New photo reveals MacBook Pro, new display also possible



  • Reply 21 of 159
    This does not look nearly as attractive to me as the present MBP. Let's hope that it looks better in person that it does in this not-so-good picture.

    The screen on this one is ultra-shiny. Many people like that, so it's good that it is offered. The availability of anti-glare screen is one of the the things that differentiates the MacBook from the MacBook Pro, and I certainly hope that they do not drop the anti-glare option from the MBP. Another important attribute that distinguishes the present MacBook Pro from its two brethren is the quality of the keyboard. Given that the keyboard here and in the other pictures has the individual-keys-through-the-plate design, I am concerned that the keyboard will mimic the keyboard from the lesser MacBooks in the important respects of the tactile sensation and the surface shape of the top of the keys.

    Truth be told, after seeing this, I am hoping that this turns out not to be the replacement for the MacBook Pro. I've been waiting for the new ones for a long while, anticipating that I would buy one as soon as they came out, and wanting desperately to get away from Microsoft's crappy software. I suppose I'll know tomorrow, but at this moment I am doubting if I will be buying one. If they've gone to the inferior keyboard on the MBP, that will be a huge strike against it so far as I am concerned, and if by chance they have dropped the option for the anti-glare scree, then I certainly will not buy one.

    I was also hoping that the new version of the OS would be released alongside these new models, because I find it exceedingly annoying that the physical size of the system fonts, i.e., the fonts that are not readily controllable by the application, are determined by the native resolution of the screen unless you set the effective screen resolution to something other than its native resolution. Much as I detest Microsoft's operating systems, they at least had enough sense to realize that the size of the system fonts should be scalable and thus de-coupled from the native screen resolution, and it boggles my mind that Apple still has not addressed this. They should have made this a priority for an interim release, but for that matter they should have made it a priority when they decided to shift to a UNIX-based operating system. It just boggles my mind that the physical size of the system fonts is determined by the native screen resolution (and physical size of the screen). I guess I'm like a stuck record for repeating that, but it really does boggle my mind, and I really, really want for Apple to fix this. If this won't be fixed until the next version comes out sometime next year, then this presents a dilema for me. I just can't stand this Microsoft junk any longer, but if I buy a MacBook now, then I'll have to put up with that absurd situation with the system fonts until Apple gets around to releasing a version of the OS that addresses this problem. If it happens that the native resolution of the new 15" MacBook Pro is significantly increased, then the consequence will be that the system fonts are going to be so small that I'll probably end up with headaches from trying to read the system fonts. Apple's handing of font scaling on the screen is woefully inadequate, and they should give this the very highest priority within new OS features.

    So all in all, given that the keyboard is probably going to be inferior and that the problem with the system fonts has still not been fixed, I'm feeling pretty depresed over this. I had really, really been looking forward to this for quite a long while. But it's now starting to look like its DOA as far as I am concerned.
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  • Reply 22 of 159
    Could Display port enable apple to finally show BlueRay media from their computers to their displays????
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  • Reply 23 of 159
    Looks like they took a Sony Vaio's screen and frankensteined it with a G4 Powerbook!

    Black keyboard in a pro? that's so yesterday (PB G4).

    I too hope it looks better in real life, I'm preferring the current look.

    I'm sure I'll be wrong comes tomorrow, SJ will make it sound gorgeously insane!
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  • Reply 24 of 159
    Originally Posted by webraider View Post

    Could Display port enable apple to finally show BlueRay media from their computers to their displays????

    I was wondering the same.
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  • Reply 25 of 159
    or is that insanely gorgeous! \

    tell tale signs for nap time.
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  • Reply 26 of 159
    Rumor of no 17???? Just my luck, been waiting sooo long. Want the 17, need a dedicated GPU for FCS acceleration. I will be one sad little monkey if no 17 shows up tomorrow. Was prepared to order the second the store was back up.
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  • Reply 27 of 159
    Is that a macbook like magnetic latch I see?
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  • Reply 28 of 159
    camcam Posts: 35member
    Very slick... and in person it will look even better. I love the buttonless track pad.
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  • Reply 29 of 159
    Marvinmarvin Posts: 15,522moderator
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    I personally turn of trackpad clicking because I get too many false positives.

    So do I, even with the advances on the iphone, a drag can be interpreted as a click. I'd use an external mouse anyway but I can see this causing issues.

    It seems something has filled up the mysterious port at the front. It's definitely a slot for something just like the expresscard slot. It would be cool if it was a remote holder. A little over-engineered for that but if there's room, they may as well.

