Apple's next-gen 17-inch MacBook Pro due in a few months



  • Reply 41 of 86
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    Yes, I can just hear my grandmother now if she were to watch the MacBook video. "What's that little line across the screen?"

    It's funny, the people that like the glossy screens say it's not a problem and usually reference ambient lighting as the culprit of glare. They often say, "move it, and you won't have a problem." But Apple, in it's advertisements with glossy screens does not make an effort to reduce the effect of the glare. Instead they make an effort to be SURE that you see that glare effect on the screen (above). They want to be sure we know that that screen is so shiny you can practically use it as a mirror. In fact, one could almost say that this is so important to Apple that they are willing to sacrifice the promotion of screen quality and clarity, just to show that the screen is shiny. As you can see, to the left of the "shine line" above we see clarity and to the right we see washed out color.

    I really like these new MacBooks, but Apple still has some work to do. Just my thoughts.

    The split screen is comparing the old CCFL backlight on the right to the new LED backlight on the left. It's intended to convey how much more the colors "pop" with LED backlighting.
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  • Reply 42 of 86
    haggarhaggar Posts: 1,568member
    Originally Posted by L255J View Post

    Are there really that many people out there who need an anti-glare display?

    Are there really that many people out there who need a glossy display?
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  • Reply 43 of 86
    Originally Posted by pixelcruncher View Post

    If your work requires you to sit in front of the computer for 12-hour stretches, it helps. If you take your laptop into your client's workspace where you have no control over your environment, it helps. If you work in a collaborative environment where others are trying to look at your screen off-axis, it helps. If you work on material that requires you to distinguish between very subtle shades of dark colors and black, it helps. In other words, if you work in design, illustration, photography, advertising, film and video production, it helps.

    To add to your point:

    There is absolutely no reason for 178/178 viewing angle if they screw you with a glare screen. Glare screens offset the color quality lacking in low quality TN Panels. High quality panels with a matte finish are a joy to use at various angles.
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  • Reply 44 of 86
    Originally Posted by avatar1632 View Post

    The split screen is comparing the old CCFL backlight on the right to the new LED backlight on the left. It's intended to convey how much more the colors "pop" with LED backlighting.

    Not at all. That's not why that line is there. It's simply a reflection in the screen. Watch the video of it being opened and you'll see that it's organic. They've positions a large diffuser over it specifically to get that effect.
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  • Reply 45 of 86
    Will all the "Pros" (a euphemism for blow hard) stop high jacking every thread for the glossy vs matte debate. I'm a professional animator. I work in coffee shops with big sunny windows. I have dreaded the idea of a glossy screen even though I've never seen one.

    I now have a Samsung Touch of color lcd TV which has the glossiest screen in the industry. It drives the reviewers mad, but consumers love it. And I love it. And that TV is in my sunny room and I play games on it during the day and the reflection is not that bad. Fact is, Matte gets washed out and glossy just reflects. Reflections can be looked past and ignored. Wash can't. So, guys, try the glossy. Its not a boogy man.
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  • Reply 46 of 86
    Originally Posted by jrui View Post

    Based on this image:

    By imm22 at 2008-10-15

    I've made de following calculations, and conclude that in the first image we can see the future macbook 17" already in manufacturing

    By imm22 at 2008-10-15

    Please take in consideration that I only want to proof that a BIGGER MACBOOK pro in on the way. It can even be bigger that the 17" (Personally I don't think that), the only variable is the 100mm of the space bar key.

    Hate to tell you, but I used photoshop to overlay a perspective version of the top shot over the bottom and they match exactly. Thats a 15" mbp in that factory shot. Sorry to burst the bubble.

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  • Reply 47 of 86
    For those who demand antiglare, don't worry! you'll be able to buy antiglare screen protectors and since they are replaceable it will be a lot better than buying an antiglare screen.

    Even if that image posted by juri is a 17" MacBook Pro, that does not mean that that picture is not a prototyping process. I am convinced that the issues Apple may be having is due to the extended size of the notebook which may cause problems with the frame's stiffness and cause pressure points on the DVD player, and too much warping for the extended screen. It is a new process after all.
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  • Reply 48 of 86
    Originally Posted by jrui View Post

    Based on this image:

    By imm22 at 2008-10-15

    I've made de following calculations, and conclude that in the first image we can see the future macbook 17" already in manufacturing

    By imm22 at 2008-10-15

    Please take in consideration that I only want to proof that a BIGGER MACBOOK pro in on the way. It can even be bigger that the 17" (Personally I don't think that), the only variable is the 100mm of the space bar key.

    wow . . . nice job !
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  • Reply 49 of 86
    Originally Posted by L255J View Post

    Are there really that many people out there who need an anti-glare display?

    Ahh yeah, it would be nice to have a choice and not be blinded by light and the sight of my own face while I try to work. I've been reading forums off and on today and would say that most posts are about the lack of matte screens followed up by angry posts about firewire. It is a big deal to some people who got rid of shiny screens years ago. Just because its shiny and new looking doesnt mean that its awesome OMG. GIVE US MATTE with the new 17"s. I dont care if i have to give up my awesome new glass screen for a piece of plastic, I dont wanna 17" compact mirror to put on my make-up, I want a pro notebook, end of story.


