacBook, I bet that it ships the same day or within a few days.

    Maybe "rent" a MacBook from Futureshop
  • Reply 235 of 287
    I would hope that it could ship immediately, since Apple can schedule the announcement for whenever it wants.

    (As opposed to events like Macworld, where Steve gives a keynote whether the products are ready to ship or not.)
  • Reply 236 of 287
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    I would hope that it could ship immediately, since Apple can schedule the announcement for whenever it wants.

    (As opposed to events like Macworld, where Steve gives a keynote whether the products are ready to ship or not.)

    Or, in the case of the current MacPro, it was released just before MacWorld.
  • Reply 237 of 287
    Originally Posted by joelsalt View Post

    how much memory do you have?

    my iBook G4 seems to run iTunes fine.

    I have 512 MB. I also have a 40 GB hard drive with fewer than 2 GB free (almost 30 GB is music). The problem is that as I'm making playlists, while playing music, the GUI hangs up while moving songs, and navigating. The music doesn't skip, but it's annoying. I do some DJing on the side, so I need it to run smoothly. I also need more space to expand my collection.

    I'll also be updating my iPod classic.
  • Reply 238 of 287
    Originally Posted by mezzkat View Post

    I have 512 MB. I also have a 40 GB hard drive with fewer than 2 GB free (almost 30 GB is music). The problem is that as I'm making playlists, while playing music, the GUI hangs up while moving songs, and navigating. The music doesn't skip, but it's annoying. I do some DJing on the side, so I need it to run smoothly. I also need more space to expand my collection.

    I'll also be updating my iPod classic.

    Most operating systems, including OS X, start having problems when the free hard drive space gets down to a couple of gigabytes. I bet that's part of the problem.
  • Reply 239 of 287
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    Most operating systems, including OS X, start having problems when the free hard drive space gets down to a couple of gigabytes. I bet that's part of the problem.

    Bingo. When hard drive space gets below 5 GB OS X slows down. Free up some HD space and maybe upgrade your ram a little bit.
  • Reply 240 of 287

    This is my first post here, and I'm from Portugal!!

    I'm a PC user for about 20 years now. and I'm thinking on taking the big step and change to MAC machine, MBP.

    The primary use I give to my PC's is on running 3D mechanical Software, Solidworks and other CAD software, but I use most of the MS office programs and of course, surfing on the NET, Email, etc. ...

    why am I thinking MAC....

    1 - Good Integration of Hardware components

    2 - Stable OS, to use with everything except de 3d CAD software I need to run

    3 - Current version working in dual boot can Run Windows XP or Vista, even better that a normal/good PC would. So people say... I never have the opportunity to see one MAC running windows in action.

    I have some questions to make for you guys.

    - Is possible to use the touchpad like in a windows laptop without the right botton?

    - It's possible that apple can change so much the current hardware so that windows cannot run natively on a MAC machine? People are saying that apple will change to another chipset manufacturer with some proprietary chips.

    Another big issue is, I have to buy one machine until the end of October, not even a day more. and I'm not buying the current one, because I think you should by always the last model for a lot of reasons I don't want to discuss here. BUT, that's a great shot in the dark, because other company's, I don't know about apple, use this first buyers has "TESTERS" for their hardware, and that very dangerous, because a good MBP can reach easily a lot more than 2000 EUROS. Does apple ever done that With there computers ( forget the iphone )

    Please give me your opinions, and sorry for the English ....
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