    I think the display doesn't look too bad style-wise. The keyboard on the other hand is much uglier than I expected - this is just like the original powerbook. It will be a more functional keyboard so I don't mind that - there probably won't be any paint to peel off them - but still, white keys on silver looks much better like the Apple desktop keyboards. Again though, black is more functional as it won't get so dirty.

    Whenever I saw the reflections though, I got very disappointed. I can only hope there is an option for matte left. I don't see how there will be because of the way the display is built. It looks like it has a glass panel in front. This worries me greatly concerning the Cinema displays. I keep saying to myself they just can't get rid of the matte but this is Apple and they do whatever they like.

    It's good to see magsafe in other products. I'd like to see it in the Mini too because the connector it has right now doesn't sit very well in the port.

    It's also good to see displayport as it means high res support as well as daisy chaining multiple displays. This would be a good addition to a Mini too so that it can handle multiple displays.
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  • Reply 30 of 159
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by Johnny Mozzarella View Post

    Nice catch!

    Looks like they will use just the trackpad itself.

    I personally turn of trackpad clicking because I get too many false positives.

    You are not the only one who has problems with "tap to click". Just because it works on the iPhone does not mean it's a good idea for a touchpad. For example, the iPhone has a touch screen so you can directly tap on the button you want. Laptops require you to move a cursor on the screen to select menus, drag files, and click buttons. Since the laptop screen is much larger than the touchpad and the screen is not mapped one-to-one on the touchpad, users may reach the edge of the touchpad before they finish moving the cursor. In order to continue moving the cursor, users have to repeatedly take the finger off the touchpad and then put it back on the touchpad. But the act of placing a finger on the touchpad can often trigger a mouse click when the user did not intend to click. This causes problems like accidentally moving icons or clicking on menu items.

    If there is no touchpad button, then will everyone be forced to use "tap to click" with all its associated problems? Or will the touchpad be designed so it can be physically pressed down like a button?
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  • Reply 31 of 159
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by webraider View Post

    Could Display port enable apple to finally show BlueRay media from their computers to their displays????

    DRM decryption in OS X is also needed.
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  • Reply 32 of 159
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,662member
    Originally Posted by kaiser_soze View Post

    This does not look nearly as attractive to me as the present MBP. Let's hope that it looks better in person that it does in this not-so-good picture.

    The screen on this one is ultra-shiny. Many people like that, so it's good that it is offered. The availability of anti-glare screen is one of the the things that differentiates the MacBook from the MacBook Pro, and I certainly hope that they do not drop the anti-glare option from the MBP. Another important attribute that distinguishes the present MacBook Pro from its two brethren is the quality of the keyboard. Given that the keyboard here and in the other pictures has the individual-keys-through-the-plate design, I am concerned that the keyboard will mimic the keyboard from the lesser MacBooks in the important respects of the tactile sensation and the surface shape of the top of the keys.

    Truth be told, after seeing this, I am hoping that this turns out not to be the replacement for the MacBook Pro. I've been waiting for the new ones for a long while, anticipating that I would buy one as soon as they came out, and wanting desperately to get away from Microsoft's crappy software. I suppose I'll know tomorrow, but at this moment I am doubting if I will be buying one. If they've gone to the inferior keyboard on the MBP, that will be a huge strike against it so far as I am concerned, and if by chance they have dropped the option for the anti-glare scree, then I certainly will not buy one.

    I was also hoping that the new version of the OS would be released alongside these new models, because I find it exceedingly annoying that the physical size of the system fonts, i.e., the fonts that are not readily controllable by the application, are determined by the native resolution of the screen unless you set the effective screen resolution to something other than its native resolution. Much as I detest Microsoft's operating systems, they at least had enough sense to realize that the size of the system fonts should be scalable and thus de-coupled from the native screen resolution, and it boggles my mind that Apple still has not addressed this. They should have made this a priority for an interim release, but for that matter they should have made it a priority when they decided to shift to a UNIX-based operating system. It just boggles my mind that the physical size of the system fonts is determined by the native screen resolution (and physical size of the screen). I guess I'm like a stuck record for repeating that, but it really does boggle my mind, and I really, really want for Apple to fix this. If this won't be fixed until the next version comes out sometime next year, then this presents a dilema for me. I just can't stand this Microsoft junk any longer, but if I buy a MacBook now, then I'll have to put up with that absurd situation with the system fonts until Apple gets around to releasing a version of the OS that addresses this problem. If it happens that the native resolution of the new 15" MacBook Pro is significantly increased, then the consequence will be that the system fonts are going to be so small that I'll probably end up with headaches from trying to read the system fonts. Apple's handing of font scaling on the screen is woefully inadequate, and they should give this the very highest priority within new OS features.

