Window for rumored October 14 Apple event closing



  • Reply 21 of 73
    robb01robb01 Posts: 148member
    Originally Posted by boatracer View Post

    After the ho-hum results of the ipod release maybe they have decided just to release them like every other company out there.

    I guess it's possible


  • Reply 22 of 73
    Monday is a holiday.

    When there is a holiday on a monday, apple has had it's events on that wednesday, which would put it at the 15th. still 7 days away. I expect an announcement today for wednesdays announcement.

    If not, it will be next tuesday for sure.
  • Reply 23 of 73
    virgil-tb2virgil-tb2 Posts: 1,416member
    It's more than likely that it's the current financial situation that is at the root of this. They are either waiting until after the good news report on their financial earnings, or they are dickering about whether they can absorb an even larger hit in the margins so as to offer the new product at more attractive prices.

    If the rumour is true that they are about to enter a lower price segment of the market with a brand new device (iBook, iTablet, etc.), then there is even more reason not to just throw the announcement out there when the stock price is below a hundred bucks.
  • Reply 24 of 73
    I live in Toronto, and the Apple store here has been under renovations for about a month or so? Are any other stores under renovations?

    If so, they could be renovating for a big launch that not only includes apple products, but the stores as well.

    And for everyone out there who is complaining that it has been too long, and who will be pissed if nothing happens on the 14th... remember.... it's the apple community who have created this hype. Not Apple. So you only have yourselves to blame if nothing happens, and you've been waiting eons.

    On the flip side, I can't wait for the new macbook pro....... but I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.
  • Reply 25 of 73
    Originally Posted by LoganHunter View Post

    They still can put the macs out without an event but that would be weird due to the nature of what is coming.

    But would it be that weird? We don't know what the nature of what is coming may be. (And I take a HUGE grain of salt here. Think back to the run up to keynotes and the expectations of "what is coming.) And other than the now annual September iPod announcement, how often has Apple held an event for the announce of upgraded products outside of keynote at Macworld or WWDC? (I know it's not without precedent and is begging for someone to draw up a list comparing which products got events versus others that just magically appeared on a Tuesday after the yellow sticky appeared on the Apple Store for a few hours.)
  • Reply 26 of 73
    kasperkasper Posts: 941member, administrator
    Originally Posted by chadisawesome View Post

    Monday is a holiday.

    When there is a holiday on a monday, apple has had it's events on that wednesday, which would put it at the 15th.

    This is a very true and sound argument.

  • Reply 27 of 73
    noirdesirnoirdesir Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by Machead99 View Post

    it's getting to the point where they're letting customers down now, it plays havoc with people's budgeting when they have literally zero idea what is around the corner and when, at the very least they could have started an online countdown if they're announcing them next week, and if they're not then.. damn.. how they expect to move those completely out of date and overpriced notebooks is beyond me.

    That is one secret of Apple's high margins, it can sell the same notebook for exactly the same price for the full product cycle (which might be on average eight months). No other PC manufacturer can do this because there is intense price competition in the hardware sector.

    The lack of competition and the thus very much reduced number of available configurations however help to create a high-price used equipment market.
  • Reply 28 of 73
    Maybe somebody at Apple realized that the shuttle was going up on the 14th. I doubt a normal launch would crowd Apple's announcement out of media attention, but given the shuttle's track record there is always the possibility of a disaster that would dominate the news.

    Sounds a bit cold hearted, but we are talking marketing here.
  • Reply 29 of 73
    Jobs said (post 9/11?) that the way to make Apple profitable was to innovate. Seems to me that the market conditions are being overblown. Not sure if the economy is in a meltdown or not - yes, massive drop in portfolios yet we've seen this before between 2000 and 2008.

    Launching now might be the best thing for Apple - instead of over the top demand and swamping the production process, there might be a slower yet consistent adoption rate. Seems most people are going to sit on the side and wait yet there are many in this economy that feel any pain (ah, they are smart, have lots of cash flow, and have taken a long, long, term approach to the market knowing full well that what goes down will go up again).

    Nice to see APPL bounce plus $3 today!
  • Reply 30 of 73
    Even if this unveiling comes on the 21st or the 28th, will Apple have compromised itself that much? The start of the holiday buying season still lies ahead by four weeks rather than six. I also agree that if there's no advance word by now, then no event will happen on the 14th. A rather broad family refresh like they did with the iPod is what they will be doing with the MacBooks. So an event at least as big as that one should be on tap.
  • Reply 31 of 73
    mpantonempantone Posts: 2,153member
    chadisawesome is right.

