Safe Boot is Stuck can I turn if off? I NEED HELP please!

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I NEED HELP please.

I had a problem with my MacBook 2.16 Ghz intel Core 2 Duo running under 10.4.11 running SLOW and finally found it was a slowing/dyeing hard drive. I have replaced it and that cured the slow running. I backed up the old HD with SuperDuper and booted fine with my new 250 G HD.

But later after running says it can't find my VM swap directory files...Applejack finishes its work BUT when I started up SAFE BOOT was automatically turned I am stuck in SAFE BOOT permanently from start up to start up.

I can't find anything on the net that tells me how to get my MacBook back to normal with Safe Boot off...

I have been able to cripple along for a month...but Safe book hampers all extensions....and cripples many programs from full function....including networking...recording, Font management etc.

I have reset pram and used a number of possible fixes, clearing caches etc, running ONYX, APPLEJACK..TECH TOOL...MEMORY TEST all say things are fine....but it still starts up in SAFE BOOT MODE. Can fonts do this?

Any help on how to turn off safe boot?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

I am not TERMINAL literate yet. But can follow a 'recipe' for success, if some bright but patient person can tell me what to do....with all the steps...assuming I am not at all familiar with terminal. I only know logs exist, but have no idea greater than that, about logs. Is there a log somewhere that can be read to tell of the problem that hangs things? ...and why it auto turns on the SAFE MODE BOOT?




  • Reply 1 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Clearing your PRAM should clear your boot arguments but something might have gotten stuck. If you open a terminal, typing:

    sudo nvram boot-args=""

    should clear out your boot parameters and boot normally.
  • Reply 2 of 6
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    Clearing your PRAM should clear your boot arguments but something might have gotten stuck. If you open a terminal, typing:

    sudo nvram boot-args=""

    should clear out your boot parameters and boot normally.

    Thank You Marvin!....I can't wait to shut down and try this...I have cleared the PRAM but have never used terminal....I am crossing my fingers.

    Thanks muchly,


    UPDATE....I tried the SUDO thing....I opened up TERMINAL and in the menu selected NEW COMMAND and typed in the sudo....args copy....and reset pram before doing that...nada....ran ONYX....permssions...disk comes out smelling lke a rose....but SAFE BOOT in red greats me on startup still...

    HELP please....I have been searching every way to sunday to find something on the net about his but it would appear I am 'specail' as no one else seems to have had this problem???

    Thanks for any help any GENIUS can throw at this problem....I WILL BE GREATLY IN YOUR DEBT..

  • Reply 3 of 6
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Thank You Marvin!....I can't wait to shut down and try this...I have cleared the PRAM but have never used terminal....I am crossing my fingers.

    Thanks muchly,


    UPDATE....I tried the SUDO thing....I opened up TERMINAL and in the menu selected NEW COMMAND and typed in the sudo....args copy....and reset pram before doing that...nada....ran ONYX....permssions...disk comes out smelling lke a rose....but SAFE BOOT in red greats me on startup still...

    HELP please....I have been searching every way to sunday to find something on the net about his but it would appear I am 'specail' as no one else seems to have had this problem???

    Thanks for any help any GENIUS can throw at this problem....I WILL BE GREATLY IN YOUR DEBT..


    HELP....if anyone can address this problem with a solution...I would be much in your debt.

    Thank you. Colin
  • Reply 4 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    You can try an archive install from your installation disc:

    It will overwrite your system but leave your data alone. Then use a combo update to 10.4.11.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    You can try an archive install from your installation disc:

    It will overwrite your system but leave your data alone. Then use a combo update to 10.4.11.

    Thanks Marvin,

    Is there a way to read a log and tell what is causing the safe boot to be invoked automatically?


  • Reply 6 of 6
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,435moderator
    Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post

    Thanks Marvin,

    Is there a way to read a log and tell what is causing the safe boot to be invoked automatically

    If you open /Applications/Utilities/ and pull the dot at the left of the window, you can see a list of log files. Your system.log will contain some boot information. /var/log has archived system logs - they will be gzip but they will load.

    You can also boot holding command-v and it will show what is happening during boot.

    Did you run Applejack outside of single-user mode btw? If so, it could be an issue related to the processes it carries out like removing your VM cache files.

    If you open a terminal and go to /private/var/ (or use the Finder go menu > go to folder) what are the permissions on the vm folder? The vm folder is where your vm caches are held.
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