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  • Reply 50 of 86
    jruijrui Posts: 24member
    Originally Posted by Mark 2000 View Post

    Hate to tell you, but I used photoshop to overlay a perspective version of the top shot over the bottom and they match exactly. Thats a 15" mbp in that factory shot. Sorry to burst the bubble.

    You have a point there. Nice and clean... The point of the perspective seem to deform a lot more the image, that's why the speaker look so large
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  • Reply 51 of 86
    Originally Posted by admactanium View Post

    Not at all. That's not why that line is there. It's simply a reflection in the screen. Watch the video of it being opened and you'll see that it's organic. They've positions a large diffuser over it specifically to get that effect.

    I agree. If they were trying to show the difference, they would have split it down the middle and said something about it.

    I was also wondering when someone would say something about the glare on the screen. That's what everyone complains about with the glossy screen, and Apple actually put it on there to show it off, not hide it.
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  • Reply 52 of 86
    Originally Posted by Jaddie View Post

    Dear mjteix & Friends

    What's the fastest processor available for mobile computers right now?

    Here's a screenshot from Lenovo's site relating to a ThinkPad configuration. I thought 3.06GHz was the fastest available non-quad-core chip.


    It is.
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  • Reply 53 of 86
    dhagan4755dhagan4755 Posts: 2,152member
    Here's a thought:

    What if the Nvidia chipset was only destined for the MacBook, but instead, Apple had to punt and use the Nvidia chipset in the MacBook Pro too? With the rumors about the 17-inch models having "display issues," consider that the MacBook Pro should have a memory cieling of 8GB and Nvidia's chipset limit is 4GB. I think this limiting factor may also have been the reason for the delay of the 17-inch. If you think about it, the invite was pretty late, and Apple might have thought they were going to resolve the problem with the 17-inch in time to meet their deadline. Instead, they missed a deadline for reserving the bigger San Francisco venue and had to squeeze it in on their theater at their corporate headquarters.
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  • Reply 54 of 86
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    It is.

    I hope they offer a quad core CPU option. I would love to be able to upgrade to Snow Leopard down the road and use the extra power. I need a powerful laptop to use as a desktop replacement. My 2.6GHz MBP 15" can not handle intensive workloads. Give me a mobile flagship.
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  • Reply 55 of 86
    jaddiejaddie Posts: 110member
    Originally Posted by FuturePastNow View Post

    It is.

    Dear FuturePastNow & Friends

    Why doesn't Apple offer the 3.06GHz chip, at least as an option?

    This seems very unlike Apple to me. When I first ordered our dual quad-core 3GHz Mac Pro, non-Apple vendors didn't have access to that same chip until about three months after our machine's introduction.

    Maybe the 17" MacBook Pro (January 2009) will have the 3.06GHz processor, at least as an option.

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  • Reply 56 of 86
    Originally Posted by Jaddie View Post

    Why doesn't Apple offer the 3.06GHz chip, at least as an option?

    It uses a bit more power, although I doubt that would be a problem. It's also very expensive. Also not a problem for something optional.

    I think that Apple has read the roadmaps and knows that Intel's mobile Core 2 processors are not going to be getting much faster over the next 12 months, before they all get replaced late next year with Nehalem models. So they're saving the fastest processor and the mobile quads for a mid-year update.
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  • Reply 57 of 86
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by avatar1632 View Post

    The split screen is comparing the old CCFL backlight on the right to the new LED backlight on the left. It's intended to convey how much more the colors "pop" with LED backlighting.

    No it's not you nutter

    It's added glare to convey bling for marketing purposes.
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  • Reply 58 of 86
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    Originally Posted by MuncyWeb View Post

    Yes, I can just hear my grandmother now if she were to watch the MacBook video. "What's that little line across the screen?"

    The funny thing is is the surprise you'd get when you realize she doesn't notice it. You're deliberately looking at it, whereas she would see it as; "oh it's that beautiful", i.e. lovely and shiny. That's what the two tone screen is for in this image, to convey a glossy display, it's marketing bling! Yes it's added for extra gloss, in real life it doesn't exist.
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  • Reply 59 of 86
    (as posted in another thread) I'm betting when it is released, it will be dubbed as MacBook Extreme

    So we will have...

    13" MacBook

    15" MacBook Pro

    17" MacBook Extreme
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  • Reply 60 of 86
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    The funny thing is is the surprise you'd get when you realize she doesn't notice it. You're deliberately looking at it, whereas she would see it as; "oh it's that beautiful", i.e. lovely and shiny. That's what the two tone screen is for in this image, to convey a glossy display, it's marketing bling! Yes it's added for extra gloss, in real life it doesn't exist.

    Yes it does exist in real life, ive seen it in the store. Everyone is saying that when the led display is on it wont show any glare or minimal glare. That when its off and black is the only time it looks like a mirror. This simply isnt true, and the people who have seen it in person and say this are quite frankly, lying, and for what reason i dont know. Maybe they just like stirring the turd. I mean just go take a look at the "New Macbook Video" on the front page. At the end of the video they show the macbook spinning around and opening at the same time in dramatic fashion. As its opening you see the not only the desktop lit up but you also a perfect mirror image of the keyboard. LOL Get owned apple.
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