    The most likely days for a product launch are now are Wednesday 15 October or Tuesday 21 October.
  • Reply 32 of 73
    Blu-ray support would be nice.
  • Reply 33 of 73
    I think they will have an event whether they are released on the 14th or not. Why would they have events for things like Final Cut Studio and not a new notebook lineup?

    On another note, how long does it normally take for Apple to send the new products to stores once they have been announced? Does it take a couple of days? Do they ship them ahead of time so the store has them for that day? If the stores has them sooner than later wouldn't they know when something is coming? I am sure an employee would tell.

    I just got a new MBP and on the 14th I would of had it for 41 days. The Best Buy return policy on it is 45 days. I hope they come on the 14th.
  • Reply 34 of 73
    Originally Posted by Nordstrodamus View Post

    Maybe somebody at Apple realized that the shuttle was going up on the 14th. I doubt a normal launch would crowd Apple's announcement out of media attention, but given the shuttle's track record there is always the possibility of a disaster that would dominate the news.

    Sounds a bit cold hearted, but we are talking marketing here.

    Not that it's really relevant, but ...

    No, there's no Shuttle launch on the 14th; it's been postponed to sometime no earlier than February 2009 due to the recent failure on board the Hubble. NASA needs time to have additional hardware for the Hubble checked out and also need to re-plan the space walk sequences.
  • Reply 35 of 73
    come on, it's obvious!

    remember that these new Macbook are cut out of a solid block of aluminium, leaving no cover for a replacable battery. Apple decides to embed the battery inside of the machines and discovered yesterday that by doing so they are breaking the new EU Batteries Directive! back to the drawing board
  • Reply 36 of 73
    Originally Posted by paulgreen View Post

    It would be interesting to know what the current MacBook/MacBook Pro current inventory is. If it is still high, they might delay announcing new models by a week or two -- if no announcement is made on 14th October, there might be a significant uptick in purchases due to pent-up demand and people unwilling to wait any longer.


    I'm lucky enough to have a neighbor who is the manager of our local Apple Store. Word from

    him is that current inventory of MacBook/Pro's is "none"
  • Reply 37 of 73
    Looking at , I see that they are out of stock for ALL Apple Laptops except the Macbook Air. Also, the University I attend has started a close out sale for Macbooks, dropping the already low educational pricing down another ~$200 due to what they said was going to be an update of Macbooks around Oct 14th. I don't know what, if anything, they might know, but these signs seem to be pointing in a hopeful direction.
  • Reply 38 of 73
    [QUOTE=Virgil-TB2;1319051]It's more than likely that it's the current financial situation that is at the root of this. They are either waiting until after the good news report on their financial earnings, or they are dickering about whether they can absorb an even larger hit in the margins so as to offer the new product at more attractive prices.

    Apple does change plans based on the economy. They were in the process of opening a new call center and had actually hired people when this announcement came last Thursday -"the project was cancelled due to Economic conditions and improved quality of the product resulting in a reduced volume to the Support lines."
  • Reply 39 of 73
    ronboronbo Posts: 669member
    Originally Posted by Machead99 View Post

    it's getting to the point where they're letting customers down now, it plays havoc with people's budgeting when they have literally zero idea what is around the corner and when, at the very least they could have started an online countdown if they're announcing them next week, and if they're not then.. damn.. how they expect to move those completely out of date and overpriced notebooks is beyond me.

    It's very interesting how AppleInsider makes all these promises about when and how Apple is going to release new products. And then it turns out not to be true... and somehow it's Apple's fault. Apple is doing what they always have done--selling computers and periodically updating them. They never give advanced notice. If you're frustrated, then at least know who let you down. It wasn't Apple. Several times in the last month, I've talked to someone who spoke with firm authority that there were new laptops being released on October 14th. Each time, I reminded them that it's just a rumor. And each one of them told me flatly that it was going to happen. I'm sure that when I next bump into one of them, they'll be doing the same thing as you. Forgetting that it was the rumor site and their own gullibility that set them up for disappointment. If you're running through the house chasing your brother and you stub your toe on a chair, then remember: it's your fault, and your brother's fault. Please don't blame the chair. Unless you're six.
  • Reply 40 of 73
    I stopped by our local (British Columbia) Apple dealer yesterday to see the difference between a 17" standard MacBook Display & the HiDef one & they had none in stock. Macbooks, yes, but no MacBook Pro's. The dealer said his sources are the same as mine (online rumours - other than his dwindling supply chain) but he was expecting something mid month. BTW - Apple authorized dealer - not an Apple store.
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