12 hour + backups AFTER 2.1 update

in iPhone edited January 2014
Since the 2.1 update (as well as before it), I have had ridiculously long back ups. I don't have that many apps either. (though one of them is large, so iTunes shows about 750MB for Apps).

At first, after updating, the updates were fast. But it didn't last long. After a while, connecting to iTunes would start a back up lasting so long I've yet to have the patience to actually wait it out - I'm talking over 12-13 hours here! So I finally lose patience and I just cancel the backup. This doesn't make any sense to me because even if it is copying every single megabyte on my phone, it still should not take this long using a USB cable. Hell, even bluetooth would probably take less time.

Once you do that of course, the back up is corrupt so it will never backup again, with iTunes saying the last backup is corrupt so I have to actually restore the iPhone - as a new iPhone - and start everything over. Once I restore the iPhone, the first few backups are fast again but then keep getting long again. I've now done a restore 3 times on my iPhone since 2.1 hoping that each time the backups will remain quick but unfortunately, after a few times syncing, the long back ups return and as I sit here I started my backup around 11 pm last night and it's now almost 8 am and iTunes is STILL backing up w/ progress at about 60%.

This is driving me nuts!! Is anyone else having this problem? I'm probably going to call Apple tech support, but I'm not that hopeful about any fixes they can provide so I was wondering if I'm the only one with this problem? Seems to me even before 2.1 when everyone would complain about long backups, they'd be talking about 1-2 hours at the most, while I was experiencing them much longer than that, and now, after 2.1, I feel left out in the cold w/ everyone else enjoying less than 1 minute back ups!


  • Reply 1 of 5
    I haven't had the super-long backup problems since 2.1. But when i was still dealing with them I read a procedure that helped solve the problem. Evidently the backups would take a very long time when the data from some of the apps was corrupted. The way to fix it is this:

    In iTunes in your iPhone controls, select Applications set to manual or selected. Turn off all the 3rd party apps and sync the phone. This will remove all the applications from the phone. The ones that are left have corrupted data.

    Delete those apps from your phone with by doing the press-n-hold you use to move applications around. Then delete them by pressing the X on the icons.

    Reset your phone by holding down the home and sleep button for 10 seconds.

    When the phone boots back up, add your applications back in via iTunes and then try to backup again.

    This ALWAYS worked for me to get fast backups again. I would still get corrupted application data that would cause the problem to re-occur down the line but that hasn't happened since the 2.1 update.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    12+ hours backups?

    My backup takes around 7 seconds atmost and the device is full as well.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Originally Posted by bavlondon2 View Post

    12+ hours backups?

    My backup takes around 7 seconds atmost and the device is full as well.

    My backup is also fine and fast, but since i updated to 2.1, i have lost access to date and time.

    No possibility to change the time when i travel across time zones, and no alarms.

    Minor inconvenience, but still, i'd like to see this issue addressed.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    sandausandau Posts: 1,230member
    I've heard that deleting all your apps will fix the problem.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    floorjackfloorjack Posts: 2,726member
    If you haven't already delete the the backups and sync again.
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