    So all in all, given that the keyboard is probably going to be inferior and that the problem with the system fonts has still not been fixed, I'm feeling pretty depresed over this. I had really, really been looking forward to this for quite a long while. But it's now starting to look like its DOA as far as I am concerned.

    You're way off on some of this.

    Apple stated that 10.6 would be a year off. That now puts it around the time of the ADC, in June-July. There wasn't even a thought it would be released now.

    Why do you assume the keyboard will be inferior? The laptop keyboards have been given good grades.
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  • Reply 33 of 159
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,662member
    Originally Posted by Cicero View Post

    Is that a macbook like magnetic latch I see?


    I was reading through all the posts to see if anyone brought that up.

    Yeah, it seems odd. Possibly that's the Macbook, and not the MBP.

    I was hoping the latch would be removed on the MB as well.

    doesn't seem so.
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  • Reply 34 of 159
    Jobs probably going to cut his manhood when he finds him.
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  • Reply 35 of 159
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The source who filed that reported added that the new MacBook Pro featured what appears to be a mini DisplayPort (possibly corroborating a recent blog post) rather than a mini DVI port.

    Every time a new display technology is released, Apple has to go and make their own proprietary version of the connector. Why is Apple so obsessed with making proprietary display connectors? What's wrong with using the standard DisplayPort connector?
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  • Reply 36 of 159
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post


    I was hoping the latch would be removed on the MB as well.

    doesn't seem so.

    Removed? The wording is a little confusing because with the MB having no mechanical latch their is nothing to remove only add.

    I would imagine they've gone magnetic across the line.[/quote]

    Oops! yup. Got that reversed.

    Well, from that picture, the mechanical latch on the MBP is still there. I had also hoped they would go all magnetic.
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  • Reply 37 of 159
    Even though these look very real (and probably are real), the fit and finish of the lid on the bottom image is just awful.

    I'm wondering why Apple would replace the precision engineered aluminium laptops they have now, with something that looks like it has a plastic lid that doesn't even quite fit properly over the main frame? That bottom one has to be the MacBook and not the Pro.

    It's also worth noting that the rumour about the $899 part being a single stand-alone new type of display seems a bit of non-sensical. So assuming the different part number means it isn't a MacBook but some other product, then what could it be?
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  • Reply 38 of 159
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Every time a new display technology is released, Apple has to go and make their own proprietary version of the connector. Why is Apple so obsessed with making proprietary display connectors? What's wrong with using the standard DisplayPort connector?

    They want to make sure that you can't connect their overpriced monitors to anything in four years.
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  • Reply 39 of 159
    dreyfus2dreyfus2 Posts: 1,072member
    Well, the missing trackpad button is not bothering me - I have the current 17" model and I would prefer to have it removed. It is good for nothing and only makes using gestures harder.

    Other thoughts:

    - No more sleep light? (Shame if so)

    - Optical drive on the side = less useful on full desks, no more handy USB ports on both sides?

    - I hope the keyboard is better than on the MBA - the current MBP keyboard was perfection, black keyboards are butt ugly.

    - Who wants to bet if Mini-DisplayPort to DisplayPort, DVI and VGA adapters will be in the box and how many more adapters/add-ons will I have to add to make any use of this mobile machine (eSATA Express Card, Analog Modem, HSDPA Modem, CardReader, USB Hub and DVI-to-VGA already in my bag all the time - great the notebook itself is slim though)...

    - If there is no non-glossy option for the MBP Apple will loose me after 24 years (and some 400k spent). The black bezel is cheap - it is ugly on the iMac, but it looks even worse on this picture. Other manufacturers try hard to make bezels go away...

    If this is really it, I hope for other news to be better. I got somewhat used to Apple's form over function approach, but this is not even good looking.
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  • Reply 40 of 159
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Entire trackpad serves as button. Ingenious.

    Wouldn't it be amazing if you could turn on secondary click in Settings (Yeah, that's why I'm calling System Preferences from now on), and anywhere right of center on that giant trackpad worked as right click?


    Where's our damn colors!!?

    ALSO, NOTE: There appears to be no power button? What if you open lid to turn on!!? COOL
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