shopping online

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
appreciate your experiences in buying laptops online such as macmall, clubmac, amazon,macconnection etc. I want to buy the new macbookpro and not sure if it is safe buying it is cheaper than at an apple store but will I get a brand new product online? thanks for your feedback.


  • Reply 1 of 10
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by moondust View Post

    appreciate your experiences in buying laptops online such as macmall, clubmac, amazon,macconnection etc. I want to buy the new macbookpro and not sure if it is safe buying it is cheaper than at an apple store but will I get a brand new product online? thanks for your feedback.

    I bought my G4 and a 22" ACD from an online store. No problems, but I can't recall which one. Not only are they cheaper, but you don't pay sales tax either if the online store is NOT in your state.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    I was able to buy the $1300 white macbook back in I think early April, for $5 less on Amazon, and no taxes/shipping... so the savings totaled around $70.
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Thanks sequitur and foodmetaphors for your comments.

    Anyone out there wanting to share their online buying experience (good or bad)??

  • Reply 4 of 10
    I've bought a couple Macs and a few peripherals over the years from MacMall... never had a bad experience.

    More recently, I tend to go to an Apple Store, as there are now several that I have easy access to... or order from if I want it configured differently.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    I would think the only issue about buying online from a reputable dealer is that doing a return is a hassle compared to walking it into the Apple store. I read a post on another website where some dude was having trouble with his MBP that he bought at Amazon. He wanted to do a return but Amazon wouldn't okay it until he got proof from the genius bar that something was wrong with it.

    Of course you've heard that there are quite a few machines that have quirky defects, so it's a gamble that may or may not be worth it. If I buy from Amazon, I'd save almost $200 due to taxes. However, not having the ability to do an easy return kind of makes me wonder if the $200 savings would be worth it if I got a defective or slightly blemished machine.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    Thank you all for your comments.....
  • Reply 7 of 10
    sequitursequitur Posts: 1,910member
    Originally Posted by Dreamabyss View Post

    I would think the only issue about buying online from a reputable dealer is that doing a return is a hassle compared to walking it into the Apple store. I read a post on another website where some dude was having trouble with his MBP that he bought at Amazon. He wanted to do a return but Amazon wouldn't okay it until he got proof from the genius bar that something was wrong with it.

    Of course you've heard that there are quite a few machines that have quirky defects, so it's a gamble that may or may not be worth it. If I buy from Amazon, I'd save almost $200 due to taxes. However, not having the ability to do an easy return kind of makes me wonder if the $200 savings would be worth it if I got a defective or slightly blemished machine.

    If the warranty is still in effect, you can take it to the Apple store to be repaired. AFAIK, it doesn't matter where you bought it if it's still under warranty. I know someone who had an extended warranty and took a problem computer (purchased from an online store) to the Apple store at least two years after purchase, and the AS repaired it. Evidently, the Apple store has all purchased Apple computers in their data banks no matter where they were purchased.
  • Reply 8 of 10

    Only place I buy anything online anymore. They're awesome.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,903member
    As long as you stick to a reputable store like the Apple Online store, Amazon, MacMall, MacConnection, CDW (formally known to Mac users as MacWarehouse), NewEgg etc you're in good hands. All have very secure servers. I've never had any issues with any of the above merchants. I've ordered from all of them. I've purchased computers from all but Amazon and NewEgg and all are great for the most part. Like others have said, if there's an issue its all under warranty. If its DOA, I can pretty much guarantee you'll get an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) from all of these companies so they can replace it for you at no charge. Buying online is very safe these days as long as you stick the known companies...not some mom n' pop computer store. You will get a brand new, never opened product if you buy online. The only reason you wouldn't is if you didn't pay attention and bought a refurbished Mac. Refurbished Macs aren't bad either. They all have the same 1yr warranty.

    BTW...its not entirely true that you don't have to pay taxes if the store isn't in your state. I live in NY and everything I buy from Apple Online, MacMall, MacConnection, and Amazon is all taxed. I'm not aware of any of those places having home buildings in NY. The state chooses to force online retailers to charge tax. Some states even charge tax on iTunes Music purchases off the iTunes Store while others don't. Its just up to the state on whether or not they want to charge tax.
  • Reply 10 of 10
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